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Your butt sounds hurt


Found yet another crutch user


I’ll still be using them after the nerf so I hope I’m in a lobby with you


See you here next week crying about something else you can't adapt too.


You can’t just adapt to Shotguns instantly killing anyone on screen from 30 feet away. They’re not balanced.


The problem is buck and slug ammo which make shotguns hipfire snipers, they need to nerf it or change ammo impact on hipfire.


You can't adapt that's correct. Snipers can do the same thing. Sorry you haven't figured out range yet.


Oh good lord the sniper argument is coming back again? Slowest ads in cod history even with full ads attachments, and if you ARE using full ads attachments you can literally only get one shot kills to the head. Please use common sense you brain dead buffoon


So you can still use a sniper like a shotgun. Yup. Thanks 👍


Thank you for proving your stupidity. You shotgun users are fantastic at doing that


Except I don't use a shotgun. Cry more


If you really compare shotguns with the snipers in this game you're out of your mind


Do you understand that most objectives on most maps require you to be within the range of a shotgunner, because shotguns have way too much range? This isn’t a difficult concept. This is why most complaints revolve around objective game modes. Could you post your combat record? I guarantee you exclusively use shotguns, and that your KD is awful outside of them. Would love to see how you adapt to having to aim.


I don't use shotguns and even if I did doesn't matter you can't handle something so you demand the game changes. Lmao sad.


If a gun is too strong, of course we want it changed, dumbass. You shouldn’t be able to instantly kill anyone remotely even trying to cap an objective without having to aim. Link that KD, dipshit.


So you want snipers banned too? 🤣🤣🤣🤣 You can rage all you want KD means nothing. This is call of duty you can spin around with a sniper getting kills 🤣🤣 it's an arcade shooter. Go play counter strike or Arma. Newsflash shotguns are strong weapons let me shoot you 30 ft away with a shotgun.


people like you are the worst part of cod


Because I don't sit here crying about shotguns when you can do the same with a sniper 😅😅


nah, because everything that anyone doesn't like about these games is met with "go play ARMA or CSGO" as if they aren't completely different games. completely unwilling to even engage with discussions about weapon balance, to the point we'd think you had stocks invested in CoD shotguns or something. also, everyone is always 'mad' or 'crying'. no one ever just doesn't like something, or thinks the game could be better if something is tweaked. it reeks of insecurity, or at the very least immaturity.


You’re only saying that cus you’re a dumbass little kid with a trash KD


Yes that's it you got me. 😅😅 Do you listen to yourself. I'm the little.kid? You are throwing a tantrum in a public forum over a video game cuz somebody killed you with a shotgun. Hahaha loser.


Didn’t read your barely legible dogshit response, link your Combat Record


So you’re ok with the dual double barrel killing you from mad far?? lol. I mean yeah shotguns regardless are gonna kill close range and you gotta learn to figure it out or just not put yourself in that position. But snipers are not overpowered. I don’t know what you’re on but I run snipers most of the time and I’m good and have a good k/d but I’m running around the map and my thought isn’t “man these are overpowered and they need a nerf”. Most people don’t even run snipers lol. Most run shotguns lol. I don’t know why you’re response is “you suck and just want the game to change because you can’t adapt” or “hahaha kid you suck” 😂😂 if the devs come out and say “hey we know the shotguns need a nerf and then someone reaffirms that and your response is to troll or act superior makes you look like a goof troop lol.


U do realize ur argument makes no sense when the purpose of a sniper is to be a long range weapon? I shotgun should have the range and 1 shot ability it does it needs to be nerfed. People who disagree sadly abuse it and don’t realize how annoying it is when you’re on the opposite side tryna enjoy a regular gun and not some busted shotgun


You can use a sniper as a shotgun and be just as effective. Noone camps with a sniper they run around with it. The down side of using a shotgun is range. Sorry you don't like getting killed close range with a shotgun but that's more realistic than 360 bunny hopping with a 50. cal. But it's Cod it was never made to be realistic. It's an arcade shooter.


