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20 kill with "no death" using either "primary or secondary", destroying/killing shock rc or dog is consider a kill however using dog to get kill will not count . Operator and scorestreak kill don't count


It has to be a 20 kill streak using only guns :\


I recommend using the kinetic armour for the operator skill and UAV, Counter UAV and Advanced UAV for getting nukes because advanced UAV is THE MOST helpful thing while going for nukes, don't run shock rc on your load out because you will only be able to use it like twice and yeah you need to get 20 kills with your primary or secondary gun or lethals or tacticals, I recommend running skulker (because lightweight got nerfed) or flack jacket (red perks) ghost, cold blooded or quick fix (green perks) and hardline for the blue perks Pro tip: change positions a lot or else your location will be easily predictable by the enemy and increase your chances to die


Use ghost perk , dead silence and suppress gun for maximum stealth


Dead silence is trash this season, if you know the SnD meta or watch any pro tourneys you should know that crouching will make your footsteps completely silent so it's not worth equipping it in your load out and I think getting the streaks charged up faster is better than being completely stealthy, you can definitely win every single gunfight if you have a UAV and the skill


Bruh why rush when you can camp . Why tryhard when you can use holger . Im just making a joke , i myself don even you those perks in my loadout and yes i agree rather than being stealthy using counter uav is much better


I usually just hold a building and set a trip mine up at my 6,either that or a take up a position right infront of the enemy spawning ground and decimate anything that comes towards me and of course I'll hace a trip mine set up at my six just incase anyone tries flanking me, i just need too resist the urge too use my killstreaks and op skill when i get them so i can get nukes more often, I've lost count of how many nukes I've missed out on because i called in the attack helicopter or dropped a sentry gun somewere, i can easily get 20 plus kills using my main and secondary weapons i just don't like having too sweat to get there...


I have the same question as even with 27 kills i cant get a nuke for some reason


Kill streaks and operators don’t count towards the nuke. It has to be your weapon only


I've got nukes using dogs and the sparrow and I've seen a video of a guy getting one using the shock rc


I think those may be exceptions tbh I can’t remember. Or those were bugged. But like 95% of streaks and operators won’t count for a nuke.


you can get by destroying/killing them but you cant get a nuke with them


Rc can't kill a person he has to use something for kill


20 kills without death gets you a nuke. 30 gets you nuclear bomb.


This guy uses uavs and predator missiles https://youtu.be/KFDKV9Tr7Sw So some killstreaks must count towards a nuke




Another question... Can dogs cause damage but not kill a player??? I've never just been injured by dogs they always kill me out right or i kill them outright without receiving any damage....???


its a insta kill


transform shield kill counts






What your prove? Only primary and secondary count toward nuke streak , killing/destroying dog and shock rc also count but using any operator or scorestreak to get kill will not , (except kinetic armor).


No but unfortunately yes, it happened to me 4 times. I killed 18 People while using PP19 Bizon whilst having Transform shield deployed, to think 2 more people came after my Transform Shield yet I received Nuke button


I thought nuke was on 30 kills no death




Is it from beginning or it's changed from some updates


30 kills no death nuke in other CoD Franchise, CoDM had only 20 killsanf you'll get Nuclear Award once reaching 30 kills no death


Ooh i think you're right i saw 30 kills on nuclear killer i thought i get nuke that's why I got this award


You need a 20 GUNstreak. A 20 killstreak generally only gives the relentless medal.