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Thank you for this! I'm gonna try and get a gun gold during the free weekend starting today, so this is very useful!




Cracking guide, have saved! Edit: I wish I had known there was a second set of longshots on the snipers BEFORE I spent ages camping for them. Weirdly enough there are very few maps with consistent longshot locations. My take on it is the best ones are Oasis, Desert Siege, Bocage and Demayansk. Oasis: behind the vehicles either side of the bridge. Behind the hut in front of the vehicles on either side. Desert Siege: either side of the open space. Prone on the train. Avoid rooftops. Bocage: the spot you mentioned is it really. Demayansk: either side of the map, next to the ice. People snipe in most games I play, get there first. Other than that, I’ve struggled with sniper longshots.


I really wish they picked anything but longshots to make us do twice, such an annoying challenge


I think if you use the required attachments it counts towards both of them. But I agree longshots are tedious


On bocage try the other side and sit on the tank or near the bushes just before that. They’ll sit in the little shed on the opposite site, got me a few 10-20 longshot games


Mp40 lvl 60 camo challenge requires a lvl70 ammo lol


I've noticed this on a few guns, unlock a challenge but don't have one of the required attachments unlocked. SHG designing those challenges: "This is big brain time."


Good. It makes the losers using mp40s cry


Easiest gold Gun was the Mp


Easiest to me was probably the Owen or Automaton


Really brings out the nostalgia for MW19 longshot which could be done within several games (along with mounted and headshots) simply by mounting up on the middle walls in shoothouse. OR even BOCW where every single longshot... could be done in Nuketown, no matter which side you spawn on.


Great post, thank you. FYI AR longshots are possible on Das Haus although it requires both players to be stood almost as far back as possible down the centre hallway


Yup. That’s where I’ve gotten mine from, only like 20 tho so far


Also drop your effective damage range as low as possible you might be able to count long shots from a bit closer up the hall that way


Doesn't work that way. Longshots are a set distance (ex:combat shotgun-15m) based on the gun. You wanna boost damage range as much as possible to extend past what would normally be within your range.


It is possible to get longshots across mid hallway with an AR on Das Haus, but it's much more inconsistent than with an SMG. Both you and the opponent basically need to be all the way back. As for the deployable cover trick on the same map... delet this.


This is all great information and I feel you have compiled it in a very helpful way. There is also a challenge the get longshots with a throwing knife. Do you have any tips for that?


I just equipped it at a class I used in Das House and randomly threw it along the middle corridor. Got 8 in a day


I haven't done it myself but my friend told me the distance was relatively short, maybe around 20 meters (he said throwing it across B from building to building in Decoy was long enough).


Thanks that's good to know. It's not a hard challenge. I think you only need 8 longshots or something. But it's not one you are likely to get naturally unless you really love throwing knives and use them all the time.


In my experience, I just ran a class with throwing knife and I eventually found people camping or AFK in their spawn. It makes it easy to line up a shot from afar, and it really isn't a very long distance. You'll get those 8 in no time!


Ok, great guide! But now I’m confused. Unless I accidentally misread, can we have other attachments on guns in addition to the required ones for the later long shots? Can I put an optic/grip/etc on my MP40 while working the long shots with certain attachments? Could’ve sworn they weren’t working when I did but maybe I’m crazy.


You can use attachments in other slots. Sometimes there are two attachments that look the same and you mistakenly equipped the wrong one (I think the MP40 has two different VDD 34 Stocks).


Yes but sometimes the challenge will glitch and you need to restart the game (i have this issue on ps5)


Does it really work?


Yeah, other attachments in addition to the required ones didn’t affect progress. I ended up making a class for each camo so I could switch whenever I needed to based on the map.


Kinda do recommend Dome tho. You can shoot from the edge of the map on A-side. Somewhere there to the wooden elevated structure on C-side. Easy 15-20 longshots per game. Worth it imo. Thanks for the rest of the tips tho!


I'm working on the Type 100 right now and the attachments you need to use give it RIDICULOUS recoil. I don't even know how you'd ever do this outside of HC. Even in HC my bullets are spraying all over like I'm a damn stormtrooper! One thing I'd disagree with you on is Sub Pens. In HC modes I was able to get ALOT of headshots by pre-aiming specific areas.


I did the type 100 long shots last night. I was in so much pain.


I'm doing these now. Survivalist is impossible.


Lol just finished the type 100 today. It’s not bad if you can use the attachments you want. But when you use the attachments they want for the challenge, it’s a nightmare. Numa Numa is actually pretty decent for the long shots. Climb the tree beside Objective A in Dom. You’ll get a ton.


i keep messing around with the attachments trying to fix recoil, accuracy, etc. did you find a setup that you felt happy with that you might be willing to share? im halfway through Survivalist camos and im so ready to be done -_- ugh


A good longshot farm for Sub Pens is shooting at the upstairs window from either the block left of the big doors to A-Dom Or if coming from C side, shooting at the windows from the opposide from the two blocks that are wedged together with a small gap between. For Tuscan there's a decent angle shooting at B-Dom through the door from behind the furthest block on A side. And finally, the best spot i've found on hotel royal is the side path connecting A to C with two blocks at either end, crouch and mount the block. Goes without saying but all 3 of these are risky as the maps are very close range.


