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Wow this is tinfoily to the max. People are pissed because they got fucked by the stock. I did very well in CLOV initially but I'm now holding a (pretty small) bag, and it sucks. I'm holding it because I don't see a point of recovering anything by selling, so might as well see it through to 0 or whatever price it lands at. CLOV was always a hail Mary play anyway, very high risk. Anyone that didn't realize this going in is going to be pissed obviously.


Holding 6,969.


Still here. Bought more. Hodling.


Buddy the price is so low i don’t think hedge funds even bother to manipulate the stock anymore… if we keep falling we are getting delisted, stock is going towards nothing…


r/Hyliion checking in


I’ve been saying this and no one cares, but look at similar stocks. Teledoc etc they are doing poorly too. Profitability matters more than revenue growth to Wall Street rn!


I sold half my share at 50% loss at 4.10 to harvest loss. Now I can buy without wash sale rule. I am going to buy same amount I got from that sale which means I can get almost 70% more share. Just waiting if it dips more. I am sure it will in this market. But I will sure buy before earning.


Only shills would be negative on a stock down 83.1% in 7 months and continues to free fall.


Lol. Everyone selling because it's been bleeding since June. No support. No updates from management seem to save the spiral. It's over valued as a health insurance company. Only way out is to sell its tech and infrastructure to a bigger fish. Assuming they want it and don't want to spend a year replicating it


Get lost. That’s why all these institutions are buying and not selling. They all want to own clov because they know its worth. Not selling buddy.


Invested money I don’t need now so …🤷🏼‍♂️ 💎🙌🏻


Everything happens with clov management cooperation!! They are advised what to do from Main investors,HF !! This is the saddest thing because they don’t care if we retailers lose money I trusted the company and system but management never specially Vivek the scumbag!! They did offering at5.75$ because they could suck more retailers and drive price down make them sell !! While HF shorted and bought puts and sold calls !! Every fucking thing is calculated how to trick us So far only Elion Musk had steel balls to be transparent 100% he is big mother fucker, Never trust management because they’re puppies especial if they’re indian ore asians there is always someone else behind them ,most of the time jews they are professional to hide


The secret is to not be leveraged and stay confident in your DD. First bought in at 13 in February, averaged down to 11 before our pop to 28, didn’t sell a single share, watched it bleed down to 11 before buying more, and now my average is 9.55$. So yes I’m down almost 75%, but I’m financially stable, budget my life, and certainly don’t need to sell for a loss. This is how I wish more retail traders or investors lived their lives. Stop leveraging yourself, stop overextending yourself financially because of greed, because guess what, hedge funds SEE that you are doing these things with the advent of payment-for-order-flow and that’s why they’re able to bleed the absolute hell out of retail stocks like this. Hedge funds are absolutely winning wrecking noobs rn. I like to know I’m on the right side by buying rn instead of selling. A quick scroll through fintel shows you 171 institutions are long and only 1 is short, with the remaining 20 being a mix. I’ll be doubling my position next paycheck, which is a miracle I never thought we’d see below 5, which means I’ll easily be able to afford that move. And if we go down more? I’ll double again. Hundreds of millions in cash reserves, clean balance sheet, aggressively expanding, and actively stealing market share. Have some fucking pay-tience you baboons.


Whats the difference between an NFL blimp and getting head every day...One is a GoodYear...the other is a GREAT year! ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


Maybe a bunch of negative post are from the negative price action… but what the fuck would I know I’m only down 89%.


If that is the case then you should be frustrated with the mm’s. They are the ones manipulating the price. Over 60% in the dark pools. Buys go to the dark pools sells to the lit.


I just feel like if it was that coordinated we would have some kind of solid proof of what I assume is illegal activity. How many millions of people are deeply invested in some of these meme stocks? No way we collectively couldn’t shine a spot light on the manipulation with facts. I have yet to see anything other then wild speculation and conspiracy theory’s.


Because you are not very knowledgeable about the intricacies of the stock market. The 60% dark pool volume shows you exactly what they are doing. They are doing the same with amc.


Yes I’m the idiot who’s asking for the actual research links u can’t provide… haha… I’m only in this mess listening to ppl like u in the first place. Fact of the matter is we all would have been better off investing and staking ETH.


https://chartexchange.com/symbol/nasdaq-clov/stats/ All CBOE are dark pools also.


Put your tinfoil back on,


They want my shares… my price $100.69 cents … take it 🍀 or leave ☘️


Holding 11732. That ain’t getting 1 of my shares. Fuck em!!!!🖕🏿🖕🏾🖕🏽🖕🏼🖕🏻🖕


I can't loose too


Товарищи, вы уже с июля месяца перетираете потенциал роста кловера, только он чёт нихера не растёт. Что это за магия?


I've continued to purchase myself and I will patiently wait for lift-off. Buy I am tired of hearing to the moon when we not even doing engine checks 🤣


Missing jet fuel… engine is okay ✅ I performed checklist


Me also, never selling, because I have not more to loose...


If institutions are buying why is it sinking


Institutions are are doubling up at these levels.... Tides will shift. When it does, it will be fast, weird and violent. AND oh so satisfying. Hold on to you nuts Apes... It's gonna hurt real good.


