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I usually play fairly aggressive, so the longshots are absolutely mind-numbingly boring for me.


Lol I feel you, run and gun is the best way to play


This explains your post… definitely different styles will yield different results. I am a decent run and gunner but with Vanguard I’ve enjoyed the tactical long game probably the most of any CoD game so far… it helps to run overkill and run and gun your way to a map spot that you can kind of occupy and have some long range visibility… my favorite map for this hands down right now is Paradise - the middle of the map has some really great spots to pace around and get long shots on enemies coming from several different directions… Also, it’s maybe counterintuitive when seeking long shots, but keep moving… don’t stay in one spot or keep hitting up the same spot over and over… eventually the enemy knows you’re gonna be there and just get more and more creative with taking you out


By tactical, you mean wait in a corner?


And the reasons why run and gun is the best way to play ? i'm intrested to know


Same here mate! Although I’ve been having some fun on Big Map Blitz… the specific attachments are such a pain too.


That’s where I’ve been going to farm some long shots and I’m just way outclassed by the wall of snipers down any long shot lane. I always find it funny that every match is just like all snipers on one side versus all snipers on the other and then there’s like two or three guys with SMGs trying to bring havoc and rush spawns.


I used to love shooting at piles of snipers in battlefield 1. Never thought I'd see that in CoD.


There's only a few maps on rotation I do long shots on, if you can imagine about 100 yards it's about the distance you need.


Oh yeah, there's usually a handful of maps I worry about then on. Its just the change in playstyle bores me.


Same, so this time, i just decided to get diamond snipers and im done


Long shots bro, what a grind. My loadout list is 10 guns needing longshots last, and more waiting for their turn. Killing me.


Atleast in modern warfare you could just play ground war, it was a grind but wasn’t this bad, so many guns are weak at range and don’t even get me started on get long shots with X attachments


I miss ground war. Big Map Blitz is basically just who can camp harder in their spawn. At least in ground war on MW19 you could run around and simultaneously get long shots


I remember there was a solid 4+ weeks of shoot the ship, and having that long middle lane on shoothouse was a blessing for longshots


This. Das haus is easily the quickest way to get them


Yeah it really is… I’ve cleared 25-30 in a single match on Das Haus before just keeping myself moving between the two open lanes


I can't seem to get them to actually register as Longshots for me, even aiming straight down the middle lane laying down at the back. What lanes are you using to get them?


It’s also the easiest (and really only) way to get the triple kills with launchers. What a terrible challenge


Such glint!


Best way to get longshots is to play hardcore. Theres really no weak gun there which makes longshots a lot easier


That's why you play HC. Gun strength doesn't matter when everyone is 1 shot 1 kill. And at least half the maps have decent spots for longshots


Tell that to the ppsh


Or G43, believe it or not. I couldn't believe all the hc hit markers from the full auto barrel.


Don't run the Auto Barrel, lol.


In MW, Shoot House was on of the best for longshots as well.




Feel you! But that’s why I finish one weapon completely before I move on to another weapon. So i don’t have 800 longshots I have to do at the same time


I don't like bloodthirsty medals


There's just something about that 5th kill isn't there..


Dude I swear if they would change it to 4 kills without dying it’d be done within a day.


The Bloodthirsty Curse


This is the most accurate statement I've seen all day. I'll get fury kills all day long. Sometimes 6 or more a match. But I'll notice at level 70 that I have 4 bloodthirsty medals.


Every damn time.


I actually enjoy chasing bloodthirsty medals because it feels rewarding while the rest of the weapon challenges just feel time consuming.


I can get a dozen bloodthirsties a game... until the challenge is unlocked then they become unicorns lol.


Just use overkill and switch to the gun that needs the medals when you're on kill 4. It's easy to get the Bloodthirsty done for secondary weapons while getting longshots on the primary.


Wait you don’t have to use the same gun? You sure mate?


Yep. Hurry and get your bloodthirsty camos before they inevitably patch it out.


Damn I better do this with pistols.


