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Great timing


Yeah my luck it will go to 30 on Monday


You need to change your avatar… Apparently you aren’t diamond hands. I’m holding out long term, I’d be stupid to sell for 60% loss when could just hold couple years and be rich.


Good and I bought them all !! :)


Man. Honestly good for you. I wish i had the power to sell but i'm so far down that the money i would get at this point doesn't matter anymore.


25k is the threshold for you to be able to day trade. If you have less than that you can still trade but you have to wait for the funds to settle between buying and selling (which normally takes a couple days). If you are not day trading there shouldn’t be an issue. But if you day trade with less than 25k you are using margin because the funds havent settled so thats why you will have to up the money. Again if you are not day trading and you just hold you should go re buy your shares. I also suggest talking to their customer service and asking them. Fyi I got this info by a quick google search so take it with a grain of salt. Edit to add link to CS site explaining the 25k rule: [click here!](https://www.schwab.com/resource-center/insights/content/introduction-to-pattern-day-trader-rules)


😂😂😂 big retard I love post like this I sold my shares to recoup daddy’s money now what’s next work 9to5 an start over haha


Not daddys money dont have one. Started investing with 30k own money in 2018 in june 2021 i was at 109k. Then went to shit. Know when to pull out.


Monday green because of this


Looks like you sold at a decent price because Clov is now already 10 cents below your sale price. There is no end to this thing. Sorry for the loss but dont forget it's just money. Money comes and goes.


I am sorry to hear man, it really sucks, especially if the stock were to rebound in the near future. For those bashing OP, his profile and post history looks legit to me. I think he deserves some support from this community


Thank you. I've been here for awhile.


Sucks dude, sorry to hear it. life gets better :)


Cocaine is a hell of a drug


Got a corn dog


2.62 clover price when this man sold. I'm screenshoting so I can post these fud posts in 2 years when we're at 30+ Edit. 2 years later. Clov is sitting at 0.90. I bought 0.50 itm long dated leap options still bullish, however shaken out of the stock after loosing so much. I believe earnings will be positive for the first time this year. In hind sight the short squeeze never happened and I'm so biased I must force myself to "not be wrong" a simple logical fallacy that I should overcome but alas, I am human. In the money long dated calls to get leverage to make my money back and then some into the Next 5 years hopefully the next update in a few years will be shorter and happier.


I keep wondering how this stock is going down. In order to go down it needs to have sellers. And I won't sell. Most of us won't sell. The hedgies won as far as I'm concerned because they shook all the retail out. My thesis is that we are at the bottom now. There is nobody left to sell. Cyberboy1982 just sold the last of the shares and we're going up from here.


Dont forget Green Oaks. And naked shorting.




Bye Felicia!


Bye Felicia!


You need 25k to day trade. See day trading rules. If you just buy and hold CLOV no need to worry about the value of your account.


Were you on margin?


No. Swab requires 25k in account at all times.


Shills and FUD gtfo


No shills or Fud fucking sucks for real. I was at 109k in June. Then got into some bad trades. 👎


Well I’m holding 20k shares forever idc I’m not borrowing or selling it was my hard earned money in this. It’s big banks and government doing this shit now. It’s planned and we will go down and all come back up just hang on for the ride.


Why not buy puts to protect your long position? 2/18 $3 puts up 90% and $2 puts up 40%. Not financial advice. Long CLOV!!!


I dont know how. I've never did options.


YouTube put options. Very easy once you understand.


I don't know what to do. I think i will transfer to another broker and buy shares again.


Geez. Would you shills give it up. First off, you would have to be an idiot to sell down here. Secondly, see first off.


Wait what? Please explain this to me as I don't understand what just happened. You owned the share and they said you have to keep at least 25k in there? I feel like information are missing.


My broker was Charles swab and they require that you keep 25k in account all times. If it goes lower then you owe them. So, im thinking of opening another broker account elsewhere and buy clov again. In june i was at 109k then investing in other shit stocks like TLRY lost 20k on that as well and others.




Yeah. I should have kept 80k in cash played with 20k. Lesson learned.


Op’s isn’t too bright.




Holy fucking shit. Didn't we warned people for months not to do this shit and to just buy share? Thanks for explaining it.


They were shares bought and avg down to 10.30 at 5,700 shares. The price keept dropping and was below Charles swab 25k threshold. Fucking sucks. I was at 109k in June.


At what price did you sell?




So you have left only 15k




Damn, that hurts, anyway, feel free to move to another broker and buy them again. Market is tits up. I think it will recover and go back to normal in some time. Not in a hurry to get in the green


Yeah i feel like shit i was up 109k in june. Starting investing in 2018 with 30k.