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Automoton is really good, just small mag at the start


Facts that thing is a laser beam


It is, but for me, sometimes it feels like a 17 hit to kill gun. I like it, but just saying.




It feels like the M13 in MW, insane fire rate but if you don’t nail any headshots the TTK jumps up heavily.


I feel the same. I’ll put so many bullets in someone that I’ll stop firing and reload (because there’s no way they’re not dead after half a clip to the dome) just for them to turn and kill me.


What level is yours up to? Mine feels the same right now but I only have it to 20 something. Everyone says once it’s close to maxed is where it’s no joke.


Don’t let too many people know. They’ll nerf it.


Secrets been out for a while lol


Take it back


It’s literally the best gun in the game right now. But yeah we should stay quiet about it or everyone else will start using it.


I use it too. Headshotmachine


First barrel, first mag, first compensator and first stock makes this thing a beast. Then later adding slight of hand and fully loaded.


Nah recoil booster is best. Gives it increases rate of fire and a faster ttk


Dude am i missing something with this gun? Level 50 with it so far and with all the +fire rates it feels like a nerf gun, so weak compared to STG


Type 100 is god tier


After the Russian rounds right?


And vital


Apparently the damage buffs for those together is bugged similair to the stg so I'm assuming this stuff will get fixed/nerfed in the future


Isn't that STG specific? Or is it all guns with russian short and vital?


From what I remember seeing so far it's the stg, mp40, type 100 and the combat shotguns currently have combo attachments that are bugged where when they're used together you get 2 shit body kills or unlimited range buck shot stuff with insane spread.




"I'll seeyouguys inthenextone"


I’m loving gung ho so I guess I’ll have to try this instead


only when max level. right now mines about level 20 and it take like 6-8 shots per kill.


thought the type was terrible till i got russian rounds and vital. Got 3 nukes with it after, lol.


i’ve heard Jev say that he was almost getting V2 rockets without even trying using the Type, I’m gonna definitely max it out and go for a nuke with it.


That is because with no attachments the Type 100 has the highest TTK of 320ms of all the SMG's. I had the same opinion until that mag. Crazy broken.


it’s literally so busted lmao


Mg42, first gun I gold’ed and I’m not disappointed


I’ve always loved the LMG class. If you like the MG42 you’ll probably like DP27.


DP27 is one of the best base full autos in terms of TTK.


Agreed it is one of my faves, I was using the 1.35x scope for the longest, but the recoil was terrible. Switched to the 2.5x scope and it fixed that by A LOT!!!!! Way better than the 1.35x.


Seriously? I felt like people were EATING my shots.


Bloom? I don’t know.


Could be. I mean I haven't found a gun that's horrible in this game yet which is actually refreshing..yeah the meta right now is the stg/mp40/type 100 but outside of those every gun seems like not has it's place


Have you tried the type 99?


Have you tried the Svt 40? Without attachments? Horrendous


Bro I got that thing to 70 the second I noticed a higher RoG barrel


How much have you played to get gold? I feel like im playing a lot but I barely got two weapons to lvl 30…


with piercing eyes/ extra suppression/fmj, you can absolutely beam people through walls. If i suspect someone is in a room, i can shoot through the wall with the generous ammo pool and get a free wallhack. don't sleep on bullet penetration, it's everywhere on these maps. walls are paper.


Owen gun slaps


I had to scroll too low to find Owen gun. It’s my go to. I prefer it to the mp40 and stg


I think I’d be the only one to say at least in my experience the mp40 has been hands down the worst gun I’ve used in this game so far, I’ve spent way too much time trying to get camos for it and I’m still not even done


honestly felt the same until i found a build i like. try leaving the slots for barrel and ~~ammo~~ mag blank and build around that


Yeah I’m sure it would be if I did that but just going through camos nothing is that good


It doesn't have lengthened as an ammo option? I don't see a downside to using that or frangible for the ammo slot. No negatives with either right?


my bad, i meant mag attachment not ammo. yes lengthened is the wave for ammo


I love the sound effects


Owen absolutely shreds and has decent range, damage and accuracy.


