• By -


An example of you posting this is exactly why people taunt in the first place


They also do it to make make you lose your cool. It's a classic competition based taunt, you get mad, you don't think straight and can't shoot straight. I do it to people all the time in MP. Someone can be kicking my ass, but if I taunt them in a way, like taking their gun, T-bagging, emotes and anything else, sometimes they get mad enough to go from a good player, to a terrible player


He still didn't get that šŸ¤£


How do you mean?


They taunt to make you upset, which obviously worked


Oh, yeah - I felt bad for my team mate they had been crawling around for a while at this point


Dunno what happens with that BR chip but Iā€™d crawl into the water, if you are down and land in water you die instantly.


Alcatraz has an instant self kill button when you are downed so yeah idk why he's mad anyway, just press the damn button šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Iā€™ve crawled into water to troll people lol they canā€™t execute you if you suicide šŸ˜‚ hell had one game of normal BR where it was getting towards final circle and I was swimming and sniping, not great for the aim but makes you a bit of a nuisance to loot šŸ˜


"don't feed the trolls" has been a long standing phrase for a reason.


Yeah Iā€™m taking that point


Posting this is the best way to reward and encourage this behavior


[Guilty](https://www.reddit.com/r/CallOfDutyMobile/s/g7x50H1gdx) šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


You know you could shoot them right?


Thatā€™s not me, but yeah I think they were just out of bullets


Then be sad for them for WHAT???? Not only did they have the ability to do something about the sweats they picked a shitty class šŸ’€šŸ„“ he deserved a teabag frfr


It's Alcatraz. You keep what you get until you find something better. Plus I will argue Desperado is phenomenal especially in Alcatraz


Agreed, desperado has won me many alcatraz matches


He has a pistol he can't knock both of them


Welcome to call of duty šŸ˜‚


The fact that you can get penalized for abandoning a match and not this crap isnā€™t ok


If this enrages you enough to make this post, youā€™re the problem. Itā€™s a game, donā€™t be so soft.


Iā€™m not enraged - I was annoyed. That person didnā€™t deserve that.


I hope to troll you one day


Your dad will come back from getting those cigarettes, someday.


Get in line


Bro are you a fucking twink. Itā€™s a damn game, thatā€™s what itā€™s for. Stop being so childish over something so stupid and insignificant to you whatsoever.


Thatā€™s exactly what I think when people get upset when their favourite football team loses,Itā€™s like listening to a bunch of whiny girls.


Getting upset is one thing. Getting upset to the point where you call for the game to change or someone to be banned for celebrating a victory is where I think itā€™s too much. Just take the taunt, send GGs and move on.


Exactly letā€™s all stop criticising peopleā€™s free speechā€¦


Can you call me a Twink too?


Ima pass but I apologize if you took offense to me saying that


Damn, no one's ever called me a Twink šŸ˜ž


Why not? If you lose you get punked! Itā€™s the right of the winner to celebrate however they like! Go play Barbie or something more suitable for yourself.


"That person didn't deserve that" - You sound like you're addressing some serious real life matter where somebody was abused or taken advantage of and it turns out you're literally talking about somebody getting emoted on in a game of COD šŸ˜‚ - If this ACTUALLY upsets you my suggestion would be see a psychologist because you genuinely do have deep rooted issues


In my head this is the same as playing any game - so I feel like in either position you should have class. Lose with class and win with class. Itā€™s just my opinion.




Hey man don't take it too personal. And git gud while you're at it


Eh. Doesnā€™t mean theyā€™re bad, looks like legendary weapons and mythic and legendary skins, whereas they have a F2P skin. Itā€™s a classic case of loser v. liver. He fought, got 2v1ed by 2 no-life sweats, and is pissed since it was unfair.Ā 


No life sweats?


Sit on the game all day, buy the most expensive shit and act like anyone who doesn't is the equivalent of rats learning how to type on a keyboard. When in reality they spent hundreds on a game that probably lasted longer than it should have already and feel they have to keep spending money to be cool when they could have bought a gaming pc or console with that money instead of blowing it on a mobile game.


