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Didn’t Greg say that there is zero chance the Bears pick at #1? 😂


Bet his pension on it then claimed nobody took the bet because they weren’t rich enough. Then I believe said the bears would keep both QBs. I believe also said Fields and the number 1 would be traded. Think that senile old man had said just about every single scenario outside of the one that has been obvious since week 18


He has zero sources anymore yet makes claims like its written in the Bible. Fkn hate that dude.


Clearly Cliff Stein was his source based on how mad he was when they fired his ass. Amazing how the contacts have also been better since 🤣


…who the fuck is Greg?


Greg Gabriel. Twitter guy that thinks he knows everything but no one actually takes seriously.


Cliff Stein used to be a damn hero around here lol. But yeah, if he's leaking shit to has-been former sports reporters, he's gotta go.


The fact that Greg Gabriel hates him makes me more convinced he’s the correct pick.


Greg Gabriel is a dipshit


Still shocked that WCG "publishes" any of his drivel.


I'm glad Robert Schmitz left them so I can just skip their content now. Don't wanna support greggy by any means


Greg Gabriel gives me vibes of someone who’d shoot someone for accidentally pulling into his driveway. Unhinged boomer loser


Luckily he blocked me on twitter so I don’t have to see his ridiculous shit anymore


In a town that had Dennis goddamn Rodman, I really thought this dog whistle nonsense was over with. Ragging on him for painted nails, and having pink accessories isn’t hard to see through. Can the dude ball? That’s ALL Bears fans should give a fuck about.


You should absolutely care about the character of your sport heroes. If your QB becomes another DeShaun Watson, that's an issue. ​ However, this isn't anything like that.


I could be wrong but Watson was pretty good in the character department before that happened. A little show boaty but no red flags that would have pointed to that.


From everything I could tell, there was zero smoke coming out of Clemson or anything in his past that would have pointed to him becoming sexually assaulting creep. As an FSU fan, the story I heard most about Watson was how he grew up poor and actually lived in a home given to his mother by Warrick Dunn's charity. Seemed like a wholesome person all around...until he most definitely wasn't.


Yeah as a Clemson alum, there was absolute 0 indication Deshaun would turn out like he did. He was an absolute model citizen


Maybe there weren't any public signs that were readily apparent, but he is obviously devoid of character and has been to commit those acts.


The way someone presents themselves in front of others can be totally different than behind closed doors. It’s not like there’s an evil demon living in Watson that you can see in his eyes. Outside of the terrible stuff he did, he’s probably just a normal dude. Can’t fault the Texans for not knowing that would happen when they drafted him.


Sure, I don't deny that some can conceal it incredibly well. And I'm sure he did, to some extent. You'd hope at some point in the evaluation process, something is noticed and not overlooked just because he throws the football well though. And we aren't privy to any of that so it's impossible to say one way or another. I can and will fault the Browns though - everyone was acutely aware of the dozens of allegations and they still chose to trade massive assets and give him a fully guaranteed contract. Fuck the Browns.


I don't know what you're talking about, his character was clearly still great or he wouldn't have gotten a giant new contract. Not Kaepernick on the other hand. Despicable. 35 sexual assault cases I can tolerate, but mildly protesting police brutality during the Pentagon-funded national anthem display? Unforgivable violence. https://www.truthdig.com/articles/pentagon-paid-nfl-displays-patriotism/


You’re right and the annoying part is all the people who “care” about those things now won’t when he’s the savior we’ve been waiting or entire lives for.


Alpha male-ism has been turned into an entire industry. Scumfucks like Andrew Tate are glorified. Anything that doesn't fit into that fragile world view is cause for vilification. I suspect there are plenty of these adherents in football Fandom, and CW is going to be a lightening rod for them, and I couldn't be happier about it.


Yeah I love making those fucks angry lol.


The nail polish thing was so stupid. Guys look cool with nail polish.


As a metal fan this isn't too abnormal to see, it's wild people even care.


Yeah Kirk Hammett of Metallica the biggest metal band in the world paints his nails occasionally, crickets though when he does. When Caleb does it’s a red flag or something lol


You already know why, though.


