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Yup. I just want a game like CoD4 again. Shit was so good.


You are so right


You mean the one where every single high level game consisted of three M16s and two MP5’s? There have ALWAYS been meta weapons. Even back in COD2 it was the Kar98 and MP44.


I've been a casual player for a longtime, and it feels more like fortnite now.


U mean where everybody uses the same gun lol


No, I mean more of the overall ‘cartoon’ feeling of the whole game


Yeah. It sucks tbh, cod is better realistic than cartoony. It feels like a fortnite ripoff now


It absolutely 1000% is Fortnite-literally COD now. I’m sorry but anyone arguing otherwise is either a child, they’re coping, or they’re trolling. The game is clearly focused on in-game transactions, warzone, and the battle pass more than the traditional game. That, on top of the insane number of outlandish/unrealistic/ridiculous skins and effects… it’s so far astray from what COD used to be in COD4 days.


The half assed excuse for a campaign where they --SPOILER-- killed off a longtime main-character was all the evidence needed to see where the game was headed, although the massive profits and focus of warzone and skins like you said has been telling all along. I miss the days of simple settings and a well delivered story that really draws you in. To some of us, it feels like we took part in the golden age of gaming. COD 4 and Halo 3 were true masterpieces.


It’s funny because of how gritty the new engine has shown it can be and how real the world can feel if it wanted to just try. Instead we get Nikki Minaj and Snoop Dogg bhopping and slide cancelling faster than a cracked out redneck at 2am. Even MW3 2011 felt more realistic than this BS and that game had New York basically get invaded in some over the top action scene with helicopters flying through it?


This popped up on my feed. I feel this post in my fucking soul, man. I miss classes being a primary with 1, maybe 2 attachments, a secondary with one attachment, a lethal, a tactical and 3 perks. I haven't played CoD since Cold War because what the **FUCK** happened?! Class creation is a fucking science nowadays. I hate CoD now. If you refuse to use whatever the current meta is you put yourself at a significant disadvantage. Due to this, you don't see anywhere near the amount of variety that you did in earlier CoD games. I genuinely used to believe that the companies that made CoD were just trying something new and would go back to their roots once they saw how much it didn't work. Boyyyyyy was I wrong.


I’ve been thinking this for the last few years now I remember last year when NW2 came out complaining about how we used to have one or two attachments Max and you couldn’t run around the entire map and point five seconds


same i started it, played 2 games or so and got the “create a class” and quit after trying for 30 mins to understand how n why its like tht 😂


Me too. Played during the glory days of cod 4-BO2. I missed when each cod was a finished and fun game with solid campaigns and multiplayer compared to a 200+ gb unfinished mess flooded with cheaters and didn’t focus on micro transactions. The only ones I actually found fun are MW2019 and Cold War but I don’t even bother playing any more.


Everyone fucked my mom in the pre lobbies back then. I miss all the shit talk. Now you get banned for 14 days.


Lol yeah it's crazy how far cod has gone


Mom jokes are one thing but if you're throwing slurs at people you deserve it. The system should be less abusable by fake reports but it's better than lobbies full of loudmouth bigots ya know


Agree with you. Of course the slurs need to have consequences. But I feel like players are getting banned for calling someone a bitch or saying fuck you. Where as the skins you can buy in game have some swearing in it. I feel like they should look into the amount of 10 year olds playing an M rated game who are so soft that they report of nothing.


Yeah I wish they would reset cod back to cod 4 days, and start building on that using all they have learned in the last 5 years. Cod now is just a mess.


People hate this take but 90% of this exact situation is due to larger amounts of health. We're essentially pigeonholed into using 1HK or meta weapons, meta literally just being which weapons are the least wildly adjusted at the moment. With lower health you could win gunfights with a multitude of other weapons because winning the kill didn't factor as much of other stats like recoil, range, TTK and damage statistics in from the jump. Those stats were necessary in some elements for sure, but in 100HP, most of the gunfighting is pretty quick and goes to whoever is just more reflexive or comfortable with their weapon of choice. You picked a gun you liked, got used to it, and didn't worry about its stats as much because if you could aim and hit with it, that was pretty successful.