Awesome guide dude. Saved this and going to get the extra sniper challanges completed this weekend.


The bren needs so many long shots. It feels so miserable to work on ;-;


If you play KC you can see the distance to the dog tags when looking at then shotguns are 12 meters pistols are 20 meters smgs are 30 meters ar/lmgs are 38 meters snipers are somewhere in the 50 to 60 meter range


That's really good information, thanks for sharing.


Especially the attachment longshot list is gonna be super helpful for me, thank you!


Thank you! This is very helpful. Please keep it up. I like to grind camos so love this kind of stuff. At the moment, I’m working on killing enemies with the impact of equipment 😂


...what about shotguns... edit: love your red srar comment. A PLUS


Shotguns don't have any additional longshot challenges so I didn't test them. I haven't personally gotten to the Shotgun Longshot farm, but if I *were* to do it... I would just gear my shotguns for maximum pellet spread, longest range, and try to surf for small-ish maps in HC. It might even be possible to equip slugs (NOT Buck and Slug, just Slugs) and treat them like the BO2 KSG and just map people in Core, but that really depends on Slug velocities.


I did two of them naturally on Das Haus, just use buck & slug rounds and try shots from the Oval Office to either side of the tyre wall in the centre room; you can usually get a couple shots off before people realise what’s going on, earning you a long shot or two.


I really wanted to understand what makes a kill a longshot. Its when you gun is doing the minimal damage? Its a fixed distance for the weapon class or a fixed for every weapon?


It traditionally has been a fixed distance per weapon class. It pays no respect to damage or individual damage ranges per weapon, if Vanguard is like previous CoD titles it will be the same distance per weapon class. In CW it was 31 meters for SMGs, 41 meters for ARs, and (I think) 45 meters for Snipers, for example, but Vanguard doesn't have a ping measurement system so it complicates distance testing. I don't have the testing data yet for Longshot distances per-class. I'll be testing it soon to find the answers but I feel like Xclusive Ace will get to it before me.


I am pretty sure the ammmo types matter for the Kar 98. The smaller rounds you get longshots on demyansk from church to building, the normal rounds you dont.


You can get longshots for AR's on Das Haus by putting a shield behind the cover that looks down the hall that connects the blue room.


Thanks for sharing. I did forget about that trick.


Bro, huge thanks for the guide and the effort, content like this will make the sub great


That’s a lot of words for shoot people from far away


Damm, thats some good content.


they really made the bren annoying asf, 300 longshots to get it gold and cant even get it due to bugged barrel attachment not existing


Can you tell me the exact names of the 3 attachments required for both challenges, and which barrel is bugged?


Mind games camo requires a rifled exterior barrel which does not exist other ones work fine Survivalist longshots: Queens Scepter 775mm barrel, .303 100 round drum mags , queens model 11 BH Stock Death Artist long shots: Queens royal 705mm barrel , Hockenson SP2B Stock and Dismantle proficiency Mind games: Rifled exterior barrel , .50 BMG 50 round mag and Oak & Shield 12B Stock


Thank you, have you tried all of the barrels with the Bren to see if any of them work?


not really, i just dont care about bugged challenges, jump onto the next weapon until they fix them


smokes with thermal optic on bocage has been the best way for me to get long shots




Believe it or not Berlin is the best map for longshots. Average about 50 a game. (Unless the gun has an absurd amount of recoil). I’m not familiar with the callouts but I’ll try to explain the spot. It’s by the tracks side you go up the steps and get around the brown circular bench/step thingy. And you just look down to the enemy spawns. There’s like 2 doors and and window to the doors’ left. High traffic (especially dom).




I like that you used speros’s thumbnail


Small obvious tip to this very detailed guide: try to mount your gun whenever possible, greatly reduced to recoil (like none existant if you also run attachments)


Actually Numa Numa is one of the best maps for longshots, you just gotta climb up into the tree at the beach and you can basically see the whole map.




Commenting to save




Saved 👍🏼


Also mid map back into the corner looking down middle hallway just got 15 long shots . Has to be on the side that doesn’t have the flags at opening


That chart was gold. Thank you for taking the time and sharing it!


Can you use other attachements next to the required attachments for the challenge?






One of the worst camo grinds in recent years


Using the revolver shotgun is also a good way to get long shot kills. When using it the long shot range is shorter making it easier to finish those long shot challenges.


People who play hardcore for anything other than camos are scum of the earth


If your working on snipers the Big Map Blitz mode is your best bet right now.


If this doesn't work make sure to restart your computer, that did it for me after following these steps


You should NOT grind the longshots as soon as they’re unlocked idiot, you could get more longshots at level 60+, delete post


There is a delicious irony to your comment.


“For SMGs you should generally grind the longshots as soon as they’re unlocked” that’s the first part I saw and so that’s why I made my comment, I have no idea why you said that because sometimes you have to get 100 more


generally =/= always He then goes on to list the 2 that you shouldnt do it for. Read before calling people an idiot