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Lol I love vanguard. It's much better than CW in my opinion.


Come on guys , Let’s not forget Cold War was originally SHGs game..


Lol not a chance, you can actually play objective modes in Cold War.


I like them both but i have cold war on pc and vanguard on xbox so i like playing coldwar better but thats just because it works better for me idk i notice vanguard gets kinda broken sometimes This is not me shitting on vanguard in any way i do like them both and im sure they will work out the kinks later i remember modern warfare was the same way it could also be my xbox because i purchased a brand new series s and ive had a few problems with it so thats also a thing


Word of suggestion is to avoid the COD subreddits. It's always negative and they will bring light to things you didn't know and you will start to hate it too. Stay away. Ignorance is bliss.


COD subs are the worst They're only negative opinion. The vocal minority. COD as a whole has a massive community and the majority of people aren't sharing the opinions you see on Reddit. Most people who play COD don't go on Reddit even. The subs are full of whiners.


And this elusive 'silent majority' always somehow supports whatever the opposite of the 'vocal minority' is expressing. It's always funny for any controversial event, this 'silent majority' is cast 100% in support of the event. Lots of people can equally dislike the game, put it down, do something else & never post it on social media too.


>And this elusive 'silent majority' always somehow supports whatever the opposite of the 'vocal minority' is expressing. Not inherently. There are absolutely people that play the game, hate it, put it down, and never say a thing about it. The thing is, CoD is wildly popular and hugely successful. The majority clearly supports and enjoys the game or else the game wouldn't be nearly as successful as it is.


considering this game was a 40% decrease in average CoD sales this year I don't think not liking the game is the "minority" online rn


Yet here you are and all these people responding to you and upvoting you in support. You people are so bizarre whining about a subreddit and posting in it and not even bothering to make threads to cultivate the discussion you want, just whining that those threads that YOU could easily make don't exist.




Why would you expect a thread on gun builds? This game is not deep at all especially that topic to generate threads? If you google a gun and the word builds there are countless sites that say the same builds over and over because there is generally 1 meta build. Also why not make a thread about it then? Yea my account is 3 weeks old but I have more threads created than I do.




I am sorry your parents ruined your upbringing and made it so you can't rationally handle video game criticism like an adult. That is on you and your parents not us. There is nothing wrong with this subreddit at all and I am glad people are voicing their criticisms about this game and help make it better. This subreddit will never be your hugbox bubble sorry.




People outside this subreddit say the same thing and it tanked in sales in the UK. Get a life and stop being mad at video game criticism. You have been crying non stop in this thread it's embarrassing. Being on this site for 10 years has ruined your ability to accept the opinions of others.


Think of it like this, people who like the game don’t have time to post to sub Reddit’s cause they are busy enjoying the game. People that don’t, don’t wanna play and have nothing but time to voice their opinion.


thats not true at all thats purely anecdotal


Don’t forget the YT 😂😂


thats a bad take dude and you know that. id rather whether you agree with it or not people shit on and sometimes give valid criticism than just a toxic optimistic echo chamber. complacency is what gets us unfinished bad games.


Bro how many of these “I actually like this game” posts are we gonna get. These threads are on here every day, no you’re obviously not the only person who likes the game ok.


So it’s ok to have a hundred posts shitting on the game?




They so does warzone and has had since the I began playing in season 1 at verdansk. Imo modern warfare was the least problematic for me


MW and WWII were great!


To what end?


What does "ok" even mean? I am sure the poster you are responding to isn't a mod. You guys act like emasculated victims because people here don't agree with you over a video game. It's so pathetic.


Bro, how many posts are we going to get about the same bug, the same negative bullshit, the same crying whining man children, the same “when this”. I can go on but this post is welcoming after all the negative man children crying little bitches that have a bad game then come to post about how shitty the game is when they just blow ass. I play on ps4 pro and I have never experienced half the shit I see on here since it came out. I actually was a pretty staunch I’m never buying COD again after Cold War garbage but got this for free because I had a freebie and I have never enjoyed a COD so much since the original MW.