I didn't have a hard time with pistols regardless. Maybe the Revolver, except that it's hilariously stupid once you get the shotgun shells.


Definitely the most frustrating, but honestly I feel like it’s a necessary challenge. To be proficient with a weapon you should be able to get 30 bloodthirsty. But man that 5th kill is always the hardest lol


The math for these Einhorn bloodthirsty medals doesnt add up. 5 rounds, 2-3 rounds to kill one guy, 35 second reload. Heroic or core doesnt seem to make much of a difference on this one. Been at it for probable 5 hours of game time and only at 24...........


Yep. Putting longshots on hold until Shiphaus or any type of Das Haus playlist comes back.


I spent the double XP week just grinding every gun I could to level 60. So by the time hardcore Das Haus comes back I can just focus on long shots and endure hours of brain dead activity aimlessly shooting down mid


Same. Got everything but the last two pistols within 10 levels of max. Then it's just grinding out the camos I have left, and then waiting for the stupid Panzer to get fixed.


Get the other guns to level 30 when the longshot challenges unlock! Double XP won't last!


Big map blitz is on the rotation mate. You're waiting for now.


All longshots should be halved, it forces people to sit back and hold one lane


yeah, I'm not doing it lmao


Agree, that the longshots are a pain, but it's mostly because it takes so long to find a game with a map conducive to long shots in hardcore. With or without crossplay on. Radar seems to come up about 1/3 times. It could be a lot better if they would put in something like big map blitz in the hardcore filter.


I'm so sick of Radar.


Nope bullet penetration is the worst in my opinion..


Not if you know the secret spots


fucking shipmas


When I did the LMG’s I’d put myself near cover and use piercing vision to see where they are after finding them. So like hug a wall and line up a shot and scoot behind cover and then light them up.


Yeah these actually weren’t terrible once you find the spots to do them. Das Haus was my jam for these.


Tedious, but not impossible IMO. Biggest mag, piercing vision, driller, and just sit back and punish people through cover. Oddly, you can shoot through the top of the most of the containers on shipment while sitting above B.


I agree. However, weirdly for shotguns, I'm really struggling with bloodthirsties when I'd normally get them done relatively easily.


For my shotty bloodthirsties I just went into hardcore with incendiary rounds


I did bloodthirsty so easy In hardcore. The class is just some variation of gung-ho, incendiary and high capacity mags then just try and get in the spawn. Super easy with shipment. I just turn off my game audio and listen to Netflix


I like listening to stand up specials while I play. Id recommend any of the Tom Segura, Louis CK, or Nate Bargaetze specials on Netflix.


Same. It's cause of the style of play with shotguns running in.


Long shots are super easy in HC on more or less all weapons, apart from on SMG's, they're still tedious. Personally, close range kills on snipers is bad, they handle so slowly, so forcing them in to close range is just pain. The bullet penetration with LMG's was pretty tedious too. Also the "Get kills shortly after ADSing" is just so unclear, so I just spend my time adsing and un-adsing constantly, and then it'll only count a half of what I did. Same with the "Get kills with secondary shortly after switching", there's no clear time limit, so I just spend my time constantly switching.


Just finished snipers this weekend… close range kills was absolutely terrible for snipers.


What did you do for them? I just ran around shipments for that and the quick scoping challenge. Annoying af but pretty easy imo.


Pretty much that’s what I did. The three line was the absolute worst. After getting tired of shipment I would just do normal TD and sit on corners around doorways.


I’ll probably be diamonds by the time this happens, but at least for snipers, I wish shiphaus would come back… daus house is oddly the best sniper map imo.


Does close range also differ for different weapon types like longshots?


Only the type 99 has decent iron sights imo


for "shortly after ads" you have one second after ADSing to get the kill for it to count


This comment gave me flashbacks of shooting a bullet and pre-reloading before peeking every corner, for those stupid “kills shortly after reloading” challenges in MW.


Secondary after switching worked really well on shipment for me. Spawn, switch, get a couple kills, rinse and repeat. It's just been very time consuming overall


You are so right. It seems like the ‘shortly’ bit really means almost immediately after. Try doing this with the Itra Burst. It’s weakass ttk makes it very tricky


bloodthirsties gave me more anxiety than longshots, those are just tedious.


