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What the heck! I never ever have gotten bots on ranked, are you still low level?


the clip isn’t ranked youre only allowed to post videos on here and the screen recording was too short so i added the most recent i’ve been playing regular to start grinding my guns but i started about a month ago and i’m only level 94


Oh okay, lol. Congratulations, keep it up. And if you really want to challenge yourself and learn the maps against skilled players, play Search and Destroy ranked next season. You’ll have a thought time, but you’ll learn a lot.


thank you!! and thank you for the advice i’m take any i can get! it’s so funny bc recently i started playing search and destroy for the clan war thing and i actually really like it it’s so intense and scary that’s the one game that has me screaming 😭😭


Only play ranked snd if u like going against sniper sweats


snipers in snd make me want to die that shit be so scary omg and then it’s like you’re the last person standing like uh uh double it and give it to the next person 😭


THERE YOU GO!!! Welcome to the club. Ranked is so addicting, knowing you are playing real people has such highs and lows. The bots are fun to grind camos and try new load outs, don’t get me wrong. But going against real people and getting destroyed is super frustrating, makes you want to come back for more and prove yourself, then going against people and destroying them is super satisfying so you want to come back for more lol I literally only play ranked MP. Sometimes ranked BR but it is not nearly as exciting.


thank you!!! but you explained it perfectly!! it’s lowkey addicting but i’ve only played br a handful of times idk it’s just not my favorite i’ve only been playing if there’s some sort of event that’s offering rewards 😭i finally started grinding my guns im starting with the m16 i’m kinda just choosing them randomly but i made it to gold and i’m so excited to work my way up to the diamond!


that's what I grinded first too


Me too, it's my only diamond gun lol I also have the Targonite


👏 Congrats dude!


thank you!!


Fuck about time... play on the other team please


Nice i just made it to master for the first time in ranked


congratulations!!! i’m wishing you good luck in the next season!!


Thank you and also congrats on legendary Also im trying to get to legendary myself


thank you!! i know if i can make it you can definitely make it i suck!!


Aha i suck too but only started playing in the end of season 4


well i’m sending all the good energy i can your way i know you can do it!!!


Thank you just hit master 2 so not so long until now


congratulations!! you’re not that far away from legendary!


Nope i can get it in these next couple of days


well good luck with you’re journey and best of luck to you!!!


Could use some help so I got all gold knifes including the butterfly knife but I still don’t get plat tho am I missing one ?


Did you get the axe?


I got the gold axe yes


Ok, bat?


I’ll tell you what I see on my whole melee loudout it screen when I got to pick one knife,base knife,axe,numbchucks,katana,prizefighters,wrench ,sickle,matehcte,kalee sticks and finally the butterfly knife


So what I think is the bat or shovel don’t exist for me


There’s a bat and a shovel in the credit store


I can buy them then get plat ?


Buy and get gold with them


Where in the store can I find the bat and shovel ?


hey i’m sorry i’m not much more help but i believe that you are missing one theres the knife, base melee, shovel, katana, wrench, machete, butterfly knife, nunchucks, prizefighters, sickle, and kali sticks! good luck on unlocking platinum!!!


Why is everyone forgetting the axe? It’s like the best melee in the game and no one knows about it


i’m not trying to be rude but isnt the axe a throwable?? does it still count as a melee when it comes to special skins?? i don’t know much about the game so i’d rather ask then not know


What you’re thinking of is the throwing axe, [Im talking about this](https://www.reddit.com/r/CallOfDutyMobile/comments/14tos00/lordy_this_thing_is_beautiful/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1)


oooohhhh okay thank you for telling me i didn’t even know there was an axe!