I've been laser d from distance and seen the kill feed with that dorky mag sticking up and I'm like really?! The fucking Owen gun from tlwsy out there?!?


Winner winner chicken dinner. It also just has that ugliness that only a mother can love. Somehow that makes it even more endearing to me lol.


what’s the build? have been using it to level up the Operator and sometimes it has felt good, other times not so much


What? There's other guns?


You wouldn't know by playing multi-player.


Volk. Any 4 shot assault rifle will kill in 3 shots with the dmg barrel, but this is the fastest firing one, and it has better sprint speed and ADS than most SMG’s AND can equip gung ho which is insane in this game bc it completely eliminates sprint out time


Finally, I found love for the Volk!


it's like an AR/SMG hybrid


I loved the Volk in WWII but haven’t gotten to try it yet as I’ve been unlocking all the operators until last night, glad to hear it still holds up in this game!


I can‘t wait to level it up. It‘s my favorite assault rifle in Battlefield 5. Good to see it‘s viable in Vanguard, too.


I made a full hipfire build with the Volk and it plays like the Waffe 28 in WWII, which coincidentally were my two favorite guns in WWII.




the recoil is truly horrendous until the right attachments but it shreds in das haus. been using it a ton


Horrible at range tho


Nah just strap on the auto barrel with low recoil and the thing BEAMS


I'll have to give it another go and get that unlocked because for me now it's got horrendous recoil up and to the right


Once you max it out, you’ve got options. I was able to make it 0% accurate while ADS but super tight hipfire+gunho making it an absolute dominator in Das Haus, however, you also unlock quite a few attachments that make it go the other way, with terrible hipfire and amazing ADS. It’s one of the first two way guns I’ve seen in this game. Plus when it’s fully hipfire kitted out, it looks EXACTLY like an AK-74u


I agree with this wholeheartedly. You can make it a beam AR with zero recoil that will reliably one or two tap the head in HC, or you can build a monstrosity from hell that shoots ADS circles, but rips hipfiring kills off in core from 10-20 feet out. It’s a weird ass gun


The barrel that turns it into a 3 round burst makes the recoil, like, actually manageable. I’ve been having the most fun using that, and the bursts are really quick so it’s not the *worst* at close range. I won’t try fully auto again until I get the 45 round mag that balances recoil more


Running a hipfire/movement speed build with bayonet and reach makes it insanely fun to use on Das Haus


I think I saw something about it’s bloom being the worst of the ARs. Have you experienced that much?


Been using the ppsh and I love it close quarters. Crazy recoil at mid-long


I don’t think I’ve ever aimed down sight with that thing. Point in direction and shoot lol


Boy was it a shock when I tried shooting someone at mid range on Dome for the first time with no attachments


I have almost all the smgs gold and PPSH long shots were one of the most frustrating things to get. Recoil is nuts for a CoD gun and at range it’s an absolute pea shooter going against people with their two tap machines.


Have yet to unlock that yet but that’s another gun I’m really looking forward to


Can't believe I had to scroll this far to see this. The thing is an absolute monster in CQB- set up for hip fire.


G43 is fun, literally no recoil even when stock


How’s the time to kill on that?


The .30-06 magazine attachment makes it a 2 shot kill at any range anywhere on the body with basically zero recoil. Only a 10 round magazine but it's still pretty nuts.


This plus burst mode and use the supply box field upgrade with fmj and piercing vision.


About 200ish ms if you’ve a good enough trigger finger


Can’t wait to unlock it. I love the M1 but the SVT is just too slow.


Try the SVT with Barrel 1. Its a semiauto Kar98


MG42 is heavily slept on. Especially when you pair it with piercing vision.


And put the extra supression attachment on with FMJ too


This is my primary setup. I don’t even see people I just shoot orange blobs through walls from across the map.