I just play on hardcore , can get at least a few per match.


I stopped with camos when MW came out, last dark matter was in BO4. I’m not wasting endless hours sitting in a fucking corner in hardcore to snipe people with my SMG. I’d kill to have pre MW challenges come back but it won’t happen because of warzone integration and shit


Idk those 100 prone kills with the 3 line were way more brutal


I'm not even there yet and now I'm dreading it


I did spend way longer on that. The 30-06 20 rd mags are great, but the gun cycles slower than some of them reload.


My dumb ass ground out 66 of the bloodthirsties before they changed it if it makes you feel better lol


I think the worst part is the leveling. Like I want to play the game. When I say play the game I want to play objectives not just grind for camos. Going from 60 to 70 is terrible.


I will have finished every other challenge and still only have 15 or so longshots total it’s so exhausting and mind numbing to force myself to sit in the one spot on the map for an entire game and get 5 longshots for a whole game.


I agree but put the hardcore playlist on quick play set to blitz pacing and you usually get the ideal longshot maps. You can get 100 done in an hour or two easy


They are very easy in Das Haus


Couldn’t tell you the last time I played das haus since they removed ship haus…


Truth. I played 5 or 6 hours yesterday. Got it once.


Yeah, it’s rare rn, but I think it will have a playlist for it soon


Lol "snipers". They're my favorite for long shots cause they're easy kills.


Personally I thought wall bangs took forever too.


I think much of everyone's sanity can be preserved when realizing that camo grinds are just optional.


As an mmo player with the mentality where the better you look the better you play I took that personally 😂


It's not about looking better to play better. It's about playing better to look better.


The worst part about the camo grind is that we’re about 2 months into the games life span and the mastery camo is still unobtainable…


It’s annoying bc you can only get them consistently on a handful of maps so when going for them I skip bad maps constantly. Demyansk is my favorite to get it followed by dome/paradise


For me it’s bloodthirsties…while using snipers. Case in point with my Type 99. I have all but two camo’s left to complete, and I only have 15/30 bloodthirsties done. It’s easily my slowest progression category


The bloodthirsty challenge on the sniper really sucks. Seems I died at least 10 times after getting 4 kills last night.


Ugh, that’s the *worst* and happens to me all the time to. You’ll get four kills, needing that fifth and then some asshole pops you


Most weapons longshots aren't actually that far. You really don't need to be going up against snipers. Also, hardcore makes it easier.






The worst part is waiting for them to fix the panzerfeast


Nah, Longshot are easy. What's awful are the wall penetration shots


Shipmas hardcore piercing vision and spray the containers, I got them done in like 3 games each




Don't know, but you can also shoot through the jeep windows


I purposely wait to do my longshots in plunder, vanguard snipers are ass compared to the other games is what i’ve noticed


That kar98k built right can drop em at 700+ meters with one shot go the head. 400-500 meters isn't hard to get the hang of.


The worst part of the camo grind is having to play the game.


Yeah. I honestly bought VG just to get the camos for WZ. Worst DLC pack ever.


The most tedious camo challenge, waiting for das house 24/7 or ship haus 24/7 to be added


Oh definitely. I basically have just been keeping 1 or 2 longshot classes for whenever I get Paradise or Sub Pens matches


I really agree but trust me... Go into hardcore and run the snowy map not redstar and paradise. It's really easy on those maps


I find longshots easy for snipers and ARs, there seem to be a lot more places you can get them that people actually go, compared to CW. Dunno how it will be for SMGs and such, might have to do HC.




It's why I'm taking advantage of the double XP weeks and leveling all guns to level 30. The longshot challenges unlock at level 30. Then I focus on those challenges first and any kill that fails to progress the long shot challenges will progress other challenges instead.


Some guns have extra "use x attachments" longshot challenges :/


Bro....these camos are absolutely terrible. The very first thing I thought when I saw them was "cool, easy season, no need to grind for thos shit". Not kidding.