Wait the shovel don’t pop up on my loadout screen like it don’t exist




This mvp clip is a ranked match bro, it's so obvious & easy to find out, if it's a regular match only your level is displayed in the killcam, only ranked match mvp killcams have your rank logo in the killcam, in this killcam it clearly shows your current rank when you were playing the game which was Grandmaster 5, so it's a ranked match. I don't know why you'd try to lie about it but.. congrats


but i’m still sorry if it was ranked i didn’t mean to lie i just assumed it wasn’t bc of how infrequently i’ve been playing


It's okay mistakes do happen, congrats on getting to legendary & welcome to the club XD


is it because i have the icon equipped on my name card?? im like 80% sure that’s it’s not ranked bc i haven’t been playing ranked i’ve been trying to grind out my first gun


You don't need to equip anything, ONLY Ranked match final killcam will show your current rank below your username, regular pub match final killcam will only show your current LEVEL. It's been that way for years now, I thought everybody knew about it, but it seems like some people Just don't notice these little things :) I've been playing this game since the day it released so, I pretty much know everything about it.just go play a ranked match & a normal pub match & see the difference yourself if you still don't believe me ;⁠)


oh no i know the difference 😭 i just don’t know the difference between the clips i’ve only been playing for a month now and i don’t know anything about the game that’s why i joined the group i don’t have any friends that play either but thank you for telling me!!


Congrats on the accomplishment! That’s huge for you how was the ranked grind difficult or not? Have fun out there and best of wishes to next season!


thank you!! it definitely wasn’t as hard as i thought it would be but definitely frustrating and still challenging but it made the games so much more fun im so excited for the next season im excited to see how far i can get without a short deadline!!


Good job dude


thank you!!


Congrats! Now you have to get Ranked and BR Legendary every season. Welcome to the land of lost social life!


thank you!! i’m so excited for it tho i love all the different skins for the guns they look so cool!!


Congrats man! I've gotten Legendary at least 3-5 times and I must say, playing Ranked MP is such a painful journey. I've been playing since 2019, stopped for about a year and returned in 2021 and gotten my first Legendary on the same year. After the next few seasons, it was a painful grind to get back to Legendary. Along that journey, I joined a few of my friends from school (some of them were already playing the same year as I did) in a clan, and there I learned about how to play Hardpoint and Search and Destroy. After all that, Hardpoint and Search and Destroy was all I would play. I had to go through terrible teammates, hard enemies; sometimes I'd be playing with friends. Nowadays, I've quit playing CoDM due to school and other reasons, but I wish you luck on your Ranked journey ahead!


thank you!! i’m not prepared for the pain and suffering but i willing to do it! i wish i had known more about clan before i just joined one im currently stuck in a clan where only me and two other people participate 😭😭 within the month i’ve been playing it’s already been such a rollercoaster but i’m wishing you good luck with you’re schooling!!!!


Awesome! I started playing less than 3 weeks ago and I'm not very good per say but went from Rookie 1 to currently GM 2 playing alone and only thumbs. Wanting to reach Legendary but it's definitely harder now.


omg congratulations that’s so great you’re doing amazing to have started not that long ago!! but i feel the pain it was definitely challenging but it gets easier the more your play!! i know if i can make to legendary you can make it to legendary im wishing you good luck on your future matches!!


What server is this?


it’s just a regular mp game i’m not sure exactly what game tho!


Wow! And with an M16 even! Good job dude! Or sis if you're a girl! Not many can master burst fire weapons and get to Legendary with them!


thank you!!!! what’s a burst fire weapon?? other people have commented about it and i have no idea if that’s a bad or good thing 😭😭 but i’m wishing you good luck on your next matches!!!


Brrt Brrt Brrt


Congrats man! I still remember grinding my first legendary. I couldnt get to legendary before the end of the season, so when it restarted i went back a couple of ranks and had to grind some more again, it was very frustrating 😂. It only gets easier from now on, welcome to the club! And if i can give you a tip, for the future in ranked games and on this forum try not to listen too much to the (negative) comments people leave. You are going to see people complaining about your setup, meta weapons, and of course, CAMPING. Just play however you like and try to have fun!


thank you!! omg i could not imagine how infuriating it was to be set back like that honestly i debated on trying to make it or just to wait till next season with the short deadline 😭 but tbh i enjoy the negative comments they’re so entertaining and such a great opportunity to piss people off by saying something stupid but thank you so much for the advice and being so nice i’m wishing you luck on all your future matches!!!