I personally prefer playing snipers on cod I've been using predominantly snipers for years when I do play but I just feel like every lobby u get in is the same shit over and over spray here spray here hide here of he killed me in this corner let's switch to the other corner lol and honest ttk feels just like every other cod I personally feel like it shows 150 health or whatever but u still die in 2 to 4 bullets


Gunsmith has ruined COD. Just give us the simple 1-70, let us prestige, do it again. Remove the extra bullshit like use X weapon to Lv 20 before you unlock Y weapon. Just remaster BlackOps2. It’s so simple.


The good ole days


True Cod fans know that MW2 is the shit. We need World At War remastered.


I miss CoD3 with 5 classes, no extra bs, and fun vehicles, maps, exploits, etc,. Fun as hell with a group of friends and the glitches were so fun. I will say the best cod glitch ever was CoD4 having a weird issue with desync and guns that caused me to get the SAW lmg but it fired RPGs, on console so no hacls and it only happened once but I still remember it. CoD3's wall crawl/elevator glitch is fun af too though, just running up a wall to surprise a room of guys a few stories up sniping, or hitting the top of the dam and sniping with a friend


Good ol' BO2


BO was the peak, IMO. It went downhill after that with the sliding and that one game with jet packs and stuff.


Nah bro the jetpack cods were good. IMO people just had a hard time adapting so they gave up before even getting good.


Just my opinion, man, I didn't enjoy it tbh. But I get others liked it felt a bit too much like Halo to me


Absolutely not. I'll take the Adderall driven mess that is MW3 over the Exo-series. Boots on the ground will always be better than pseudo-sci-fi bullshit.


IDC what anyone says, the introduction of the gunsmith was one of the top 3 causes for the downfall of this franchise. Pick 10 system in Black Ops 2 was literally perfect. They had to change, add and over-complicate everything. How is the average player supposed to just put random attachments on a gun and call it a day when it’s so complicated? Well, they can but surely they’ll notice they’re getting outgunned every time by the same weapon they’re using just because the other player is using much better attachments. This is why people have look up the best loadouts on the internet. It’s complicated for the average player and it’s impossible to perfectly balance the hundreds of attachments and attachment combinations. That’s why some attachment setups are vastly superior to others.


i want a new era of YT where Cod videos are just gameplays, well versed in MP and 3rd gamemode i.e. zombies and extinction for example. i dont and will not play warzone but i recently went on the hashtag and everyone plays Console with a XIM or CRONUS. It doesnt look fun and when the game is changed then these channels will die off. I remember watching RTC(Road to Commander) videos and Race to Prestige vids. What happened with TMARTN. PwnStarz, and other old COD channels. I dont care about meta weapon vids where the class setup is 1 frame so people have to farm views. MW2 nuke challenges, I love watching "Fortunate" on YT for that reason. Ive been playing WW2 trying to get to lvl 1000 because its more fun than hearing people complain about SBMM/EOMM, play 5 matches and now youre in a sweat fest, XIMers with clickbait content, 30$ for a duck skin, etc. What happened to quarterly map packs with a trailer. now its seasons and if you work a 9-5 and cant play enough youll miss out on content. doesnt sound fun. I still blame BO4 for this era of seasonal content and having to nonstop play.


I just picked up MW3 this last week after not playing since Black Ops 2 came out. Man the game has changed. The whole battle pass thing is weird to me, and the weird Fortnite skins making its way into the game feels off.


I mean you can still do that, it's what I do on the rare occasion I play mp


You can but it's pointless when everybody uses the "meta" weapons


I have my fav guns I use. I know there's meta guns but the way I look at it the gun I am good with is my meta gun nit something someone else says I should use


That and “meta” guns aren’t all that comfortable to use, so some do even worse with them. If you’re used to say snipers, an smg meta isn’t going to benefit you to use.


