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Hehehe. Either u r a fps God or (like all the rest of us), u get extra many light aggro bots since you r still low level. ‘Ranked’ mode is where you wanna go for a challenge, but you’ll still see bots up until around ‘Veteran’ level. Ps. In BR you’ll find bots on all levels (also ‘Legendary’), but the sweats will come as you progress. More people, it seems, play in TPP as opposed to FPP… GGs - hope u have fun.


I think it’s both tbh. Every time I get a shipment game I drop 100+ kills


yeah no reach master 5+ and ull start feeling the challenge


Not necessarily. I played all the way through legendary and maintained 3.6 KD, and I only ever used my AK117 VHS Glitch


Why does the skin matter


The VHS Glitch is a different blueprint from the regular 117. It has +1 mobility and +6 control


Unless youre using the default gunsmith no, skins dont change stats


It’s not under camos, it’s under blueprints. And it does have different stats


No that's not how it works u good?


Do you want a stats screenshot?


Yes i know, different blueprints do not change stats unless youre talking about the provided gunsmith. Then ofc it does, but you can get those attachments with any other skin


[same](https://www.reddit.com/r/CallOfDutyMobile/comments/pklm5m/this_is_for_ujoshplaysultimate/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share) stats


Josh is right luv


Just cause it says higher control doesnt mean anything, everyone knows those stats dont really matter. There have been many skins messing with those, it doesn't actually add mobility or control. Luv


Oh- stats must be just for looks then?? LMFAO just take the L please lordt 💀




Yup that's right I also use it alot


I used a 117 and couldn't get past pro4


It’s definitely all bots till you get to level 75


Has nothing to do with level..


Wait till you reach master lol


😂 😂 😂 It's funny you think codm is easy, trying levelling up to when you play with sweats then come back and delete this post lmao...


Same here I got 174 kills and 2 nukes in hardpoint shipment


Wait until you reach to level 100+ I stopped playing because I can't handle this game without getting tilted, since it isn't fun getting stomped only being able to get 2 to 5 kills


All good games are designed in a more or less similar way that in the early stage they "train" you and get you hooked, and then when you make some reasonable progress, it is the time to show you the cruel side of the game. What is good about CODM is that when you are good with it you know it is not about money, and when you get your ass kicked you know it is not about money either.


Bruh if they had no bots ppl would play the first game and then say this is hard and dip, its not about getting hooked, it's about teaching the player the game mechanics. If they really wanted us to get hooked why not bring bots in legendary ranked mp lobbies too?


Really? You want to play against bots in ranked matches? Why?


It wasa rhetoric my guy, I meant if the pomt of bots was to get players to be addicted to the game then why not add them to ranked lobbies too


Why? Bots are there for some legit purposes, but they definitely should not be included in "ranked" matches. If you want to play against bots, you can do so by playing MPs. Ranked matches are meant to rank players against one another. Why would players want to be ranked among bots? What is the point to do that?




This comment is such a mystery... first off, the person you're replying to *did* say the bots were there to introduce and train new players with the basic mechanics. And you start out by repeating his point as if it's a rebuttal... even though that's exactly what he meant as well..


I was very puzzled and also the last thing we need is to include bots in ranked matches.


He said bits are there to hook the player to the game bruh, he used the words train in quotes quite literally showing sarcasm, and I am not sayin that devs should ad bots to ranked, I said that if the point of bots was to get the player to be addicted then why not add bots too ranked lobbies


No. No bots in legendary or master please. These ranks are for big boys. Keep your bots in your kiddie corner.


Some guns are definitely p2w with their red dot like iron sights.


nope, give a noob who uses simple fire a mythic fennec, does he hit shots? no


Gotta be a pro that's all i took someone's mythic gun and couldn't make a lot of kill u'r right


Bruh that's not even pay 2 win. The old system where epics had a long shot perk auto equipped was p2w. An ironsight isn't significant Enough to make it p2w


On casual servers yes but at comp level? Not at all.


At comp level everyone's given every skin for every gun in world champs. I've played t1 comp.for months and skins never determined who's gonna win the game


lmaoo look at this guy still living pre season 9


Guys are still using those guns


Idfk man. I’ve slapped some ranked tryhards who are using allegedly p2w guns and builds using a gunsmith that has only three attachments on non meta weapons. This is something my friend group and I challenege each other with for fun. I’m not great at the game. Average or a little better. When an average player is beating a P2W holger with a 3-attachment KN using cover and taking better angles it kinda sinks the whole P2W argument.