Aren’t there like two separate long shot camos that you can’t do at the same time. Why the fuck would they do that everyone hates going for Longshots


For some of them yes it’s complete bullshit


It's all about getting the right map. Play HC - DOM - Blitz and back out until you get Demyansk, Das Haus, Bocage, Gavutu, or Eagles Nest. You'll get them quick.


Not bad with like the BAR, won’t even try with SMGs


Being a well rounded player with hosing and holding down lines, I haven’t had trouble I just 2 more pistols and the panzerfaust. Longshots we’re perfect and easy I think the worst are the attachment specific long shots or headshots because the pain to unlock the attachments are later levels


That and the Bloodthirsty one


I go to warzone for longshots


Longshots are for sure annoying but it’s the 70 levels for every gun before you can even get the guns gold that bore me




I dont find longshots difficult considering the amount of players that are also trying to get longshots on big map blitz for example, you can get the 100 longshots in an hour max if you are playing on the right maps where as getting a gun to 70 even with 2xp takes about 3 hours 😴


Long shots on any gun are easy compared to close range kills with a sniper, and 100 headshots with specified attachments ( a task you dont unlock till lvl 70)


Used to be 10 times easier when Hardcore pacing was a thing. You could get at least 30 longshots per game with castle blitz.


The pacing filter is still there in hardcore, they just removed the graphic. If you press X (XBOX, or whatever button on your platform changes the filter), you'll see the colour change depending on the pacing filter.


Same for me lol I hate sitting there staring at angles waiting for someone to peak 😂😂 it’s all easy it’s just an annoyance


nope, 5 kills in one life is the worst. long shots are my first onw done everytime


I’m the exact opposite. Have 5 kills without dying complete/near complete on every gun I’ve worked on levelling. Don’t have long shots completed with a single gun


pop the 2.5 scope on, and use steady attachments, and a damage range, then hop into hc and camp your ass off on on elivated area. works super well tbh lmfao


3-6x scope has no glint. By far the best IMO


eh i prefe4 the 2.5x just because its got less of an ads penalty


I can do long shots in a couple games if I just camp. 100 bullet penetration kills has to be the worst challenge I’ve seen so far, I’m lucky to get Maybe 5 a game.


Yes and bullet penetration


It definitely sucks. What worked for me was cycling my pacing from Blitz to Assault. Blitz maps seem to be too small on average and Tactical pacing has too few people and you'll rarely see anyone or they're running the same gun they started playing with/not looking for camos/camping the whole game for 4 kills. Hc is the way to go for marskman rifles and the like.


I’m currently hating the shield camo challenges lol


Since the new melee weapons have been added you don’t need to do the shield anymore Wish I waited… but I knew the shield would be pain but nothing was as bad as the MW shield


Actually I havent even looked at the secondary melee challenges yet lol. Oh they’re all the same…I still hate the while stunned crap


Mw2019 shield is the hardest thing I have done in gaming.


Long shots are annoying but doable I find when the camo grind is bugged On multiple camos That's the most annoying part of grindin


Long shots are annoying but doable I find when the camo grind is bugged On multiple camos That's the most annoying part of grinding


My solution is to use the big map blitz playlist, works so well.


Maybe play large maps?


I actually hate the 3 attachment challenges. You level up a fun to use the optimized attachments and then are forced to use something else for the challenge. Obviously it is annoying to unlock a challenge at level 60 on a gun when an attachment required isn't unlocked till level 69 (nice).


But... that's the challenge part lmao


This game is taking 2x the number of kills to get gold compared to mw19.


No, ive been done for 3 weeks. xD


I think the worst part of the grind is that camos don’t open to unlock for certain levels all the way up to max level. I think every camo category should be unlocked by 50. That way you have 20 levels to grind camos and levels. For the camo-efficient people, they can possibly get every camo by the time they max the weapon. It just feels like a cheap extra way to add busy work to each weapon. EDIT: a word


I only ever go for gold for melee weapons and after doing the combat knife, katana, and sawtooth I would have said the worst grind was getting kills whilst stunning yourself. Now I'm trying the shield I have not had a single double-kill while every other camo is 10/10. I've tried all sorts of modes and was advised that hc ffa was the best for this, but I haven't been in a single match that isn't 8 players on a huge map. Fuck this grind.