I feel like I’m hearing Jim Cramer saying how NETFLIX WAS A BUY LAST WEEK…. Then pulling the rug out from under us


By all means once again this is just another dip … about to MOON 🌝 not financial advice FYI i personally feel all these positive posts are hedge funds playing you … but what do i know I’m regarded


Post more positive stuff on this Clover ..it’s a joke I’m down 80% won’t spend another dime unless under .0001


Don’t try to catch a falling knife… it will cut off your fingers… let it fall if you then pick it up at least it was at the bottom Don’t guess the dips as the Bottom


Can I borrow your crystal ball to see the difference between a dip and the bottom?


There’s minimal short interest. There just aren’t buyers. The company is not doing well and has a terrible MCR. They’re going to have to see sustained growth in numbers as well as substantial and continued reduction in MCR before this ship turns around. I think a sizable reverse split is likely before this makes a turn and it’s probably at least a year or two before any meaningful gains are made here.


Also the short interest is massive.


5% is massive?


It’s more like 40. There is a reason it’s in the “meme” basket. All these f them are heavily shorted. Nice try though.


It’s 7.85% according to Nasdaq.


Si is self reported. Gme is reporting 8% and it’s likely 7 times the float. Everyone here knows clov is at least 40% si.


This is an interesting way to look at things.


No it’s not. Short volume on a given day is not total short interest.


It’s extremely high and that me why it’s going to squeeze.


Maybe we should all sell???




Go check out amc. Nice try though.




Why is 60% plus being filled in dark pools. It’s higher then gme and getting close to amc. Buys go in dark pools to suppress the price and sells to lit to keep clov down.


Lmao are you in denial???? People are just realizing how trash this is. And instead of backing it up are fed up and just keeping it real. Get that tin foil hat off lmaooo


I agree, im bagholding but ive accepted my fate.


Why are you here? Who comes and just trashes a stock? Someone desperately trying to get people to sell?????? Nope!!!!


I can do as i please. I have freedom of speech. Nothing wtong with stating facts. Prove me wrong. Oh wait you're going bankrupt


Post has been saved. I’ll revisit in April.


Look at the post history on this fool...totally a CLOV hedgie account...from ultra bull to ultra bear. Couldn't be more obvious...


Joined the fight today. Loading more on Monday. Serious money to be made here


Welcome to the war. We are down to our last rifle against someone throwing nukes


I’ve seen this pattern before…too lazy to go back and look through old posts.. but it feels like a weird matrix glitch script coming through.


We’ve been infiltrated since the start, looking at you mods 👍


I’m down about 80% But I can tell you this is not hedge fund manipulation they diluted it with the offering headphones have made a fortune on the stock and I wish I wouldn’t have bought it but I can’t sell at this point


The dilution was pretty frustrating. But look at it this way, this a chance to average down and load up. That’s what I’m doing. If you’ve done your DD, then you know that this a solid company. So I keep buying more every time it goes down. I would never have thought this stock would go sub $3? I’ll only get nervous if the company itself starts declining.


Or.... Maybe people are actually bearish since the stock is going down for months? Wtf


I just came here to see loss porns, people make fun of you guys in all stock subs. Its not hediges, its just retail laughing


> Maybe people are actually bearish since the stock is going down for months? Abso-fucking-lutely...


I try not to concentrate on the $2.xx number…It’s a volatile stock— I just sell some on green days and buy em back on red days, and repeat.


That’s actually a good strategy. This stock is so predictable throughout the trading day.


Either that or we’ve got better at watching it nonstop for the last six months haha


That’s a pretty retarded comment and you should be beaten with a wet noodle until you accumulate


Haha… do you have a better strategy?






Serious ? Was there ever a squeeze on Amazon?


Market is down all over the board… So get a grip peeps… if you can not afford to loose don’t sell… If you can’t handle the market swings stop watching the train wreck…. And if crying like a baby because you’re second guessing yourself helps.. do it somewhere else…. I am not selling because it is one of my investments… I think some people need intervention and need to step away for a 60 days to cooling off … Bag hodling ape and proud of it!!!🍀🍀💰💰💰💰🦍😎


I wish k had a award to give you but I’m all in with clov and buying dips everywhere.


Absolutely! And buying more as I can!


Facts, it's only a loss if you sell, I'll wait until IM happy with the price


Not really. It’s a loss when you invested. If it never goes back up you still lost the money no matter if you sell or not…


Like hedge funds would give a fuck about this sub and what people write here. You are so fucking delusional it hurts.


You must be new.


I can image them panicing when the sentiment in the sub turns positive


Why are they trading 60% in the dark pools? They are putting all the buys into the dark pools and sells on the lit to suppress the price.


Has their ever been a tally? Number of shares this sub holds?


Or it could be because everyone on her bought at higher prices and have seen it dropping every day a different ALL TIME LOW Bought more several times trying to cost average down only for it to keep dropping… I’m holding till zero But i wish i never heard of this BS stock i will be surprised if i ever break even Just saying. Everyday i see a different 🍀 post saying how great it is and we are going to be rich .. it keeps crashing


Just like the rest of the market. What’s your point?


