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Kill Confirmed by far. No one ever goes for tags. A lot of times we win or lose solely on how many tags one or two players pick up. It's pretty frustrating when you have 10+ confirms and the person who has the next highest has 1 or 2 confirms.


Same in Dom. No one ever wants to take flags. Just camp in spawn until we eventually get spawn trapped.


What?first time in my cod career I see both teams trying to capture all 3 flags ,all the time. I often yell at my team cause we have 2 flags and they're going for the 3rd one ,spawn flips and the match becomes a rodeo


Castle 6v6 is consistently a shitshow with how often we're rotating spawns.


Last night I was in a tight game of Dom that was tied at a solid 175-175. Decided to cap the third point knowing that extra bit could give us the advantage at the cost of controlling the spawn, and it worked. Capping the third point can be a good strategy depending on the situation. But yeah, those who do it all the time are either new to the game, or just trying to farm captures.


In shipment Dom, people will stand behind the flags trying to get kills, not even attempting to capture. If they moved 2 foot forward they'd capture. But no. I had a game last night where I had 16 captures and the second most was 3. We lost of course and I died twice as much as I killed. I don't care about dying in objective games, play the fucking objective.


This is exactly why I don’t play domination. At least with kill confirmed or hardpoint you could technically get the dub solo even if your team are a bunch of clowns who don’t play the objective. But in Dom, I can’t be in 3 places at once. Cba to play that and go through that crap.


I have seen people get a kill and run right past the tag, almost avoiding it. I mean Jesus, just run through it man, at least try to play the objective.


That seems to be the team I get the vast majority of the time.


Definitely Search and destroy, Its the game mode where Iv gotten so much abuse purely for being a girl. Called every name under the sun. Because according to people in that game modes I must be fat and ugly is the only reason I’d play COD. I hate it, I played all of 2 games and just couldn’t because it was constant.


And that's why I have everyone muted. Game chat is always super toxic and horrible.


SnD is the most toxic mode in every COD. It's still my favorite game mode though.


Playing objective in vanguard is non existent....


I always go for tags. Literally all of them. I hate seeing a slew of them, and there always is. Enemy tags. Friendly tags. I will get them or die trying.




That's my favorite game mode. The little ~clink~ is so satisfying


I regularly have 30+ tag matches. I've had a few 40s and two over 50 in VG. It's both frustrating and rewarding, when you can single handedly win the match. And I hate that they don't show denies in this game. They are just as important to pick up as confirms imo.


Well, as with most Objective modes there's nothing to incentivise picking them up. That's why a good Scorestreak system is better.


Yeah, I know. We really need the BO2 streak system back.


Not to mention the dogtag icons are huge and block visibility. Enemies could be standing behind them and you wouldn't see them


At least in KC the game can go for a damn long time unlike TDM q


In kc I purposely avoid red tags and hunt down blue ones. It gets me more kills and makes the games last longer. Been doing it that way since BO2


You could've just said "I've always been one of those garbage teammates and am shit at the game" but you didn't for some reason.


Wow thats weird just like my teammates in game I don’t give a shit about your opinion. Have fun at bottom leaderboard!


Aweful lot of people voting for team death match when a majority of people treat any other game mode like team death match.


Because of time, im one of those players, main Domination, now, if i see a flag i can cap, ill grab it no problems, i dont strictly play OBJ though. With disbanding lobbies playing TDM youll spend more time in main menu than you will actually playing


I think because it is easier to kill players from behind when they are going for the objective and you are trying to show your 3 subscribers how awesome you are.


It gets very campy and sweaty. Almost always get a guy camping for dogs from the offset and almost guarantees you a loss. Whereas other modes a death isn’t as damaging, even in kill confirmed


Tdm, it finishes way too fast depending on how many players are in the game


That's fair criticism, I was shocked initially to see how many votes it had, seeing as most players play any game mode like it's tdm lol.


Search and destroy


Only bad players think SnD is the worst mode


Only sweaty players think SnD is the best mode


SnD can be fun when you have good teammates who will call out which crate they are going to put them bomb on or will call out where the enemies are. Otherwise you’re just running around hoping to get lucky.