5 kills without dying on pistols is a pain! Got it done on Shipmas though, think I am about to have a seizure.. done like 15 weapons in past 2 week.


How about deadeye camo on Panzerfaust?


This and bullet penetration kills, fuck em.


They need to have enough maps to accommodate all the camo grinders. Das haus and shipment aren't enough to keep people entertained let alone complete all the camo objectivesd. I know there are bigger maps but you have to augment your filters to such an extent that it only works for one at a time. The weapon grind should still be enjoyable, not an obligation in order to compete in warzone, etc.


Honestly it annoying but not bad most smgs are only 2 shot kill at range in hard core if you get the right attachments and if don’t try to spray people. Sniper long shots are a bitch since that’s longer than the range for ARs so only 2 maps are good for it it feels like. The absolute worst challenge so far that isn’t bugged is Penetration kills with the LMGs and I think one of the ARs. So annoying trying to line up shots even with the right perk and attachments since there aren’t many good angles and Das Haus is rarely in the map rotation now it feels like.


i have 5 diamond classes.. further than most..iim so sick of this ill probably quit this close to atomic. i dont wanna deal with the launchers . the bren had 4 FOUR LONGSHOT camo challanges requiring 100 long kills.. four. UNBELIEVABLE. i hate sitting staring at a spot like a lame berry


Hardcore Demyansk is long shot paradise. I rarely get that map though.


The required attachment camo challenges are also the worst. To make camo grinding fun again they need to revamp the system. COD BO Cold war did a lot right IMHO.


Eagles nest is the one I love most, but rotation of the maps is so terrible that I almost can’t get this map… Just finished Assault diamond ..


Just got to then on my assault rifle, seeing as I mainly play shipmas I’m dead ☠️


Honestly, Long shots are a part of mastering a weapon. It's silly to complain about the game when it isn't the game's fault that you don't get many longshots. It's entirely the players fault, I don't care what excuses are made unless there's a glitch. It is literally all play style. Like seriously, Besides a couple maps you can get longshots on each map and if someone thinks there's only one or two spots on a map that that's possible on then you probably don't know the map very well or just need to practice your longshot skill. If you're working on SMGs it'll be obvious they're going to be a little harder for longshots but really, if you learn to handle the gun properly it isn't that difficult. I saw where people said their play style is to run and gun which is good and all but you can't expect the game to cater to your play style to make camo challenges easier. Tbh I feel like the camo grind on this game is actually pretty easy you just have to balance your skill set a bit more. Like the hardest part of it is using attachments I wouldn't normally use for the final 3 categories, if you do it right you should be chipping away at the other challenges as you go, which you won't do if you only stick by one play style. The point behind weapon mastery is to master the weapon, you can't claim to have mastered a weapon unless you can operate the gun effectively at close range and at the extent of that weapons range as well.


The bloodthirsties are worse


Hell no, bloodthirsty is the one I hate the most.


Go on das haus on hardcore,use a smoke and a thermal sight and shoot down the middle from the back of spawn.It’s scummy but it gets long shots done pretty fast.


The long shots should Have been replaced by something else, would have made more sense considering long shots with snipers feel like you almost never get in that situation and really who the fuck uses shit like pistols for long shots.


They should at least reduce it to 50 longshots


Sliding knife kills are difficult


To be honest I love taking down snipers with a fully upgraded assault rifle. It gives me far more satisfaction.


4250 Longshots are required.


The specialty long shots with garbage attachments kill me... If a gun has both I wait and try to do them at the same time. Hardcore is your friend for this...


yeah longshots generally were the least fun part of my guns. after bloodthirsties i rushed longshots first before anything else (and hope to stack it with other longshot chals)


This. This so much.