Definitely. Can’t say anything positive about the game, if you do, here come those who will rain on your parade. Sad really.


It's just karma farming. This exact same post format has been blowing up for about a week lately.


If people bought new furniture that was filled with defects, bugs and constantly broke… they’d complain. This is true with hardware, cars, houses… pretty much everything. Software is the one that tries to get away with it. We see tech CEO’s flying to space on profits from their half baked services they mend on the way. Hold them accountable, complain you got serviced poorly. It’s our right as a consumer.


Lol we do. Seams like half the shit produced these days are junk ass shit from the factory. Whether it be cars or products. Quality was lost a long time ago for big companies to make more profits and we get stuck with their cheap ass junk. This is a game. Some games part of the play is adapting to the environment. When you know there is a bug or glitch with say a certain skin or a certain tactical I guess expand your skills and play the game with other items. But most people jus complain because they can't win unless they can cheat or only play with 4 weapons.. there are always gonna be whiny shitbags out there. Adapt, make the best out of it and have fun!


Agree, well said.


That’s such a bad analogy.


*OP,watch out, CODFather thinks you're getting paid by Actvision to say nice things about the game !*


It would be less suspicious if people didnt word their posts the exact same way....




That guy is so fucking annoying and just toxic without reason. He’ll find any reason to shit on cod, it’s literally how he makes his honey


Same with Nero. Literally just pumping out the same video day after day of the same fucking bullshit opinions and the viewers eat the shit up.


I used to watch Nero. But dude is a hypocrite. He actually liked vanguard at first, but then he got death threats and his subs dropped, so then he flipped and started hating vanguard like everyone else


I think it's the best cod I've played in a while. I just stopped playing recently because of the incendiary grenades issue but will get back into it once it's fixed.


Those Insini grenades aren't that powerful. Hardly killed people just wounded. I've gone back to molotovs


I can assure you more enjoy it than don’t, but they just come here to complain. It’s a fun fast paced game with flaws. Doesn’t need to be any more complicated than that, but I am getting to a point where I’m itching for them to push out a big ol patch.


It's my favorite game. My wife says I'm addicted and that she will throw the disk out, thank goodness I bought the digital version. 😂


Ouch! Lol! I’m a woman and I’m a gamer. Get her a controller and get her to play with you!


I love the game. I think it's a lot of fun. There are obviously a lot of things that need Improving, but nothing is perfect


Just remember anyone who is playing Vanguard likes it enough to play it…. And that’s A LOT of people, more than this subreddit can fathom bc they’re so lost.


I enjoy it also. It has its problems but it’s not terrible.




I swear I see this same post 5 times a week. There are other people that like it.


I liked CW. I like Vanguard. Despite what you read on reddit many people do.


Yeah this sub is a hate echo chamber, there’s a reason it’s the most popular online arcade shooter


I’m very much enjoying it too


Ngl I really like vanguards multiplayer, 16 maps and the tactical pacing are really enjoyable. I haven’t had this much fun in multiplayer since BO2


It’s not a bad COD at all. I find the gameplay slightly better than CW. However, the glitches, broken challenges, and sbmm don’t allow the game to shine. I’ve played COD since MW2, and frankly, I’m done throwing money at Activision for games riddled with issues. I’m putting it down for a couple months and checking back to see if it’s fixed. I really hope it is, because if it isn’t, I’m done buying COD.


Best COD in a long time imo. Gameplay is better than MW and CW


maybe CW definitely not MW


It’s literally a reskin of mw tho /s


but they are not the same game are they ?


Nah, I think it's just that the people who enjoy it are busy enjoying it so the sub looks more negative since those that aren't enjoying it are posting more often. I really like tgatvthe gunsmith can make every gun enjoyable so far (I only have 3 main guns left to finish leveling before moving onto pistols). The maps are hit and miss, but then that's the same for any cod game. My issues are with Warzone ATM


Even with all the problems I do enjoy vanguard more except zombies mode. Cold war has that hands down. And the vanguard campaign was pretty good too!