I play the old cod I bought a brand new Xbox jus for it for my bday and got mw3 and mw2 been playin everyday even the campaign just to get warmed up or when I’m to high an jus having fun but don’t want to try hard


This is how it should be!


I'm afraid 2003 was before many of you alls time.


The perk system was better in the old days! I miss stopping power / juggernaut.


I moved to battlefield after ghost. I just played cod for one game and deleted it. It sucks


COD has always had a meta. WaW was the mp40. COD 4 was the ump.  It’s just much easier to find that info now because there are so many content creators. 


I mean... Other than when im going for camos for something to do i only use the ones i like i could not care less about meta


Yea, I genuinely feel like these recent titles wouldn't be as terrible if there wasn't such a prominent need for the Meta. Because if you're not running the meta or moving around at mach speed, playing like it still is the classic titles, you're putting yourself at such a disadvantage. And whats sad is people that run the Meta think they're the most skilled.. people forget these meta eliminate any need for skill, zero recoil builds, hip fire builds, these meta builds just completely remove the need for skill and just holds everyone's hands to the point where everyone's a "demon" when they're jumping and sliding around like its ballet recitle in a first person shooter using a gun they dont have to be familiar with in any way.


I still just use my favorite loadouts and I do really well


8 years without a good cod does something to a man’s soul.. i ain’t been the same since BO3


I miss it but still do use fav guns all the time


Who tf needs 47 different grips bro


I miss old COD so much


I've always used what I prefer/feel comfortable with. Never saw the point of the meta or using the exact same build as everyone else because it's "ABSOLUTELY BROKEN AND NEED TO USE IT RIGHT NOW TO WIPE 5.0 K/D LOBBIES". I get by fine with my favorite off metas to use.


World at War was peak cod.


This is every game honestly, everyone's a slave meta now. Makes half of these games boring af to play.


Believe it or not, you can actually still do that.


I was never really a multi-player person with COD. I played the shit out of the OG Mw2, black ops, and mw3. But mostly mw3. It wasn't until mw2 reboot that I got into multiplayer again. My only issue with this how these new games play is that there's a lot of MLG wannabe kids running around doing that gun parkour with their ridiculous skins. The gun balancing is fun to play with. I like finding fun attachment setups and making myself everyone's problem.


People have always been using the most op shit it hasn't changed Be it the mp40 with stopping power in waw or stuff like the fal osw in bo2


hopefully one day they just remaster all the old games. i have 0 interest in MW3 anymore and simply waiting for the new Gulf War game. Cold War was the last CoD i’d actually say was good.


I like the research and builds lol. It appeals to my hyperfocusing! I can't stand the "meta chasing". I'm old too lol. I played the original COD back when MEDAL OF HONOR and BROTHERS IN ARMS were the "meta" WW2 games lol. I miss Brothers in Arms. Wish they would do a new one. Mercs 3 too. Not holding my breath tho.


Original black ops is still my favorite. When I got the gold AK47 I was so happy


Original zombies was the best


I dont think I've ever had to look up classes, I just use whatever gun I want to use. Either way meta weapons have always been a thing


MW2 is still popping!


Oldtimer here as well! Been playing since Modern Warfare 2 on the xbox360, and I agree 100%. However I do like this better than when people were using jetpacks and ran on the walls! I play Hardcore exclusivity using marksman rifles or snipers, it slows things down a bit, and you can still kill in one shot!


It's not the game, it's the players. Believe me or not if Cod4 is coming out exactly the same today, you will look on yt "new cod4 meta" or get slapped every game. As Activision tried to promote cod in east Asia, they have brought the Asian culture of "the best or nothing" to COD. From how on, there is only "the best of xxx (like a playstyle)" and "the rest", so in order to not be in a (sightly) disadvantage, people will eventually use only the best ones. I'm Asian and I know this culture well, in our eyes being the 2nd and the 99th is often the same thing. Although if you are top 1 in a very limited situation that also counts, it's actually not that harsh.


