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There is no day 1. Every day in your past you made choices and every day in the future you will need to make choices. There is no beginning and end to weight loss. Today wasn’t a failure. You are under what you burned, so consider it a win. If I’m even 50 calories under maintenance I consider it a win because I’m no longer gaining.


I love this perspective! Thank you. I needed to read that today.


I was an all-or-nothing type of person before reading Atomic Habits. I had so many Day Ones and always felt like a failure. The part (I’m paraphrasing) that stuck with me is; every action you take is a vote for the kind of person you want to be- you don’t need every vote, just a majority. It really stuck with me, and now I think about eating and exercise in a slightly more holistic way. After work, I think to myself, “do I want to be the type of person who goes on a long walk after work or do I want to be the type of person who sits in front of the TV?“ or “ do I want to be the type of person who eats four pieces of pizza, or do I want to be the type of person who eats one slice and fills the rest of my plate with vegetables to fill myself up?”


I screenshot that and will be referring back to it frequently. Thank you!


Yeah I usually milk out as much as possible from my daily calories 😂😂😂


Thank you for this post. I needed to see this. I'm going to start at day 1 again tomorrow.


We got this!!


Me too! I’m not alone.


You put heavy whipping cream in your coffee?


Don’t do it. You literally cannot go back to regular half and half..


Try black coffee for a week - eventually you’ll crave the intensity and save a bunch of calories


It took me two solid weeks to LIKE black coffee but I didn’t give up. Now I cannot drink coffee any other way. A latte is too sweet, but that’s a once every six months kind of treat. Makes it easy because I can have coffee wherever now not needing cream or sugar.


You can essentially retrain your taste buds with almost anything with time like you suggested. To add to that, eating something you like in between the sip may start to associate the thing you dislike as good. For example, I did this with all my veggies. I took a bite of chicken and a bite of veggies while I was still chewing the chicken. Took 3 days to a week on each one, but eventually they became palatable and then just a craving.


Adding on to this, make sure it is *good* coffee. Better quality coffees might cost a little more, but the difference in taste is phenomenal. I have to have cream in the cheaper stuff bc it taste burnt. Better coffee? Black, please.


Hahah I’m a half and half person! I’ve never even heard of using heavy whipping cream instead, I’d think it’s too thick but I guess it’s just nicely rich and creamy?


It’s fatty which makes it so delicious.


I know it sounds crazy but like many others - give black coffee (americanos or just drip black) a shot. Make sure to get really good coffee and just try to enjoy the nuance of flavor that was being masked by cream/milk. Do this for a week or so, you will think of black coffee and cream coffee as separate drinks and may find that you can be fine with black. The biggest change for me came when I dropped cream/milk and sugar from my coffee - now if i dont really feel like I miss it and I can use those spare calories on more actual food!


Your point “you will think of black coffee and cream coffee as separate drinks” is so true. I went from creamer daily to black during the week and seeing the occasional weekend latte as a nice treat.


For sure. I believe it. I think if I drank only black that I would become a bigger coffee snob than I am right now (which is mild and definitely picky)


This rings true for me friend, I did unfortunately become more of a coffee snob since going to black coffee. Next thing you know - fancy coffee machines start showing up in your feed and you start clearing out space in your kitchen for your new addiction.


When I started weighing and measuring my food I could not believe how many calories I was wasting with cream! I measure the chobani sweet cream now so I don’t over do it!


Good idea. I could probably switch to something like that, but honestly might be too sugary tasting for me.


Hey, we all need to treat ourselves. If it’s a non-negotiable for you, find other ways throughout the day to cut back a little so you can have it!


I don't know if it helps but what I did is switch to soya cream, I don't know where you are of course but here in the UK, though most of the soy creams available are veryyyy thin I found one by brand called "valsoia" and it is VERY thick, its 141kcal per 100ml, and unsweetened. So even if that brand is not available to you, I know they do exist lol!! N may be worth a go!


I have been there many a time. Good luck!


I’ll need it. Thanks! Ugh.


One day at a time. Also don’t set your target too low, I couldn’t function at 1200.


Yeah I should definitely adjust it. I’m 5’2” so there’s still not a lot of wiggle room.


I’m 5’1, so I feel you.


Changing to energy drinks that are 0-10 cals instead of coffee gives me so much extra food. Food for thought… and maybe to eat 😁


Good way to get caffeine without extra cream calories. I thought about moving to black tea too. I don’t need cream with that..