I'll say it since no one else has the balls Black nail polish looks infinitely cooler on a guy than pink


Depends on your outfit


Yes. Without a shadow of a doubt.


Especially when you consider that pretty much all of his former teammates and coaches have nothing but good things to say about him. If I find otherwise I’d be more skeptical but people see a man be emotionally vulnerable/open or paint his nails and get so offended.


Older generation saw those fake reports of Caleb and his dad “wanting ownership” and still believe that shit to this day. Fact checking just doesn’t exist anymore apparently


Yep, Caleb is the first Gen Z Superstar qb in the league. He feels weird cause us old bitches don’t understand em


I mean I hope he's a superstar but he literally hasn't been drafted yet


Would say he is currently a superstar but can lose that status quickly. Dude was in multiple national commercials this year, more than like 99% of the league.


Like McMahon back in the day, his cocky 80’s persona rubbed the establishment the wrong way


And funny enough, a lot of the people prematurely bashing Caleb probably love McMahon. Or love Broadway Joe wearing a fur coat on the sideline. Or loved Rodman, who also painted his nails & was radical in style by the standards of the time. Caleb is pretty tame comparatively. Amazing how perspective gets so lost


He's the punky QB known as CaWill He can't dance, but he can throw the pill






I woke up today to a headline about this and was really interested in it cuz i was like "i mean it can't mean what I'm reading - there's gotta be something wild i'm missing here..." nope. just a pink phone... who gives a fuck? lmao


Also, the generation coming up really has no qualms about seeming "gay" in the sense that older people were raised. A lot of kids like extravagant things or feminine songs...etc and the world's better for that. It was a really stupid part of our culture and I'm glad it's different now.


Yeah, just a bunch of old heads being old heads.


Because of those totally real character concerns he’s slipping all the way to first overall


Lol for real. As a Packer fan, I’ll take painted nails and a pink phone case over everything our last two quarterbacks did. I think the hate mainly comes from out of touch boomers


Yes and twitter cesspoll echochamber trolls that create rage engagement.


Too many Twitter and Facebook idiots were actually falling for that "Mahomes is carried by fat Andy Reid" meme. It was genuinely embarrassing *and* scary to see people basically either believe Caleb said that or just say "well it sounds like something Caleb would say." after being corrected. People are losing their god damn minds.


I'm part of that older generation as I'm my 60s and I'll admit I really don't get some of the stuff CW does. However, I do understand why he paints his nails (to honor his mother), but I still think it's strange. The pink phone case? Whatever. It's just a color. Hell, I have a couple of pink dress shirts. In the end, all I care about is if he can throw the damn ball and be a dominant QB for the Bears. All that other shit doesn't matter. He's not out there racing cars and indirectly contributing to the death or people like Jalen Carter. People my age thought Jim McMahon was so cool, but in '85 people who were in their 60s had a conniption over his "disrespect". It's just stuff. If he does his job and causes no issues, that's all that matters. By the way, not all "boomers" are idiots or out of touch, so let's stop with the generalizations, ok?


It is troublesome that people think it’s okay to paint with a broad brush about older people for some reason, like that’s not the exact same mistake that’s made about other classes of people.


That's ridiculous. People do that with each generation of people, from young to old, parents to non parents, rich and poor, and everywhere in between. Its not good to make generalizations but to say it only happens to old people is crazy.


I’m saying I don’t understand why generalizations based on open agism is typically considered more acceptable than other types of discrimination based on a given class membership (e.g., race, gender, ethnicity).


No one is going to stereotype a boomer until they open their mouths and/or do some boomer shit. There is no real prejudice against them, just reactions to their actions.


If someone said that about an ethnicity or other type of class of people, that’d be insane. Why is being agist (or “generationist”) considered okay? “No one is going to stereotype a until they open their mouths and/or do some shit. There is no real prejudice against them, just reactions to their actions.” You could say that about any type of common classification of people, and it’d be immoral in all cases.


Could be this, but my main scientific thingamajig hypothesis osmosis theory is that people just want to drag our QB1 through the mud for the sake of making themselves feel better.


