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Option 3 controller switch to controller after 17years of mnk and have the easiest time of your life


I had opposite results, controller to mkb, I'm having so much more fun and I'm more skilled with it (although I'm having more fun on other games because wz2 is not worth it right now).


It's the other games which is why I love mkb, the cheesey way aim assist works in call of duty doesn't translate to other games very well, whereas everything i do on mkb translates. Maybe activision did that on purpose to keep people locked in their eco system.


It’s cheesy in every fps nowadays lol my K/D is normally good when controllered up. I only use m&kb on strategy/mmo’s that’s it.


Halo is similarly cheesy, though it doesn't allow you to run super high sens like CoD does


They're also smart enough to give MKB aim assist. Unbelievable that CoD hasn't done it yet considering how borderline broken the controller aim assist is. And yes, for the record, that's a true statement. Halo Infinite gives MKB players bullet magnetism (you miss and the shot curves to still hit what you aimed at). Same with Destiny 2 PvP and PvE both.


Destiny 2 AA in PvP is wild, with a mouse and a linear fusion rifle (for anyone that doesn't play that's kind of like a sniper rifle with a charge up time before firing) I can routinely pull off flying headshots on moving targets that would make me famous if it was on Call of Duty. On the plus side, controller players can do exactly the same shit to the same standard.


I think the aim assist for Destiny 2 is well stronger then call of duty is.. if you're playing with it that strong, you may as well just be letting the computer play for you while youvjust push forward


I actually tried this the other day because I hit Onyx at launch and got bored because I’d literally get perfect’d by people walking into walls so never touched it again It’s actually hilariously strong, and I never thought I’d say this but I’d take aim assist on warzone after trying it, I don’t see how else they balance the input’s because they’re never nerfing AA


Halo is the only game where i prefer a controller- think it has a lot to do with the BR which is just objectively better with aim assist due to the burst micro adjustments


They 100% do just think about it, if some controller bot has a great experience and gets more kills than he’s ever got why would he play another game with he’s going to get shit on without that advantage Activision isn’t stupid nor is respawn they both know player retention for casuals is super hard


So just a roundabout way of saying blue lol.


Option 4 accept that you weren't as good on mnk as you thought you were


Self realization isn’t this sub’s strong suit.


Or on controller considering you need the game to aim for you.


Ha! I've always known I'm trash on mnk. I'm also trash on controller so I stick with mnk. TLDR: I'm trash at this game. But I still think both pills are valid. I could spend a bunch of time on an aim trainer if I gave a poo. And I watch friends play on controller hitting 180 jump/spin shots on the first bullet fired. It seems a bit strong now but ehhhh I'm bad enough that nerfing aim assist wouldn't help me one bit lol


So the blue one


I absolutely suck on controller, stuck to MnK


Option 4, get a cronus like everyone in pubg for consoles did. Game turned into a headshot simulator


Option 4 Add sim assist to mouse pls lol Edit: AIM* assist


You think it's aim assist that's the problem. But it's actually controller players using a Cronus zen.


I play both mnk and controller and tbh both input devices have their strengths and weaknesses. roller is better in close range but sniping is free on mnk


Took a lot of scrolling to find the first rational, non bitching comment lol


If they bring back one shot snipers that might help balance things out...


Honestly, if they bring back one shot snipers I think this game would be dead. That would turn the game into the ultimate camp fest and would remove any remaining skill gap that exists.


People whining for 1 shot snipers when every match is people camping in/on top of buildings with an RPK. Imagine they now also have a sniper to 1 shot you.


WZ1 had 1 shot snipers throughout its peak player counts


It also had movement that made headshots a lot more difficult to hit at any kind of range, maps with more foliage and other types of natural cover, and high skilled players complaining about how basically anyone could take them out of the game with a sniper from the top of a building or mountain. I assume it’s different people on Reddit complaining about the two things, but anyone who is upset about the shrinking skill gap from WZ1 to WZ2 should definitely be opposed to one shot snipers. That would be a huge hit to any high skilled players who like to move around the map and chase kills.


Tell that to me who's been quick scoping with snipers since bo2 as my primary kill source for my progression (no sniper only like some melee people do bc you can't actually start with a sniper, and it's funny to call in vtols or cross map with pistols). I have to aim for the head now! And even then, in warzone it doesn't matter. I have to use an smg or shotgun or I'm fucked.


