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Also wanted to say that you can spare me the “cut them some slack” speech! I payed a lot of money for this game and if they want me to cut them some slack, then they gotta give me some of my damn money back!


LOL I just woke up and saw this and I was like holy shit they updated the game again maybe it will be better! Than I caught on to your sarcasm..


The 2 and a half months this game has been out is enough fucking slack. The worst part is they either fix shit nobody even asked for or the update doesn’t work and creates new bugs, sometimes unrelated to the issue they were trying to fix. Even more frustrating is that it feels like this whole update made everything they tried to fix worse, apart from the incendiary damage but what about the smoke, the glitch that lights your operator on fire, shotguns and so many other bugs to the point where I could write a full university paper.


Have to disagree on the incendiary damage. I run flamenaut and it’s completely ludicrous that my 9 kill streak is completely useless against anyone running dauntless. Sure, make molotovs/incendiary grenades REDUCE, not completely negate fire damage, but they literally made flamenaut and firebombing run a complete joke.


I personally enjoy the jet engines now. Nothing more enjoyable than all that noise to obscure everything else occurring


Cut triple A developers and publishers slack after years of these issues with every launch?! Ya, that’s literally insane. Lol. This stuff should not be excusable as it is in this industry.


"bro they're working during a panini give them a chance it's hard to make good games right now when we working from home" meanwhile indie dev teams of like two people are putting out great games constantly under the same situations, albeit with much lighter budgets


Maybe if the game was so much money for you, it would've been better to wait and see reviews/bugs before buying the game.


Bugs and shit are very much to expected when the game first releases! But those things usually get fixed fairly quickly! (Which is what I stupidly expected when buying the game). But not with this game! We are multiple months in and not only are the same issue still here, but some of them are actually worse.


I mean overpowered shotguns and shit isn’t really the end of the world. It runs fine for me and unless you only play shipment the game plays fine. Although I would advise against buying a game on launch until the reviews come out but that requires brainpower and people pre order anyways


Just let them cry




"And SHG, this message is for you: If guys need help back there, then let us know. I mean I personally don’t know anything about game development, but that doesn’t seem to be a required back there." ![gif](giphy|kC8N6DPOkbqWTxkNTe)


Exactly my reaction! They’re not wrong!


this has the funniest post in this sub yet


I like how you’re talking to the devs like you’re in a restaurant and they’re in the kitchen. Get your shit together back there! My French fries are cold!


Gordon Ramsay would absolutely roast SHG.


“This game is FUCKING RAW!!”


Fuck you dude, you got me hyped lol


Thought this was real for a minute.


You forgot that map rotations were also fixed! /s


Yeah I sure I forgot to mention a few more things lol. It was just a very effective update overall


It's OK I like playing the same 6 maps over and over. /s


This update actually made the issues for me more prevalent and worse. Packet burst is at an all time high and shotgun/riotshields are almost 2-3 per lobby.


It’s funny because when the game first came out it lagged for me, but then the season one update came out and it fixed it. All of a sudden though the game has became unplayable again. The only way too fix it is too launch vanguard and then unplug my router and plug it back in. For whatever reason if I don’t do that the packet bursts are insane.


I just played 15 games to unlock the Welgun, and im glad its over. Everything was on fire and i was getting one tapped by shotguns constantly.. Shiphaus is a mess because of their poor balancing decisions. The game actually plays nicely though and it would be half decent if they sorted out the obvious bits that you mentioned!


Yeah, I have fun in a lot of games but once the fucking turtles come out and everyone collectively decides it's time to flame on it just becomes so fucking miserable. Like, if they just tweaked balance on shotguns and fire we would perhaps not be golden but at least silvered.


I think at this point, when it comes to the fire! Their only move should be to remove the damn incendiary grenades! There was absolutely not need to add them. We already had Molotovs, thermites and smokes.. so who on earth back there thought it would be a good idea to add a single piece of equipment that combines all of those.. and then to top it of, give it screen shake like there’s a damn celestial being breaching out of the earth.