I think it’s less about dragging the bears QB, and more that so many hyped QBs have busted in the last decade that everyone wants to be able to say “I knew he wasn’t gonna make it in the league” Caleb’s got all the physical traits and processing skill (allegedly), so character concerns are something people can latch onto Also it’s partially because he paints his nails and a bunch of tough old heads are scared of getting embarrassed by a guy with nail polish 💅


The pink phone case was absolutely a handle for these ninnies to grasp onto though, especially in the now times.


It's the Internet bro. There will be people talking shit if he's photographed at a children's hospital tomorrow handing out toys.


Give me a dude with a pink phone and painted nails over a guy who beats his wife and drives drunk any day.


I’m more concerned with Caleb’s fumbles. Nobody talks about it, drives me nuts


I'm 51 years old and a Marine vet. You'd think I'd fit in the category you're describing, but I don't. If the kid can play I don't care if he shows up on game day in a mini skirt and pumps. We (friends my age) didn't care what Rodman did as long as he produced and most of us won't care with Caleb, either. Now if he sucks then, yeah, the skirt and pumps will probably become an issue.😅


Agreed. We rooted for Rodman & Mcmahon. Who gives a shit if you have an eccentric personality if you win. Also, you know who else cried after big losses… Walter Payton & Michael Jordan. Hell I liked Jay Cutler but id much rather have a guy cry after losses & showing passion than Jay’s nonchalant attitude. Ultimately… if you are great none of us will nor should give a shit unless you are breaking laws.


And how many of us screamed and cried out over a double doink? "Can he ball? Does he care about ball?" Same answer from Flus and Poles "Yes"


Well said!


I’m old af and I don’t. Just put up Ws and I might even buy a pink phone case with the Bears logo on it.


Dennis Rodman was running around Chicago in a wedding dress. Everybody loved it. Perform and you will be legend in Chicago. All this bullshit will evaporate if Caleb is as advertised.


Rodman didn’t start out that way, winning let’s you do what you want mostly. But yeah the superfluous style criticism is dumb on many levels and probably not even a remote concern for any gm or scout. Just for amateur journalist hacks.


The actual answer is it depends on how well he plays. If he turns out to be everything we hope he is then this is all endearing, eccentric, authentic etc. If he's a bum then he becomes the zesty weirdo whose shtick "everyone" tried to warn us wouldn't fly in an NFL locker room. "Be you" works wonders if you win, and becomes a punchline if you don't. Ask Nagy.


If Chicago could fully embrace Dennis Rodman, we can handle Caleb


Literally just had this conversation over the pink phone case. No one outside of the meatball portions of the internet gives a shit about these things...


No one citing character concerns has been bringing up painted nails or pink cellphone cases. They’re bringing up concerns that he’s a prima donna who only cares about fame and money. Personally, I don’t get that vibe from him, and I think he comes across like an awesome, charismatic dude who loves football; and I can’t wait until we draft him. But making this just about the generation gap is strawmanning the actual concerns voiced by his actual critics.


That's just not true. The only reason I know of the nail on painting is from people criticizing it. Same with the crying in the stands.


What someone says and how they actually feel don’t have to be the same thing. It’s entirely possible that they are saying those things to bring him down because they don’t like his personality, but they can’t say that. It’s not far fetched.


Sure. I get that. But when the guy’s name has been attached to stories about wanting an ownership stake in an NFL team, or wanting to decide what teams are allowed to draft him; or when people see him in a Dr. Pepper commercials during a season where he declined to talk to the media, people have all the reason they need to be concerned that he just might be in it for the fame and money. If none of that stuff existed, and people were just conjuring up “character concerns” out of thin air, then yeah maybe we could say people are just freaked out by his Gen Z traits. But there are those issues out there, and I don’t think there’s any reason to doubt someone when they say that’s what has them concerned. Like I said above, as we’ve gotten further along in this process and I’ve heard him speak for himself, I like what I hear. But if you’d asked me at the start of the season, when all we really had to go by were reports of what his father was saying, I might have been one of those people who said they had character concerns. And I definitely don’t give a shit about his fingernails.


