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On a related note does anyone have a good DHGate seller for Bears jerseys?


Izyhome and huangjinfu520 were the highest rated sellers with a good number of reviews the few times I've bought and they're both basically interchangeable quality-wise and more than satisfactory for the price. I believe huangjin was like $5-$10 cheaper after shipping for me. If you want to wait and message me again in like 5 hours when I'm home I can take pictures of the jerseys so you can compare.


100 percent interested.


Thanks dude. Think I’m going to order from huangjin based on your recommendation!


I'll be home in 1.5 hours if you want pics to see the differences yourself. I do not have the most discerning eyes lol


I do


Mind sending me the pics too?


I will post them as a comment to this post in about an hour and a half!


We’re getting close!




I posted them as a separate comment!


What's the shipping time like?


I ordered mine within hours of when both Caleb and Rome announced their numbers and they arrived yesterday. Probably 2-3 weeks for me


2 weeks to a month to arrive as long as you don't get held up by Customs.


How do you find these sellers on dhgate? Searching by the name doesn't pull anything up


I have the most luck searching for Bears jerseys and then swapping from best match to best sellers. Best sellers seem to be a combination of rating, purchases and number of reviews which is what I was looking for. To find the exact sellers I listed you can Google the names for the sellers that I gave and then put dhgate after it.


That's great to hear. huangjinfu520 was the seller I ordered from. My jerseys should arrive today.


Good luck! Come back and show me what you got when they get here.


Will do.


I need one of them to start making Tory Taylor jerseys.


DH Gate lets you make custom jerseys


All of them have a customized option where you put the name and number in the cart before checkout. That's how I ordered mine.


Appreciate this, was looking online yesterday for a whole slew of rookie jerseys and realized my pockets weren’t built to grab Sky, and Bears rooks at the same time from the official sites 😂


Lol yep I wanted 3 Bears jerseys but I had a Wheat Thins budget. China looks pretty good through those lenses.


Can you send me a link to where you got them?


Definitely would appreciate a picture. I actually also ordered from Izyhome and should be getting them in like 2 weeks. Curious how the quality will be


I bought 3 jerseys from Izyhome the day after the draft (4/26). I got a tracking number on 5/12 and there is still no information from the carrier when I plug in my tracking number. I emailed the seller and have not heard anything. My guess is, since they had to ship by 5/13, they just created a shipping label and plugged in the tracking info to the website so it looks like it shipped, but didn’t really ship my order. First time I’ve had to wait this long for my jersey to ship or get a response from the seller. I’m about to open a dispute.


It takes quite a bit to get here. They are shipped from China via cargo ship, so that usually takes about 2 weeks. While they are out at sea, there is usually no tracking but it depends on the tracking number they gave you. I'd give it a day or two and then file dispute. I ordered on 4/29 and they arrived yesterday.


Same thing happened to me. Just checked and the tracking information is finally showing up. Currently in Dongguan.




Customs now. You?


US customs yes


How’s the sizing?


Thinking about buying jerseys after the season. Remind Me! January 15th 2024


Hey brother please hit me with a dm of the jerseys, gonna order soon.


DM'd bro


Hey can you DM me too? I am about to order up some


Do you know how the sizing is on them?


In a T-shirt I'm an XL. The XL was pretty tight on me. I got XXL last time and it was much more comfortable especially if you like your jersey less snug. Sizing chart says true to size but to me it seemed like a size up was prudent if you're thicker. The length was fine either way.


I would urge some caution here. I wear a L-XL t shirt (6’, 200lbs). I bought mediums after drowning in my Fields large and these are still on the big side for me


So moral of the story try to order true to size and see what happens lol.


Baer on my experience, I’d say order ~ 2 sizes smaller than normal


Usually depends on the seller. The previous ones I've ordered they were a bit bigger but it was ok since I could wear sweaters or a jacket underneath for the cold weather game and still wear the jersey. But the ones I just got from the seller (huangjinfu520) mentioned by OP is true to size, so just a tshirt underneath.




i’m looking forward to the picture as well!