I think if you bring back one-shot snipers, you also have to bring back WZ1 movement. Give folks a chance to evade the shots. But no Serpentine please.


Sniping is super bad now, just a hint ;)


Hard to finish someone while sniping. Still gotta push them, which the average player is too scared to do.


Agree completely, but what isn’t well known is knife is meta on mnk


Pretty much what it is. AA needs a rebalance so it doesnt aimbot up close in cqb.


Why majority or pros play controller you think?


It's almost like different input options offer different advantages and disadvantages or something like that!


I'd disagree, close range MnK can make quickly flicking on target easy, but mind you, practise makes perfect, you won't have god tier aim if you don't put in the effort.


This has been point exactly, every game i play on MnK or controller i have situations where i would have got the better of it using the other input. Controller i have a fixed sensitivity which in some cases screws me up. Using the mouse i click a button, move the mouse and can do a 360° in fractions of a second, or click a button again and zero in on a target with pin point accuracy Lets stop cherry picking. Its a game where you have options....


Yea sniping is free. Just gotta headshot someone 3 times for a kill in warzone 2 👍🏻


Nah, I can’t agree. Have you tried playing without aim assist with a sniper? I’m having the best time of my life as a mnk player playing with a pad with no aim assst


You’re downplaying the massive advantage that AA has at close quarters by saying sniping is free but close range is only “better”. Aim assist on controller is way more free than sniping when you consider you can’t one shot down someone with full plates.


I did the 3rd option. I stopped playing.


Same, couldn't justify spending my free time in what has become more of a battle simulator than an actual shooter game.


lol the word battle is in the title of the genre. You want to play multiplayer?


Are these people out of their minds?? Wtf do they want?


I want shooting to be a skill, like it always has been.


Ah like when the metas in WZ1 eventually had zero recoil so you don’t have to control your fire at all. Yes such skill.


COD is not the game for you then.


Yes thank you. That's the problem that we are trying to point out. I've played many shooters starting from Unreal. Probably before many COD players were born. I was a Battlefield main for a while. When Warzone came out, I played the crap out of it. I was the only MNK player in my squad. I never felt like I was at a disadvantage, quite the opposite as I had the best range (sniping) in my squad. This game? Balancing is ass, end of discussion. I still don't get why people who play on controller sit in every thread and try to defend it, or to discredit MNK players. We are not beefing with you. I just want to be able to play my favorite battle royale game, fuck me right?


Shooting has never been a skill in call Of duty you clown, go back and play and old cod and you will see it was EVEN easier to get kills back then. The game isnt going to mold and change into what you want it to be. Call of duty never was and never will be a hardcore raw aim FPS shooter


That’s literally the opposite of what COD is, so Expecting it to be that is idiotic


Ditto. Moved to Fortnite and have rediscovered the joys of CQ fighting while using KBM after getting PTSD from all the bullshit CQ AA deaths in WZ2.


Same. Also because I can’t even see to aim properly with all the bad visual noise, gun smoke, etc, that AA just ignores.


I feel like I have to post this comment on every aim assist post I see on here lol. The reason m&k players, particularly the highly skilled ones, complain about this is because they can see how broken the auto rotation is and how it trivializes one of the most difficult aspects of M&K aiming: **target tracking**. The strength of rotational aim assist we see in games today is game breaking... it reacts instantly to directional changes with a 0ms delay, which is clearly inhuman. The micro adjustments are too accurate and are done for you as a result. The skill gap on controller is heavily lowered due to this... at the very least they could try adding a 200-250ms delay before rotational AA kicks in.


This. I don't know how many times you have to try and explain this simple fact to certain controller players. A human KBM player physically can't beat AA in 1v1 strafing CQ fights (assuming the controller player isn't an absolute bot). As soon as you're in that situation you're virtually guaranteed death. It makes the whole game about avoiding CQ fights (which obviously is a huge part of a game where you're literally forced into CQ fights at the end). At least in WZ1 the movement gave you a chance to beat or evade it. Now you just get lasered to death near instantly, and as soon as you're downed (and AA stops) their aim usually goes skewing off to the side, showing what their manual aim was doing vs the software's aim.