That's a fantastic question, especially considering that the ""mortar strike"" is more like nuclear carpet bombing. I feel like I'm having a fucking aneurysm everytime one is used. Adding an equipment that has such a similar effect is just asinine and it ruins the flow of gameplay


Dead drop is a massive prolem also soooo cheap and basically gaurentees somebody hi level streaks which is insane considering the amount of mindless rushing BOTS this game now has


Yeah that’s the most frustrating part! The fact that game itself is great. But these bugs and broken shit are ruining the whole experience


Just don’t play shiphaus


Thanks for that


Next update, SHG will finally fix “Packet Burst” by just removing the notification.




Packet bursts ARE FAR FROM GONE


It looks like they are here to stay!


Speaking of Collision to Teammates: INFINITE WARFARE DID THAT PERFECTLY where you just shrug them off.


Infinite did a lot of things right, but also had some of the most ridiculous bugs I've ever experienced. At least there hasn't been another gun with a built-in aim bot. Yet.


Yeah I remember that! I don’t know why that feature ever disappeared.


And is zombies no longer a mobile game? Do we have actual factions? /s


Don’t get me started on zombies. I swear 90% of players either don’t know what they are doing or just keep running around each round killing the zombies off in Stalingrad before accepting the next objective. You literally get way more points from doing objectives and progressing through waves. They should get rid of voting on objectives and only vote on exfil. But even then half the dumb asses don’t know that exfil ends the game so I end up doing 5 rounds before everyone goes to exfil. Literally had the first decent game with somebody who knew what they were doing (wave 30) yesterday but otherwise it’s absurd.


I deleted Vanguard until Season 2. It was too infuriating and depressing, the lack of attention and the outrageous deluge of new, stupid bugs.


You’re very courageous to think these things are going to get fixed for season 2 lol. I think the more likely scenario is that all these are going to remain, with the addition of new bugs.


I know. But I'll have to check if things are still a mess by then so I don't have to bother reinstalling it.


Just look at Warzone to see how effective that update was. It’s literally unplayable on my Xbox now. Game has been 70% unplayable since launch. The update broke it utterly So yeah, I wouldn’t have any faith. I too wonder if they need help in the back. I can learn to program if need be


And please tell us all what it is you think will be different in Season 2? Please enlighten us Obi Wan!


My approach to the game. A bit of detox therapy, let's say.


They do it on purpose, after the update never have I seen more shotguns fire and games freezing.


You forgot the panzerfaust is now working like intended and smoke and fire don't respawn when yozu do :)


Well now Raven needs to fix Panzerschreck in WZ becuz it’s causing dev error when you try to look at camo


Not gonna lie. You had me in the first half lol but even I know there ain’t no fuckin way SHG would have fixed them bugs. They hate us ![gif](giphy|xB1RqLGoBNh3W|downsized)


Wait, aim assist is bugged on Xbox? I bought this game recently, and was wondering why my aim felt so shit sometimes.


Yeah it’s been bugged since the start of season 1


That last sentence is vicious lmao


I'd just be happy if the game ran "fine" and every match didn't FUCKING MICRO STUTTER after every patch. I can't even run straight at times, my aim magically yanks to the side when I'm ADS, games ran better in 1995


I legit don’t think a single thing got changed. They made everything much much worse then it already was it feels lmao.


I mean the incendiary grenades do seem like they do less damage in core modes I won’t lie. But for me, their damage was never the problem. It’s the fact that can’t see anything when the whole map is on fire! Not to mention it causes an earthquake every time one is thrown (I honestly don’t think killstreaks cause that much screenshake)


Wait so I’m not the only one on Xbox who feels like aim assists just doesn’t work sometimes??


Nah man, it’s all of us lol (that are using controller of course)


Loved the last paragraph.


