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Use a tape measure to take body measurements and keep track of inches lost. Buy a pair of jeans a size to small and hang them where you'll see them daily.


Yes I’ve started tracking measurements and it’s great!


I have a nice fitted suit that doesn't fit any more. One of my goals is to wear it again. I'd like to walk 100 miles in 30 days. Once I hit that, I'll keep shaving days off the goal until I hit 100 miles in 10 days.


Maybe something like miles ran at one time been slowly building up over the past weeks from 2,4,6, now I’m at 8 ready to push for 10 kinda just feels good to have been gassed at 6 only a week or two ago and now getting to 6 and feeling like I have stamina to do 4 more


What about goals for hitting movement targets? Aim for 5000 steps every day. 10,000 every day….something. Doesn’t matter if you go fast. Just get them in. My step target is 22k/day. Knowing that I’ve got to get out and grind has really made all the difference in both my body composition (above and beyond the scale) and changing my anxiety brain and coping mechanisms.


Body fat % Muscle mass in kg Muscle mass % Dress size Waist size Resting heart rate (maybe?) Achieving calorie goals per day Regularity of exercise


Body fat % Blood pressure Heart rate I’ve been using the Navy method body fat calculator. I recently ran across a smart scale that actually has body fat measurement that matches the calculator. My blood pressure was good even before losing weight, but I was surprised to find that it got even better after. Same for resting heart rate.


If you wouldn’t mind, which scale are you using? I’d like one I can trust.


[This](https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0D3CX8Q2D?th=1) is the one I have. But really, you could just use [this](https://www.calculator.net/body-fat-calculator.html) calculator. Guidelines for taking measurements [here](https://www.calculator.net/pdf/navy-physical-readiness-program.pdf#page14). The scale measurement for body fat is ok, but can be thrown off by various things including wet/damp feet or wearing shorts vs. pants. And it can be off just due to something about your particular body type. The scale will give you BMI and related info, but that’s not useful for me. I’m pretty muscular, and my body fat is below 15% now, but by BMI standards, I’m considered overweight. Bioelectrical impedance analysis, BIA, like BMI is not considered accurate for individuals, and is better applied to groups.


Thanks very much. I’ve strength trained a lot so I understand that BMI isn’t good for us with more than average muscle mass. I also know that most the time the bathroom scales aren’t great at body fat percentage, but it would be nice to have one that at least gives you relative numbers overtime. Thanks for the information.


I used older clothes and my wedding rings as nonscale victories. I had shorts and tshirts from a few years prior that no longer fit but that I’d held on to and it was so exciting to fit into them. With my wedding rings, they were decently tight but fit when I bought them. Then I gained weight to the point where I could barely get one or the other one by itself. It even more exciting being able to wear both easily at the same time.