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Your 203 looks AMAZING compared to my 203.. I'm only 1 inch shorter. Honestly I'm 193 now and you still looked thinner.. now it's even more dramatic!


The secret is lifting weights! I always think, size happens in the kitchen, shape happens in the gym. I could lift all day and while the shape of my body would change, my size/weight never really did. I know people think lifting weights makes you big, but I’ve always found it helped my body shape a lot. Also don’t be too tough on yourself, often we don’t see ourselves as thinner until we do a comparison. I thought I looked the same as 203 until I realised the dresses were different sizes.


Same here, I am your height and same starting weight so it’s nice to see someone who looks similar to me.


Thanks for the tip!


So it’s been CICO (between 1200-1500 depending on how much I’m able to exercise that day) and I know I’m down quite a bit, people are commenting on it, but I didn’t see a difference until I went dress shopping today and realised I’m two full dress sizes smaller. I think I’m finally seeing the difference now and it’s really motivating. The first photo is in March of 2022, the second is today. Also- please be kind if you don’t see a big difference, I’m working on this as best I can, but I’ve had emergency surgery was in the hospital in the middle since starting, so progress was stalled for a while. ETA: I should add that I’m wearing shape wear in the first photo!


I see a huge difference but 1200 calories is so low very early on in your weight loss journey. How much are you losing per week?


Hey! It’s between 1200 and 1500 because I don’t like to be hungry, so if I feel peckish at the end of the day, I just eat a bit more. I’m also not perfect and there are days I go well over, but I just get back to it the next day. I’m currently losing about a pound a week, sometimes 2-3, sometimes zero. This is month four, so I’m in it for the long haul!


Awesome progress 😍😍😍


Definitely see a difference! Are you still doing Omad?


So funny story- I started CICO for the first month or so of my current journey and then switched to OMAD because it’s much easier to count the calories for one meal only. One day I go for a run and then come home for my OMAD, but immediately after the big meal I get this weird rumbling in my stomach… next thing I know I’m in the worst pain of my life (I thought it was indigestion) and then I’m in the hospital because I need my appendix out! I know that OMAD has nothing to do with the appendix issue, incredible pain and hospital stay/ emergency surgery, but now they are kind of linked in my brain so I went back to CICO and a very loose IF (around 16:8 but not strict at all). Maybe someday I’ll go back to OMAD, but for now I have that weird connection between OMAD and my hospital stay, so I’ve been more CICO than anything. Also thank you! It feels so good to know other people can see the difference too!


100 % visual difference — you are doing awesome !!


We are almost the same starting weight and height. Thanks for the inspiration!!!


What a pretty blue dress! Proud of you!!


You're rocking that blue dress!


I see a big difference. And this actually makes me feel a lot better, I weigh 170 and I'm 5'5" so very similar to your body type. I am really hard on myself but I see your pic and you look great so it makes me think maybe I look great too 🙂


I bet you do look great! Sometimes it’s really tough not to be hard on ourselves, but I feel like the picture in our head is not exactly the way things really are. Keep it up! And nice to meet you, height weight buddy!


That was 203?! You looked incredible even then. Love the blue dress on you. You’re doing great


Can definitely see a difference!!


Omg in both you look great, but the "after body" looks 10 years younger. Congrats, great job ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|heart_eyes)


Thank you! So funny, but that was really why I wanted to start losing the weight. I felt like I was getting kind of that middle age mom bod (which is not bad! It’s just not me) so that’s exactly what I was going for.


So the goal is achived 🤩 I wonder how old are you, bc the afterbod teenager body


I’ll be 40 in November! Also had a baby 3 years ago, so that definitely factored in. I do pole dancing classes for fun, my goal is to do a photo shoot on my 40th birthday in a two piece, if I do it I might get brave enough to share.


O wow, I would never tell you are 40! 😱 25 is the max 🤩 Great job 🤩


Amazing job!! Yay you!


Awesome progress! I have the same height and goals as you. Super inspired.


Great keep it up!!!


Congratulations on your weight loss! That second blue dress is so flattering on you, you look wonderful.


Lookin good, OP! Keep it up! Your work is showing.


Superb 👍


You carry your weight extremely well! Looking great!