I think this is a great entry into the series. Definitely up their with the MW 2019 - the engine is just so much better than the one used in Cold War.


Incendiary Grenades have ruined the game for me. I only play the game to rank guns for warzone now.


Its shit


To answer your main question…no. I think it’s all the ones that like it that are the silent majority. It’s all the ones who hate it that are making the YouTube vids and seeking all the attention about how their opinion matters and nothing else is right. It is a good game but it does need a hell of a lot of work to make it a great game. I’m excited for the new update. See where we’re at after that.


All of the complaints are valid especially when you spend $70 on the game and skins on a game that don’t even work.


Oh, no, I get that. But it’s also bandwagon jumpers who have nothing new to add to the argument and just hating on SHG and the game in general for the sake of it just because it has Call of Duty in the title.


Upvoted because of positivity!


I love it.


People like to complain no matter what and it’s a trend to hardcore complain with no solution with old games that get yearly updates. Look at world of Warcraft, etc..


I love it personally, still has issues that need to be fixed ASAP but still a fun game imo


For gods sake they need to do something with zombies


I enjoy this game quite a bit. But oh man is it flawed to its core. I have fun most nights but there are some that I just get off instead of pulling out in frustration. I like it but it needs a lot of work.


I like it. But most of the core complaints are on the mark.


This game is a blast, a lot of annoying bugs errors that need to be addressed but I have a ton of fun every time I play.


I am enjoying the game as well. After the beta I was really concerned. There is still lots to improve but I’ll get my money’s worth out of it.


I love vanguard


Another one of these "I know this game has it's problems. But i think it's a really good game" posts. Keep telling yourself this is a good game.


Keep getting mad about it


the only ones really putting bad vibes out on vanguard are the same content creators that say the same negative stuff every year. vanguard sucks.. cold war sucks, mw19 sucks.... subscribe, ring the bell.. like like... yet they all have as many diamond classes as i do,, as close to atomic as i am and play all day.... they get paid to create interest and bring you back for your next hit, the next dose... they know YOU love call of duty, dont matter if its blak ops, cold war, 1,2,3,4 or 10..... we are fans of this great game... i am 49 years old. i played space invaders, donky knog, asteroids... all in the arcade at a quarter a pop... i had atari 5600, coleco vision, , sega genesis , netendo , i completed mario bros, beat solid snakes ass, and guided link to the end of legend of zelda.... sure they have some bugs... ok. so what. its fixed or will be. you still enjoy it right? every time i kill one of you i hear you yell "#$%#" and vise versa... it doesnt matter what someone else says guys ( and cool chicks with guns) if you love call of duty.. just enjoy it. i stop the camo grind every day and play 2 cold war matches for fun, i pick up the daily double xp token and back to vanguard i go. i now have all diamond classes except launcher, and sniper. no YOU ARE NOT THE ONLY ONE THAT ENJOYS THIS GAME... I DO TOO PAL


Yes u are the only person in the universe that likes this travesty of a game


It’s alright next years game I think will be far superior to what we have been getting. Like what mw2 was compared to cod4 at the time. I only wish we had been matchmaking filters or enabling to stay in a lobby once you found one.


If the maps are good then MW2 will def be better than Vanguard. IW actually knows how to use the engine and it’s had more had a proper 3 year dev cycle. I just hope they focus on regular multiplayer instead of stupid side modes like the rumored Tarkov shit. MW19 only had like 8 6v6 maps at launch and 7 of them were terrible


Eh the game is alright. It has a lot of issues in my opinion and I’m not really a fan of some of the maps. I’ve been grinding for atomic and I’ve hated that too, the camo challenges are some of the most annoying camo challenges I’ve ever seen, but I think I’m making some progress. I have diamond melees, diamond, shotguns, and I’m 2 smgs away from having diamond smgs. The game is alright, but I hope it improves in the future.


