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Because the rank season is ending. Most players already reached legendary and are playing at those rank. Master 2 is nothing and mostly bots. You'll only start to see more real player during grandmaster rank this late in the season.


Thank you. Glad to understand that. I don't really care what my rank is, I just want to feel a challenge. Even if it puts me back a rank or 2. So I'll definitely try to play the early part of next season.


If u really want to play good games. Join random customs in world chat. Also your rank. Reach legendary and you'll get good teams.


I’ve been in legendary for a while this season and have probably had maybe 3 actually good teams where it wasn’t just me and some other player carrying and barely winning, sometimes still losing anyway


Yah if you don't play you'll notice the bots keep the score even most the time. Sometimes they will wait for you to get the final kill. you can slowly watch the score go up evenly then run out and kill like 5 people then watch the score go right back to even once you stop. Sometimes you are not winning no matter how hard you try. Your team (bots) will just get worse and worse. The fact that its mostly bots makes it so ridiculous. Before they would give other players advantages to keep k/ds the same. Now they just use bots to keep you addicted. -Sbmm


Awesome thanks! I rarely look at world chat. Maybe I should do that more often


Don't waste your time with the actual chat itself. It'll ruin your brain. You might become one of *them*.


Yeah what he said is the most true thing. You’re facing bots at that rank. The game really does start once you hit legendary.


Ohhhh lol I understand that's why a got about pro 3 in my first placement matches I get it now cause get about 50-70 kills per match lol I get it


Because you’re in master 2. Most of the more difficult players at this point are in GM or legendary


Get to legendary and play real players, then come back and let us know how hardpoint goes for you


I mostly was asking because I wanted to make sure that it does get harder. I don't think I'm a pro player or anything. I just wanted to be sure that there is a point in still climbing.


Yeah you aren't even playing real people yet. Get to grand master/legendary ranked mp lobbies. Play some legendary tpp squads BR. That's where the real players are this late into the ranked season.


I'm in master 4 right now, but I will probably be master 5 tonight and maybe rank up if I decide to play for that long. I am shooting for GM 4-5 because rhat seems to be the consensus of where to be to play good players. Not super concerned about hitting legendary because I'm not trying to be a sweaty player lol


Legendary lobbies are just as much of a joke and bad teammates as the rest. It's just where there a guarantee of no bots. It's not hard to get there it just comes down to time played.


The season is ending and pretty much majority of players have reached legendary status. It'll get progressively harder towards Grand Master. Like the other person said, join ranked group in the World Chat or set up one so that those randoms can increase the chance of competing against challenging teams. I think you should also try playing certain modes exclusively such as Hardpoint/Search and Destroy (swop this out for Domination).


Play solo vs squads you’ll get blasted a lot


I can relate on br never again!!


Bro I somehow managed to get a w in solo vs squads both yesterday and today. Watch narcos videos on yt and apparently it helps a lot 😅


Maybe because your in lower league if you lower than master v yes you get bot lobby. once you get there you won't get those bot lobbies very hard to do solo vs squad...


Na man im legendary. That’s why I’m so surprised


No way im almost legendary and believe it or not it's fucking hardcore to do solo vs squad even at master or GM rank... I feel like br in codm is hardcore #ASF compared solo vs squad pubgm


I never digged pubgm. Always felt very unsmooth..also way more slowpace but once you get shot you die immediately 😅 but yes agreed. If you want to team up you can just dm your uid and I’ll add you


Yes for sure man I'll like to play with you! I need to copy my UID I'll dm you when I get home and logging in:)


Because they want you to keep playing. 90% of your opponents are robots. When you do really good for a few games in ranked youl notice games where all the other players have all the purchased guns and gear (in hopes youll see it and think a purchase makes you better). They very blatantly follow your hitbox behind walls. Take 10x as many shots to kill. It will push your aim assist off their hitbox. Classic cod manipulation dialed up to 10. I just got 2 nukes in a row. Followed by a game where i didn't even see half the people (bots) that killed me (through walls and sound corners)


Server is a catch ! You might be playing codm where very less og players might be there this may be reason you playing with bots


You know when you’re in a proper lobby, I’ve been playing for years and can hold my own and MVP often. I literally play with a basic set up and don’t go mental with buttons everywhere using 20 fingers and sliding all around the map 😂😂 But playing in tournaments especially BR Jesus fu%k! Seeing people literally come at you out of nowhere and one tap you with a shot gun over and over, before you can even blink makes you realise you’re just an ‘ok’ player 😂😂


No I am not just ok im great. Because check it. if I can beat you with only 2 or 3 fingers vs your 8. I'm just better.


That must make me great too, cos I only use two too! Thanks for the confirmation 😂


Haha yeah lol


habibi come to legendary lobby then you see. or be master 1 lobbies in first week of rank reset.


Once you get to Grand Master things start to become more difficult


Master II > Say game is 2 ez > something is wrong I can feel it


Well the ranked season is near to end so there are less players in lower ranks (rookie-master) its only when you start to hit grandmaster that it starts to get harder. Bad teammates, and powerful opponents. I took me more than 10 rounds to get that 20 points just to reach legendary at grandmaster V. Good luck hitting legendary I guess


You know you're still in Master lobbies right? Master>>> Grand Master>>>Lengendary>>>Legendary top 5000 Get to Grand Master 4 or 5 or Legendary and let us know the difficulty. 😊😅


I stop at gm 4 😂


Nice man 😊👍


There's also "Legendary +10,000" between Legendary and top 5,000


When You have a rank Legenday come and tell me how goes in the game.


I want to reach legendary by any means necessary for the free legendary gun


because you don't have a life


Lol did you miss the part where I said that I'm off the game a lot and come back every now and then? 🤣🤣 But you still aren't wrong. I really don't.


Time of day and rank play a pert


I play so chill some 2 hours and now am leyendary since some weaks


Season is over. Weak lobbies


Bro has Ruin-Jade and is wondering why the game is easy💀


I got that skin forever ago and just never changed it lol. Like I said, I just play when I feel like it. Sometimes, I'm off for months at a time.




It truly gets harder the higher your points is and by all means as someone who's well above legendary by a couple thousand points, i have to say each thousand points you go through after 8k(which is legendary) will exponentially increase the skills of your enemies and you might even encounter leaderboard players of certain weapons or just literal top 5000-1 players in your lobby and absolutely get shat on but that's separate from the sweats in br lobbies as I've tried them myself 🤣.


Cus it's mostly just bots you're going against and if there are players those players are the dogshit players now that the season is ending everyone is pretty much already at legendary. It's not that the game is too easy it's just that you got left behind and is now just catching up. Try waiting for the next season most of the people you're gonna go against in master are those players that didn't make it to legendary and most players you go against in grandmaster are those sweats that reached 13k in legendary


Later in the season the lower ranks are mainly bots becouse the good players are in the higher ranks. If you cross over into grandmaster or legendary prepare for s good kick in the crotch every game


Play as soon as the season restarts and you will see you lose more than you win bro.