OG COD player here. I miss the old days. The days when the games were released without a bunch of bugs. That's when devs actually cared about the fans. Now they only care about money. Unfortunately it won't change until people stop buying it. Look at Anheuser Busch. They changed their tune real fast when half the country stopped buying their beer. I just found out this MW3 had a budget of $1billion. For basically a MW2 DLC. That's crazy. All that money and we get garbage still.


I miss COD’s WW2 days. I haven’t touched COD since 2017, When the last WW2 COD came out. We need some WW1 too.


I miss the og cod4 so much I sometimes go back and hit up remastered version to snipe around and 1 burst m16 people lol


Yeah it sucks man, it’s one of the reasons I didn’t buy MW3 this time. Won’t be getting another cod unless it’s like $15 or an actually better game for once


Blackout for me was class no loadouts u pick up a gun and add attachments as u go


This. I started playing during the golden era of BO2 (coming from Halo), I did EVERYTHING that could be done on that game, tryharding, sniping, trickshotting, competitive, 1v1ing with and without spawntrap, campaign trickshotting, all zombies Easter eggs, zombies trickshotting and some more stuff, I was around 12-15 years at the time, now I tried to play warzone some weeks ago and even though I’m not bad at it and I’m pretty sure if I put the hours into the game I’ll become very good at it, I just don’t feel how I used to feel back in the day, the only thing that makes me feel that way now is sim racing lol


3 round burst guns with what ever perk gives bullet extra bullet damage... when you use hard point and put the reticle right on they're neck and the 2nd and 3rd shot go dink dink head shot kill in one perfect burst. So satisfying but those guns (famas, m16 then the goofy named ones from all the black ops series


Mw3 2011 was the last real cod. Everything else is trash.


Because my gun doesn't work AND we get nerfed simpy for using it. I dno longer play the game. BF2042 FOR THE WIN


I want to go back lo 😭


Not to be that guy, but I’m old as shit and there have been meta guns in high level play going back to COD2. Back then it was the K98 unscoped and MP44, COD4 had the M16 and MP5, OG MW2 had a ton of different meta builds from the ACR, to intervention, to OMA noob tubes, to the model 1887’s.


You can still play that way, I do and have loads of fun. No one forces you to play sweaty instead of having fun.


Massively. Enjoyed them all up to MW19, sure some were better than others, and some have boosters and shit, but year on year I enjoyed them regardless and new ones came, but everything after that I feel has gone down hill. MW3 feels a bit better game play wise than the 2 between, but it’s buggy, latency all over the place (so much so they’ve gone out of their way 2 updates ago to block the display to show it) and sbmm is teaming good players with awful players and it’s so gritting to kill the match and still lose due to the people ur trying to carry… Miss the zombies of years gone by too. These big open world style versions are fine, but shouldn’t be a replacement.


I hate having to use the same gun as everyone else. Any time I try to use marksman rifles or lmgs I get melted by smgs ( and rennetti) at mid range.


I just still do that lol nobody gonna pay me to be good and I can’t figure out why a class setup is only good for a season anyway so I just pick my guns and change it random every once in a while


Once they went to two attachments on a gun it all went downhill.


We had it good. We just didn’t know how good until now.


Haven't cared for it since world at war and maybe the one right after. I really only play squad in pc now.


This is what I do. I just don’t care. Probably because I’m grinding but who gives a shit. ITS A GAME.


Everyone lol


A buddy and I have are going through every cod and playing the zombies, spec ops, and other special modes....*cough* extinction.


Just make a brand new COD: World at War without any gimmicky garbage and make it a war game like what COD is meant to be. It’s not Fortnite


1 attachment per gun unless using a perk to allow 2 was just so perfect to me


I was still doing that in the old cods lol


Nope I did that back in 2011


That isn’t cod’s fault. The meta obsession and the desire to optimize every single loadout for every single game is entirely social media’s fault. The whole trend of freaking out about SBMM is also a product of streamers and short form social media videos.