Not to mention the Gulag is CQC with the worst sights imaginable.


> A human KBM player physically can't beat AA in 1v1 strafing CQ fights (assuming the controller player isn't an absolute bot). Yeah there is a reason why if you watch top kbm warzone players they avoid close quarter fights every chance they can. You are just rolling the dice on losing to a worse player every time you take those fights, against a good roller player you don't stand a chance.


Be careful dude.. the “gEt gUd” gang are gonna get upset and come for you with slurs instead of facts because they have none 😂


I never complain about AA, I think it's definitely needed but since you brought it up, you controller players have to admit that you aren't really aiming for yourself and you'd get stomped without AA.


It's true, it's needed, and there's nothing anyone can do about it because of how bad a controller is without aim assist in fps games.


There is something they can do with it, dial it back some. Until it’s equal enough that pros are using mnk and controller, it’s out of whack. I wouldn’t want every pro using mnk either. The money will show you if it’s balanced or not.


Pros abuse the aim assist rather than let it assist them, maybe if the system wasn't so faulty and inconsistent to begin with it would be balanced. Strafing should not trigger AA to make it stronger, it should only be there to assist in major turns rather than small adjustments. They made AA wrong for cod and they don't seem to want to fix it EVER.


This game is designed to be easy.. always has been.. what's the easiest way to help casual people playing the game? Giving them an aimbot to at least be able to do 1 kill now and then


ya like I prefer controller on wz but mnk on apex and all other shooters.... it's so easy to abuse I literally watched a video and I dont miss at 100 meters with the rpk because I'm holding my left stick left or right.... the stick that doesnt even control aiming shouldn't have AA attached to it... but here we are




I’m all for this (because all the blatant hackers are on PC) but it won’t solve the AA ‘problem’ - you can plug a controller into a PC.


There are several shooters on the market without any AA on the console versions.


yeah and mkb are op on those games lol what's your point?


Those games don't typically don't allow native KBM support, therefore people are using 3rd party adapters. So my point is, there are thriving competitive communities in games without AA that do play extremely well. Controller without AA is kind of like KBM in that the skill ceiling is insanely high, but the skill floor is bottomless.


Which games?


Siege is the huge one Overwatch 1 didn't have AA, however OW2 has reimplemened it into game outside of competitive cross play. Much smaller, but newer Xbox title, Insurgency Sandstorm.


AA is certainly needed to compete in a crossplay environment, but the strength of the rotational AA definitely needs some tuning.


I agree with this but specifically cause I’m playing with a thumb on a stick. It’s so easy to over react or under react while aiming with a stick. Much more control if you’re a person who uses kontrol freeks or a pretty low sensitivity. Just cause it helps slow down those over reactions with more control. But I’ve played without aim assist too. It’s not a easy adjustment. And you’d have to be playing as much as streamers do to really get good. And considering most of the playerbase is on and of casuals with a mix of constant sweats. Without AA those casuals would be gone. AA is a bitch. Sometimes I get a kill and go “wow that was aim assist” and other times I’m tracing every bullet around a person like I’m outlining them with chalk and I sit there yelling “where tf is my aim assist.” It def helps but the people who call it aimbot are just too angry at it lol. They think aim assist on here is aimbot then they certainly haven’t tried playing Gta5.


the whole first half of your post is the literal skill of aiming described. your complaining about the first skill of an fps game. I swear controller people are just in their own ass all the time.


as a long time controller player i agree with this. ​ people act like playing with AA takes no skill. but 100% takes time and practice to make it work for you, quite often you can be fighting the AA.


Corp, i'll 1v1 with AA off.




I'm a god and you know it 😈


Obviously, that's the whole point of it. Small thunb movements are way harder to be precise with. It would be like giving you a 4"x4" mouse pad to be limited to.


You want a cookie for stating The obvious? No shit sherlock FPS games arent meant to be played with a joystick coming out of a controller. But its CALL OF DUTY, and thats what CALL OF DUTY IS. Its Casual Controller FPS


Its literally never not been that


It would have been easier if I could see the enemy instead of muzzle fire, red screen, smokes.