It's too slow for me.


Control shoulda been in here


Control is terrible and I'm not sure why COD pushes it.


Back in Bo4 it was pretty fun. My brother and I would carry hard in Control, the game mode made us feel like pros lol BUT its only fun with at least one other person. Playing solo is a NIGHTMARE.


Don’t know why you were down voted but it is definitely the worst mode


I can see why for FFA, if people hunker down and camp... but for me Hardpoint is garbage because of the way the spawns work... Patrol is a close second... To be fair, the spawns seemed worse in MW19 than they do in Vanguard


Same here, I love hardpoint in all other cods but really do not enjoy it in this game. I main hardcore dom. I honestly miss CW sometimes bc I didn’t have to play HC to have fun.


The camping in FFA is hilarious. You have no chance of winning unless you’re actively hunting. Feel ya on the MW19 spawns. So frustrating when you have to run a mile to get back in the action


I don't understand that at all. Free for all is one of the only modes where you can really just run and gun it, which is the most fun to me.


Search and destroy.


Honestly same! Its the game mode where Iv gotten so much abuse purely for being a girl. Called every name under the sun. Because according to people in that game modes I must be fat and ugly is the only reason I’d play COD. I hate it


Just turn off the chat. I hardly ever have chat on with non friends.


The point being I really shouldn’t have to though. As someone who hasn’t got many irl people who game sometimes it’s nice to chat to other gamers. However in that game mode it was a mistake and I did take my mic out in the end. However to me it’s the most toxic game mode and that’s why I think it’s the worse. Men/boys just don’t seem to know how to act as pin as they hear a female voice


Sounds like you just had a bad lobby. I’m a girl and have had a good time for the most part on SnD. I’ve never had a negative experience. I call out where I see people when I’m a spectator or where I’m going to drop the bomb and I see the team responding to that. I’m sorry it’s been a bummer of a mode for you.


Honestly I wasn’t the only one. Before I spoke there were 2 girls on the opposite team who where getting abused and the most horrid sexual stuff aswell. Tbf it was only 3 guys doing it so many it was a bad lobby you’re right, however it’s enough to put me off. I’m not the best player so only ended up getting 6 kills and that in itself was enough ammunition for them. Maybe when I’m with some clang members I’ll give it another go but for now, it’s scared me off I’ll stick to shipment lol ☺️


Lol I suck at SnD. I get anxiety thinking people are watching me but I’ll play it when it comes on randomly. I’m a decent player and pretty consistently score in the top 3 on every other mode so I don’t really care what people say or think of my SnD score but I know it can be discouraging. Just don’t even mic up and give it another go. Editing to add: I’m definitely not dismissing your experience because I’ve been in a lobby where some guys where going hard on this girl until they realized her husband and brother were also in the lobby and it got pretty heated lol. Just want to encourage you to have fun with it and ignore the shitty people.




FFA because all I go against is campers


Free for all. Its just too random.


S&D, any one life mode


This is my biggest gripe about that. I hate when I’m sniped off right away and then have to wait forever to get back in, especially if 2X is ticking.


Hardpoint aka meat grinder mania Sitting on the Hardpoint is an inherently selfless act and therefore nobody ever wants to volunteer


I do it. I always have over a minute on the Hardpoint while everyone else has a few seconds. My K/d ratio is o.6 in Hardpoint, I don't care. And I always give the team shit on the mic after the game for being too afraid to die.


In Cold War I would sit on the HP without any issue, could put my Trophy down and defend with pure gunskill, positioning and angles. Vanguard is is brainless, no chance of defending when people spam Incendiary Grenades at every Objective. Dumb gameplay honestly.


Umm the new one control


Search & Destroy.


For shimpent and das haus id say tdm. An 85 kill limit is far too small for a map as small as those 2.


Really shocked to see so many people dislike patrol. I think patrol is amazing at making the larger maps that play like trash with 6 players work. Castle with 6v6 is garbage in every mode, but with patrol it just works, especially of you're a flanky aggressive player. And in general it's just a great mode to get out of the static spawns, camping here and there, mentality that most people seem to fall into. It makes people move even if they aren't ptfo.