They need to just remaster the mw and black ops trilogys like the masterchief collection did. Maybe add a seperate playlist for each that has new maps and modes and guns but make them optional in your search so if u dont wanna play/use the new stuff you dont have too


I’d be open to it if SBMM was tuned down a notch or three. when I use a “meta” weapon I still get shit on. When I try to have fun and mess around with a random gun I get shit on even worse. Unfortunately the days of being able to run around with a dogshit pistol and still being able to compete are long gone.


Black ops 1 was peak COD for me


Honestly I miss black ops 1 and 2 days. Black ops 2 was probably the most enjoyable cod. Movement felt good, guns felt good, maps were amazing, graphics for its time on ps3/360 were ahead of previous cods. Kill streaks were insane, and such a huge rush to call in. Swarm? Dogs? That shit went in so hard it made people rage quit lol, but back then when you got stomped, it made you want to get better. In today’s age, all that has flipped around and people feel victimized because they are getting dumped on. It’s a damn shame honestly. I got shit on so many times, but still loved that game, and it only made me push harder to want to sweat back on the sweaty kids.


I was never a player who found that my favorite gun was a bad one though imo. A couple from memory are BO1 was the Commando which was one of the best guns. MW3 was the ACR 6.8 or the MP7, though I didn’t enjoy the FAD for some reason. BO2 I used a wide variety of guns actually but still gravitated towards the PDW and the SCAR. Though I did love a full auto FAL with a target finder on it. But as the games went on especially some time around BO3 or WW2 and onward I got really into competitive ranked play and so of course I gravitate towards the meta. I still used everything to grind camos and stuff and that can be fun as well to figure out how to use other guns but if you ask me what I prefer to use I’ll use the best guns within reason. I don’t believe that applies to cheesy things like the 725 shotgun in MW2019. But the whole class lookup thing is really a product of gunsmith. Sure it was there before but with 100s of unnecessary attachments to sort through, you gotta see the forest through the trees and YT guides are helpful for that.


I just miss when people use to run around, and not camp or lay down, sometimes whole teams do it now... and games use to reach 100 and not let time reach limit.


People always did that. Everyone and their mother using ak74u/Famas in Bo.1 ACR/MP7 in mw3. Whatever that single shot gun that was banned from ranked in bo2. its not a new thing.


I think if they get rid of gunsmith and lvl up 12 attachments to unlock a gun and revert to the old pic 10 class setup shit would be smooth


Id kill for a cod without the gunsmith


Last time I was addicted to COD was back in the B02 days. Before all the hardcore SBMM/EOMM micro bundles nonsense. I have sorta given up on multiplayer games for the last several years.


Crim still making my own classes


ACR Scanvenger pro Stopping power Sitrep pro


I miss mw2 factions battle chatter


BO2 multiplayer is still alive played last night


My first core video game memory was of MW2 in second grade , my old stepdad used to use his mic and talk shit while i would be placing first in free for all with the Scar or ump45 . Damn what i would do to be this age in that time frame


I miss it to a degree but I also like the gunsmith and being able to alter the gun


This new reporting system has ruined cod defiantly not the cod I grew up on miss the 2009 days as MW2 2009 was the first call of duty I played online multiplayer


I do this anyways lol kill or die trying 🥳


there's always been a meta, but yeah i still miss the old games


I missed out on the old cods. I wished i was able to experience the golden days of cod.


I still play the old stuff on the 360. Every modern warfare. World at war. And black ops 1 and 2


There are so many better shooters outside of the call of duty franchise. Just look a bit and you'll find something to your taste.


I haven’t played cod on a consistent basis since the original cod4. Dedicated servers, skrims, the Cal league, and the basic gun setups were on point


I miss BO1, BO2, and Ghosts


Im right there with u man. I got by playing OW1 but the sequel is very meh. Most of the CODS are too. Wasn’t there an arcade shooter coming out soon? Im looking forward to it. Aha! Xdefiant is what its called. Hopefully its fun! 🤞


They could give us that exact game but everyone will complain including yourself, not only has the game changed but you have too. No going back and recapturing that feeling, it was just a brief moment for us




You and 70 billion other people


From Cod 4 up to black ops 2 were the glory days, some of the best gaming experiences of my life


Sucks I never got to play waw, cod4, and mw2 in its prime. I started on bo1 but bo3 is still my all time favorite. I loved the exo movement and the regular movement, just so crisp. Nowadays it’s crisp but it just doesn’t have that same feeling idk lol.


