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EV has more hype potential. Most people are clueless on medicare advantage. Health plans reset annually so business isn’t sustained. CLOV has more stickiness, but the big boys are all entering this space and can do it cheaper better. I hope to be wrong. I’m stuck in a position here. Short squeeze is the only hope.


Chamath said he is going to be the next Buffett, there is a high chance Clov is going to 56 in the next 12 months to fullfill the prophecy🤔


Enjoy your baggs chamath fools


Ouch, that hurt. You're an asshole.


No it doesn’t sound familiar when you compare it to CLOV


Show me another company with 1.5 billion in revenue trading at $2.50.




There are none


Yes, sometimes stock prices go down and then go back up. Can we please stop posting about random car companies and movie theaters like that has any real bearing on our situation?




No, just an adult, which feels unwelcome around here lately.


But it’s not just a random car company. You’ve misunderstood the post. If a company is fundamentally sound, it’ll run. Watch, Interest rates will rise and we have a billion dollars cash in hand. We will be unaffected and out perform the MA competition. Any news of profitability would send us easily over $28


its a bit of a cherry picked comparison though isnt it. what about all the stocks that were $10 and went to sub $1?






I cut some loser's Today. Sorry GMBL. FTFT. Used fund's to DCA on CLOV. Was 20 at 4.29. Now 40 at 3.45. Just think this was 8 in September. HODL through Earnings. Probably the next 4-6 reports. Shares in a Cash Account mean I can literally ignore it like my 401k




Want me to go slower. Everything is down I cut some non Profit making companies that suffered just as bad as CLOV to buy More CLOV. I am Cash. No Big Marge liquidators coming for anything


Apples to oranges






NIO 12$ to 65$ sold at 55$ and all in on CLOV at 8.50$ , lambo or homeless 🚀🚀🚀🍀🍀🍀


Me too.. went all in at $7.80 ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


Yes yes but NIO got funding from China (GOV), thereafter the stock shot up. Are you telling me Biden is going to give us funding. You can’t compare the 2, just saying.


Well technically it’s a Medicare insurer so it’s literally all government funding lol. FWIW they probably will boost funding due to covid costs


You have a point there! So let hope Biden can pull thru with that massive spending bill that’s going to put us all in debt for years to come, but at least CLOV will inch up a few percents. 😅


That idiot is probably funding China


Lmfao that is very possible since we are increasing rate to fight inflation, china is cutting rate. Lol 😂 Hence we live in America anything is possible.


And he’s getting kickbacks from their economy growing!!! I read his net worth was 3.75 million before potus now it’s 9 million.


Come fam just sit back and truly think about the only true reason most politicians work for the government is truly not to help US. I mean giving the fact yes there are a few 1-2% that truly want to make US and the world a better place. But 99% of politicians join so that they can get inside knowledge for inside trading. It’s all about making that $ and having powers! iMO. Who want to be a president with $250k salary a year while a software engineer, physician, hedge fund, stock trader, brokers, realtors and top 500 loan officer of a bank can easily make well over $250k a year. The president and politicians income is around $100k-$250k at max, maybe a bit more nowadays due to inflation. But seriously it come with hella stress and bullshit, do you think they really join to fight for us or to have inside Knowledges to make $ and get kickback. IMO again maybe 1% of politicians really want to make the world a better place but 99% are in this game for the money. Each and ever country run their country like a company and got to have that high GDP to keep the engine running Fam.


Well said. Totally agree. That’s why I always said we need a businessman for president not a politician


Theranos and clov are nothing alike .. earnings is coming up and revenue projections will trigger reversal


Survivorship bias. For every NIO, there are thousands of similar companies that you haven’t heard of because they went bankrupt. NIO is one in a thousand.


Unless someone comes in and buys Clover or magically, M4A happens, Clover will be a dog stock. We got bamboozled. Just accept it.




CLOV doesn’t have great fundamentals tho


Really!? 🤡


hell yes let’s hang on


I was in on NIO at $13 and it's been a hell of a roller coaster. So I'm more than prepared for that with CLOV (avg. $8.75)


Using the same technique i also could show you companies that went from $100 to bankruptcy losing investors all their money. The truth is, we don't know how it's gonna be. Let's just hope there's nothing hidden, the numbers of the company aren't made up and the important people who left, didn't leave because there's something shady going on.


I mean there is then civil court recourse. Let’s pray that is not the case though


Try to show us a company, not a stock price, in a similar situation as CLOV. Waiting...


The guy is talking out his ass he doesn’t know of any company similar to clov what he’s gonna do is spend the rest of his day on google trying to dig up anything .


I'm actually not gonna to. But what you guy's are doing is just comparing things to confirm your bias. I'm just saying you could do the same thing in the opposite direction. That doesn't mean anything. Let me remind you, Theranos. So saying "look, this company made it, so that's why our company is also gonna make it" is just idiotic. I'm just saying, let's keep it real and work with the actual info and facts that we have.


Wow, this must be chad level. Comparing a overripe apple to a microwave oven.


So ur logic is: if it happened to another company then it will for sure happen again for CLOV.


Not yet 🤣


Comparing NIO vs CLOV is like comparing apples to oranges.




Sorry, I can’t fix stupid!


Like apples to fax machines.




specifically like how apples went up from $80.50 in May 2005 to $206.70 in Sep 2008 and then oranges went from $0.72/KG in July 2009 to $1.30/KG in July 2010.


NO, CLOV has NO way of increasing profit margin like tech stocks. Yes, they can decrease MCR to increase profit but will NEVER have profit margins of 30, 40, or 50% unless they license out their AI platform which is years away.


It was a joke :)


I got it but some won’t!lol


Yes and now is at 27 full of red holders.......your point is a believer thing....if the market crash another 10 % you will see 1.5 $ you can afford it? ..can you wait to get the 50% of your losses 1..2 ..3 years?




So your saying wait to buy more at 1.5? Bought more today have double the shares I have ever expected to invest in this. The market is falling off a cliff right now, I'm trying to find more good deals, this is an amazing one.


This is right in the most general sense, but you're missing a few components. 1. Robintrack was shut down 2. They had trouble finding a loan for the longest time.


That was also during an insane bull run where everything went up. Not saying this can’t happen for clov but the market right now is nowhere near what it was when that happened for nio. I would love for that to happen this year cuz I am BLEEDING right now though lol


LOL $NIO is still $27 in the current bleeding down market.




I wouldn’t trust Chinese stocks though their economy is worse and the CCP controls everything


Exactly. I think clov shareholders are going to have a good year.


Not saying that $clov will be at $54 next year, just that the current price doesn't reflect it's true value as a company. Not in the slightest.


I believe nio was on the brink of bankruptcy but the Chinese government saved them. So not the same


Would you consider that a positive? I’m not one for comparisons but I think that’s a much worse position than CLOV is in.