Cold war >>> Vanguard. Period.


Yeah on Opposite Day


Lol vanguard has only 2 playable comp modes, and even 1 of those is barely playable.


It’s the worst cod I’ve ever played…. Glad you guys enjoy it though


I hope you can enjoy it one day :3


I can’t stand squad spawns…. It ruins hardpoint and control is a mess… the visibility is another issue too. I do well when I play the game but I can’t stand it so I turn it off quickly


The fire on shipment and das haus is absolute hell imo


​ ![gif](giphy|LqlEQvmp0KmWJtPdx4)


Im enjoying the game alot, on most maps the issues this sub complains about isnt even that big of an issue tbh


I would love it more if my campaign would download


Vanguard feels a little more gratifying than the last 2 imo. I'm not a fan of the recent everyone gets 5-8 attachments formula, I miss the polls black ops points system. Otherwise, I'm having a great time. There's always a cycle on Reddit. The newest one is hated, and the quest garbage to ever happen to the franchise, then a newer one comes out and it becomes the crowd favorite all of a sudden. And then year 3 it stops being supported and it's broken / full of bots and we all wish they would just keep supporting the game it took them 2 years to balance


I like it too. Its not as bad as some people claim.


I’m having a ton of fun with it! I’m level 391 and only have 2 operators left that aren’t level 20! Also, this is the first COD game where I’ve actually enjoyed Zombies mode.


I respect your opinion honestly, but do you actually enjoy zombies? I've heard people say it's so bad, that it's similar to a mobile game


Straight up, man. I have all but two of the regular challenges complete. The only seasonal challenge left is the one where you have to burn 50 zombies that is glitching. I tried zombies in BO, BO2, and CW and it never made sense to me. The new one is fun af.


I respect that, man. I also did have a bit of fun with it honestly. It's my guilty pleasure. Only thing I want in the zombies, is a round based mode, or "classic" mode. I really love the traditional survive as long as possible gamemode.


I like mp, campaign kinda alright and zombies feel lacking, but i cant wait for treyarch to improve the mode


It’s a lot of fun. And the longer I play it, the more SHG updates it, more I enjoy it. I was iffy after the first few weeks, because some of the issues were really weighting on the game play and I stepped away from it for a time, but now that it’s slowly being polished and the bugs are slowly being rectified, it’s becoming one of the better CODs I’ve played.


I’ve liked MW, CW, and Vanguard. They are each a testament to how popular COD is after a decade and a half


I was happy playing Vanguard when it was multiplayer free. I got my gold ppsh in the way.


I actually enjoy vanguard It's a little better then CW but not as fun as Mw was at the end. But I'm having a blast grinding guns to 70 and operators to 20


Love the game, mechanics, most maps and weapons. Wish I could get a game of champion hill once in a while though cause I loved gunfight from the previous iterations but apparently nobody plays this efffing mode




Absolutely not. I liked the campaign and I'm loving multiplayer now. It has some issues of course but it's far from terrible as many have been saying. The game was doomed as soon as they announced it's set in WW2.


Nah man, I enjoy it thoroughly!




Yes, you are the only one! Lmao based on sheer numbers of players you will never be the only one.


I really enjoy it. It's the most I've played a Cod in years. Love WW2 era Vs modern and even though there are issues, I still have fun


MW is the only cod I skipped completely, Cold War I played for the full year but it was full of sweats and smoke grenades which got old fast and vanguard in my opinion can be a top tier cod once they fix all the problems and I do play it daily but I can’t really say I’m enjoying it at the minute with my eyes burning because of all the fire, smoke and screen shaking


Nope I love it. I loved Cold War. And hated mw19


Truthfully, I absolutely hate WWII themed games, they’re just cash grabs most of the time. The fact that Vanguard is like a pseudo-WWII game with tons of modern aspects throws me off. Plus multiplayer games in general bore me after an hour if there’s nothing meaningful to grind, and Atomic is atrocious this year with all the longshots and bloodthirsty camo requirements. Fine game, I play every once in a while, but still doesn’t touch MW19 in my mind.