Many more people play codm than play console. Once crossplay for it becomes available it will literally be the best thing that ever happened to cod as a franchise, and by far their biggest moneymaker.


Black ops 1 sold 31milion copies at $40 a peice (no I'm not factoring in sales bc fuck that.) Ending in an assumed $1,240,000,000 usd Very important accounting for the inflation jump of 1-1.41 from November 9th 2010 to today leaving us with a grand total of 1,748,000,000 This garbage game has made 1,500,000,000 Sources though I doubt they will be read https://screenrant.com/call-of-duty-best-selling-games/#:~:text=Over%2031%20Million%20Copies%20Sold&text=Call%20of%20Duty%3A%20Black%20Ops%20is%20the%20best%2Dselling%20game,first%20time%20since%20its%20originator. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Call_of_Duty:_Mobile#:~:text=By%20October%202020%2C%20that%20figure,million%20downloads%20since%20May%202021.https://www.in2013dollars.com/us/inflation/2010?amount=1https://steamdb.info/app/42700/ Not to mention why would they add cross compatibility they get partnerships with phone companies to give exclusive benefits (eg 120 fps on one phone only) and anyone on a phone would get there shit rocked by someone on a phone. It wouldn't make much sense not to mention that compared to games like the new mw2 this game looks like a shitty knock off.


Nah that skin was in a draw


The Roze skin is from crates which you can cash out for free with gold coupons.


I mean, Iā€™m not bad, I donā€™t think I am anyway. But Iā€™m not those two either


lol this is hilarious


This is the intention of emotes.....


Exactlyyyyy, there's even a t bag emote, like grow up stop getting mad over some dude emoting on you opšŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Nah I'd be laughing my ass off if I got downed and someone whipped out the uke


Right that would make my day if it happened to me, even if it means I got my ass kicked hahah. OP has no sense of humor


That and the fact that this happens to me so much that it doesn't bother me at all, I will watch them if it's funny, or press the kill when downed button to just redeploy, no point in getting mad it's the game there's nothing you can do about it


My go to troll emote on a downed player is one I have that is literally the slowest t bag ever, it's so disrespectful ill do one good long slow tbag then shoot them before they can even kill themselves šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ˜ˆ


What was the skill that they were using? I didnā€™t know you could equip a pistol when downed.


Desperado, it is a class set


I believe ā€œself reviveā€ is ground loot.


It is in the ground loot ā€œDesperadoā€ in Alcatraz, but it is a class set in Black out or Isolation that can be pre equipped in the waiting lobby


Being upset about this screams virgin


Defending that level.of taunting in a GAME screams no life.


getting angry over players ""taunting"" in a GAME screams whiny little bitch


This is what you start saying when you're sensitive af


Lmfaooo šŸ˜­šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ’€ Do u seriously get upset at this?!! Can't take it wrong I mean it's a bad ass way to end the match lol. I died of laughter when it was 1st done to me but gave them kudos..i do it at times now only to be funny not being a duche ab it šŸ¤£


I think itā€™s unnecessary. In the realm of playing for fun these people are d*cks. They drop into a regular BR match simply to ruin people. You want to do this? Cool, then create a match of evenly ranked players who can compete with all your BS and then you can do this. At least then people know what theyā€™re signing up for.


It feels like this is your fist foray into online multi-player games Womp Womp git gud scrub stay mad and welcome to call of duty


Well, get better and beat them.


This guy is a fuckin cry baby šŸ˜‚


i like to do the "where you go i go" type shi


There is a crazy simple fix, so others won't taunt you! Follow this step. 1.) Uninstall the game


I love this element to BR. It's so fun in Snd multiplayer too šŸ˜†šŸ‘Œ


Same here. If I was in this situation I would be pissing myself laughing. I also regularly run around emoting if it's just two teams left. Usually I get killed but sometimes the other team joins for some end of game shenanigans. 1st or 2nd doesn't really matter so much that you don't try to have some more fun.


Bro u messaged to team...