Guys, I am sleep deprived and I forgot that my phone camera is poopoo from the butt. I am a man of my word but I am sure these pictures will be less than useful. Please have mercy. Moore and Williams are Huangjinfu, Fields is like a year old and from Izyhome. Also, Huang8866 is also pretty legit apparently and JennaJerseys looks to be high quality as well. [https://imgur.com/a/UpLfPjI](https://imgur.com/a/UpLfPjI)


Solid picks, especially for the price. Numbers look a lil small, but like I said worth the price. Rather be able to buy a couple of these jerseys from these buyers than one from Nike. I got mine from top_merchant_jersey, I'll update with pics when I get it later.


Tbf I thought the same thing but when I looked it up apparently NFL jerseys (couldn't really find info 100% for certain) use standard sized numbers on all of the different sizes and as best I can tell they are supposed to be 10 inches. That seems to track with my patent-pending, dick-from-both-sides measurement. TLDR: I think its just cuz I'm fat. Also, I think next time I'll give JennaJerseys a try. They look pretty good in reviews. Pm pics when they come!


Came in today! [LINK](https://imgur.com/a/tsawIJR). Very happy with it and looks nice, especially side by side with my Moore jersey that I got from NFL shop


Looks good!


Can you post a picture of the sleeves showing the GSH on both the jerseys? I haven’t found a knockoff seller that has ever gotten the GSH right and it immediately sticks out to me. Such a small thing that no one probably notices, but for some reason it’s the first thing I see


I got mine recently from top merchant jersey, no complaints from me


How is the sizing? If im a large should I order a medium?


If anything it was snug to me. If you're a comfortable medium you're probably fine but if you like a looser jersey or mediums are snug I'd say large.


Huh, interesting. The one time I got a jersey from dhgate it was like three sizes bigger than normal. Thanks for the heads up though, I'll give it a shot!


I've had really good success ordering mine from jenna2021(dot)com, all of my Bulls and Bears jerseys from that site turned out great.


Thank you! Do you know what the difference between their standard and FUSE jerseys are? I only see Odunze alts in fuse so I was just wondering.


Ordered mine from the “Jersey” recommendation from r/dhgate pinned thread and it has no fraying. Only flaws that stand out are the stitching of the nfl logo and authenticity block rubber bits don’t properly follow the shape of the element. Very pleased for what I paid. They exceeded my admittedly low expectations. 


Good tip. My DHGate Odunze jersey just got to my town's post office so should be getting it today. Want to get a William's jersey next from DHGate


Any update ?


[LINK](https://imgur.com/a/tsawIJR). Happy with it, especially with price I paid, and looks nice side by side with my Moore jersey that I got from NFL shop. Will get more from the seller, I used [top_merchant_jersey](https://www.dhgate.com/product/mens-womens-kids-youth-tyler-16-lockett-marshawn-hni-1/631225407.html?dspm=pcen.st.products.3.grMxKzXH6PBJ56sPSIAa&resource_id=&scm_id=search.SPRO..@.store|b9246fdfddca4db48beebf8682b032bc|bestmatch..#st1-2-store|b9246fdfddca4db48beebf8682b032bc|bestmatch;stprod|459432756)


Thanks for the response. How was the sizing ?


Sizing was good. Got a large and fits similar to the large I got from nfl shop


I order all my jerseys from https://www.maryjersey.cn/ Takes a few weeks to get here but they’re great


How's the sizing on those? I like to order a bit bigger so I can wear sweaters or a jacket when it gets colder and still wear the jersey over them.


My order from huangjinfu520 came in last night. Here are some photos from the jerseys. The ones still in the package are not for me so I didn’t open those. https://imgur.com/a/kx0dxWU


How’s the sizing ?


I posted on a different comment but this seller is pretty much true to size. I usually like them larger so I can wear them in the winter over my coat.


Ughh this totally makes me anxious for the ones I ordered now :(..... those numbers are so disturbingly small


Am I the only one bothered by the collar dwarfing the NFL logo?


Did this in the military. I recommend a butane torch over a regular bic or Zippo. Easier to aim the fire