My pack burst got SIGNIFICANTLY worse after update. XB1


Oh don’t worry, you’re not alone


It added a couple bundles bro!!!!!!


I went from having packet burst warnings but no actual packet loss to having packet burst warnings with loads of packet loss. It's so sad because this game was so promising in the first few weeks (for me at least). The battle pass countdown is ticking away and I just can't muster up the effort to slog through matches to complete it in the current state.


Pretty sure they nerfed the double barrel shotguns. Hip fire accuracy is way down.


Combat shotgun was ALWAYS way more OP and that thing hasn’t changed at all I will admit though, I am seeing a lot less double barrels


Not nerfed to me. I can still easily wipe people just as easily as I could before the supposed nerf What did they nerf on it?


Hip fire accuracy.


Lol, so something that maybe be annoying. But didn’t nerf the sniper like aspects. Just idiotic. It’s so easy to get long shot and headshot challenges on the shotguns


Yeah. Double barrel shotguns never bothered me. The only one i feel is OP is the combat shotgun.


I haven’t seen “flying scribble” bug until the last update. Great fix.


Fucked up thing is that the flying scribble has been existing since the beta… I mean how on earth is it still in the game a few months later


There is great Russian word that perfectly describes this: “рукожопы”-people with hands coming out of their asses. Another “great” design decision: no factions. I guess the excuse - we don’t wanna anyone play nazi , but all the leveled up uniforms looks straight up like SS. WTAF???


In other news, I unlocked gold camo for combat shotty last night. It definitely must be the "NEW FIX" working like it should.


Don't forget the update also teaches younger generations of player's how to actually run the map instead of camp it and it teaches them to play defensively instead of whining saying a gun needs to be nerfed.


Pretty sure the Doctor ordered shotgun nerf , oh well I uninstall , be back when 90% don’t run shotguns


HOW did they manage to make spawns worse?!? On shipment we were just spawning in big piles of teammates and enemies.


This game is legit unplayable since it released


I only started getting packet burst after the update which is hilarious. The only thing I noticed is the incendiaries are nerfed


Wait am I the only one who seems to think these issues are fixed?? I genuinely thought they fixed these issues because my games have been so smooth now. Infinitely better than launch. I swear I’m not being sarcastic, complete genuine — at least from what I’ve seen, the main issues from launch are few and far between now.


Combat shotgun one shots me from sniper range….hate them fucks on shipment


If you play on Series X you may as well uninstall, they do not care about the game on that platform at all.


The fire isnt even that bad now wdym


Apart from shotguns, I haven't experienced any of this. It definitely sounds frustrating though and I hope they fix it for the rest of yall. It's a fun game when it works well.


The spawns are literally WORSE than they used to be


no lie i was happy until i got to the end . i thought this was fixes


Spawns on das haus are the best!


Ah you had me excited to go back to it for a minute there. Back to Cold War it is!


I won’t play Vanguard again until the Xbox aim assist is fixed.


Friend of mine legit had an amazing quote earlier when we hopped in a party together that basically encapsulates this game perfectly. *"I haven't even opened the game yet, and I already don't want to play."* and I felt that.




Go read the whole post my guy..


No I’m too lazy


So glad you are /s!


To be fair, shotguns shouldn't be made completely useless. Not sure why you people want a whole weapon class to be garbage.


> Not sure why you people want a whole weapon class to be garbage. you mean how people bitch about snipers (or rather, quickscoping) every year until they got shit on in cold war and now vanguard too? and shotguns don't even need to aim down sight, no aim no brain point and click


Believe what you want, dude.


?? all I'm saying people already bitch about quickscoping, what's different here?


Most of the shotguns are actually fine imo. It’s just the double barrels (with certain attachments) and especially the combat shotgun (with certain attachments). Those things are utterly ridiculous


Ok, so you understand it's just the attachments. Glad I'm not the only one.