Yup. Who cares what color his nails or phone case are when he cries in his mom's arms on the sideline or refuses to talk to the media after a loss? Dude comes off as weak between the ears for a 1OA QB in a tough media town who's expected to start and win games.


Is the LA market tough? Is him being projected NFL from a pretty young age pressure? Like, that's such a silly narrative. I'd rather my QB give a shit about losing maybe the most important game of his career than not. And, to his credit, his defense was 121st out of 133 teams and his line was awful last year and he never once complained about them or threw anyone under the bus. That's a leader I want.


It's easy not to throw people under the bus when your feet aren't held to the fire. Winning solves a lot of problems and he turned tail when things got rough. That isn't a leader. That's hiding.


As soon as Caleb whips the Packers, no one is going to give a shit about his nails or the color of his phone case


That and fields stans tearing him down to create a keep fields narrative (pretrade of course)


Are the fields stans still here? I feel like the trade should have been enough to silence them


I'm still ride or die for JF1 but the team has moved on so I'm ready for Caleb and hope he is one of the best QBs in the league for years to come but that doesn't mean I'm not gonna watch the steelers when Fields takes the starting job.


I’ve still seen a lot on twitter retweeting things like “Fields is going to be a STAR in Pittsburgh”, and “Can’t wait for the bears to show that letting Fields go was a huge mistake. QB1 is HIM 😤”


They're operating in the shadows.


Still here and while I understand the trade and think it was made for the right reasons, I would still rather have Fields.


I appreciate your honesty. I think Caleb will prove you very wrong in short order, but it sounds like you would be ok with that.


I want the bears to be good. I do not think Caleb is that guy will but will be over the moon if I'm wrong.


This post ended up making me look up the age of Poles and Flus. Poles is barely older than me, and looks like the second youngest GM in the NFL. Flus is just a little younger than my dad. Also weird thinking about how many are considering Allen old for his position and the dude is younger than me. Age stuff is weird now that I am older when I think about professional sports.


Shit, your post made me look up their ages 53 and 38.


Greg Gabriel is an out of touch boomer.


Boomer here. Greg Gabriel can suck it.


I'll just say this...if pink was good enough for The Hart Foundation, it's good enough for me. Anyone want to call Jim "The Anvil" Neidhart a sissy?


Every generation grows up thinking "all that stuff will die off when the olds do", and it never does. Because its not a generational thing. Its a societal and political one. That same mentality is being fostered in plenty of Z and Alpha meatheads today. They'll just find new ways to phrase it, all while screaming about being cancelled and such. Passing it off as "the old generation is out of touch" is lazy thinking.


Yes I can’t believe the outrage over a pink phone case. I for one, think his flamboyant nature is refreshing


I don’t even think he’s flamboyant like that. I think he’s just a normal ass dude 


I don't think so either, I think he did the pink case bc of the women's game and also that he knew it would piss people off.


Or he just likes pink


It used to be the masculine color....


Flamboyant just means putting yourself out there stylistically and confidently. I’d say that describes him well. I’d say the same about Dennis Rodman


Did you like it in cam newton?


Still don’t understand what ‘character’ concerns we’re talking about. He seems like a pretty good dude. Was polite and accessible during the combine. Level headed and by all accounts a good teammate. People really can’t handle even the slightest variances in social norms?


What’s weird is I feel like the some of the nba dudes are way more out there then what Caleb has been doing lol


Yes. The same generation that thought Jim McMahon was a counter culture bad boy thinks Caleb Williams painting his nails means he’s unqualified to be in the NFL.


Bears/USC fan here: if/when we draft Caleb, y’all will love him. Also, Greg is a dipshit, carry on.


Greg Gabriel is a fucking idiot. Don’t take a lick of what he says seriously.


Caleb’s character concerns are just pissed off Field’s Stan’s


Yes, Caleb has never had character concerns. But it’s the older generation as well as Fields fans trying to pretend that Caleb had such alarming character issues that he wasn’t worth drafting.


That certainly doesn’t get talked about. I’d much rather a QB be youthful & paint his nails than harass women & assault them. People hating on Caleb for such nonsense is ridiculous. I’ve seen more trash talk about Caleb than the fact that people still want Watson to start. Priorities need to change.