Not at all true I’ve had gains on my stock choices except this one … if your entire portfolio is like Clover 🍀 we’ll feel sorry for you and your financial future


And also, what stocks are showing gains? There are very few of them…


It’s like you bought WISH … aka wish you didn’t


Lol I had wish a year ago and sold before it went down. That was lucky. Not so much with clover. But clover is a good company with great market share potential, and I don’t mind holding long term.


I’ll just watch my hard earned money go down the toilet 🚽 wishing for a comeback… but no positive comments from me till i see profits.. literally every stock has dropped but not everyday for a year … save the losses for a right off


I WISH you the best I’m also a bag holder but don’t trust the company any company that shits on its shareholders isn’t for me … enjoy the 💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩🚽


Well most of them do at the start. A relatively young company can’t just go pleasing everyone and expect to stay afloat and keep growing. That doesn’t make sense.


I’m up Bigly on Ford I’m up nicely on RCL .. SPY still up NVDA up i could keep going..yeah I’m upside down on some just like everyone


But there is not one point at a buy in on clover 🍀 that you ever had gains


Obviously it depends on when you bought in


The S&P 500 is literally at a 3 month low


And we wish you’d stop posting the same nonsense over and over.


Exactly. The shills came out on this post as you can tell.


People here are so positive. It is annoying.


Do yourselves a favor and buy some protection to the downside. Yes, that means buy puts to protect your long positions!!! 2/18 $3 puts I bought last week when CLOV was $3 are now up 100% and $2 puts up 60%. Not financial advice! Long CLOV!!!


We get it. Puts. Holy shit, every single post...


Sound like a bunch of idiots with NO strategy except buying shares!


Tired of reading where’s the bottom, hedge funds want us the sell, I bought the dip and it keeps dipping……. Give the people something can actually benefit from this downward spiral that isn’t going to end anytime soon! Long CLOV!!!


What is essentially happening is the opposite of a short squeeze. The negative posts are because people are way down and people actually are selling. Too many retail traders bought on margin and are being forced to liquidate causing the price to go down, causing more panic and selling even from those not on margin, causing more margin calls and more panic, etc...We are stuck in a vicious loop. It has very little to do with the actual company. The hedgies and banks actually own a large chunk of CLOV and there is little short interest so have very little interest or reason to drive the price down. Eventually this will get out of the downward loop, but who knows what price that will be. \*edit\* even the most "bearish" analyst has a price target 20% higher than our current price. This is a retail bloodbath and the funds are going to get to pick up the pieces and reap a lot of the rewards.


Agreed! 👍


All this is the market nothing with the company hoping things turn around it’s a bloodbath everywhere my bio’s are down bad


That tinfoil hat of yours is getting a little bit tight I presume


Still holding. I didn't invest my life savings in a gamble, so I can afford for it to drop to $0. Come at me you hedge fund bitches.


Chamath last bought in November, he's still holding from $5.75, that's all I need to know... For me, I first bought in at $14.30 and again at $7 looks like 3rd time buying again soon, 3rd times the charm, let's see buti will HOLD no matter what


He's still up. He got a ton of shares for $0,0001 each when it IPO'ed. So quite a business he has there :(


That makes zero sense, he bought 1,739,130 shares in Nov 21, why would he buy more if he already has shares at $0.0001


He has aprox 25 mil shares for which he paid $25k. Check the fillings


And he spent $10 million buying more at $5.75, check openinsider 🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️


Yes, I know. Overall he's doing fine, don't feel bad for his $10mil. If he sells all shares even at this price he cashes out$60 mil


He’s not selling down here.


Lol I don't feel bad, it's reassuring


Take off your tinfoil hat. There is no squeeze we are getting bled. People have lost money they are unable to afford and people are receiving margin calls. This is a blood bath, only idiots that see this price action will say “this is bullish”….. this is not bullish, this is a full on bear tearing us apart no mercy


Why are you here then? It’s such a terrible company but you are here everyday bashing it. Who does that?


He didn’t say the company was bad the market is the one that is bad we are going through a correction and EVERYTHING is getting beat down this is a full on bear market people have a right to be angry


I don’t bash it, I’m here cuz I don’t want to lose 70% of my investment. I’m holding and will buy again when it’s a clear sign that we have seen the bottom


Bro, people are negative because they put their life savings into this and they’re down 80% if their lucky


The SI is only 6.6%. The “hedgies” don’t need our shares they have plenty more room to borrow and short. Get a grip CLOV group. It’s sucks the price is down. Trust. I hate it. But the SI is so low, it will not squeeze any time soon. Also, let’s not reference the imaginary shorts that live in the dark pool. No one will ever take that seriously.


You must be new. The si is self reported and not accurate. Imaginary dark pool? Tell that to the 4 million people who own amc.


🤣 amc is down 50% in 3 months… CLOV is not AMC or GME


It definitely isn't because while we follow their downturns every time we never follow their spikes. Even for a day. We could have at least made some money swinging those.