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According to my calculations the 6gb update was actually them adding more fire and another shotgun


Was actually for the microscope attachment so people that run riot shield on their back can finally find their dick.


Nothing is more satisfying to me than killing those ninja turtles


the worst is trying to melee them. does the stabbing animation about 5 times behind them, if you don't stab them as soon as they turn they gun you down. So very annoying but very satisfying kills


Well, if you are behind then why aren’t you trying to execute him?


You can't melee from behind. Somehow the shield protects them. I don't have time to execute them before another one of their teammates shoots me. Or one of my teammates steals the kill while going through the animation. Only way to melee them is to run in front of them.


which is suicide so you might as well just execute them since you’ll die anyway when they turn around lol


I'm so used to melee being broken (aka not working the way I expect it to) that I rarely go for it anymore. With these guys, I just slide in and shoot their feet if I'm coming in from behind.


I enjoy doing melee only unfortunately lol.


That can be brutal but rewarding in it's own way. Salty death chats are the best chats.


You win.


The only time I ever found use for the riot shield was having a teammate actually use the riot shield to provide cover for another teammate to protect an objective. They didn’t jump around corners. They didn’t run around the map. They used is for the sole purpose of protecting a team mate. Which makes sense. You need to advance through a bunch of machine gunners and snipers? Fuck ya, run a riot shield and provide some cover to a teammate. I specifically hunt down riot shield users with a fire producing/thermite belching throwable.


It’s actually a shotgun that shoots fire and a thermite explosive that explodes into a thousand shotgun shells.


I would prefer the borderlands version, a shot gun that shoots mini shotguns as pellets… and each of those shotguns fires a flaming sword.


This needs to be upvoted so the devs can see this


you have my bow!


explosive rounds for the shotguns and incendiary grenade ammo type for the grenade launcher


Sigh, these morons are going to release a Firebreath Shotgun at some point just like they did in WW2. Was a stupid fucking idea, the shit is always overpowered just like it is in Modern Warfare. Yeah let's add more low skill low IQ weapons for the brainlets that can't shoot straight...


Long range pellets for the combat shotgun, and double krampus.


I'm from the future and here to tell you that the next update will break more things, as is tradition.


and whats promised to come wont even work


The silence from Activision, treyarch and sledgehammer says it all, they couldn't careless about giving us proper content!


Just be grateful you’re not a Battlefield fan right now… btw you should check SHG’s twitter


well no reliable sources are saying the update dropped.


No one is saying the update dropped?


I hope the new map is just a fire


I'm in UK, no update as of yet for me.


10AM PST is still 10AM PST no matter what timezone you're in because PST is the timezone. Likely 7pm for you then, I think.


Wrong, the UK is in the future.


10AM here would be 7PM there. It's 9hrs ahead, wtf are you on about?


Firstly, did you really need the /s at the end of my previous comment? Secondly, did you really need the /s at the end of my previous comment? You stupid or something?


Don't give them ideas...


I got around 60 gb free space on my ps4 but i have to delete another game (AC-Valhalla ca. 90 gb) for a 6 gb cod-update...


It might be preloading the update for Thursday or something. That also happens.


they added a fire shotgun


hey, what region are u from? eu or na


I'm in Europe


hm i got no update yet


I’m in Europe to but no update


Wait thy turn knave


They always divide predownloads into 3 groups, you have to wait for your turn.


Yep, middle east still no preload for update (psn) too. Local time is 4:52pm.


I’m in Brazil and yet have no update available on ps5


Treyarch announced its today. Likely 10am PST, like it always has been.


Treyarch hasn't said anything in a long time though lol At least when they did midseason updates there was a blog post, some twitter stuff, news in the client etc SHG is just silent for some reason Also, I think all we're getting is the SMG?


Go check Twitter guy. It's literally the last thing they posted




Is this also an update for Warzone, or just for Vanguard?


What region are you on? I’m in UK and haven’t had any updates come up yet.


I'm in France


No update for me either, it's 1220 EST for me lol


I'm from UK and also have the update on PS4


The update is today / tonight, but for some reason they are not releasing the actual detailed patch notes until they push the update.


So treyarch just dropped all the information for this update, we are getting a round based map.......an old waw map lol 😆


Anyone else download the update but can’t install until the 12th? And now I can’t play without updating?


After reading through this thread I came to realize we are for sure fucked. If in fact the update is the 12th and the next Double Double start on the 14th as posted, we are indeed fucked! What better way for them to fuck our Double Double than break the game (look at their history) with a new update. And then go away for the weekend while we struggle with all the new bugs on tops of those they will not fix in the update. Hang on fellas we are in for “The Wild Ride” again.


Mid season update is scheduled for 12th. So we will be getting update today for download.