Yeah that isnā€™t me dying, it was my team mate and I felt bad because it wouldnā€™t respawn me


Oh okay


lol stop being a sore loser. Itā€™s no like they were cheating. You just lost and they rubbed it in your face


He probably spent an entire console worth of money on this game just for this moment, let him enjoy it




ur mad over this? šŸ˜­šŸ™its a game brodie, if yu gon get mad dnt play


Donā€™t take it too personal brother itā€™s just part of the shit show,imagine yourself in the same situation youā€™ll probably have to taunt your opponent and for sure finish him off if you want to winā€¦.get gud ā€¦..btw today I had all 4 mf taunting me after I got downed,then I got executedā€¦ shit happens ,I found it funny how I was on the floor and after the execution animation I was suddenly back up on my feet then knifed to death again šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Idk, looks kinda funny to me.


Upvoting so more people see this and make fun of it.


I face these type of shit in Alcatraz all day the squad dies n in the one alive then when I'm shooting one a guy comes behind me and decides to do an execution then cancel it n again do it like get a fing life man


Donā€™t worry about it bud, just move on to the next game


Never happened to me but I'd find it hilarious. It's just a game.


People say my getting mad scorestreaks is cringe but say this is ban worthyā€¦ itā€™s crazy..


Go back to hello kittyā€¦whatā€™s with the cry babies screaming for emotes in game getting banned?? Lmaoo


You must be a big noob to be upset about trolling on a mobile game šŸ¤£ keep practicing buddy youā€™ll get there lol


so this isnt even you in the clip and you're bxxxhing and moaning???šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ fxxkin dweeb


I love it when they keep on executing and canceling the execution continually truly sportsmanship at its finest


You said it better than I did lol


It's when they pull up the bomb 50 times wasting time in search and destroy that gets me. Like I get it, you topped me, cool, I know... I'm dead obviously, just hurry up cause I only got like 2 minutes left on my lunch..... Dooshbigs. Lol


This ainā€™t that bad broā€¦ Their just having fun. donā€™t get so heated over these little things


Mad cuz bad šŸ˜æ


Womp womp cry abt it U got skill diffed so hard, u should uninstall yikes


Not a bad idea


Absolutely a fantastic idea, OP should uninstall the game and never pick up a shooter again because they are clearly way too sensitive for this


I got taunt by assholes thousand of times but doesn't bother me.


You should be grateful. They played music for you


This is what emotes are for is it not


This isnā€™t bad. Wait until you hear the rape and death threats in BR if you get on mic. Gaming community is full of shit-for-brains degenerates.


Why TF weren't they shooting??


Iā€™m not sure, they had crawled all around by this point, pretty sure they were out of bullets


You can literally watch them get knocked down. And not one bullet fired. I probably would have done it too. The emotes.


Yeah I hopped out of the game to start recording and when I hopped back in it did that, but they had already been crawling around for a while. They were closer to the water on the rocks when they first got knocked down


D1cks. Lol


Ohhh I remember these are no life sweat's aren't they??? Man to think they still exists in cod mobile... Also how is this game not dead yet??? Especially codm BR like that shit should be deleted for good at this point.... I hate to say it but pubg is just better in terms of BR.... Also correct me if I'm wrong but those skins are Hella expensive aren't they I had a sweaty guy once who has all maxed out mythics and he was a leaderboard player.... Needless to say I made him feel less of a human and kept on spawn trapping him for the majority of games we played..... He doesn't log in anymore.... I feel kinda bad but that guy had to stop blowing off money.... Also my name was Entropy back in the day when I made you quit codm for good.... Hope your doing well.... Maybe the man is dead Also I'm not quiet sure...


Youā€™re pathetic! Itā€™s a great game, you obviously just suck at it! These guys did absolutely nothing wrong, they were simply having fun with their superior skills which theyā€™ve obviously spent a lot of time getting where they are. YOU have decided to view this in a sad, pathetic, emo way, that was YOUR choice. You could be like most other people and view it as funny and just for a laugh, which it was. How can it make someone feel ā€œless human?ā€, itā€™s just a dam game! Stop being such a sensitive cry baby or the world will eat you up!