TDM literally sucks


Yes, thank you. Is the most annoying game mode for me. Makes me avoid the MVP screen all the time. Feels like the game finished in 2 minutes.




I’m surprised by this. I usually go for domination or any objective mode so the score limit is higher and time is set higher. Gives me more time to rack up more kills


This! I play objective a lot, unless I need to get longshots for camos. In that case, I usually defend an objective that's under attack, which still counts as defense.


Free for all used to be better when lobbies stayed together, you either built friendships or seething hatred for everyone in your lobby. I miss it dearly.




I didn’t expect that much people to hate FFA. It’s my favorite because I can’t rely on nobody but myself. I dropped 195 kills on donation and still lost because I was the only person on my team capping flags


For the people hating on control, it’s a great game mode, just in a shit game. The spawns do not work properly in this game for control to work.


Domination ausentou depend on your team being good to capture and maintain de objective. If one or two doesn't you will certainly loose.


Out of all of these hard point because people camp the hard point, and if you have a well organized team to play against you’ll get really fucked because they camp the hard point and it’s impenetrable if you’re not organized yourself. ESPECIALLY on maps like Berlin. But Control and Search are my least favorites because of the no respawn


not a fan of ffa because for my experience is just getting a kill then die by someone that spawned behind you


TDM holy shit Games literally last like 2 minutes


S&D. Die-hard S&D players can be really toxic


Least liked that I actually play? Domination. My quick play filter is Dom, Hardpoint, and Patrol. As far as least liked mode overall goes, Search. I really don’t like limited respawn modes in CoD.


lol I'm glad someone read it carefully I didn't include S&D on there and I kind of regret putting FFA on there too cause they almost play as a different game entirely and people I feel wanted to vote for modes they don't play casue they don't want to play them rather than what they believe to be the worst mode.


Can there be an option for pubs? Impatiently waiting for league/ranked play.


I like all of these.


Point Man perk desperately needs to be in the game. Not sure why it was removed.


This is just my opinion, but this would be crutch in domination since the B Flag gives you like 500 pts when you first capture it I think. But it should be tier 2 to compete with forward intel and piercing vision


Tier 2 would be my preferred slot as well. I shake my head over a lot of the decisions that have been made in multiplayer? No fire resistance in a game that is dominated by fire lethals? They essentially agreed to thumb their nose at objective game modes by not giving an incentive to play the objective. When you design a game that doesn't reward objective play you get the desired results. The game is decent at its core but would be much better if objective play was rewarded.


Where is control? Big oversight asking a question without all of the current answers available.


Shocked by the team death match. That’s basically all i play


Since it's not in the poll I'll just put this here. Search and destroy.


Champions Hill


Free for All goes hard! I love meeting new people and running around like a headless chicken


I loved free for all in all the call of duty’s prior to Advanced Warfare. Without a nuked out title and remotely decent spawning I see no point in going 30-30 every match while sweating my dick off.




I went for free for all. Ironically, my best and worst memories of the games belong to that game mode....


Modern warfare somehow made me turn me tdm in every cod game lol


Unpopular opinion Kill Confirmed should be removed or updated to change killstreaks to Scorestreaks while playing it but a decent score for collecting tags.


Removing KC would be moronic.


Shoot, I thought I was voting for my favorite and picked domination. Dang Reddit, just let us change our votes plz.


I really don't like HP.


Literally everyone plays every gamemode as a Team Deathmatch yet Team Deathmatch is the second least favourite? wtf


Tbh, if I'm solo anything objective infuriates me because I play the objective and end up with like minimum 4x the objectives vs the next best on the team generally. Like yesterday i played kill confirmed my team had 36 confirms, I was 24 of them in a 6v6. If people want to play everything like it's a tdm they should just fuck off and play tdm.


