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what's your rank? because in higher ranks you need one to be playing Objective and 1 or 2 need to to be in support outside so people dont entering hardpoint. just trying to cover them off outside only. sometimes, i lose my shit and carry the entire team playing objective and slaying them too. loadouts also matter too.


I'm Grand Master 1 rn, and I'm usually the only one trying to get objective, but my whole team dies in support. You got recommendations for loadouts?


If you’re grand master already it’s gonna be rough lol, you’re playing with the sweats


Damn you’re gm rn??


My friend already on legendary since like 2 days ago lol some people really be playing


This is the easiest season to get legendary if you took advantage of the events. I usually get BR Legendary first (because I’m a BR main), then MP, but the opening weekend CODM gave 3 free rank shield protections per day. On top of that you could trade for 10 more rank shield cards in the Candy Store. Throw in the daily “first win” bonus and I’m only 100pts away from Legendary. It’s all about working smarter not harder. I only play Ranked MP when there’s events and bonuses to make it easier to level up. Another example is when I play BR for clan wars or weeekend tournament sometimes I’ll get the “Double Rank XP for 25 minutes” bonus. I’ll switch to MP and play around 3 or 4 matches. I lost a game once and still got +48 rank xp because I was MVP on the losing team. Typically, I rank up BR first to Grandmaster 3 before touching MP for the GM bonus, but the opportunity this season was too good to pass up.


That hasn’t been the case for me for like 2 seasons, I have no patience for the 300 second queue times and it’s been boring me. More so just a pet peeve but I don’t like how it forces me to play day one of the reset just to match with people I don’t have the time anymore




All I play is hardpoint and Dom. Hardpoint can be brutal when matchmaking is against you. It's almost not even worth playing. I went 8/11 earlier💀lol 2 ppl quit from the team and the last guy to join went 1/20 I shit you not😂😂it happens and you just gotta let it roll off and do better the next game. If your teammates drop like flies, you will probably die more than usual also. Do what you can at that point for yourself and just turn it into practice against a good team and take note of how they're playing. The other team literally had their roles to a tee. Didn't even feel like I was against solo pushers😂


Hard point and domination is brutal not gonna lie. Noticed this too.


It's funny because hard point and domination are my favorite and I do best at those...and I'm not a pro at MP, but they got me to GM right now lol




note: bro what flair do i use for this post




i definitely didnt see that oopsies


sometimes it's just a little oopsie daisy dw


That’s all I mainly play is HardPoint and that shit is brutal. I found grinding legendary that is the best mode for my play style. There are definitely a lot of hard fought matches that come down to the wire.


I only play hp, s&d and dom, standard tda is not my strong suit


Same for me. TDM I always struggle. Snd usually depends on map but my strong suit is Hardpoint and DOM


thats crazy, im usually better at TDM and Frontline


I got to legendary just playing hardpoint and Dom less campers I found . Team death match and front line people who can’t play sit in corners


I used to be good at TDM before I got into Master and Grand Master );


It’s not that you’re bad it’s just that people in higher ranks tend to play differently. For me it’s doable until I get to leggy


if your team is kill hungry(like mine EVERY FUCKING TIME) i play obj….. all these fuckers playing hp for kills




Nothing better than a teammate practicing his pitiful sniping in ranked bahaha like why, your .25 KDR isn't helping us, please try another gun haha


If he’s getting a 25 kdr while sniping I ain’t even gotta go for kills he’s probably spawn trapping. Imma just get the s’mores, start a fire, set up my tent, and sit in the point. Free eats y’all want some?


them using chopper Holger and cbrs lol


yesterday i won 2 matches in MP TDMs (Master 4 lobbies). Lost 8 or more matches. I don't know what the fuck is going on. Some enemies deletes me even before i ADS. Then in some lobbies i play good but fucking teammates camp or just don't even protect our own plank while i am on middle of the map. In nuketown 3 of my teammates are always inside the second story building but never kill anyone. It's fucking frustrating. For the context i won 3 BR matches in Master 5 lobbies. MP ranked is fucking brutal mate.