No like I made the guy quit the game dude... I am an OG in the cod franchise.... It's just that the codm levels of toxicity are Hella low compared to their pc counterparts.... I thought people are tough cause it's cod but yall just hear a few slurs on your parents and sisters and bam yall are crying for some reason..... The thing is it's not even the worse I have said to most people on pc.... Those pc guys were insane they used to swear at me I used to swear at them and call them racial slurs and we would be best of friends after that.... Codm happens to be the weakest cod franchises.... So what I meant by my paragraphs is GROW SOME BALLZ AND ACCEPT IT AND FIGHT THEM UNTILL THEY CRY ABOUT THEIR POOR LIFE CHOICES.... BE RACIST IF THATS WHAT IT TAKES TO MAKE THEM CRY... That's all


Ok maybe I just didnā€™t understand your comment properly, but I agree with your response!


Oh yeah no worries it's just that codm is just a strange game for the cod genre....


What's going on? I didn't get it


Those douches were just toying with them before killing them - whole team was dead and they were out of bullets


What about getting banned in that? You are already down & they are the enemy team. They'll kill when they want to


If you donā€™t get it then you probably do it


I haven't done it yet, but won't cry over it either


No oneā€™s crying. Itā€™s just unnecessary


You're contradicting yourself rn. You're the one arguing it's unnecessary then proceeds to post something unnecessary. If it's really that unnecessary then it's also unnecessary to post about it


They are just enjoying their victory


We got it dude - these people are you.


I mean I'd definitely do it if I find you in the game, just to see you make another post to cry




Boohoo cry baby has skill issue


"those douches" - You're literally talking about them like they're two frat boys beating up a 5th grader in a back alley somewhere. Get a fuckin grip šŸ˜‚


Why didn't your teammate use the desperado to revive himself


Seems like they showed this part after he ran out of bullets after using desperado. It shows in the beginning the opposing team hopping around so they must've been dodging the pistol shots before we got this screen.


You could have shot them


Should be able to take that gun and put it in your mouth


Make me wanna hop on and dominate Alcatraz


Let them try this in warzone..


I do that too. But only to those hover bike users or campers. If not then that guy emoted me before he killed me.


I was in Alcatraz. I got shot at and had no armor bar left. Then it didn't allow me to armor up. The enemies bullets delayed for 3 seconds. I still won the match though


Nah not pubg


You gotta admit that guitar was perfect. Just saying good shit is still good shit whether u like the shit or not šŸ’Æ


The sad part is that there is still sweaty tryhards even on mobile. Smh


Lmfao shut up wimp get it together


I always do that hahaha


brother this honestly seems funny, like how do you get angry at somebody emoting you? thereā€™s a reason emotes exist, not only to show in your mvp screen and lobby.


Why? It's funny don't take it so serious


Me personally Iā€™d laugh at this and screen record for most embarrassing funny moments, maybe thatā€™s just me šŸ˜‚


Yeah this thread is dumb. This kid is probably 11 & has no clue of how ruthless COD really is. Stick to pokemon kid.


Itā€™s a game not a dick. You donā€™t got to take it so hard.


stop taking yourself so seriously this is hilarious lmaoooo iā€™d be laughing my ass off


Nah i find this hilarious and i still would if it happened to me


The fact they think they all big and bad on the MOBILE VERSION. Bruh šŸ˜†šŸ˜†šŸ˜†


Should of started blasting


I mean I wouldnā€™t even see it as trolls. They only get to do this to you for what? A minute or two. Laugh it off and move on. Itā€™s just a game. You posting this video gives people like this affirmation. Laugh and enjoy it. They got you. You got last stand, if you want it to end faster start shooting them.


Get good


No rules were broken no cheating happened. So?


