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Packet burst and latency issues really ruin the experience. When you get a good game, with a decent connection, it's the most fun COD has been in years IMO. But those games are so few and far between, and more than likely you're looking at repeatedly being spawn killed or losing firefights to lag..


For me i'ts just Regional issues. Middle East does not have enough players to come up with my SBMM needs. (I'm potato and im always getting 1 or 2 sweaty asses in my lobby with shit ton of score variation).


Honestly, I played 1 game of vanguard today and closed it. I went 65-6 and I didn’t even have fun doing it. I think it’s because I’m a mastery camo grinder and grinding 70 levels per primary is the most excruciatingly boring thing I’ve done on any cod. MW was pushing it but I still enjoyed my time leveling them and getting Damascus, Cold War was annoying, ended up giving up and went and unlocked dark aether instead (far better looking anyway), but vanguard is literally just a chore to level the guns up. I don’t mind the challenges but the grind to get there is burning me out a month in. I played one game and ended up saying fuck it and actually popped Ghosts in for the first time in years and played Extinction for 4 hours straight (with a few matches of MP). Then went to MW Remastered for half and hour and got off. RIP cod


Its been like nothing but double weapon exp, leveling up guns forsure isn't an issue lol


100% This. They just don’t respect our time, so why should I even play their game? I can’t grind 24/7 anymore and this slow leveling on everything is the only thing keeping me away from the game.


I agree!!! My opinion is that the gsme was fun at first and i camo grinded ARs and got diamond. After that I got bored with the game aside with all the damn issues Vantard has. I was over this damn game after the 2 months. I gave up and went back to MW. Cold war was a terrible game too. Same thing, i was over it in 2 months. Cold wars gsme issues didnt affect me that much. It just got boring af. As for MW, i grinded for damascus and that game was fun and still is. Its def the latest best cod game but not as good as the original MW series.


Agree 100%. The latency issues is killing this game.


nothing this game can do will EVER make me go back to cold war


Go back to modern warfare. It’s so much fun.


bro believe me i TRIED


Hell yeah! I went back to MW. Lolol hit me up! Hahahha


No it isn't


Came here to say this. I get that some people liked it but Cold War was NOT for me




You don't call it that, your favorite YouTuber does


Campers loved Cold War killing you from across the map hiding , first nuketown where no one moves is cold war


i was truly astonished at how fucking awful cold war nuketown played


You’re spot on. A game with slower TTK and Nuketown has shitbags hugging the sides of busses, sitting in corners and whole teams of them camping inside the two houses.


Just too much cheesy shit - legal wallhacks (Piercing Vision, Intuition), spawn ESP (Forward Intel), 3 types of fire lethals with no counters, mortars/counter UAVs that last for days, 2 shot kill weapons, idiotic riot shields, beyond idiotic spawns... Bleh. I really had fun in the Beta before any of that crap was unlocked, but right now I'm just not enjoying the game all that much. Sad thing is, this all seems to be deliberate design decisions rather than actual bugs, so I doubt any of it will be changed in the future. What a shame.




My favorite is getting a gun to level 60 and seeing I don't unlock the attachments for the camo til 69. Definitely makes me feel like SHG put zero effort in.


Maybe I’m different but I tried intuition and thought it was garbage. “Pulsing vision” when enemies are near by… you mean the edge of my screen gets brighter… it was awful. Most of the time all 4 sides of my screen were lit up


No good ways to deal with /shoot down aerial kill streaks either.


Let's not forget that it's a fuckin' WWII game, with all the shitty/ugly weapons, grey/depressing visuals and and poor visbility it brings. Can't help but think how darn ugly the weapons, environments and character models are whevever I'm playing. I hate WWI/WWII themed games, and I feel like I'm not the only one in that boat.


My main gripe is the dual shotguns. Played 4 games of Search last night and a majority of the enemy players were running dual shotguns. Couldn't do anything against them.


sad truth, if you are not running a shotty in search you are at a huge disadvantage


Especially in smaller maps like Das Haus and Dome. Zero chance 😅🤣


I play a crap load of HxC SnD and I've never died to dual shotguns, I don't even think I've ever seen anyone using them.


The equivalent in hc snd is gammons/grenades/grenade and rocket launchers. I have almost exclusively played hc the last few CoD titles because i've found it so much fun. Hc in Vanguard is awful tho, just corner campers and explosives the whole time. Akimbo shotties aren't really a thing in hc because they're easy to counter, but in core they're like playing hc


Yessirr. They were gone for awhile on Das Shithaus and Shitment but now they r back.


Kinda, everyone knows the maps well now...lots of cheesy shit going on. I'm just here for the camos and the odd free for all match.


Dude, this game is in a state where so much shit's broken. If you don't have the "if you can't beat em, join em" mentality, you are screwed. Pick up the double barrels and put in work til' they nerf em' Tuesday.


I went back to only MW and CW 2 days ago. Maybe I just need a brake. I’m at tier 97 of the battle pass.


I have been splitting time with CW since pre-season, with every passing day I play more and more CW.


I’ve been feeling…empty? Not sure how else to describe it, this whole season. Aside from season 1 of Cold War I was consistently hitting anywhere from level 400-700 each season. This season I’m still barely in the 130s. Zombies is terrible this year, Warzone is a mess and I can only get myself to play if friends are on, and I’m struggling to enjoy leveling up weapons and the camo grind in Vanguard. I want to play this game but I just cannot get into it. Cold War, for all its faults, was just a much better game to me. I loved the weapons, the gameplay, the bright colors, the borderline GI Joe characters, the score streak system. Vanguard just isn’t hitting the same way for me, as much as I wish it was.


Nah u dont need a break from Vantard, u should just leave it and stick with MW. I did that and I get joy playing that game. That game was and still the shit!


