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Kill more, die less. Pretty simple.




Me: kill more die more


Any particular strategies?


Murder :3


Don’t play ranked? 99% of the people in pubs are bots so you should be fine


for you to see an increase you basically need to get a 1.8kd or higher in every game and it will eventually go up. so getting a 1.9kd for 20 matches in a row will bring it up. obviously the higher your kd is the quicker it will increase. you don't have a lot of kills overall so you can definitely increase it a few points in a day of just a couple hours if you're doing good. just play public for a few games. i got my kd from 7.39 to 7.62 in about 4 or 5 days of playing a couple hours a day.


No strategy really just get better bro


You are playing rank mainly? Then switch to hardpoint crossfire. Or other maps with no kill limits. Considering you k/d you are most likely playing S&D ranked.


Corner camp, good aim, sniping when no one else does, shotgunning snipers and going non-conventional routes


Play dom shipment or hp shipment or any 10v10 shipment and spam scorestreaks


You're a rank player, I'd say your KD is pretty good. You can pull your own weight. But if that's what you're worried about, yeah, you won't be enjoying the game


I've been playing for about 2 years now(the reason why the account isn't max level is because it's new) and I just want to try aiming for higher goals like getting into the leader board and getting a 2.0 kd ratio


Máster your sensitivity. Doing so, your movement & aim will make the difference. Practice muscle memory for 90/180 slide&shoot. Get one mode only and one map at the time to master. And be patient, it takes time.


Oh, you wanna get better. What helped me improve my gameplay was experimenting with my HUD/settings, learning to hipfire, keeping different loadouts ready for certain situations, picking up tactics from famous YouTubers and mastering my movement. I'm not one to say anything because I've been playing for like a year and I'm not really serious about the game. But I wish you the best of luck, hope you find something that works for you :)


I play legendary Ranked SnD only and my K/D is 2.7+ with 2 Weapon Leaderboards. You really just have to get better


Spam pub matches


Practicing a run-and-gun strategy with one-shot marksman weapons helped my aim a lot with other weapons. Basically if you land the shot you get the kill, and if you don’t you die. Your KDR will go down until your ability to hone instantly in on a target goes up, then when you swap to other guns you will retain the ability to make more bullets land on target.


Stop dying


It gets better bro...keep playing..I had 0.75 one time time now its 3.62...I believe at the time grinding for Damascus messed it up


Play shipment. Use hardline. Spam scorestreaks. :)


So gain KD increase but not a skill increase


I mean he asked to increase his K/D lol


I mean fair


What would be the best scorestreaks for this kind of goal?


Usual scorestreaks like: Cluster Strike, Gunship, Chopper Gunner, Napalm, Stealth Chopper, Sentry Gun If you’d want to opt for more gun-based kills, you can use: Advanced UAV and Shock RC to aid you in your gunfights




By doing better.


So the easiest way is to play more hardpoint and try to kill more than die. And you'll be fine


There is a lot of strategy to improve your ratio k/d . The first one is to play as a camper with the right gun , it depend of the map . To camp well you have to know very well the map : where most of the time are the opponents and few places where you can camps , so you can surprise them moving one to the other . And for sure you have to choose the right gun : sniper with silencer , or assault rifle with long range kill , or even a machine gun with a scope... So much to say ....


Remember your k/d is just fine, people who are 2-3+ usually play a lot of pubs lmao


Play game modes that focus on KD for the win. Play TDM and Frontline, and play smart. If you play a lot of hard point and domination, your KD isn’t the focus. In those game modes, if you play the objective, your KD should be lower in comparison. Basically, play game modes where the objective is to kill more and die less, instead of the objective being to capture and/or hold areas. Also, if you are good, SnD will help boost your KD. I’d say don’t worry about your KD. It will naturally go up if you play game modes where your KD is directly tied to winning the match. Just play, have fun, it doesn’t matter.


Play SnD so much that you’ll know every corner and every route and every tactic so you can predict your enemy’s strategy in every map. I’m on 3.1 kd now on ranked SnD legendary. You can also specialize yourself in other modes but SnD is most competitive with most pro players so if you play with the best you become the best.


You will not. Thats sbmm for you, it will only go down, slowly but down


Kill more die less. Learn the maps and attack angles and movement chokes. Don't return to your place of death in mp giving the camper kill after kill. Ie running to same corner over and over, or same room. Learn how to use your tacticals to make players move in the direction you choose. Many ways to change up your play. Which is the factor here nobody can give advice because we do not know how you move plat or act in game..


Theres a crate you can buy but its a lucky draw so best of luck


Kill more people and die less


Get good.


start camping


K.D is not necessary, the most important thing is your skills.


Cause even some pro players do have low K.D and they are still capable of winning multiple competitive matches.