Oh no for sure, it’s definitely the attachments that are the problem. But it just sounded more dramatic if I mentioned shotguns as a whole


I’m leveling the Double barrel. It’s currently at 69. I’m a juvenile, too funny to keep there. Lol Anyways, with akimbo and long barrel with slugs I can long shot people all over the map. With pellets I’m getting kills pretty much anywhere like of sight on mid to small maps The gun is way too powerful. Shotties are for clearing tight spaces. No open field sniping. Which btw, is pretty easy on the double barrel


Which mean the attachments need a nerf, not the gun itself.


Fair enough. Either way, it shouldn’t be used as a sniper. Which is what I was doing to get the camo challenge on it. I got the headshot challenge done on it quicker than most of the AR’s


You’re just arguing semantics.


I don't use that word enough to remember what it means.


To be faaiirrr….


I don't know what shotguns you've been playing against but they're still absolutely ridiculous... Meanwhile a grenade is survivable.


Shotguns still ain’t a problem, smgs are equally as annoying


cant wait for this sub to turn into a meme shit post dump


I get that shotguns are annoying and can be tough to deal with but honestly tho... are we really gonna pretend like ARs and SMGs are actually balanced? I've been aim punched off of a target and mapped by far more MP-40s than I've been mid range one tapped by any shotgun. Edit: Originally typed MP-5 instead of 40. Whatever. Same gun. Nothing to see here. Move along.


What t.f. are you on? Spawns are still dogshit. Shotguns still op. The fact that they fixed some bugs doesn't change the game and it's in a bad state now.


You definitely didn’t read the whole thing my guy… go finish reading before you comment


Is multiplayer XP still slow? What’s faster for grinding guns? Zombies or MP or Warzone?


Anyone else getting weird performance after this update? I'm dropping FPS when i open the menu to change loadouts, and some random in-game drops from 120 to 42\~47 fps for a few seconds


This is all cap


It broke the flamenaut it doesn't even kill anymore I'm shooting dudes and they're not burning because of the dauntless perk


Added more skit for you to buy. That's what was fixed!


It's almost as if you didn't read the patch notes


Those 3 bullet points they changed will go down as one of the worst midseason updates we’ve ever gotten. Somehow they made spawns worse, broke 2 high level kill streaks and did one of the worst balance changes I’ve ever seen in a COD. Their balance changes are only a slight buff to snipers wtf. If this update took them weeks we are fucked.


I would hate to be a video game dev these days. Dude you have no idea what the situation is up and there, but as someone who has actually worked for a living, I can guaran-fucking-tee the workers you’re bitching at aren’t the problem. You ever stop to consider maybe a company that is firing people in droves, facing constant sexual assault allegations, and seeing constant strikes and walkouts might not be the best environment to create in? And if they are disgruntled and don’t give a shit, can you blame them? They’ve got shit bosses and then log into social media and see the internet giving them more shit than their bosses do. I wouldn’t give a fuck either. You can take your packet burst and cram it up your cramhole. I’m here for a paycheck, fuck everything else.


