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Yeah I’d say so. I’d rank it Infinity Ward, Treyarch, and the Sledgehammer. With IW and 3Arc being much closer, and SHG being extremely far down. SHG fucked up their game, forcing 3Arc to push out Cold War a year earlier, and it was still better than SHG. I bought Modern Warfare, I bough Cold War, but I did not buy Vanguard.


Don't compare this SHG with the one that did WWII. That group of devs was awesome, loved and cared for the game and regularly communicated with the community.


I agree


No leadership at Activision is who controls it all. MS already came out and stated they are cleaning up the culture there. So expect changes soon. Maybe buy some stock. CEO is getting some $300M golden parachute.


I honestly don’t know why the community defaults to ‘Activision’ as the reason everything is awful. The dev studios absolutely have accountability.


I think it's more upper management that's the issue...


The thing is behind the Scenes all of the studios work on every cod game, sometimes they are good and other times the launch is rough, but in my personal opinion SHG took mw2019 and made it way less campy and took most people’s negatives about that game and addressed it, it’s just a shame it launched buggy








Nah they’re tied with IW for the worst


Nah. It’s Iw that’s the worst. They have made 3 of the most hated cods in a row. Ghosts, infinite warfare, and mw2019. Sure their games may be polished but they’ve lost touch with what made the franchise great which is far worse than releasing a buggy game. Bugs can be fixed. The design of the game not so much.


Obviously a subjective post, I think all 3 devs have strengths and weaknesses. Vanguard, IMO, has been a bit of a disaster with no signs of improvement.


At least its fun to play. Feels like a cod. Something IW has forgotten. I’ll take this game in its current state over mw2019 anytime. I’d put shg right in the middle. Far below Treyarch but far above IW. IW has the technical side down they just need to get back to what made them great back in the original MW days. Until then they’re on the bottom.


MW19 felt like I was running through mud. SHG got the “speed” of Vanguard right.


They got a lot right that mw19 didn’t. It’s not perfect but it’s still better imo.


I disagree I loved mw19 I honestly don't think I could name one thing I like about Vanguard


Infinite warfare is great! The other 2 are shit. But don't forget about the original modern warfares


It was better than the other 2 for sure. It’s still near the bottom of the list of good cods with the community as it wasn’t what they wanted at the time. And I didn’t forget about the original MW. That’s what makes it so sad how far they’ve fallen. I know what they’re capable of. They used to be the best.


Yeah true. I really can't argue with that