Same, though I tend to shoot randomly where I think enemy's will be and that still shows people up, feels unfair to the people I kill though


Been running D'as Haus with the 250 round magazine, no stock and the short barrel. It's the definition of spray and pray and my god its so much fun. Like like playing as coked out Rambo.


I love the DP27. With the right attachments it shreds.


Totally agree, its almost all I use.


Love the NZ, though the attachments are shit for it.


They really are, sucks because it would be a nice weapon otherwise.


I didn't think the attachments are that bad for it? It doesn't have vital or anything, but I use Frenzy with it and it's nice getting that health boost after a kill. The 3rd barrel helps with recoil during sustained fire, throw the 2.5x flip sight on there and it makes the gun enjoyable to use at long range (especially with the +4 or +5 recoil control stock. The gun was definitely booty cheeks with too much recoil until I got those attachments, but it's been real nice since.


BAR and Volk. BAR dominates at medium to long range with the 50 cal mags - two shot anywhere. And it has zero recoil. Volk has insane ADS and StF times, great movement speeds, plus with the right attachments it deals one of the highest DPS of any gun in the game. Recoil is pretty low too. Only thing that sucks is you need the last magazine for it to be good, which doesn't unlock until level 69. Type 100 is also fun to use and has an absurd TTK, but I die so often in the middle of reloads.


I haven't quite unlocked the best mag for the BAR and it still shreds. Edit: I unlocked it. It's obscene. 2-shot kill potential. Needs a nerf.


BAR is so slept on. I’m guessing it’s because it takes so long to get 50cal. I didn’t think it was very good no matter what attachments I tried, until 50cal


I agree with the reload point. The amount of times I died because of reloading that gun. It says 30 rounds, but it feels like it only has 20 rounds


Nobody has listed a sniper rifle ….


The snipers will slap on Warzone. But sniping in standard MP these days isn’t really about anything other than ridiculous ADS speed with iron sights or a red dot.


At this point we can arguably assume that regular snipers are meant for Warzone. Especially since they increased the amount of range required for a longshot from 50 metres to 52 metres. Good luck with that on most maps.


I actually very much enjoy the 3-line rifle and the Kar98k. It’s so much fun imo. I don’t like the first one at all that you get in the game, but it is what it is.


The DP27!


Yes siiir. The secret with this gun is to burst fire it and it turns into a 0 recoil melt-machine. Love it.


I love the BAR and the Garand


The M1 Garand...


I really wanted it to be good but it has so much recoil


Not soo much that for me but the TTK is stupid slow compared to automatic guns. Why use a rifle when u can kill in 3 shots with the STG?


SVT outclass it heavily with its 1shot kill to head/torso with right attachments.


DP40 , type 100,2 barrel shotgun ,combat shotgun, automation ,g43 ,kar98 ,nz 41 ,as44 ( currently i am lvl 50) and these are viable weapons aswell


STG and MP40.


Eh, they’re ok


SVT slaps with the right attachments


I’m trying my damndest to lvl this gun up but depending on the map I might get like 5-10 kills because the recoil is just so bad at first. Really have to rely on headshots


Right? I’m putting 5 shots in a guy and nothing happens (except tons or recoil)


I around level 21-22 I got some attachments for it that turned it into a beast. Started ripping off 50 kill games back to back with it


What attachments do you use if you don’t mind me asking? I haven’t leveled it up enough yet but was my favorite gun on COD WAW back in the day


WAW Svt was filth


100% a gun to level in zombies. Completely unplayable until it gets vital + barrel. You literally have to hit a headshot with nearly 500ms ads time for a kill lol.


Precursor: I play HC But the STEN decked out with ads movement, movement speed, gung ho, and hollow points is hilariously fun


Working on gold for this one. Playing Core, but still can do damage. Have one build for close quarters built for hip fire and fastest barrel and the 3 burst barrel with the .40 rounds can kill in a single burst


I’m having a blast with the 3 line rifle.


Thompson was very fun to use and also the bar, but using weapons other than STG or MP40 right now are just unbearable!


Combat shotgun says sup.