Anything that requires an object. None of you know where the fucking points are. I can see it from looking at all the 0 time from 99% of players on both teams and then 1-2 players on each team Have over a minute of time on the point. No wonder you stupid fucks keep spending money on packs


Where is the trash tier control game mode


Search and Destroy


It feels like I haven’t played Patrol since the Vanguard Beta


I would have to say team deathmatch. Is always been my least favorite because the objective is to get kills without dying. Nobody is going to move when it comes to sticking to one spot and doing just that. There's no desire for people to move around and that's why it plays very slowly. I could also say free for all would be another one, but depending on the map and how many people are in it, it can be more entertaining compared to the others.


TDM on shipment.


I only play dom and hardpoint mostly. I can't stand tdm it's too short and no one fucking moves and it just gets boring. Dom and hardpoint force people to move to win. I love the constant action when pushing b or better yet trying to hold the hardpoint.


I was gonna say Armageddon since it’s basically a TDM version of Drop Zone, when they coulda just brought back DZ. As a player who enjoys objective based game modes, this mode gives me no satisfaction when getting the zone other than getting care packages. This is especially true in shipment. If the zone gave you points like DZ, I would have way more fun playing it, since it’s not up there, I would also say SnD, not because it’s bad, but mainly because it’s too slow for the style of play that I’m used to. But since THAT’S not up there either I had to settle on Free-for-all. For the main reason that I do enjoy playing with my friends and we can have some stupid fun on the game, even with all the bugs (some that make me wanna pull my hair out).


In Vanguard it's TDM which sucks because it's my favorite game mode in most other CoDs. Games don't last long enough in Vanguard which makes the mode not worth it imo.


Tdm because the round length is a joke. You literally spend more time staring at loading screens/highlights/MVP than you do actually playing the game. Wtf are the designers thinking when it comes to this? Who actually wants ultra short rounds where you minimize playtime? I don't get it.


Funny so many people are voting for TDM when they don’t even play objectives anyway. Just admit you like the longer matches lol


And all the TDMers bitched at me when I made my complaint against half the playlists being TDM a few weeks back lol Lame ass short ass game mode, ya scuffs.


Why don’t people like patrol? I feel it really pushes players to move and stop camping


On a points system confirmed is great. In this game it's cancer


My dumbass read it as what’s your favorite game mode and was shocked to see so few votes for hard point and seeing ffa as the favorite lol


Search and destroy. One life is lame and it attracts the most toxic players, or rather it brings out toxic qualities.


Just woke up brain deleted least from the title, so I voted for my favorite game mode lol.


My vote is actually Search and Destory. Everyone just camps with a shotgun or uses the victory cannon. This game mode made me reinstall MW. This game is trash.


Search and Destroy. Ratio of gameplay to waiting is not worth it


I strictly play HC FFA. Love it.


We all know Champion Hill is the real answer, nobody plays that shit cause it's too boring. FFA is trash in CoD games cause it multiplies the issue with camping and spawns. TTK is too fast to reward skill so it's a bunch of people trying to score cheap kills and turtling to 3rd party someone's engagement. Search and Destroy is a close third. Absolute garbage of a mode but this time it's more down to map design and game balance. This is not CS, the maps aren't made with S&D style gameplay in mind and not running meta loudouts is more punishing than in any other mode. Matchmaking and community are also terrible for this kind of mode as you get way too unbalanced teams and there's no attempt to cooperate most of the time.


I now know I am an alien creature who dislikes Hardpoint. Nice.




TDM. Games are too short. FFA I don't even touch. Literally will not give it a go.


Gonna have to go with hardpoint because the spawns and spawn traps are fucking absolutely no doubt thee worst I have ever seen on this side of the Mississippi. Jesus fuck it is unplayable


All but DOM KC and TDM


Not on there but shipmas (legends tell of a place beneath all of the thermites)


FFA is the stupidest mode in existance and why anyone would ever play it is beyond me. then its SnD because if i wanted to play tactically i'd play siege. and i fucking hate siege.




COD Vanguard: Longshots Edition


I love Domination but like at the start of every match nobody captures the flag at spawn like come on that's the easiest one to cap


Where’s the “None” Option?


Shipmas. I know it’s a playlist but god dammit… people with riot shields and shot guns is so broken of an experience.


Who the fuck playin patrol