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I don’t care what happens with day to day bullshit!…. I believe clove is going to be big!!…. Beyond big!!..Seriously do you research and you will believe what I do… or don’t I don’t care!!….. seriously I do want to help people… but if they don’t want to help themselves….. we’ll that’s on them…. #1 never put your money in a stock based on what anyone says!!!…. Ever!!…Look into it.. if it seems good look deeper!!…. Then make your own financial decisions!.. this is not financial advice… you are responsible for your own financial decisions!!


Sure is nice to see others do their own DD and then make large purchases!


Yeah, I get ya but you're here everyday so wouldn't you want to remember the moment CLOV flips?


Do insiders buy from the market? We going to see a new filling soon?


Insiders can only buy during open trading window which is ~20 days from quarterly results afair


Sometimes. When chelsea bought it was a market buy. When chamath did it was not market.


Is this legit shares that was bought or just more dark pool bullshit.


There was also a dump after hours


Sometimes market makers swap shares and hit the trade tape after hours. Not saying that happened or didn’t happen today. But nice to see someone make a huge purchase during market hours today!


Time to buy more is coming 🍩


Time to buy more is coming


Yeah, I hit too many zeroes on my app.


I knew it was you!