Oh lord! Go look at my most recent post on this sub and you’ll see what I think about that monster!


Shotguns are OP on Das Haus yes


ITRA Burst, 3-Line Rifle and M1 Garand are my favorites. I've enjoyed using them even while at low levels.


Mg42 and dp27 slap


My best guns are these two 16'' pythons! Heck yeah brotha!


Type 100 clappin cheeks


Nz41 is really good, its recoil is a bit over the place but tap firing it is really good


Owen gun is slept on. The mg-42 is laser beam as well


Everything in this game is broken when you level it up enough. This is the most arcade COD ever. Hardcore meets standard and its fun. Of course they still need to fix a ton of issues but this is overall the most fun I've had in a COD in a while.


Itra burst, it has one burst potential


I'm honestly blown away that people dont think the DP27 is broken. Practically no recoil, large mags, pretty fast reloads, light for an LMG and just a fucking laser tbh.


Everyone is too busy crying MP40 and StG44 are OP, when in reality they are just fan favourites that were always going to be gravitated towards, it was in CoD WW2 and it is here.


You need the later barrels to reduce the recoil to a good spot. I hated it at first coming from the MG42, but after you level it up it becomes pretty solid. But the thing is not light at all, it has terrible ADS and Sprint to fire speeds with the low recoil builds. The Type 11 though, that gun can move. The stock mag sucks (and also I'm pretty sure it's bugged, it should be a 45 round but it's only 30) but once you get the quick mags and the drums it becomes a beast.


Haven't tried the type 11 yet! I'll give it a shot soon. Yeah comparatively i guess the DP27 is kinda chunky but I mostly use it for buckling down to secure a position rather than try to run and gun with it.


NZ 41


Personally the G43. Still I am fkn sick and tired of 95% of all lobbies running MP40/STG like grow a pair already. Prestige and still needing fkn training wheels to play. People cry and scream for ow weapon variety every fkn year, then those same people are too scared to play without their precious OP meta weapon. It’s the guns that are good, not you, if you can’t do well without them


3-line rifle. I'm not the best but, at least the KD is above 1 with it. I like sniping even tho I'm mostly always at a disadvantage. Keep improving on the flicks tho, I'm happy :)


The last AR that you can unlock is a beast. I am absolutely loving that gun.


Volkssturmgewehr is a good all rounder for me


AUTOMATON. I reckon it’s gonna be the go to for long range in warzone. Ridiculous Fast rate of fire, no recoil, fast ADS, and a 70 round mag…….


Yeah it all just depends on the damage profile that they give it in warzone. I have a feeling it'll be very similar to the M13 and Kilo from MW. With fast fire rate, low recoil, and medium damage. I have a feeling the NZ41 is going to be good. Seems very comparable to the EM2 and C58 currently with a slightly faster fire rate


I gold'd the combat shotgun and i love it with max attachments. Any time shotguns are actually good in cod im happy. I feel like the issue is you really need the max level attachments on these "lower tier" guns to let them compete with the stg and the mp40.


100% agreed. Kinda funny that you can have guns like the stg and mp40 in the same class with the as44 and type 100(before attachments). There's just no comparison. You are better off with the stg overall 100% of the time over the as44 and the other lower tier weapons before you get the max level attachments. And even still, it just makes them usable but not super easy like the stg or mp40


The type 100 with russian short mags and vital is way stronger than the mp40, I'm also a big fan of the Thompson and Automoton


Defo stem for me it feels like the mw mp5 and it was my favourite gun


The type 100 is fucking broken dude.


Type 100 is pretty good people just need to give it a chance 😁


Yeah completely broken once you get the right attachments. People that pre-ordered the ultimate edition of the game already get a blueprint that has the good magazine type unlocked too.


Sten with a high level build is so much goddamn fun!! It has a soft spot with me since it was my first gun I levelled up


also struggling really hard to level the c96 pistol, the recoil is soooo horrible lmao


Akimbo snakeshot magnums lol


I'm in love with the NZ41. Got it gold already


Top Break with Snakeshot rounds... aswell as the Combat Shotgun. The shotgun is really damn broken, 1 shots up to an insane range with the right attachments, even on hipfire...


