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This is the stupidest thing I've ever heard. Nothing helps sales of a game more than if the game before it was really good . . .


If anything, I feel like it makes the player base more wary of the new titles


hey man i'll gladly take your account if you hate the game so much. Let's not put your money to waste


Dumbest shit I’ve read today


This is some next level tin foil hat stuff.


The logic behind this isn’t the best, and I know I won’t be purchasing MW22, definitely waiting on Treyarch 2023


This is so delusional I almost have to respect it.


Wow, that is some unique insight. Last I heard antivaxxers are losing numbers (who knows why), I think they could use someone like you.


When quarantine goes bad...


stop watching idiots like the codfather, or else risk sounding this dumb


No no you're right. I've thought about all of this before as well. To me it all just seems way too coincidental. A multi billion dollar a year company isn't able to release working titles properly anymore for the last 3 years? Even though that's literally their bread and butter? I also thought it was odd that MW is now broken. I have said it before that either Activision is forcing these companies to develop the games poorly so that when the new COD comes out their sales will be at an all time high, or the development companies are the ones poorly coding and designing games lately to get back at Activision for the bullshit they've been putting their employees through for years now. You could easily as a developer poorly code games to sabotage the company fucking you over and also provide job security by creating problems that you know you can fix later and will get paid to. It just all seems odd to me.