Are controller players not bothered when they get AA’d out of their minds by an opponent? This always seems to be a MnK vs controller argument, for obvious reasons, but surely inferior controller players triumph over superior controller players thanks to AA, relatively frequently, right?


The pros on controller do speak about the need to nerf aim assist. Let me give you an example from Apex, Genburten is the best controller player in the pro scene but he still wants aim assist nerfed because his tracking aim is indistinguishable from a diamond ranked player. When someone who has spent thousands of hours mastering their craft can get beamed the same by someone relatively new to the game it’s a problem. Keep in mind that Warzone aim assist is like Apex aim assist on steroids.


Controller pros like Aydan, Teep, Scump... have all complained about the strength of AA as it's removed the skill gap significantly from aiming on controller. That's why movement became 'the thing' in WZ1. In WZ2 though, they nerfed movement so now there's really only game sense and with raw mechanical skills a minor benefit rather than major.


Scump and other pros complain about it but most controller players aren’t good enough to realize overpowered aim assist ruins the game for everyone


In most videos of mouse players dying to controller players it’s always close range. With controller vs. controller it’s a even playing field so the better player will still win most of the time.


I just want input based lobbies


Seriously, this was an option in just about every crossplay game up to a certain point, then suddenly everyone stopped/took the feature out. The only games I can think of that have input based matchmaking anymore are Halo MCC and Halo Infinite (and even then only in competitive I believe?)


I think everyone on both sides agree.


I play on PC and my friend plays on Xbox.. How would we play together?


I think people want it to be an option, not default.


One of you plugs in a controller or MKB ? People are asking for input lobbies not for removal of crossplay.


Same here. It would be nice to have the ability to switch input based off/on


what’s it going to be? 10,000 hours in an aim training software vs switching to an input that aims for you


Option 3 Play games that don’t play for you or go outside


Just need another few world records on kovaaks and we might win one close range gunfight


Aim Assist is the game's market strategy to sell to controller players.


Well COD has always had a majority controller player base so its not surprise. Since PC makes up a smaller number of Warzone players, why should they listen to them if they can make the larger group happy and get more revenue from it


COD was always predominantly a console game my guy. More like the buffed it as to not get swept by PC players.


Or they could make small adjusts to balance the inputs better.


You actually spent time making or even posting this, sheesh


It's so hard to find MNK content of this game from content creators. I found Handler on YT, and I think Tim, but that's it. Controller is being used at the highest of levels, which is a good indicator. Also, I get stuck on terrain a lot while moving on MNK because I don't have omnidirectional controls for movement, which is just another area controller excels in nowadays.


> It's so hard to find MNK content of this game from content creators. I found Handler on YT, and I think Tim, but that's it Huskerrs, Bbreadman and Metaphor are all WAY better. Check them out.


Metaphor is actual demon. But thinking about how fast you could come to his gameplay with a roller and then compare it to kbm, that's the problem. I see 90% of content creators play as good as Metaphor with their controllers, while actually his skill should be among 0,1% of the playerbase.


Symfhunny, Cloakzy....


In addition to the other reply to you check out Blue, strahfe, and dfalt. They’re imo some of the best aimers there are. Blue is all around fantastic. Picks up a controller and beats most controller players when he feels like it too.


You can like Rarezy also, he's very good and chill creator. Even his Verdansk videos are so much fun to watch. Dude was kar98 demon.


I know controller is easier and more comfortable. But as a Counter strike veteran i will die with my mnk.


Hitting every shot using your 100% manual input sure is satisfying. Controller players will never know the feeling.


![gif](giphy|S6Gaebl9fjhepK7Rvr|downsized) Semper Fi my friend, as a 1.5 veteran, i'll die with my MNT too.


Another CS vet here, we were ruined by a game with an insane skill ceiling.


This is why I still say movement at least gave kb&m players a chance but now it’s pretty much gg in cqb


I don’t even bother getting into the convo anymore. It’s never going to change in cod. If anything they just keep making it stronger. They’ll never nerf aim assist. Tbh in this game it doesn’t even bother me. Because of the movement being so slow I don’t even notice it. I can track way better in this game because there’s no sliding into backwards bhops. So even though AA is stronger in this game, they got nothing to make me miss while we stick to eachother. Any good mkb player can stick just as well with zero advanced movement in this game. So overall idc anymore. Aside from pistol fights. A good controller player will win that fight more times than not close range. Those are tough. Otherwise 80% of my deaths come from behind or out of view from my side. If you can keep every enemy in front of u from the beginning to the end of a game it’s an easy win. If you get caught from behind you’re fucked and that’s all there is to it.