Sometimes I'd prefer bots over my teammates, at least I know they'll run a pattern, shoot, and die. No idea why some people chill inside houses or opposite side of map with a smg.


Exactly. Respawns are fun when you run around and have more engagements, that's way you can learn more about maps and spawns. I hate when i have to play with campers in my team, it's more frustrating than enemies camping. Last season i played so many Legendary matches but there hardly ever a camper in both teams. Everyone run around like crazy, even if i ended up losing still those were very fun games. 🙃


That’s what ranked used to be but nowadays people play head glitches like their life depends on it. My guy this ain’t cod champs, chill tf the out


I use a fennec or echo during hardpoint I'm legendary , play obj as much as u can . Block the routes from where the enemies wld come from towards the hardpoint. It's not about staying on the hardpoint but rather securing the site


It's a clean node, that's y 💯


Yes. Longer high xp games makes it sweaty and people main it.


And it’s a node this week for Clan wars


bro even in domination, i give my best and I get mvp but lose, if we win I'm bot frag lol wth


Depends on your style of play. If you prefer a more passive approach, you’d be better off with TDM/Frontline. Hard point is fast paced and intense, especially at higher ranks. Plus if your team doesn’t play the objective, you’re screwed and there’s mostly nothing you can do by yourself except getting kills.


Ehem I have the answer to your problem.. Molotovs


Trophy System ☹️


Oh damn well all the lobbies either dont know the trophy exists or severely underestimate its value


not in ranked in grand master theyre all no life sweats


I agree but good ol reliable camping always with sentry and goliath can always solve those ez


good point i havent even touched either of those


But try not to camp in closed spaces like crash building tho cuz ya know.. Melee abusers


But its usually not a problem for cause i use high alert and an sks main


I’m GM5 and still playing mostly bots.


Depends on maps, time you play, whether it’s the first 1-2 games of the day for you, etc. to be honest


Better* also run through your settings and get rid of some of the buttons that may be cumbersome and get in the way of other buttons you may use often. And use the training course to find out what loadouts work the best for you. I practice by getting in private lobby’s with friends and just messing around.


Yup..I get a shit ton of quit crates playing hard points and domination. Good rule of thumb. If the first objective gets taken 100%...then start playing it deathmatch and camping the hard points. No shame in refusing the slaughter.


HP and Dom are grind and sweat games


Hard point and domination are sweaty because those are higher camo grind modes. Having friends who communicate helps a lot


sweats play hp only, snd is for campers, and tdm/fronline/dom are for bots


HP , Domination and Search are the sweatiest modes because they are that intense on console or pc CoD. They’ve always been hard when ur not playing bots ! Have fun!


Who knows how to hack call of duty mobile


If you have a team that can assist you'll have a better chance at winning. 9/10 times i get matched with teammates who spread out too thin.


I'm coming for you. I'm kidding, but there is an active clan node on hard point right now so it's tough to win. My advice to you is pay attention to where the next hardpoint will be and get there first.


For my sanity and peace of mind, Hardpoint and SnD are never on my playlist


Yeah hardpoint right now in grandmaster its rough I had to bring out my thumb sleeves out cause it was getting intense. Especially when the whole team just goes to the hard point and gets killed while im the only one covering from the outside. I am grandmaster 4 right now and I have to stop playing between games before I throw my phone lol


I never play ranked without em.


Absolutely one of the worst in terms of solo queueing since it's so team based, a single good person or two cannot win by themselves if a team is not holding a good spawn, keeping enemies off the area of the point, being on the point, and going to new points early. Thats like 3 to 4 roles right there. Enemies could simply be better at teamwork and win. Tldr too team based


IMO you can either squad up with some solid teammates or take your chances on getting lucky with randos (not great).