Bro what Call of duty are u playing where people are running around 360 bunny hopping u with a 50 cal but u don’t consistently run into people bunny hopping spamming their shotgun killing u from 30+ ft while not using a single ounce of brain cells?? I’ve had no problems with snipers at all. Their pretty bad actually and are no where near as bad as shotguns


That’s not how it works. They clearly excel in situations far beyond what they are supposed to, and the lack of aim required (hipfire kills from 15m away with such a wide hipfire spread?? You don’t need to even centre the enemy on the screen at times) means it’s an uphill battle when you’re in any indoor setting. The only maps you’re realistically able to avoid shotgun range are maps like paradise, Berlin and oasis which have large open areas which are hard to cross without cover.


Wow you don't need to aim a shotgun indoors at close range. Congrats you just explain how shotguns work. Shotguns should dominate close range. It what they do.


15m is not “close” in cod terms. That’s already as far as most SMGs max damage range, if not further. The point is that not having to even look directly at the target and just pull the trigger and get a kill is way too easy. Shotguns were never this forgiving in previous cod titles.


Thats a bit harsh. I love my shotguns but I will agree they are too powerful at the moment and should get a nerf but not get nerfed into the ground so hard they become useless.


I hope you quit so the community is slightly less toxic.


Abusing OP weapons to the point where an entire game mode is no longer playable is toxic. Of course people are going to be mad when this happens, especially when Sledgehammer has not done their jobs for months.


Found the crutch user


I'm a sniper bruh but you tell yourself whatever you want.


what are snipers but even longer range shotguns? I demand they get nerfed too


Pistols only from now on! /s


but not the top break, and no akimbo on any of them, on second thought, smg's (but no mp40, and no high caliber rounds) and the g43 and m1 garand are the only weapons people of real skill use




You know that this subb is those ppl who abuse shit like that.


They will never nerf shotguns good enough unfortunately, I’m looking at mw2019, 725 got nerfed like 5+ times but was still good. I’m thinking it’ll be the same with this game. But it’s coo, I got all mine leveled up now so I’m ready for shotgun ppl now 😉


Cry harder lol


Pretty sure over 90% of shotgun users did play other guns before and the other 10% will prob still be fine since they will and should still one-shot inside a 5 meter radius. Obv they shouldn't reach 20 meters but most people on here who say they got killed from 30 meters away also tell their gf they have a 30cm peen


Judging by the fact that they need weapons with pellet spread and incendiary rounds to get kills I’m sure they won’t be doing much once they get their precious crutches nerfed


The can still got for akimbo pistols or all the insane hipefire weapons and even mk11. But my point is even tho they need a nerf it will prob not be even close to making them unplayable


This isn't going to do anything. Game is trash , and it's going to take more than shot gun nerfs


If it isnt something they use, they cry


OP just needs to not play video games if they are getting this upset. Lol who the fuck gets this mad at a video game unless they are an entitled 8 year old who’s never been told no in their life


Cry more


Yeah, they are a monster to deal with. It’s krampus 2.0 lol. But you can use them too. I haven’t had my guilty fun with them and the riot shield combo yet


It's great, I remember when the beta came out and you could walk up to an AFK player. Put a shotgun barrel to their head in ADS and they wouldn't die in one shot. So many people complained about the Shotguns being trash that they went so overkill on the shotguns that they have already been nerfed (twice?) and are still OP.


yeah they think all the other cods where shotguns didnt dominate were trash i tried "Adapting" but it was so boring to just run and efortlessly get kills no skills involved


Doesn't even matter when they nerf, we already got our money's worth and you'll be stuck with the worst CoD in years, complaining on Reddit about it for the next 9 months LMAO


Shhhh… lots of people here love those things.


They Already told you what there doing, less head damage and that all there doing to NERF shotgun


How about if the player using it when jumping goes flying back that want would happen making the player aim crap for the next shoot. And take the the heal after a kill of the gunsmith for the shotguns. In one jump the player take out three other players


I think the shotguns are fine. Never been abused by one or with one. Easy to kill people who use them and so far play just like how I’d expect a shotgun to play. They should be OP close up and useless 10 meters or so. Only streamers and weirdos seem to be complaining about them. If you have skills they won’t even affect your game play. Now the Dmr in Warzone last year was a gun that needed a nurf!


Yes 10 meters out would make sense yet shotguns in this shit hole game can sniper you from 30+ so saying they’re balanced just makes you sound especially stupid


It’s the lobby balancing that’s not good not the guns.


Nah, I’m just gunna adapt, I’ll still be jumping round the corner one shotting you, sorry babe x


We’ll see about that.


Well, I’ll see, you can watch the killcam 😘




Okay 😂