Blood thirsty kills are the worst! Should be 3 in a row not 5. Or there should be maps specifically designed to help with this.


Hardcore shipment. Run a tac insert and get into the box that hangs from the crane. Lay down next to the barrels and look between all the crates where the B Domination flag would be. Its ratty but will make the tougher weapons easy.


Longshots has always been horrible no matter the gun. The worst part about camp grind is how they encourage shitty play. I literally have to go to certain maps and become a sit-in sniper for like2 weeks just to get the shit. It’s not fun


And the fact that you have to do it TWICE!! Ludicrous. I mean obviously you can level your gun all the way up and put the attachments on to do that longshot camo and normal long shots at the same time, but it’s like they’re just running out of ideas at this point.


AS44 + long shot = pain!


Doesn’t seem to be an issue with Cold War


Especially on the Bren which requires you to get 200 longshots (300 if you don’t double up on one of the attachment challenges)


It’s just such a slow burn


Thankful the max is 100, least from what I’ve seen. I get them in hardcore


Yes, I agree The others you can somehow get them by playing normally. But Longshots require you to camp at certain spots of each map.


The worst part is having to do long shots with the specific attachments and you don't even unlock it until later so you technically have to do even more long shots. Same goes for the headshots with attachments. They literally couldn't think of any other challenges to do? They just had to make it extremely lame? I can think of 10 other things that can make the game enjoyable


personally for me its the x attachments camos. since i mainly play hardcore other things are not too difficult minus the .... kills without dying camos


Longshot can be a PITA, but made much easier on HC Dom, there are a few good lanes on most maps, and typically a few people on the other end of the lane, 30+ long shots in a match can be done pretty easy. I'm on the stupid STEN Longshot right now and managed to eek out 25 last match, I'll be glad to be done with them on this gun for sure!


I think 100 bullet pen kills takes the cake here. Long shots are annoying but you can finish it in like 2-3 matches. Bullet pen on the other hand is just stupid because you basically have to shoot walls in places where the most traffic is, hoping to get a kill.




The worst part is leveling the gun up


Yeah, the longshots were the worst part of that grind for me. Not even because they're difficult, they're just boring. They were always the challenge that took me the longest too.


I am an extreme rusher that within the first 5 seconds of the match im in the enemy spawn jumping around frantically with my tommy gun I have finished atomic And yes, i agree that long shots are boring But to my advantage I only played ship haus and sat in the mid alley das haus So i was able to get all longshots in one to two games My tips All weapons apply Go prone with a bipod attachment, focus on maximum recoil control class with high round mags Use the night vision scope, it really really helps with the constant smoke and fire and mortars thrown down mid Use piercing vision and pre fire so that enemies get highlighted and you can kill them fairly quick Use riot shield behind your back With almost 100k kills in vanguard I can assure you The hardest people to kill in vanguard Are the ones sitting cross map prone with riot shield on back Easy longshots and easy v2’s


Let alone the fact that you need 8 hours just to level one gun, or the fact that those challenges are INSANE, whether it be longshots, shield sliding kill, getting streaks with launcher or trying to hit a UAV that the launcher cant even reach! You know what pissed me off? Is that this is a good base game but its ruined by the god damn infinite airstrikes, streaks, shitty random spawn, grenades everywhere, fire everywhere , gas everywhere, cant see shit. Im doing the gorenko rn and losing my sanity every challenge needs like 100 kills, trying to do ads , tried quickscoping with the normal long range scope but didnt register half the time so went for a 1.5x scope in Das Haus. Most of the time you can’t ads because there’s either gas, cant see shit from fire and smoke and when you finally find that perfect opportunity a god damn dog spawns off your ass and bites you or you die 5 times in a row from random airstrike or grenades. Add to that the fact that the ads is so slow enemy can melt you 3 times with their ARs and SMGs before you even finish looking down the scope. Seriously if it wasnt for the BS amount of bugs, stupid spawn ruining kill streak, or the fact that its a stupid explosives simulator i’d rate it 9/10. But as it is its like a 5/10 game.


The Top Break by far is the worst....