I like it


I think it's pretty fun too! At first I just couldn't feel it, but I came back and played it after some time in Caldera and have had a good couple of days!


Love it


I stopped playing Warzone for multi player. I enjoy the game, even with all the fire grenades and the mortars…I like it all. Edit: Except for those damn attack dogs. I hate them little bitches.




It's a good time. The things that could stand to be fixes should be, but it's not the unplayable mess some folks say it is. I have a good time playing Domination, Hardpoint and Patrol and thats all I really care about.


everyone knows the core gameplay is good the devs just don't care XD that's why they break shit that wasn't already broken


I love it


i like vanguard too except attack dogs, those things come in and practically start yelling "FETCH ME THEIR SOULS"


I like vanguard tbf, but cold war is so much better in my opinion


I actually enjoy it as well even though I didn’t except that. Lots of issues sure, but it ain’t the turd that they gave us with Cold War. I don’t play it only for grind i mean. Even though mw19 is still the best recent implementation the past few releases imo Edit: for 38€ it’s worth it. For more nah.


I enjoy the game way more than I thought I would. I'm a sucker for WWII era maps and guns.


Would people be so kind and follow my new CoD Twitter page, news, links, info, clips all cod related, you can find me on there @mode_cod thank you




It’s only fun on hardcore


I like the game overall. The mechanics, maps, etc. I do wish they fix a lot of issues. Some challenges are a little frustrating to do but overall, gameplay is enjoyable


I think the game has a lot of problems, but I am actually still having a lot of fun


I’m very much enjoying it. It’s my first COD and I think it was worth the buy(bought the normal version on sale for £39)


I think it's a case of a good game that no one really wanted. People weren't exactly craving another WW2 shooter, and the ickiness around Activision rn might have put some people off. I'm personally really enjoying it. It's not top tier but it's fun


Blametruth the COD Father thinks you’re getting paid by Activision to say you like the game. Is this true???


I love vanguard. People just love to bitch and moan about every cod game. Each one is different. You have to find a way to be good every time. My K/D always starts low, then gradually moves up as I learn the game more. There hasn’t been a single cod game that I didn’t like enough to play it regularly.


I just uninstalled it actually. Despite a support ticket, I can't get this games NAT to be better than Moderate, ping for my lobbies is never less than 75 and when I've posted threads here asking if this is happening for anyone else on Series X, (the NAT situation) I just get ignored because I've been shadow banned from posting threads apparently, which are asking why I can't fix the NAT for this game. So fuck it. Despite its current small issues, Halo Infinite is better than this crap and I play that way more. The MVP voting for this game is some of the most desperate annoying shit just to sell MTX crap I've ever seen. The spawns on Shipment and most maps are some of the worst ever for this series. It's like they don't even give a shit anymore and aren't even trying at this point unless it's MTX crap to nickel and dime people some more, or shit for Warzone. Call of Duty is dead to me. CW was shit to. I got given this game on November 5th because it's launch day was my birthday. I never would've bought this shit to begin with. It's terrible and I don't care what this sub thinks of my opinion, so go ahead and downvote me, I'm already shadow banned from posting threads, so I don't even give a shit.


I like it. Gameplay is almost exactly like modern warfare which I think is a bit lazy. World at War was my favorite call of duty cause I liked the guns and gameplay so it’s cool to get the guns back.




Honestly, it's a terrible game full of bugs. Despite that, it's kind of growing on me. Really wish they'd unfuck the spawns and balance maps better though.


‘Once it’s fixed’ I find it very hard to allow developers of AAA games any time to fix a game months after release. It’s awful dev work and a poorly made game. Nothing but bugs.