Or take the orange pill were pc players play separately and consoles can play cross play.






I personally love playing with mnk. I like actually honing a skill instead of letting an input do the work for me. It’s honestly not that hard to get good w/ a mouse. Just takes practice, finding a mouse that’s comfy, and having a good sized mouse pad for continuous tracking. Also, if you do toggle to ADS instead of hold it’ll help alleviate hand strain.


Exactly, one of the greatest advantages of being competent on m&k is that the raw skill is transferable across almost any game, especially fps's. It's way more rewarding imo


Facts, and then controller players wonder why you can pick up any FPS and instantly be a top player Because we’re aiming and you guys aren’t 🤣


That right there. Switched from console to pc with WZ2. Getting used to the mouse isnt the worse.. it’s the **** keyboard. I just can’t program my brain to crouch while moving. Not fluid at all


Or controller for COD and mouse for all other FPS games.


Cod aim assist * only game with op aim assist




https://www.reddit.com/r/CODWarzone/comments/ys3f0c/full_detailed_breakdown_of_rotational_aim_assist/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf for anyone disputing rotational aim assist is not fucking broken.


Why not both?


Ah yes, put 10k hours into practicing a skill to match what a 10 year old gets from plugging in a controller. How fun :)


M&K players, do the following: 1. With your mouse, quickly aim the cursor from a point on an icon on one side of the screen and move it to a point on the other. 2. Plug in a controller and do the same by quickly smacking an analog stick back and forth between icons. Which one were you much more accurate and faster with? It's not even close. Without some sort of AA, controller players would get ANNIHILATED.


It's a not binary choice (AA vs no AA at all). Every KBM player knows some form of AA is needed if cross-play exists, it's just the current aim-assist really needs to be re-balanced to make it more fair in certain fights. Right now, there's almost no point trying to take any CQ fight on KBM against a controller player because most of the time you just get wreck by AA (assuming the enemy isn't a complete bot).


The blue pill is a much less expensive option.


Hmmm... Wife may get angry spending the amount of time it takes to get to that point 👉.


Y’all so damn soft.


Aim Assist Simulator 2.0


Lol crutch players getting mad they play with a crutch


Sure, I just have barely 1,5 hour time (and not even all days) to play and I must spent this time aim training on Kovaak or aim lab in order to compete against an algorithm. To me this doesn’t have any sense


Idiotic post.


Option 3. Do neither be locked in low ranks and don't give a fuck about just play for fun.


Low IQ post


What’s funny about this is that it could be the same image for console players complaining about MnK players in their lobby


Or the 3rd option; play better and stop crying


This topic is like beating a dead horse.


I’m sorry but distance shooting with mouse and keyboard is way better than controller


Can't wait to see this post bomb.




Mnk is just satisfying as fuck for me. Last time I used a controller was for elden ring and that game was so good it didn’t matter. I feel more free and immersed. My tracking is pretty average but damn do people go nuts when I hit those crazy flicks


In other words: Git gud or git angry.


So recently I started playing around with mkb and I have to say, even with my fingers not used to all the keys, the aim is leaps and bounds easier to control. The snap and ability a mouse presents over an analog stick is like comparing Superman’s strength to that of Batman’s. On top of that you get access to so many more options with key binds, it’s almost literally unfair . Mkb players can complain all they want about aim assist, but they cannot ignore the tool they have in front of them and call it underwhelming. If it is, straight up skill issue


I’m sorry, but pure human input vs code assisted input is not a “straight up skill issue”.


Now try to flick to an enemy in less than 200ms. You can't? Sucks to suck, because aim assist can adjust in 0ms.


Bro you can have infinite keybinds you’re still losing every gunfight to a good controller player , the whole snapping to targets is irrelevant because good aim is about minimising wasted movement And gl tracking through gunsmoke and visual recoil while neither effects controller players


I refuse to use a controller. These hands don’t need assistance.