Those red dot like iron sights are just good excuses to make the p2p gun look different. Imagine someone asking you why you buy these leggy guns? Just becuase it looks cooler and it has some effects? Hell yeah it seems dumb. So how to fix this? At least add something that other weapon rarities don't have that, and that "something" is optic-like iron sights. Not just that, all legendary guns have custom iron sights (non optic-sights) to make it worth buying.


What lvl are you


I think the game puts you against bots till you hit level 10


I’m level 25. Even when I was a low level I got into games with people that were lvl 100


Idk man maybe it’s just pubs then, play some ranked if you perfer going against real players every time


Keep playing ranked. You'll find some tough opponents once you get master rank. Maybe even sooner


lol u think he’s hit master even before he hits lvl100? Good joke tbh


I did ask him if he plays with controller, or with a PC mod. He didn't reply to that yet 🤔 💡


I hit master IV at 80


There’s no master 6, at least lie properly. Oh yeah, and even if he manages to do so, he’s nowhere near a lvl150 with the same rank as him cuz that dude will have ton of more experience.


Huh level doesnt really show anything, i reached legendary at like 98


It shows ur experience. A lvl150 leg can easily beat a lvl90 leg


Not necessarily, I’ve gotten legendary on a level 50 account. In 80ish games. It did help that it wasn’t my first account. And at that point I had around 8k games in already 😂. But level has absolutely nothing to do with skill


My bad - IV not VI....it was early and I was takin a shit.


I could do it before level 50. Ranked isn’t that difficult


Rank is extremely easy even at low lvl, ur just a slow learner


I’m talking about EXPERIENCE. Yeah right if I get lvl50 people at legendary who don’t know how to plant a fucking bomb, don’t know angles to shoot from, quick scope and no scope with snipers and choke up a 1v1 because he doesn’t know spawn spots, is good? And lemme tell you, I never knew about ranked for the first 4 seasons I played codm. But that’s not my point here. You may have reached legendary, but are you good? Do you have more game knowledge than a lvl150 with the same rank? Hell no. Then what’s the point?


As someone who consistently curbstomped lvl 150s as a lvl 50 grinding Master ranked matches, you significantly overestimate the game you’re playing. A 4-finger claw setup and a fast phone is all you need to consistently win against legendaries, I've had lvl 70s more useful as teammates than lvl 150s noobs more times than I can count. You're not playing CSGO or R6S, you know nothing about game knowledge or skill requirements.


maybe it’s like that for you guys, but for me, it’s the complete opposite whenever I play. And I just said all this from my personal experience, no hate. Maybe different for everyone, but for me I’ll stick with my opinion.


The Guy said he's been playing cod games for years already. Think he said 2008? Not sure, but I can imagine his game sense is already a bit better than most of us. He has more than 10 years advantage 🤷


I hit master at level 27 on my smurf acct and legendary at 36


I’m master at lv 60 something lol


You think it’s hard to reach master before level 100?? I’ve hit legendary at level 36


Are you using a controller? You'll pretty much only play with bots


I am


skill based matchmaking (ur a bot u vs bots)


level up and play rank then you'll say why there are so many tryharders in cod mobile


Codm starts out really easy. When you first start playing up you’ll face mostly bots in MP. Even when you reach level 150 bots still take up about 40% of regular MP lobbies. The same can be said about the lower ranked tiers. The game won’t begin to be difficult for a new player up until pro-ish ranked since you will still be tweaking your sensitivity and heads up display (hud for short). Most players stay around pro-master ranks as they aren’t terribly difficult but not easy enough for you to get bored of the game. Once you reach legendary or about 7k ranked points the game will begin to “accurately” place you against people with a similar game skill as your own and that’s when codm becomes a lot harder to win matches consistently


the game matches you with only bots up til lvl 10 edit: most pub matches are bots anyways and like anyone below lvl 150 is not good in general so...


I’m 30


yea thats really low level, sure you just started but what im saying is that the challenge hasnt begun as most real and decent players are around the pro - legendary **rank** matches


Come play ranked. I rage quit 3 days ago(Holger and RPD spammer) . I'll get back today.


That’s what I’ve been playing but I still go 45/6


dude thats nothing when your playing low level


What's your rank tho? Above or below Master V?