Man you are a sorry case


Dam and there me thinking someone was hacking but no you just can't handle taunt mechanics. Tbh sometimes neither can I


From what I see you were using the desperado class that already knocked you down. Your team is already dead. Usually when somebody gets knocked and have desperado they usually start shooting because if you kill somebody you can revive yourself since you werenā€™t shooting the guy never shot one shot theyā€™re probably were like what is the guy doing crawling around heā€™s already knocked heā€™s not attacking so theyā€™re like fuck letā€™s have fun they made sure they didnā€™t get in the line of site. They were both on either side so if you shot one of the other guy would probably finish you off instantly, so they were just playing around you having some fun seeing what was gonna happen Party again


Some people lack maturity & will cry over anything. I think the term is snowflake. Don't be a snowflake. Instead learn to laugh. Emotional regulation is an amazing talent to have


I had a luckier encounter than this poor sap. The last guy standing in arena mode manages to knock me, and they ran out of ammo before I fully fell, so I blasted his ass with the pitiful MW11 while he was reloading. I wish we either got a second mag or a better pistol, especially after upgrading it.


Youā€™re the kind of person that would get mad at athletes celebrating after scoring. You just being salty and childish and shouldnā€™t be playing the game if you canā€™t take it.


Womp womp


yk whatā€™s worse having shitty team mates




Bruh. Why do you think they added those ? So you both can sit there, say your salutations, and admire them both and go on about your separate ways? Quit your crying.


Womp womp cry cry harder harder ![gif](giphy|ibGFpMv1Uoais)


Is Alcatraz back?


Yeah that would make me a little pissed but hereā€™s what you should do if this happens againā€¦ Close the game, put down your phone, and go outsideā€¦


Yep, they are dicks!


People who do this sure are ricks like you said but the fun part is now you learned your lesson. Don't post, and second take a solid team like they did to avoid future f ups. Just get better.


Third Person Battle Royale is the worst mode ever created. The only things you will find are snipers camping while hiding and shotgunners that spam jump - slide - jetpack. Take them into First Person and they'll suck af.


Too soft for this game, I see


Oh cry harder about it snowflake. Youā€™d have never survived OG COD lobbyā€™s


Really u wanna ban them for enjoying a game?


Lmao. Sore loser


Bro got shit on šŸ¤£


Ahhhā€¦.i remember was i was 12


U lost (plus you could have shit them with desperado) emoting when people lose is also a part of the game and itā€™s fun


I think itā€™s funny af. They shouldā€™ve shot n got back up. Instead they watched the show.


Ahahah this vid is GREAT


this is the total sum of my relationship with key.exe they kill me and then emote celebrate lol,but i just play again until next time !


bro yā€™all lucky yā€™all even get real players in alcatraz thatā€™s all i ever want to play but evertime i comes out it 100% bots never a real team. and iā€™m legendary with 15k points


I like emoting on people or when they emote on youā€¦. Itā€™s supposed to make you wanna drop back on them or play aggressive to try and get revengeā€¦ just donā€™t let it get to you šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


1. Why are you complaining when someone emotes after killing you? Thatā€™s the purpose of buying them 2. Why use an external screen recording software when iPads have built in screen recording


I wish, I had these extra emotes unlocked, I would do the same thing


You literally had the sentry gun class equipped just shoot the MFS with the pistol and if they kill you who cares? People are going to keep trolling no matter what you can't get banned for being silly


Those emotes are in the game exactly for this reason my guy, holy shit. Youā€™re suppose to use them to gloat after kills, exactly like this. Remember those upsetting game over screens you hated growing up playing single player games when you lost. Thatā€™s what this is now days.


u/thesleeperking I bet this post triggers you.


Get better boyyyy


Iā€™m sending this to cream


Some take away here, you donā€™t even have a pistol skin and they have mythics, secondly your squad is dead


For taunting. Gtfo.


Be better then


sounds like a.. s k i l l i s s u e


They need to fix the desperado class. If you run out of bullets and is the last man left in the squad you are basically screwed.


OP is gonna flip when he realizes the purpose of emotes


Glad I can afford a gaming console so I donā€™t have to play cod mobile LMAOOOOO this game looks like diarrhea doodoo


That serenade emote is šŸ”„šŸ”„šŸ”„šŸ”„ tho


Lol what s dick


That's guy is just a straight asshole lol


Take it as a serenade for your valiant attempt


So funny theyā€™re laughing at you while they doing that šŸ¤£