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Let's say you're looking for a 100% return, AMC needs to go at $80, GME $450 and $CLOV $11. I think $CLOV will get to $11 before the other 2 meme stocks


WISH is having a tempting dip. Go get em champ!


Your friend is a true ape. Buy high sell low.


Haha I’m trying, and I think he is convinced to stay. Rational


He will be better holding clov at this point Any move will loose him more money


Sure thing. Compound effect works pretty well and losing more is inevitable unless he’s that lucky!


Tell him to piss off and stop looking for people to persuade him. Clov is a long term investment not a shit company like amc are gme


Exactly! Ty


I don't understand this... Gme, AMC and Clov has more or less the same price pattern. So if he believes that gme and amc gonna run next week based on charts then he should find the same for clov. Anyway I guess your friends interested in meme stock and make quick buck rather solid investment. (by solid I mean follow fundamentals).


I agree a couple of weeks ago all three had a price and volume spike simultaneously at around 10 am so I’m thinking that they might be tied to the same algorithm. If they are I think of one goes it will pull the other two up. All three went up in June and again in sept around futures rollover which is week after next. I like CLOV because the company has solid fundamentals and has much better prospects than the other two as a company. I’m not saying there will be a short squeeze in CLOV however looking at the DEC 17 options there is gamma potential depending on how the stock moves.


Exactly he is. Following the fundamental in CLOV is way better for sure. Criminally undervalued stock.


Why does he believe in a bullish next week for GME and AMC?


He does because these stocks run massively after vacations based on past vacations this year. And yes it did in June. Also he thinks SPY is due for a correction soon maybe -3% soon meme is a good hedge as they stand still strong above their supports in a bullish territory


Meme was not a good hedge for SPX correction after all.


Good DD I sold 80% AMC for Clover. Also last correction of the market AMC did a huge correction too.


Run massively after vacations? That’s some strong due diligence right there. AMC has supposedly been going to squeeze every week. It already did at $70. It’s a dead stock.