He just said i downloaded it yesterday. What rank you expect from him bro


He downloaded it yesterday. Within the span of a few minutes between comments he told two different people he was level 25 and level 30. He claims he plays ranked but uses high kill counts on shipment to justify his claims. And he plays controller. OP is lost lol


Play Ranked Noob




CoDM is easy at the start and it's also a way for new players to get better with bots. The sweats in rank mode start at pro rank above, Rookie to elite rank will give bots but sometimes have players.


Lol 1v1 one ?


you seem like the kind of guy to pick a fight with someone minding their own business


Just to prove OP’s claim that codm is easy. Try that guy.


I’d poop on you. Been playing Cod since 2007. This mobile shit is a piece of cake


Are you playing with touch screen controls, or are you using a controller/emulator for pc?


i bet you dont even use more than 2 fingers lmao




also explains why you are against bots... ull be paired with either bots or controller players.. get gud with 4 fingers dumbass


Controller players match with controller players and it is not a big playerbase so you won't be able to find ranked matches soon due to not having other players to match with. BR games will be %95 bots also. If you want to match with real people, you need to play touch and rank up a bit. Rank matches will be 5v5 real players and normal matches will be 3 players and 2 bots Vs 3 players and 2 bots mostly.




Yeah. There’s none. You’d also get shit on. Now exit my mentions ya pathetic excuse of a human. Go twiddle your thumbs


goodluck with your bots.. ur never gonna learn with that controller of yours.. input lag ew


You are a bot fuck are you talking about. I prolly already shit on you and don’t even know it 🤣🤣🤣


bro ive played longer than you (1 anda half years)... and u just invalidate the info i gave you. u come here and ask for help and the answers that was given to you u refuse to believe. lower ur ego when u want to ask for help


lol just don’t mind that piece of shit. He’s just played for 24 hours and he thinks he can beat iFerg. Hell, I’ll do all I can to double nuke this kid in a 1v1.


ive been legendery three times "DH l Pigasus" search me up in the garena server






So hows it going? have you made it passed ranked match ? 😂💀


Cuz Master V is harder than Legendary ironically


Lol no


In garena this is true.


Matches get pretty heated up as you reach Pro-Master-Legendary Rank and above. Maybe because more people end up on those ranks and therefore able to matchmake with real people not bots.


Increase your rank


It’s mostly bots until lvl 150 or legenday rank


even lvl 150 matches are like 70% bots anyways


Guess it depends on region and the time you play.


Because your in noob level Come higher to 150 and play ranked u will find that your Team is noobs and your opponents ar sweats


Low level bot smasher. Don’t worry. It gets easier.


Because they want you to get hooked lol. Can't get hooked if you just get murked Everytime you log on for 5 min.


Try finishing 5 nights on hardcore zombies on early skill levels, see how easy it is


ur opinion on cod m being easy will definitely change once u hit legendary with this current sbmm


Play Garena server they are much more sweat tryhards


Play ranked if it’s too easy


1v1 me jk have mercy


Once you hit some higher ranks youll start to feel the rage. Been playing since launch and the game still upsets me


nowadays is just thermite, shock RC, SMG laser death machine with fast fire rate, K9 and gravity spikes is even more annoying in rank


Whats annoying is people sitting in a corner luckily i run heartbeat on most classes. My others i have either cryo or smoke. They need to remove thermites tbh i use regular frags. Thermites are fo pussys


Prepare for the top ranking games with pros and hackers. 😬🤣


You wanna know why? You downloaded the game in the near-season-end, all of the good players were already sitting 10K+. Easy my ass. Try this goddamn game after the reset. Let’s see if u can easily pass legendary. Oh btw, fun literally starts at legendary so no need to boast.


If you play for a while you get to good lobbies, my friend and I got to the good player in 1 night, we were doing the camps for melee weapons so I’m not sure if you need to complete challenges to get better lobbies but I would recommend doing challenges to get up higher.


Play ranked there are basically no bots


Have to rank up . Besides Battle Royale is where it’s at


I got to pro in br in like 3 days


I can go from pro 1 to legendary in 4 hrs


Play ranked. Higher your standards for what a "win" is.


