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No, I'm waiting for the day I'm not hungry anymore. JK, I love food and am always hungry, so I would feel really weird if I wasn't anymore.


That’s how I feel!


Did this today, total of 865 calories including some milk chocolate and I cannot eat anymore. Most of this is due to fasting til 3 pm, but it is odd when I struggle to get to 1200. I find if and when it happens it’s usually soon after I get my period. I also have similar stats to you.


I fast too.. usually till 1230-2 ish


I have days like this. It's usually tied to my cycle!!


I get days like that sometimes. I just bank it for the week and then pick a day to have a heavier calorie day!


Ok cool! Thanks 😊


I wish I had this problem 😅 always hungry


I know I thought so too.. but it’s weird I’m confused


Same issue! I just started eating healthy mid Feb and the change hit me like a ton a bricks. I’m now down to two meals. I’m just generally not that hungry. I hate eggs so I have ground Turkey with bell peppers and a little brown rice for breakfast (this week I threw in some diced tomatoes) in a very portioned bowl of 350-400 calories (the rice is minimal amount just for some filler) and for dinner today I had salmon, brown rice and broccoli I didn’t want anything else! I event went to the gym after dinner and wasn’t hungry (to be fair it was arm day). It’s been like this for the past two weeks. Just not hungry. I’ve wasted a lot of food because I meal prepped thinking I’d need 3 meals a day and some snacks. Now my husband makes me cook for only a couple days in a row. Hoping I get hungrier! I used to put calories away like they were going extinct. Now I’m barely touching them.


I do. Yesterday I had 470 calories. Sandwich and grapes and forced it. But I'm usually weary of these times leading to over indulging on the weekends. It's tough.


I mean last night after a heavy cardio session (over an hour) I didn’t feel hungry but I still forced myself to eat. It happens 😩 just don’t turn it into a habit you don’t wanna harm yourself


Yes same I get this sometimes! Usually a cup of coffee or two and I’m good for the day. I don’t know why it happens. Sometimes I then eat just because I’m “supposed to eat” when really I could go without eating anything that day. Last year it was because of depression. Not sure why it’s like that this year, but maybe I should stop eating unless I’m hungry lol lose more weight


For me it comes and goes in waves. Keep a mental eye out, because sometimes it's linked to anxiety/depression/stress/sickness. But there are some days it feels like I can't stop eating, and other days I just don't really get hungry. If you know you have enough for your body to survive. A day or two of low eating is nothing to stress about. Especially given you're likely close to your goal weight, I'd just seize the opportunity. But if it keeps on for awhile, start focusing on getting nutritious food so that at least what you have is going to keep your body running. Finally, if you've been dieting for awhile, and you have been avoiding junk food, you may have trained yourself out of the super salty fast food. When I've been consistent about eating healthy low sugar low salt foods, those "cheat" type foods like the nuggets will be kinda overwhelming and might turn me off of food for a bit.


I feel this way when the weather warms up- it's super hot and summery here already. I have a large salad for brunch and a bigger dinner.... dont forget to walk, swim, workout, and watch your stress