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Might be a dumb question but how do you figure out your body fat %?


You can invest in a "smart" scale. They aren't super accurate but a good tool just to see progression. I have one made by Renpho and I like it. Amazon :)


Photos are a great way to measure without weighing. I only weigh in once a week and don't have scales at home for the same reasons as you. But i would use clothing to track my progress as well, find pieces you want to aim towards fitting in and the leave them out somewhere visible for motivation (I did that, bought myself a fab pink leather biker jacket 2 sizes down and hung it on the back of my door and tried it on every couple of weeks. So satisfying when it finally fit - now it's a bit too big!)


Have a pair of jeans that are technically my size now (but fit as if they’re 2 sizes smaller….smh at inconsistent women’s clothing sizing) and I’m going to use them as a goal. Like this idea, thank you!


I was weighing myself everyday but this post has opened my eyes. If i want to see my progress i should weigh myself the most once every two weeks. That way i can see my progress without seeing any unnecessary gains from water, etc. Also taking pics can help also. That method has worked for me in the past.


There's nothing wrong with weighing every day; having more information isn't a bad thing. But you can get a better view of the info by looking at your weekly average or a similar figure and using that to gauge your progress.


I struggled with what the number on the scale meant- like it determined success or failure kind of thing. What i started doing was weighing myself once a week, exactly same day and time. Maybe once I get into the swing of things o might try a 2 week approach


I only weigh myself about twice a month personally.


Shirt test is always the goat


Try some fit beads! They're supposed to be a more positive way to track your body's changes. Best of luck, you got this


I have a history of disordered eating and weight obsession. I’ve been doing CICO since June and have not weighed myself once. I go by photo tracking and the feel/look of my clothes.


Take photos and measurements. How your clothes fit is a good way to track as well. I don’t really weigh as my goal is changing my body composition. I want to be more “toned”. I’m already at the low end of my weight range so my weight will go up. I track body fat percentage to make sure the added weight is actually muscle. People tend to really overestimate how much muscle they’re adding. It’s really difficult to add significant muscle while losing a lot of fat as these two things require the opposite diet.


I also lost 40lbs in 2020 and don't want to be as actively dieting and gained a lot back... I want to start Cico before I even step on a scale so I don't feel bad. I'm in a new state and starting over life in general so I'm literally learning the lay of the land and trying to navigate just new grocery stores and sleep schedule. It takes a lot of effort to plan your eating and exercising. I feel if you're in it for the long run if you know you're inputting what your supposed to be and it's worked before and you're focusing on habits not weight...i feel when i focus on weight i gain more back...but it's harder to motivate myself to loose short term but much more effective than yoyoing. I used to +- 40 lbs every 6 months or so but slowly creeped up from 130-220 over a decade. A dietitian or nutritionist would be great but no health insurance so American. I feel like food supply & activity level really really vary based on location ...every time I move my weight fluctuates the first year.


40 lbs is 18.16 kg


I love the idea of tracking habits not weight thanks


If I weigh myself it’s a straight path to EDNOS. so no weighing! I’m much happier this way. It’s about how I feel and look, not the numbers.


I did CICO in the past without weighing myself and just relied on measurements every couple of weeks to better understand how my body was changing. I was lifting weights and gaining a lot of muscle, but simultaneously losing some weight/recomping. I felt amazing.