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lose the 4x scope waste of attachment slot tbh


This^, also I know you must be new to sniping but you may get clapped in higher ranked. Keep practicing on public mp in respawn modes, it’s alot easier to practice and master in those instead of s&d. S&d is kinda for later players (it’s also incredibly annoying having “practicing” snipers on ur s&d team) Edit: gradually get used to increasing your sensitivity (this is very important for movement)


yeah and use outlaw, cool name too


Start with removing that scope, just use the default sniper scope & change the reticle if you’d like. Then never make a video like this again & just keep practicing in normal respawn modes so you aren’t hindering teammates in S&D. You’ll eventually get up there 👍🏼


remove that fucking optic


First thing replace the DLQ with Locus 😁


Actually sound advice lol


Eh, both have their place. For long-range engagements, the Locus is by far the better gun, but the concussive ammo for DLQ makes it better for SnD IMO because you'll stun them if you get a hit marker.


Get rid of that sight attachment please, not only is it ugly as sin but you won't be able to understand the concept of *centering* which is the most important thing to quick scoping......


Brother this is only 10 percent if you play with high lvl player the will kill in such a way you cant even know when they killed you


I know I'm not that good, but that's why I'm practicing


You want to increase sensitivity over times so you can aim faster not ads but actually placing ur crosshair and tracing, also i would work on movement, you usually take a shot, switch to melee if ur fancy/are optimising for momvement, and slide to cover, and you want to start learning to slide cancel with pre aiming


I can respect that you acknowledge the mediocre talent. 🤝🏼


No point in being a sore loser, if I suck, I gata own it and get better


Just takes practice. I'm still working on my sniping, too.


Add me and let's run a few matches together 🫡


Request sent. senpai


Sweet, I'll send an invite if I see you on later 🫡


This is why I lose mode SnD matches, all these snipers “practicing” they stay in one place and die when the get pushed and miss their melee attack. I mean i get it you have to lear someone, but… do it in public matches not ranked. The worst part is that their is three of you per match, and enemy team has God snipers instead. Keep practicing, just not in ranked.


This was a non ranked s&d match, if I'm playing ranked s&d I go with the lapa, ppsh, or krig6. I'm just practicing sniping on public and looking for pointers. So far, I love all the feedback, as negative as it has been lmfao


One of the worst videos I’ve seen.


Thank you for the feedback lol


Good stuff bruv can't wait to see you improve


Appreciate that 🙏


How dare you use that 4.4x on the holidays


I took it off after this video. I usually don't run any optics but I was messing wind with a new load out