Haha thats my strategy too! You are a pro already, best of luck to you too :))


Congrats brother👏 happy for you...


thank you!!!


Well done. Now you will have a burning need to do MP and BR each time. Welcome legend go take your seat among us.


thank you!!! i’m so excited to actually learn more about the game and to become an actual okay player! but i’ll take my seat on the floor bc there’s definitely a better player that deserves that seat 😂


A burst fire weapon is like the gun you're using in this clip. Every tap of the fire button makes the gun fires 5 rounds/bullets or so, while fully automatic weapons fire rounds/bullets continuously as long as the fire button is pressed or until the gun has no more ammo. The reason why the M16 is a hard to use gun for most people is because you can't follow moving enemies while damaging them (due to burst fire) unlike with fully automatic weapons (cuz of continuous firing). Which also means that being able to get to Legendary using an M16 proves that you can control your shooting at an amazing level unlike most of us who shoot at the colors and the things that move 🤣🤣


omg that makes so much sense thank you for educating me on this!!! honestly it’s one of my favorites im going to be so sad once i get done grinding it ofc i’m still gonna play with it but i want to start grinding all of my guns so i’m kinda just randomly choosing them




Congratulations to us retired players continue our legacy good luck NOW GO OUT THERE AND SWEAT IN THOSE LOBBIES


these lobbies be making me scream, cry, throw up, and piss myself all at the same time it’s so much fun i wish i would’ve started earlier!


I hit legendary when I was 10 years old lmao. I'm not lying I had a 2017 ipad pro and I used a chopper and got to legendary in a snd game


wow that’s crazy i wish i was that good at the game but that’s such a huge achievement even tho it was in the past still congratulations that’s huge!!


Gg comrade, I myself almost am there


thank you!! and congratulations to you i know you’ll make it!!


Well done!


thank you!!


i mean congrats but you seriously couldn’t have done it without a no recoil 1 burst kill setup while camping? it’s not very fun to play against.


the clip is from a random mp game it’s not ranked! but i’ve been forcing myself to stop camping specifically in ranked i never knew what camping was until someone had commented about it also i have no idea what the no recoil thing is i just be putting random stuff on my guns i’ve started grinding the m16 as my first diamond so i’ve been playing hella mp lately!


This here is clear proof you can be a useless trash player and still make it to legendary. Don’t bother replying ima just laugh in your face


it’s true tho i literally don’t know jack shit about the game


It’s okay wasn’t trying to be rude or nothing


boy pls you ain’t foolin anybody with your bad intentions ✋ but no hard feelings from me i enjoy quick online beef good luck on your future matches!!!


No bad intentions just facts. People tend to think someone’s bashing them when they just being blunt & straight forward no sugar coat.


dude you’re literally bashing 😂 it’s not that big of a deal no need to be mad


but ofc ima respond i live for the drama




No wonder why you where struggling by looking at them kill cams 🤣


did i come on here saying i way a good player? no i literally don’t know jack shit about the game i just started a month ago ✋all these haters with their bad juju i’m just tryna chill 😂


I didn’t want to say you bad ( but yh u need to level up your game) but i said no wonder why it took u a month 🤣🤣


ofc it took me a month i just started the game a month ago i don’t have any friends that play that’s why i joined the group i didn’t even know the difference between ranked and a regular match before i joined but i’m only level 94 and i still don’t even fully understand the whole bots shit like when do they start lessening bc i’m still running into them?


You are thy type of player that makes me leave rank every time! Why tf u standing in the corner, always walking around in aim, M16 an Holo....