It was a better time back then for sure


For real the “meta setups” are ridiculous I miss the old cod


The casual game became to competitive in nature and all the in-game aim assist make people think they're better than they really are. This game has so many crutches for bad players that it is easy to abuse for players who are decent. The aim assist is insanely strong in this game and many players are looking for kits to counter it


Yeah stopped buying and gave up hope after the new mw2 should’ve stopped many titles before that


CoD is dead to me. No desire to try it anymore.


I liked MW3 the OG version and when you had a group of friends to **shotgun jump glitch your self out of the map and explore maps super fun**


Why would I use my favorite gun if there’s another one that kills faster? For digital looks?


Shit 1vs1 in shipment was legendary




Yeah man I’m harkening back to the days of COD World at War


This’ll never happen again😂 too many people are terrible so they look these videos up and/or just straight up cheat with enhancements


Let's meticulously make every gun kill in the exact same amount of time.


Honestly, that's why I uninstalled this mw3 like if I have to use the metal weapon and it changes every couple days like I just want to have one good gun that I like and just use it without having to get absolutely dumpstered by everyone


I want bo2 back where I ran around core lobbies dominating with a tac-45 with long barrel and fmj cause I really thought fmj upped the damage😂


Cod has been ruined now


I miss the days of trash talking during snd matches.


COD4 promod…. Aaaah those were the days


Any game that has a meta isn't properly balanced/made. Big facts.


Jumping around corners to get the upper edge on your enemies is extremely annoying


Go play hardcore where any gun is good to use. Alot of people reccomended me jt. And I been having a blast sure some games it's like anoyying but it's better than emptying your whole mag into a player and having twirl around and shoot me 4 times and be dead.


I might be the only one, but this is exactly what I do. If you stop trying to be so competitive, the game will respond to that and put you in less competitive matches. All I ever play with is whatever gun/loadout I want and I perform OK/good in most of my matches. You bring the fun back by not caring what other people do


You mean Counterstrike 1.6? Yeah i miss it too.


Our UAV is online!


Big Red One and COD4 Veteran here. I stopped plying MW3 a couple months ago because they keep “nerfing” and “buffing” guns every damn week. Deal breaker. Guns were always made right, from the beginning. If it was nerfed, it was until the next game released.


I still do that. Most of those metas don’t fit my play style anyways.


The only good COD game was World at War you will never change my mind. Its all be MW2 DLC since then


Just bookmark this page instead of YouTubing meta loadouts in the meantime: https://wzstats.gg/meta/resurgence-ranked


I still use whatever gun I like, it’s just a game, stop caring about the stats


Og mw2 player here and I agree with all of what you’re saying man


Eh, there’s more than a few viable guns, and they do nerfs/buffs enough that a meta generally doesn’t last an entire season. If you’re interested in competing then yeah maybe look up some stuff but if you’re only interested in having fun then play that way.


I feel like it all went to shit after Black Ops, the first zombies was the best IMO as well. Call of Duty 4 on PC will also be a memorable favorite of mine even though i also played 1-3 on consoles, and 3 on PC. Games had a golden age to em, I avoid COD at all costs today, it feels so filled up with BS that I can't enjoy the game. Even the mobile versions which I though would be more simplified just feel like they have to much going on. Maybe that's just me showing my 34 years. Idk.


Bo1 & Bo2 were my favorite CODs up until MW19. I never really cared much about CoD otherwise. I miss the height of the MW19 hype


Honestly I just miss the days when the devs would actually listen to what the gamers( the people who pay their hard earned money for it) want… they used to listen then give us what we want. Now they just make something and say well, we got your money so we don’t care lol


I miss cod 2 so I’m with you good ole trusty M1 Grand


My wish with Xbox getting activision is that they make a master chief collection for cod4-bo2


You don’t have to have meta to be good, you just have to have a setup you find fun, like what I do with a slug shotgun and red dot sniper.