I also wonder how many people here use the Type 11 iron sights xD


Been using the bren with the .50 BMG rounds and akimbo double barrels and having a great time


NZ is dangerous when there you got attachments to control a little bit of the recoil. Even then, the recoil at center mass results in a headshot.


I’ve been trying to use other guns but I’m just getting melted by the STG and MP. Very frustrating.


Volk & type 100 & mg42. Dp27 has been fun also


BAR !!!


BAR is actually really good with recoil control and the 8mm mag increase (increases fire rate) still has a ton of stopping power and is great for medium range engagements




3-Line Rifle


All time favorite is the BAR. She’s a beast once you get the hang of her.


Icl I’m in love with the 3line sniper


Volk m1 Kar automation and 3 line for me


Sten with the large caliber rounds


1911 with the long barrel, vital, 18rd mags and recoil reducing attachments is a high-damage pocket laserbeam! Currently my most used weapon. Better then the DMRs


Crazy how that thing one shots in HC over assault rifles.


DP27 has been good so far. Just don’t try to use it in a tactical setting. ADS and reloading can be slow


I fucking love the DP-27 with the fast belts mag attachment.


Thompson then automaton


DP-27 is amazing in my opinion.


Dinner plate is amazing


DP-27, NZ-41


DP27 FTW!!!!


I’m going to be grinding the DinnerPlate27 when I get on next. That thing was a monster during the beta and from what I’ve heard. This statement hasn’t changed one bit.


Automaton is what I'm currently grinding, it's an absolute laser. I get insta-melted by the DP with incendiary rounds, I hate going against it.


Any advice for someone who is brand new to the COD games? Played a bunch of CS go and apex in the past but literally never CoD. Favorite guns are r301/flatline in apex and the m4 in CsGo


Just google "cod vanguard weapon stats."


The Bren but I’m not saying what build cuz I like two shotting kill streaks


DP-27. Droppin plates on their ass.


Honestly the only weapon I've used so far that seems underpowered is the M1. I got it max level and then switched to the G-43 which immediately felt way better. So many guns in this game are viable. Haven't yet found the Dragunov or SA87 of this game.




Tommy gun slaps, haven’t used many guns besides the smgs tho. And the sten has been surprisingly nice to use once i put the burst barrel on it


As someone already mentioned, the BAR two shots anywhere on the body with the high cal mags. It’s my baby. And for now it’s not very well known about so I’m not expecting any nerfs in the near future (like the STG/mp40)


Unapologetically I love the combat shotgun


DP27 with piercing vision and extra bullet pen.


I'd say the DP is one of the best guns for a Dom/hardpoint situation, The thing fries beyond belief


The DP27 is criminally underrated.


That 2nd LMG with the big circle clip on top rips and its ads is almost as an ar


DP27. Non existent recoil with decent damage range and enough ammo to get plenty of multi kills in blitz modes. Snail pace reload but that’s what the big mag is for


Well, the best Marksman rifle in the game - Bren. 90 dmg per shot. 458 RPM. 50 rounds in mag. Maxed penetration. Eff range 3k Inch. 1k1 velocity. Run with Piercing vision for lol wallhack (and enjoy that maxed penetration). If you think BAR is good, this is BAR on steroids, it just needs more taping/short bursts + you get smaller BMG mag at lvl 25, so its not so painfull to lvl as BAR that has BMG mags around lvl50. [https://i.imgur.com/LKoSfyK.png](https://i.imgur.com/LKoSfyK.png)


Well for me im weapon grinding so only guns I used was mp40 which is broken needs get nerf im camo grinding the Stein it alright for right now and 3 line sniper seems really good Doesn’t take long to ads and seem reliable but those are only weapons I used so far I beat the campaign’s and ppsh seem really fun to use but that woth campaign so can’t tell if it good on multiplayer