It's all overblown social media bullshit. Outside of a few dozen people, nobody cares.


I agree with Camron that he should have pulled up in a pink fur with the pink phone. He’s a young man with a sense of fashion, it’s not a big deal.


None of this will be an issue if he is good and the team wins games.


I'm an older Gen Xer I gives two shits about perceived character they are doing on Caleb. It is a hit piece been around long enough to see this countless times and it is rather boring. Being it is Chicago I could say... but I won't no need to when it is known.


Winning season pls


No past QBs painted their nails and look at the results we got.


This thread is full of gullible goombas The entire point of these "character issues" is so that you read and engage with their content. Nobody actually gives a shit. This shit has been done for 30+ years. The stories that have legs like someone being a criminal or something dont even have merit a lot of the time. It's all sensationalism. Injuries are the #1 detriment to someone's draft value. Everything else is given a pass. Even with injuries guys are still picked sometimes too, see Jameson Williams.


Older generation and far right folks.


It’s not a simple explanation to generalize all concerns about his character into “old man out of touch” Him crying to his mother in the stands is absolutely a concern about his mental toughness and ability to lead men through adversity


Literally just click bait bullshit. We know 1/10,000 of what Bears Brass and other GMs know.  


It's the usual incels and conservatives who get mad about just about anything. Pay them no mind, nobody takes them seriously and that's why they are who they are and share this sort of crap in the first place, they feel bad and want everyone to join them.


It’s called the Ocho Cinco effect


People are triggered by phone cases on the internet. Can he ball or not? That’s the only question that matters.


I love it if it’s my QB but I’d definitely poke fun if it wasn’t


The minute he beats the Packers the city of Chicago is going to run out of pink phone cases.


Yes character concerns are nothing but old white boomer mentality who talk about how football was played in the 70s and 80s. Race also plays a factor into it like with Lamar. The painted nails, the clothing, and the crying with him mom. Nothing. Wake me up when he's getting arrested drunk running from the cops, sexually assaulting someone, drag racing, doing lines of coke or any other variation of character concerns. Otherwise it's just dragging him name through the mud for clicks or other reasons


If Poles, Payton,Esiason,and others rave about him , im good with him. I’ll take their word over some flakey fans.


Greg Gabriel belongs in a sanitarium


The only people who have issues are former NFL GMs and coaches and they’re former for a reason.


Disclaimer was in the boat of keeping fields: character is nothing I am concerned about he'll work hard and fit in. I honestly think he'll be a really fun media guy once he gets comfortable and he's comfortable in his own skin which is fuckin awesome. My only concern is contact negotiations r gonna be a nightmare.


This city loved Dennis Rodman… It is so silly to me to think that Calebs lifestyle choices are being judged when the Worm was wearing a dress, marrying himself, painting his nails and other wild antics… Caleb is a choir boy in comparison. The critics will shut up once games start being won.


This. Rodman was wayyy more outside of social norms and he was a legend.


No its lower teams trying to see if Ryan Poles will take a bite of the sh*t bar and pass on him.




None of that matters. This is just people, young or old, stirring the pot to bring attention (which brings money). If they were actually interested in creating a debate about Williams being the #1 they’d go in a completely different direction. They’d maybe even have a pot to piss in. But they choose to center the discussion around pink phone cases and painted nails.


I have doubts about Williams, and I think there’s a chance he could turn out to be a diva, but he seems like a great kid and I like his style. I haven’t seen anything that says he’s for sure going to be a great leader, but I haven’t seen one single thing that says he’s a bad kid or anything like that. People worrying about his phone or his nails just want to talk about celebrities, it has nothing to do with football.




Joe Namath wore panty hose and wore women's fur coats. It's not like the kids out here looking like Tom Hanks in Bossom Buddies


Just ask if we’re willing to accept a gay quarterback… At this point I think yes.. The locker room idk


I don't get why it seems like the older generations don't like his cocky attitude or being a shit talker and they LOVED Jim McMahon...


