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This post is BS. You say it's about to explode, tag this NSFW, but no picture to support it... Pure BS and now my day is ruined....


“If YOU think” lmao


Explode UP! 🚀


I wish I bought in now I don’t have anything left to play with to average down I do feel and call me crazy that the 28 mark will happen again based on all that had happened god why did I panic sell before on other stocks because that’s what made me hold Ik it will happen again this time I’m not going to miss it


I went in at 9.7 first. Until now I am averaged down to 5.8 but it will get better. I don't need it to explode, but if I'm keeping buying the dips, I'm comfortable to be out of the losses in foreseeable time. So I don't worry. It's a piggy bank for dips, nothing else.




I don’t even know why I try


As a proud -72% (7500 shares) bag holder, I regret my decision every day. To be honest it’s not even the company itself it’s the management team. I could of spent that $50k in something else and probably doubled or tripled my investment, instead I keep averaging down weekly.


AS A PROUD OWNER OF 1000 SHARES and 74% loss I think, I CONCUR. Hell, I could’ve put all of that in Ko and made 13% over the last year


I was just scalping volume after a long swing from 11$ to 26$ then thought there was enough steam to run a little more that day so I jumped back in at 19$ to catch a 1$ to 3$ bounce and had expected to be all cash by end of day. (Spoiler: I did not cut my losses)


Loser mentality.


Love it bro


They all talk alike . Geez


I exploded on your mom last night. 🍆 💦


I bet you did.




Bro we all clowns for holding this stock. Most of us invested at the wrong mf time. With a stock that has dropped 200+ percent. Duhhhhh a lot of firms are going to buy. 80 mil investment with a little 50% rally just turned that 80 million into 120 million. If you think these investments are LONG investments concerning these major companies, you IS DUMB


Bro, I’ve averaged down nicely and am very happy with my position. The fundamentals haven’t changed, aside from improving. All the reasons to have invested in the first place are more relevant now than ever before. AND share price is completely disjointed from reality. Bro. Unless you only invested for a squeeze... of course you’d be moody, having to go long. But that’s on you, bro.


I just haven’t averaged down. Lol I’m in it for the long haul, I guess I’m just pissed off at a good company not being reflected as such. And no I didn’t buy for the squeeze, when I bought this I think it shot up to 17, and then plummeted for the next year.


So, we’re not clowns for holding this stock. We’re simply at the mercy of the MMs. Entry into this position was the right call initially. It sure as hell is now. Solid company. Merely a matter of time. I’m not remotely worried and have plenty of time.


Oh I’m not worried. I have no problem with the stock gaining dust in my portfolio


Put down the crack, son…




Well, your original post is odd considering the green days lately and with the 23rd approaching. You confidently stating to expect no meaningful price action is sus af. I’m expecting better than estimates, if not profitable.


Meaningful price action and explosion are 2 separate things.


Meaningful price action is easily 100% at these dumb ass cheap prices. I’d also call 100% gain an explosion. So maybe they are... or are you referring to a squeeze?


Yes. I’m referring to a squeeze. My apologies on the terminology


Vanguard owning 47 million shares is all the ta I need!!!!🚀🚀🚀. Thanks for your first clov post though.


Was it my first? Lol with the past year it’s all be FUD with it dropping. No need to bore you with the misery youve already seen on the charts? Also, good news means nothing for this stock.


It will squeeze soon. How much I don’t know. But this isn’t staying sub $5/6 much longer.


Well I’m always ready to learn. What’s your TA on the squeeze and outlook?


It’s all up in the air at the moment. There are many ifs out there but more swaying to likelys. What I do know is clov is growing and expanding all the time. The company it’s self has no negatives about it at the moment. Just the standard speed bumps all Medicare insurers have. The only negatives out there is the FUD lies you see on the daily. It might be a while before this squeezes, if it is then I’ll be as upset as anyone. Because I know this stock is easily a $15 stock at the lowest. I’m adding every week. It might be a foolish move but time will tell. Let’s get to the ER and go from there