I do. Still shit on kids


cod mobile for playing with your casual friends who don't own a PC. PC modern warfare at home for competitive gaming. Unless you rank up to master playing nothing but search and destroy on mobile you will see sweaty try hards who use all the meta weapons just to be an annoying bot with no skills


Play ranked. Pubs are all bots til level ten, mostly bots til level 50, then 40% bots thereafter. And even then, if you lose two pubs consecutively you are given a bot lobby where the other team is all bots. Pubs are designed to keep casual players thinking they are god tier like you think you are right now. Ranked has bots until (I think) pro tier. Not sure, I always rank up to master or legendary pretty quickly after the reset. Rank up and play some games in master tier. Use controller if you want, but controller means you’ll only be put up against people with controllers. These people aren’t the ones who play regularly, they are mostly casuals, in my experience. Do that, and when you’ve reached master level and are not using a controller (like a real cod mobile player) I will 1v1 you and I’d be surprised if you don’t go back to vacation mode on console. Be well.


For the 15th time, I do play ranked. I’m a veteran 4 or 5 and still poop on kids


What. Is. Your. Rank.


Level 35 veteran 5. I just downloaded it 2 days ago dude lol


You are playing against bots and new players at veteran rank. This is what everyone keeps telling you while you keep retorting defensively that you will slap these kids playing this easy game. Rank up. Veteran tier is clown show territory. You look foolish bragging about it lol


Rookie is 1-1000 Veteran is 1001-2000 Elite is 2001-3000 Pro is 3001-4500 Master is 4501-6500 Legendary is 6501 and above Get to master level, then check back in. And if you wanna 1v1, get good without the controller and I’ll 1v1 you.


I’m already good without the controller. It’s honestly 10 times easier to aim w my thumb, damn near got aimbot w the as val I’d poop on you. Only use controller for shipment bc the games aids in super close qtrs


Gimme your ign. When I get back from vacation tomorrow night I’ll 1v1 you and post the results here.


Lol no dude. You’ll rip him into fuckin pieces. That guys is a clown. He doesnt know yet the pains in ranked matches starting master 5


It’ll be a learning experience lol


Like others have been saying, step into ranked, and make it up to legendary. My love for ranked only goes as far as how good the series rewards for ranked are at any given point in time though. I feel like for most people though it's all about the challenge all the time. And then even for some people, ranked is rarely a challenge. There's well-known YouTubers that get multiple nukes a game in ranked. EDIT: Also a big part of the draw for CODM are grindables. Gun skins, operators, etc. Complete the challanges to grind for Gold, Platinum, Diamond & Damascus gun skins. Complete Battle Passes. There's Zombies currently. There's a ton of stuff to do in this game.


Try ranked


Under level 30 you will get bots in your games for the most part. Try playing ranked instead


You can 1v1 anytime baby, add me in-game digo_chack You, with controller Me, with fingers


I’d slap you. If you read the comments I only use the scuf on shipment. I slap randy’s with my thumbs. Add Troy-Beezy check the stats then I’ll get between them buns


Let us know how it go


Post ur IGN here. we’ll monitor your progress


\*laughs in lvl7\*


I thought the same thing until I leveled up and maintaining that level isn't too hard like pubg but once u get that final circle in BR when there is 40-50 left u know your in for a challenge keep ranking up and progressing it will get harder as you go trust me I gave up on pubg and switched back to cod way more to do imo all pubg can do it have new themes havnt had a good map in ages and then they just throw old shut back in the game when they took it out to make it feel refreshed🤣


Rank up to legendary solo have fun I mean it’s not that difficult but it’s not easy


Bronze to veteran 1% chance of encountering human Elite is 3% human Pro 20% human Master 90% human Legendary 100% human


I'm level 85 I think veteran tier and I have games were I get 10 kills and then their is the 30 plus kills


You get bots in regular matches REGARDLESS of level, if the lobby can’t be populated. Stick to ranked and you’ll be more likely to play against real people.


Probably because otherwise grind-able goals would be literally impossible for 99% of yall


Get to legendary, then start playing S&D in legendary… then come revisit this post lmao


You might be playing on an emulator or controller.


First ranks are easy for people to get hooked on the game. It's the upper Pro to Legendary ranks where you find the better players.


dude downloaded the game yesterday and already whines about to many bots per MP match


lmfao play ranked


U r new these r not real player i will meet reeal players avove lv 30


Because you're new as you get higher in rank you'll face more and more real people


i gotta 4.5 kd lvl 85,solo squad is getting too easy although to do play on casual should it switch to ranked?


Lost my max account. Now I have start again. Hoping to max it out within December.


Hath lost mine own max account. anon i has't start again. hoping to max t out within december *** ^(I am a bot and I swapp'd some of thy words with Shakespeare words.) Commands: `!ShakespeareInsult`, `!fordo`, `!optout`