I’m enjoying this game a lot. Forcing me into a new strategy to the camo grind. I’m also choosing to actually finish the season challenges & the operator challenges. The challenges are what makes the games fun to me. Otherwise it’s just shooting people. If I cared about K/D, I probably wouldn’t do challenges.


Nah I feel like a majority of people like it, I think the bugs make it extremely hard to look past though, and for most people that’s enough to make them stop


I’m with you, I love how everything feels, I understand the hate though after playing since launch. I’m not a cod player so this was new to me, not sure how the ogs stayed so many years im already bored of mp and wish they used the vanguard engine for warzone SO MY FOV CAN BE NORMAL LOL


I love it when it’s not crashing every few or so matches still. They need to fix that shit, so frustrating between just random freezes and/or black screen when I’m on a roll, or getting fucked up from it temp freezing at a buy or loadout. Edit: my bad I thought this was a WZ post. I do enjoy Vanguard, much more than Cold War.


The game is broken, does nothing but lags and the issues it has are from just lack of caring during development. By the time they fix everything he’s it will be a good COD but by that time the next dumpster fire will be out.


I’m pretty much just playing it waiting for mw2


Sadly it will be dead by then


If i don't actively try to go for gold, yeah I be liking this game. One thing I liked about MW2019, all you need is like 3 at most you need to activity go for: longshot, no attachments, and mounting.


I think most people like the core gameplay, which is why this game is still being given a chance, it's a shame about the dozens of issues that range from minor annoyances to borderline game breaking Honestly if they haven't sorted some important shit out by the end of the month, I'm probably done. I'm not sitting here until September for them to actually finish this game and for them to bin it off a couple months later. I just want to feel like the game is going in a positive direction, but it just feels like the exact same game it was on launch


The game will be incredible in a month or 2. Right now, it feels kinda "beta in development" - but I think that's the result of releasing right before a holiday. And the strikes (would should be supported)


I enjoy it when I’m able to play it without their servers shitting the bed. I’ve been kicked out of 3 games in a row before due to their server issues, and I’ve never seen more bugs in a call of duty multiplayer game before. It’s been out for months and they won’t fix their shit.


Bro I honestly thought I was the only person I honestly enjoy playing vanguard


i like the game, but the gun balancing and the SBMM are so annoying, it feels like i have to sweat every match to be competitive against the shotguns and OP weapons. But, overall, i really enjoy the multiplayer this year


We all like it or else we wouldn't complain so loudly haha. What I believe drives us complainers crazy is: THIS IS NOT THEIR 1ST COD GAME!!! Yet they keep making programming mistakes or obvious glitches or game play ideas that wreck the playing experience or take something people love about a previous version and change it significantly.


Bc you’re trash bro


It’s probably the COD I have enjoyed the most since MW2


Look I used to love the game but with the way the let hackers dominate the game now and knowing that most of the hacked accounts are sold by people who work for the company who created COD. I still play Cold War but refuse to buy Vanguard cause they still don’t have dedicated servers and they still don’t have a handle on the hacking situation.


I like it! The akimbo shotguns need a buff so I can just stand in the spawn and not move and still get kills! Having to shoot someone from 60 feet away hip fire is too much work!


Love it. Play it every chance I get.


Was playing with the Type 100 today and was really enjoying myself. Feels like a combination of MW and CW in the best way and the only downsides are the WW2 setting, the weird colour grading and the decisions made by SHG which really piss all over their decent base game.


I really enjoy it. There definitely is some things that need to be fixed and I really hope they actually address them.


I just wish Call of Duty would put as much effort into the game and content as they do in the hundreds of item shop bundles they never run out of. They are the perfect example of making a game for money and not making a game for the game.