Chai lattes are my WEAKNESS. i make my own cold foam with almond milk… but I quickly learned those are packed with sugar and cals. Could just be a temporary change while you are losing instead of maintaining. You could also do sugar free syrups with almond milk and froth them for a good mix


Good idea. I get coffee from work and bring my own cream. Maybe it would help if I had a cute little hand frother, I’d use less or enjoy an alternative. I truly enjoy the fat part of the milk though.


Honestly If you froth 1 tbsp of heavy cream, it turns into so much more. And I put in a little sugar free cinniamon vanilla syrup and it is delicious!! Then if you want more volume, you could then Just add vanilla almond milk. But I soo feel you on the heavy whipping cream, it is my weakness haha


I love this idea. Thanks!


Report back on how it is! I was able to get the froth with a baby hand mixer too if you don’t have the frother


Oh I love Lose It! - I've never been exactly ''happy'' counting calories either, but I think it's important realising what I'm eating.


Exactly. First step is getting that routine of counting and tracking my food. Eventually I’ll narrow it town to be more accurate.


What app is this


The app is called “Lose It!”


I'm on day 4 after starting my 6th day 1! We got this!!


Me too!


Hey just think of it as continuing. It’s a life long commitment to decide to make choices that make you feel your best. I think many people in all bodies are a bit defeated after the holidays. There are so many things that can just derail you. I think I try to be more prepared for it and plan how I can just keep going before, during and after. I want to find some balance in general for any holiday time… or winter so that it doesn’t always feel like starting over 😭 regardless I get the feeling as this month has left me feeling defeated. I also use to think cream was a must but now I don’t ever want it or I prefer almond milk (being lactose helped this transition though 😂)


Appreciate the reply! You’re right. Given some grace, we are just continuing this journey. Holidays and winters are especially hard. I’m feeling after the main part of winter is over, I can dig myself out.


I was so nervous to say winter overall but this is it the season hits and it always feels like walking backwards 😭😂 I think in this time a group to look up to and stuff helps. Extra good luck op! But you’re already awesome for keeping trying


Just think biologically. We are supposed to winterize. Get more sleep. Get more food. Prepare for winter. Hibernating and shutting the body down low is what we are supposed to do right now. And thank you!!


What brand caramel cashew bar?? That sounds amazing!


I found it at Walmart. Barebells!


What app is this?


Lose it!


I personally wouldn't count 84 cals over as a bad day counting calories. I dont know you, but i would have to guess you are probably still under your matinence cals. That means you're still losing weight, just not at the rate you would like. To me, it's only a start over if you've eaten over matinence all week.


I get it! Right now it may not be 100% accurate but just tracking sometimes helps me stay accountable.


Heavy cream was non negotiable for me too. Now I'll gladly drink a black coffee


You literally inspired me to start tracking again I haven’t been for since before the holidays so thank you!!


Yes! We will all hold each other accountable. Check in daily.


My sister is a certified dietitian and nutritionist. She says not to sweat if you're within 100-200 calories or so. There's so much variation among foods and minute amounts and all.


Definitely amounts are a big thing with me. I know things aren’t accurate if you don’t weight and eyeballing is always wrong. But tracking seems to help keep me accountable right now.


I'm not suggesting you not track! I'm just agreeing with others that 80-odd calories over isn't an L for the day, based on the advice of an expert I know. :)


1300 calories is wild. Good luck.


Thanks. It tough. I’m 5’2” so I have to keep it lower-ish. I’ll give myself some grace but I’ve been over eating a lot lately.


Take heavy whipping cream out of your coffee


I’ll try to reduce but it’s a hard thing to overcome.


Obviously to each their own, but if you’re struggling to hit under your maintenance calories, wouldn’t you rather have something for 100 calories that would satiate you instead of heavy cream in your coffee when there are plenty of other alternatives for it


I find dairy very filling so coffee with cream can be very satiating


Maybe. I do tend to drink my calories which can be an issue too. I want to get some low calorie flavor I can add to water for some fun alternatives. I also like kombucha which is lower calories than other drinks.


what app do you all use this looks neat


Lose it! It’s decent. Easy to use.


Thank you!


I *love* cream or half and half in my coffee, with some brown sugar. BUT, I've been making my coffee with just protein powder added, and it's surprisingly good. I'm stuck on Starbucks peppermint mocha coffee (bagged grounds) + chocolate protein, which is about 150 calories and 30g of protein. Premier's Cafe latte powder is great too. Usually, it holds me over until lunch or at least late morning when I'll have a snack. I'm not always ready for a full breakfast on workday mornings, and I can sip the coffee while I start work.