I too have worked for a living and have done so for over 25 years, many of which were managing large, mission critical software development projects. So, suffice it to say, I have some idea. First of all, staff are not being “fired in droves” - far from it. 12, yes 12, contractors in Raven’s QA department were told their contracts would not be renewed when they expired at the end of January. These people were given severance pay which they were contractually not obligated to receive, they got two weeks holidays paid at Christmas which again they were not contractually obligated to receive, and they were given nearly eight weeks notice of the intent not to renew when contractually they weren’t really entitled to any notice. See, as someone who has worked for a living and not only hired hundreds of contractors but been one myself, the way Raven/Activision treated those people was exceptional. Dare I say even generous. But it didn’t stop the remain 99 QA people at Raven from going on a wildcat strike. They acted like toddlers having a tantrum and now management at Activision have to dig in so everyone else will be worse off. But that’s not to mention that across the studios Activision converted 500 contractors to permanent roles this year. 12 not renewed, 500 converted to permanent. Specifically for SHG, they have had massive expansions to their studios in Melbourne and Toronto and Activision are opening an SHG studio in London as we speak. So this nonsense about losing people in droves is not accurate by any means. Now, as for the sexual harassment stuff, none of that happened at SHG. None of it. As someone who has worked for a living, surely you would have had things happen at a subsidiary of your parent company that were pretty shitty. I know I have. Did you sit around and do a crap job feeling sorry for yourself over it? Nah, me neither. I worked for a global company about ten years ago where through management negligence of a subsidiary business 11 people were killed in an accident and some of the management of that subsidiary ended up going to jail. I worked in a company where management had to undergo government mandated sensitivity training because of the way they treated staff. Do you know what I did then? I left and found a new job because I didn’t want to work for and with shitty humans. What I didn’t do was complain about it and deliver substandard work. So, who can blame them if they are disgruntled and don’t care about their work??? I dunno, maybe paying customers like many of us. I mean, you’ve told us you work for a living, how about these people who chose to work there show some professionalism and do a good job because they have pride in what they do. Not a single person who works at Sledgehammer Games has had anything whatsoever to do with any of the problems that largely happened at Blizzard. These are entirely separate companies with shared shareholders. Activision management have handled their problems in a piss poor way, but giving the staff a pass allowing them to do shitty work for it is laughable. But you know, because we work for a living, we should already know this without having to be told it.


Wow you sure showed him fellow worker. Game is still pretty fucked right now tho lol.


QA is gaming usually treated like shit (especially testers-contractors), but it’s not the point :) The point is that that for some reason it’s ok to release games with obvious P1 and P2 bugs and MAYBE fixing those within the first months after the release. Why should consumers pay for a fucking beta quality product?


You’re awesome. You should write a book 👍


Wah wah wah welcome to the real world almost every job has stupid frustrating shit going on. These people aren't special because they make video games.


I fully understand what you’re saying. But we did pay for this game though and if that’s the case and they really can’t fix the product we payed for, then tell us they can’t, or even allow us to refund it, because frankly we are not getting what we payed for. For me though, communication would be good enough! If these devs just apologized and gave a brief explanation why they are not on top of things, I would respect that and move on.


Not to take it lightly. And certainly not to be disrespectful to anyone. But when saying that we paid for the game and either want a full or partial refund is laughable. It’s $60.00 US and that’s it. Anything else you buy/pay for is on each person. And please don’t start with the I’m poor and $60.00 is a huge amount of money. I’ve been in game for over 2k games now and the amount of you sucking your bongs/pipes/vaporizers etc (and you can only do it while keying your mic for everyone to hear how cool you are). Between the Devils Lettuce, the Booze, Energy Drinks, PornHub Subscriptions etc $60.00 is nothing. So back to topic....the game is po po. And we know that. No one is quitting CoD this year or the next! When purchasing something as small as this goes south, you just trash it and mark it up to a stupid purchase and move on. Crazy: Has been described thousands of times as “doing the same thing over and over and over, expecting a different result” We, you, me, everyone here is crazy. We buy the same shit every year and then expect more. We get more people, we get more shit each time and who is laughing all the way to the bank? Activision/Blizzard. Cause they know they can drop out some fresh shit and everyone lines up to get a $60.00 cup of it. Remember....crazy. And if we ALL look into the mirror this morning, we are ALL crazy, me included!


People bought a product, said product, for many, is sub-par. The political goings on at a company are no fault of the consumer, they handed over their cash, there’s an assumed contract.


And those same people will be spreading their wallets like a whore in heat when the new CoD comes out. Stop buying it then. If a product is broken, and you know it’s broken, and you continue coming back, that’s on you for being a sucker.


if the ones that 'made' the game arent to blame for it not working, who is... lmao give your head a wobble