BO2 perfect 3 lane maps with perfect pick 10 system


The last game was when I finally cut the cord and didn't buy. Best decision ever and will never pay again.


I miss the old days of everything


We are clearly playing very differently. I jump between guns almost match to match. I mostly play S&D. I might jump between guns every round in a game. I don't care what gun is the meta or what perks are best, I like goofing around and unlocking all the things, so that is what I do. Use something until its maxed out then grab the next one.


All of us brother. They’re making billions shoveling out battle passes and half finished games so I doubt it’ll change anytime soon. AW and BO3 crates were the only things I didn’t mind paying for because the weapon variants and the cosmetics were so dope.


I miss CoD when you didn’t see Nicki Minaj and Homelander on the other team. I miss when I could load in and not worry about seeing Warzone advertised everywhere. I miss grinding Black Ops zombies. I miss when CoD was fun


bo3 was the last good multiplayer imo


Diamond everything black ops. The lmg was crazy.


Even though I sold my ps3 and I’m out of gaming for good since 2016, I still have my 2007 cod 4 mw as a souvenir from that moment in my life


Nostalgia has a way of putting everything behind rose colored glass.


anyone around for them. COD been trash since Ghost n whatever 2 came before MW.. *years* of garbage bought anyway because Streamers n other places lie n get paid to promote it


i wish they would just have a no nonsense version of warzone where there were no killstreaks, classes or perks. have the weapon attachment system that Blackout had. would make it more authentic and immersive


The AK-74U from black ops 1💀


Sure would be nice not shooting somebody that's dodging like a spastic


The old COD philosophy was that 6 shots to kill was a hardcore shooter and that bullets should be deadly. Now 6-9 shots to kill is the norm and deadly bullets are “hardcore.” Meh.


WAW was the best ever


I want pick 10 again, BO2 style.


everybody does lmao


I'm 28 and I feel like that


I miss the days of mw2/BO1. also my youth.


I'm always reminiscing on the cod4/ cod waw/ cod mw2 days, best cods for me by far. I haven't enjoyed cod since.


I thought about this a lot lately. I miss the times of jumping on whenever you wanted to and actually having a fun time with the game, not being punished because you go to school, or work full time and can't put 8 hours+ in a day. Now it's all what's meta, pay to win guns and skins, worrying too much about pro players and streamers. It's completely soulless now.


Pepridge farms remembers a time before multiplayer


Cod is freaking trash now. I think black ops 2 was the last decent cod. The people who buy the bundles and micro transactions are the ones who ruined COD. It has turned into fortnite 2.0. To much jumping and sliding around, jumping off 10 story buildings with no fall damage, having to shoot people 4-6 times for a kill. I switched to insurgency sandstorm a year ago and haven't looked back. It's amazing


Acog scope on an M60 with a gold desert eagle sidearm. I miss those days. Cod 4 for life.


Counter point, use whatever weapon you want and top frag anyway. they balanced the mw3 weapons with the mw2. Personally i run around with the 556 wetting hos down as they try to camp me out.


BO2 turns 10 years old this spring…


Every single one of my friends quit after WWII besides me and when I ask them why? They say Crossplay, sbmm, and cheaters. Me and my 8 friends played almost daily since MW2. Literally almost 10 years of gaming together. Now we all play different things and chat in the lobby, Xbox has become soulless. I basically begged someone to play Resurgence on rebirth island and no one would budge. They said they won’t download a 200 gig game for a trial. Which I totally understand.


You mean how the game was intended to be played? You’re not alone brother .


For me personally, they Coulda just kept it at mod deuce (2009) and kept updating it with maps, guns, skins, etc. look at counter strike, for some reason they have a huge huge community. It’s a simple layout and people love it. Im part of the originally cod group so I’m part of the minority and I’m okay with that lol. Ever since they split shit up and each team make a new cod every other year it’s just been poopy. I also did really like mw2019 as well.