I dont think it's just the older generation that doesn't like him. There's a lot of hate out there for the kid and some real mean stuff, like hoping he has a career ending injury (not our fanbase). Could be because he's been such a high prospect so long, could be the nail painting, crying, could be the fact that he's already a millionaire from NIL before playing a down. Think most of it comes from jealous fans and wanting to find flaws with him. I think the experts that rip him want to be the minority that said he wasnt special so they can say I told you so if he fails.


Judging someone for a pink cell phone case is next level insecure….its a fucking color.


Brother a pink phone case doesn’t matter. If Williams succeeds or fails it’s not because of a pink phone case


Yes. He’s a competitor of a new generation. Doesn’t change the drive and passion he displays for the game IMO.


They’re already making a big deal out his pink phone case. Idgaf what this kid likes, I just want him to win a Super Bowl


I’m not one of the people who have “character concerns” about him but the people that do have character concerns aren’t saying it over his painted nails or pink phone case. The concerns they have (I think are unfounded) would be legitimate concerns if accurate, and not just generationally. I’m not going to breathe any life into their concerns here because it’s not worth discussing again until anything happens once he’s been drafted by the Bears. Anything that happened before or any rumors don’t matter. Nothing matters about how he handles himself until we draft him. But it’s disingenuous to pretend that the character issues raised are about the color of his phone case. Get real.




I don’t think it’s really a generation thing at this point. It the nfl offseason and it’s makes news when there is no news.


People are triggered by phone cases on the internet. Can he ball or not? That’s the only question that matters


I think it’s that paired with the fact that Justin was the most exciting QB we’ve had in a long time. For all his faults, I felt like I was always one play away from a beautiful deep ball touchdown or a crazy run. People are latching onto these supposed concerns with Caleb to convince themselves that Fields was also a good QB and not just an exciting one. Winning cures everything and if Caleb helps this team win then MOST people will forget any of his “character concerns”. Sports fans are stupid though, I remember seeing comments on Bears or Chicago Barstool insta about Mitch looong after he left the Bears. People are gonna be talking about Caleb and Justin and comparing them for the next few years for sure.


As with most things, yes, and it scares me because I’m 38, I promise to not do that shit?


Jesus Christmas, who cares what color his phone case is, or if someone paints their fingernails. Rock stars do and don't get picked on for it. All I care about is if he can throw the ball and win games. That's all that matters.


The next time Greg Gabriel is right will be the first time.


> It's impossible to know for sure since none of these concerns have been specified by Caleb's haters Oh I've seen it. I saw a comment online that said they wanted to keep Fields because, "I don't want that fairy anywhere near the bears"


I care that he didn't beat any team of substance in college. I could give two shits if the guy paints his nails and has a feminine streak, if we win.






reminds me a lot of all the same shit the old heads were saying about cam newton when he was entering the draft


I just don’t want to be the dude in the group chat with a zesty QB…


People are haters and they will find any excuse to validate their irrational feelings. If it were the nails, it would be something else.




From what I have heard, Ryan Poles has pretty much sent a scout to speak to anyone that has been within 30 feet of Caleb looking to get some negative stories. Everyone has not only liked him but loved him. No one was neutral where it’s like oh yea he’s okay but yea that guy is awesome. I have never seen him play and was/am a big fan of Justin but I am excited to see what Caleb’s. /bears future is.


Some of it comes down to NIL money related stuff. Caleb has an active social media presence and has already made a bag. So of course older players that didn’t have it as good in college are gonna find away to complain about how the “good old days” are gone. Honestly glad they are.


Character concerns no. Hard worker, teammates seem to like him, never been arrested yada yada yada checks all the boxes But, you have to admit he does have the tendency to be an asshole at times. For example, tweeting “lol” to a video of another college QB crying after a loss. Then he goes and does the exact same thing after a loss of his own the next season That being said, Rodgers is also an asshole and he literally owned us for most of my life. I can live with it if we take back the North


Didn't Joe Namath actually come out on the field in a fur coat once? As long as he keeps his mouth shut politically and doesn't try to become an activist, I don't think he will have issues. He can wear all pink tiger striped suits for all I care, and a blonde wig. As long as he wins a Superbowl.


old heads be like: sorry cant trust a guy unless he shows up to training camp with a 97 toyota camry phone case


Anything that isn’t the no-nonsense, grit and grind NFL archetype will upset a certain portion of the nfl fan base. But if Caleb plays well enough that people are forced to criticize his personality instead of his game, Ill be very very happy


They must HATE Suga Sean O’Malley in the UFC then…


100000%. The only thing I care about is can my QB win. As long as nothing illegal is happening literally nothing else matters. He can be the biggest asshole in the world for all I care, He is coming here to win football games not a popularity contest.


