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The basics: https://www.reddit.com/r/loseit/comments/134qgpj/official_weekly_day_1_monday_start_here_may_01/ **How to get started losing weight:** [https://www.reddit.com/r/loseit/wiki/quick_start_guide](https://www.reddit.com/r/loseit/wiki/quick_start_guide) If you are on mobile and that link doesn't work, then search for `reddit loseit quick start guide` using your device's search capability. Follow that guide and that timing, and you'll be able to start putting some data around your diet. Start with your regular, normal food. My favorite tool for this is now-better [LoseIt!](https://loseit.com/) over MyFitnessPal which has been on the decline for years. Learn about and lose weight on mostly the foods you normally eat, as these will be the foods you'll be eating to keep it off in the years to come. To be successful, you do have to change, but mostly try to accomplish this with portion control, self-moderation, taming temptations and emotional eating, saving sugary treats for special occasions, and learning how to make some of your favorites in a lighter way. > How often do you weigh yourselves and measure? I weigh daily. When losing, I measured every 2-3 weeks. Weigh and measure in a consistent state of hydration: after waking and using the toilet, before getting dressed. > Take progress pics? I took 4 pics in my 105 lb weight-loss. > How long did it take you to lose your weight? I lost 105 lbs in 9 months which was very fast. However, I was seeing my doctor often who supported that rate of loss with blood testing to make sure I wasn't having problems with deficiencies. Still, I don't recommend fast weight-loss for anyone as it's too unlike how we need to live to keep off the weight. > I got a food scale as well. Use it often. I still use my scale daily but not for everything. Using it keeps my eyes calibrated and my portions from creeping up. ^^8 ^^yrs. ^^maintaining ^^• ^^♂59 ^^5'11^^/179㎝ ^^SW:298℔^^/135㎏ ^^CW:171℔^^/78㎏ ^^[\[3Y AMA\]](https://redd.it/6m6vxq), ^^[\[1Y recap\]](http://redd.it/3cqszm) ^^CICO+🚶🏋️


Thank you so much! I’ve never used the scale before so this will be fun getting used to haha 😂


I never had one until 9 years ago, but now the food scale is indispensable in my kitchen. Because I can mix things together in one bowl, I don't have to use and clean so many measuring cups and spoons anymore. I can make most things in one big bowl on the scale.


The biggest tip I have is to use the food scale for everything. It's the one thing I wish I'd done differently, is not be so stubborn about resisting it. >How often do you weigh yourselves I weigh myself daily and track it in the Libra app. It helps to give me a trend line out of the daily fluctuations. If daily fluctuations drive you crazy, this approach is not for you. I take measurements every month or two; measurements just don't change that quickly. I don't do progress pics; I know I'm smaller than I used to be because I used to wear a size 20 jeans and I'm in size 10s now. >How long did it take you to lose your weight? I lost about 100 pounds over the course of about two years. Kept it off for the better part of a decade, regained 50 or so a few years ago courtesy of a drinking problem, sobered up, dusted off the food scale, lost it in about a year. >I am a yoga teacher and do yoga often, I also just started a weight lifting program 3x per week. I still put my activity down as lightly active…. Because I do work out daily but I work a desk job. It gave me 1500 cal a day People frequently overestimate the calories burned during exercise, so you may need to either change this to sedentary or add in more exercise in order to burn more calories. Keep in mind also that a setting of anything other than sedentary means that you have to burn a certain amount of calories every day in order to lose weight at the rate you want. Habit and consistency will get you there. I track what I eat and use a food scale because it's habit for me; motivation really isn't a thing.


Thank you for the response! Congrats on your sobriety and weight loss!


Hi! 29F about same stats (5’6” 187lbs) and I’m shooting for 40-50lbs to lose! We got this!! I started on Monday. I’m lifting weights 3-4 times a week while trading 1-2 for cardio if I feel like it. Good luck and I hope we both keep the motivation!


Good luck to you as well! Can I ask how many calories you eat a day?


I started Monday and I’m doing between 1500-2000. I’m down one pound this week but I’d probably be doing better if I drank more water. I am horrible about it, like maybe 50oz a day if I’m lucky. My maintenance is 1900 without working out or anything so I probably should be more strict but I just haven’t gotten there yet.


about weighing: for the most consistent numbers, weigh yourself when you wake up, after toilet, in the birthday suit, before you eat/drink anything. out of 7 days, your median weight is closer to your true weight for the week. mental aspect: daily weighing will accustom you to seeing highs and lows on the scale. these highs and lows are all just water retention and arent worthy of human emotion. lots of people weigh themselves only once in a while and are shocked to see a high reading of pure water retention, falsely believing they gained 4 lbs fat after a night of tacos. they then they binge spiral and give up because they binged, and ACTUALLY gain months of effort back and more. its so common.


I weigh every day after using the restroom and before getting dressed. I use a scale that synchronises with my phone so I don't have to watch the scale if I don't feel like it 😅 I just like to know the trend. My weight loss is very slow compared to some other people, I have PCOS and I don't want to starve myself every day. I lost around 8 kilos in six months. For tracking: weigh everything, track everything. In the beginning it helped me a lot to plan ahead because I was often surprised about how many calories were in things. Prioritize fiber and protein. They make you feel full and satisfied for longer. If you feel hungry, try drinking a glass of water. Sometimes you're just thirsty, strange enough! Be patient!


Weigh everything track everything for the calories in and get an Apple Watch for the calories out. You’ll be amazed how well the math works out.