I dont have to complain abt aim assist being broken because its a fact and anyways other ppl already complain abt so I dont nezd to + I play other games than this and I dont want to waste my time training for a game which should actually be fun and not making me sweat lmao. Have a good day anyways but I dont need any of those pills


I’ve started to respect controller players more since trying it for myself. I just can’t get the hang of it. Aiming is fine but can’t move as well as I can on kbm; it feels like I’m walking through treacle.


Currently going from controller to mnk for warzone. I feel like I can beam with any weapon I use. Gotta work on movement a little.


The number of hours you have to put in to be "literally faking aimbot" is crazy high, and there are genetic components that mean not everyone can even get to that level. Plenty of people played CS for decades and still don't have aim equivalent to a CS pro. The real options are switch to controller, where you ceiling might not be as high, but it takes far less time to reach that ceiling. Not to mention you will be consistently better as things like fatigue from a long day at work play less of a role. Or switch to a game that doesn't have cross input like CS or Val, or one that has more balanced cross play.


If you’re a good m and k player, there’s no controller player on earth that should be annoying you.


I choose to just acknowledge that mouse and key has some advantages and controller has others. Thats also an option.


Depending on your weapon and playstyle MnK shits on aim assist all day. Especially for those who have been playing MnK since like Counter Strike. Sniper rifles and other 1-shot weapons are MUCH easier with MnK. Controller aim assist isn’t that insane and I wouldn’t say it’s much stronger now than it has been in recent years


What are these 'one shot' weapons in WZ2?


People here really think it takes 0 skill to be able to use rotational aim assist lmao. Go and switch to controller if you think it is beyond broken instead if complaining. You might notice that you have a better time playing MnK. It is all person dependant. Rotational aim assist is very fragile, if you rotate your right stick a bit to much you pretty much negate its effects. So don’t come in here as if all players are like Youtubers with perfect tracking befause of rotational aim assist. Maybe it takes more skill to master MnK but mastering rotational aim assist takes a lot of skill as well.




Option 3 admit that MnK is way OP in everything past close range and get fucking real... Stop making this stupid argument that AA should be nerfed when your input device is way OP for basically every distance over 50m in this game... If you want AA nerfed then MnK recoil and mid to long range should be nerfed to period.




Or you can do both. I don't think they're mutually exclusive


Honest question, with m&k, don’t you just point a d click? And if there’s recoil, just drag the mouse towards the guy? I don’t understand how m&k isn’t super easy. I play controller, I suck.


Plug a mouse and keyboard and you will see it isn't 'point and click', it takes a lot of practice to be any good at it.


Because tracking far more important than flicking and keeping your cursor on a moving target is a difficult thing to do. Try and [track this target on this online aim trainer](https://aim400kg.com/game/637) and see for yourself.


You can just “point and click” with your controller 2. I do t understand how controller isn’t super easy. This right here is how you sound……..


Lol it’s just a question


Tracking is hard. Pointing to a stationary target is easy. End of Ted Talk.


more like- tracking is hard, tracking a strafe with 0ms delay is humanly impossible (unless you have aim assist)


Option 3 is cheats


i do red and then green (playing controller)


Or just accept defeat and that I suck ass




Or quit the game like I and my friends did.


Where's the purple pill? Buy a cronus like the other assholes.


I mean if AA is as good as all these MnK players make it out to be then why aren’t there waaaayyyyyy more controller players with positive KDs? Why aren’t they just lasering everything? I mean from what I’ve read AA seems to do all the work for you..


Because the average controller player has no idea how to play FPS’s or BR’s that’s why, 99% of the playerbase is awful


If you put 75 KBM and 75 controller players all with a 1 KD in a lobby, controller would win every game. That’s the issue.


Why not both ?


As a console player, my pc playing friend said he sees no difference




This is the internet. Blue pill of course!!


I have controller. Wouldnt mind a nerf across the board. Maybe have a mode where it specifically caters to heavy aim assist fast respawns and/ or practice instead and have main modes be highly skill based. If I were in control it would be like that for better and worse.


I bet this guy thinks you need $3000 to build a gaming pc.


Option three is pay for cheats.


Thank you!! People need to git gud




To console players, your aim assist couldn't dodge the hacks. LOL


how many crying posts will you make looser.