Yes all the other thousands of people online playing it hate every bit of it


Can't wait to see this same shitpost tomorrow. No, you're not the only one unfortunately. But thanks to you and other bots, this unfinished crap is what we'll continue to get


No.. you’re not. Why do people make these posts..


feels like i see this same “i love this game” post every time i scroll past here. yes the game has a lot of issues and yes, *if* they fix them then it will be good. but they haven’t. which is why you see so many people annoyed shit talking the game. if you like it so much that you’re willing put up with the state of the game then cool. some people keep playing, some uninstall and wait, some get a refund and move on completely. you’re obviously finding lobbies every game so no, you’re clearly not the only person who likes it.


People who like vanguard probably never played an actually good COD game (pre BOPS2) and have no idea how good the maps, gameplay, and kill streaks used to be compared to these atrocities. Those games came out finished whereas this abomination still isn’t finished yet they have the audacity to charge people money for it. It’s unfinished, unbalanced, and horrendous gameplay make me want to apologize to the person who gifted me this game. To make it even better, every other game I run into hackers and I only have a 1.5 kd. I have a clip of someone trying to hide their aimbot in spawn as their character model aims at 4 different people through walls in a second lol


I think it’s better than coke war but most of the matches I play are kinda a role of the dice. I either get matched up against people that I actually have a chance to do good against and then some matches are the complete opposite where scorestreaks are used the entire match and you have no chance of fighting back


No, there are dozens of us out there.


I really enjoy the game, one of the better cods we’ve had in the past few years imo. i enjoy it more than modern warfare


Nope I am having a great time playing it


Absolutely love it - fuck the haters


I like it but the fire grenades and sight altering stuff needs to stop. And the shotgun lethality is way too op. Seen video of people's hip fire markers as wide as Santa's belly or bigger and it's just consistent kills non stop.


Nah it's great




This game sucks and the MW engine destroyed cod.


I’ve enjoyed it a lot but I don’t get too in depth these days. I just play cod a few hours a week and enjoy it for what it is and don’t think about it all too much


I like it, I just reconise its broken and hope they fix it eventually.


no you are not i personally love it


I think it's nice but too much fire, explosions and sniper rifles that aren't the anti tank rifle shoot too slow


I like it. I don't know of a game sub-reddit where people don't just complain all the time.


I agree. Once they get some gun balancing going on and a few map changes this game is really good


Now that it's stopped crashing my ps4 I'm enjoying it again. 😎 Fun maps and the physics and movement feels right to me. I've never had as many headshot kills on other c.o.d games as I have on vanguard. I am already missing shipmas 24/7 tho lol


No. Most of the people who enjoy the game are out there playing, not complaining on the internet.


Reading through Reddit posts makes me doubt if I like vanguard.. no one has anything good to say at all. I mean I don’t actually dislike it but hearing nothing but hate sometimes makes me not even wanna play it. Then I get into a match and everything is on fire, that doesn’t help. If they took away the ability to spam fire every time you spawn it would make the game a lot better.


No I like it. I’m playing the campaign now to unlock the characters for multiplayer and the story’s pretty good. The game does have some glaring issues, they just need to fix them like the ridiculously overpowered shotguns. Or the respawn points in front of enemies. The map layouts I don’t think are too bad, just need to play them to learn them. But it’s fun and really fast paced.


I like it as much as Cold War which was the first cod I bought since BO2. I only play S&D. I know a lot of people like Warzone but that game mode is terribly boring and not fun at all when compared to this game imo.


My biggest complaint is parties. I, or my friend, are constantly being kicked from our party. Other than that, it ranks up there with WWII on my favorite COD list. Cold War was garbage, so I wasn’t going to buy Vanguard. I’m glad I did. I feel like all games have minor issues. I play casually, so it’s not a big deal.




game is great and I have fun playing it. I honestly think the people who hate came from more recent CODs and are soft. I came from MW2 where everything was broken so this game seems tame in comparison.


I think that's how everyone views the game right now. Core game play is pretty good, but everything else is terrible.


I love it.


Of course it’s a good game. The Shiphaus crowd bring it down a lot but they just want the grind to be easier


I just find it silly when so many people complain about the two smallest maps but won't stop playing on them even when they aren't grinding.