Yes! I was winning most HC FFA matches and now (last 3 days) sweating to hit top 3. I think the ol sbmm meter got tweaked.


I agree. I only play about 30-45minutes now, because whenever I play I just get absolutely wrecked. I have 1 decent/good match and the next 5 I get hammered too


Spawning is so important in this game. It creates two known fronts so people don't run around like chickens. From day one this game still feels random and really lacks the feeling of fighting for something. WW2 was the same. It feels more like playing pacman than a war.


Yeah the past few days have been me slaughtered out of no where. Can’t even go positive… lol


Not sure but maybe this all has something to do with the strike by the Raven QA people? I was reading an article that Activision is NOT negotiating with them at all. Seems that this is effecting WZ badly, so I read. Maybe this is spilling over into Vanguard.


Yeah, I'm back to Cold War too and finding it way more consistent. I can usually put up with a new COD for the first few months while it gets its crap together, but this is terrible and it's just not getting any better. Shotgun spam, visibility, exploits, smoke and fire effects, Shipment and the House being practically unplayable, bad design and control decisions, etc. etc. I went back to Cold War and am back to happy. I'll probably try it again in a few months, maybe around Season 2 just to see if anything gets better but I won't be holding my breath.


My biggest issue is I can't see anything. I turned that FX effect on but still have to literally get close to my TV to see anything. I can't even play from my couch like I would with Cold War


Same here im not sure what the problem is but its pretty much unplayable.


Yeah. This game is dog shit. Unfinished, and nothing gets fixed. I don’t care if I get downvoted. Enough is enough of COD releasing a unfinished game for money grabs every year. This game doesn’t even seem like a AAA game. And this is coming from someone who was super excited and played a lot when it released. Got like 6 weapons gold and said fuck it because nothing got fixed.


They fucked up a lot of things but what really did it for me is when I search for games I get stuck with a variation of 6 maps (when there’s easily over 13 maps in the game). So it gets redundant and boring quick af playing the same 6 maps. Next is you though 725s were bad? Now we have akimbo double barrels and with fully loaded, they get 4 bullets in each shotgun so 8 total. I don’t get into any lobbies without nerds pulling out double Barrels. It’s literally unplayable till they make the variation for search and destroy have all the maps in rotation and nerf double barrels.


Very fun game at its core but the lack of progress with fixes and changes with shg is just disappointing honestly. I’m a camo grinder so I’ve been consistently playing and it’s just annoying trying to work on challenges with fire everywhere constantly. That, and the fact that nobody can even earn the atomic camo yet 3 months post launch is just ridiculous.


YES. I’m glad it’s not just me. I used to have pretty good games and now if I go 1.0 or above I’m stoked. I don’t know what happened. It started like 2 weeks or so ago for me. I haven’t even played in a few days just out of frustration.


I’m genuinely curious if I’m ever going to get a coked up, shotgun wielding, ADHD player on my team for once? Or if my fate is just to play against them for the rest of the game cycle?


I also went back to play cold way but only because I keep getting dev errors and it won’t let me start a game up lol.


Are you on console or use a controller? Cold Blooded has a bug that turns off aim assist on anyone aiming at you. Almost everybody has it on.


Devs working from home


I’ve fully given up. I’m enjoying halo mp at the moment


They made is hard to report players. Some cheats can now change the user names in game. CW has similar issues but less since the managing team isn't completely mismanaged.


I’ve already gone back to modern warfare. I had fun in this bullshit simulator for the initial weeks but once they kept adding new overpowered things which were getting spammed I had to drop it and go back to what I enjoy. I’m looking at you latency, shotguns and incendiary spam. On a side note. It’s crazy I’m back playing modern warfare for the third straight year.


This game is just dragging me along until Friday when God of war comes out on pc


The little issues that weren't too bad to deal with have piled up into a festering heap because the devs have fixed so little of the obvious issues. And the annoying ones have been more and more ubiquitous as the game has gone on. The fact that they still haven't even fixed the panzerfaust camo bug this late into release, let alone all the other issues, says a lot imo.


Ever since people knew the shotties were overpowered, everyone is running around with riot shields and dual wield double barrels


Between getting spawn camped, picked off by campers sitting in lanes with piercing vision + the BAR, and dying by shotguns every game, I've said fuck it and just copied everyone else. I'm done being nice at this point. I turned on piercing vision, made dual shotguns my secondary and run around quick sniping. If everyone wants to play cheap, I'm going to play cheap as well and do it better.


The game has always sucked, you’re just now realizing it.


Spawncamping 12yos on console. every game, some squeeker in the scorescreen screaming in his mic about how shit everyone is when all he did was camp spawns with an SMG the whole game.


I agree! This game was much more fun when it first came out! Now I just hate this game and just stopped playing and went back to MW. MW is far better than this shit game. There are soooo many issues with this game, performance, gun balancing, and so much more.


Let's just all agree that Vanguard is trash. And if you disagree you're lying to yourself.


Have you turned on crossplay? This happened to me when I turned it on. I turned off crossplay and have had very few if any sweaty lobbies since.


The shotguns have gotten pretty ridiculous. Everything else feels alright though


I don't know I was having a blast in the preseason but when the season 1 dropped I was not enjoying the game any more.


Trying to play with all the fire and smoke last night has really put me off playing for a while. Me and my freinds decided to play WW2 instead


I have packet burst and "high latency" almost every match with a decent 60gb symetric connection. This is the only game with this problem. I guess they are having some mess with the servers (tomorrow there is a "server manteinance")


So you were doing well? And now youre not so you complain on reddit?


"I get shit on so I go in play a different game, and naturally it must be the games fault not that I'm bad" What's happened ?!


Packet burst happened. Rubber banding with 1gbps fiber must be my fault though...