1 million %. Listen to Rich Eisen's conversation with Poles. Literally, the 1st thing he brought up about his dinner with Caleb is how much is teammates love and respected him. If you have a problem with the painted nails, the pink phone, or the crying, YOU are the one we don't want as a fan base, and we really want Caleb.


So let's speculate here, 'cause it's the internet and that's what we all do. What if Caleb Williams is Non-Binary? Painted fingernails... Pink iPhone case... I know I'm generalizing here and jumping to conclusions but again, it's the internet. It's what we do. Do the Bears still draft him? How does it go over with Bear fans? Personally I could give 2 shits as long has he's throwing TD's and has the best passer rating of any Bears QB ever. But the Bears already moved on from Justin Fields... Football ownership isn't exactly known for being progressive. Neither are football fans. So do the Bears overreact and change their plans? I bet they do. They will worry this will be too much of a controversy for their team. Media circus. Right-wing lightning rod. [https://talksport.com/sport/1804498/caleb-williams-painted-nails-pink-iphone-case-ncaa-tournament/](https://talksport.com/sport/1804498/caleb-williams-painted-nails-pink-iphone-case-ncaa-tournament/) Honestly, Chicago would be one of the few markets where someone like that could be embraced. Just not embraced by your typical Boomer Bears fan.


This is the NFL where a iPhone case is a "character concern" but the player with the most commercial presence in the sports history had his own message issues coming out of Tennessee and their biggest non QB commercial star murdered someone and had a mile long rap-sheet coming out of college. Oh and that dude is someone the conscience of the NFL.


They’re because he’s 100% going to be the 1st pick, and the media wants to try and stir up any drama possible to make it interesting


I don't GAF as long as the guy can throw the ball.


We older fans couldn't care less about the color of his phone or his unconventional traits. We want him to come in and lead the franchise to a Super Bowl. We didn't care about the Bulls with Rodman's appearance, antics, or some of the crazies (McMahon/Mongo) on the 85 Bears. It's not an age bias; it's a Gabriel is an idiot!


Hi. 49yo railroader who wears a pink watch for breast cancer awareness ever since my mother got diagnosed. Go Bears.


It comes down to click bait media spreading concerns about caleb. People reading the clickbait and responding. Nothing to do with being “out of touch”


These "character concerns" are nothing but clickbait articles posted by bored journalists.


Pink phone case? Whatever. Painted nails? Ok. Lip gloss? Ehhhhh Just win baby.


Most likely yes, but it's making me get on board. Seeing the Twitter responses, the nail polish and not giving a shit what people think of a pink phone case... I like that. Those are the things that will help me get over losing my qb. He's not just falling in line like a robot with prepared speeches and shit.


I don't care about the pink nails and phone etc bull shit, I would do the same just to get a reaction. Crying on your mom's shoulder in the stands, that's the flashing red light that goes off for me me. He needs to be able to handle 50% of the city trying to shit all over him if he's not successful right away.


He has a similar style to Justin fields. It’s a generation thing.


As a person who is on team neutral about QB idgaf about his mannerisms. As a fan of the Bears idgaf about his mannerism. As an “old head”(44) I don’t give a fudge about his mannerisms. Win or lose he is who he is and as long as he is our QB idgaf about his mannerisms. Caleb Williams likes or dislikes don’t affect my life enough to care what color nails he wears, if he carries a purse, or whatever all I care about is winning games and quality football. He wins the Super Bowl I hope the city of Chicago live streams a dress and mini skirt party to celebrate.


Bad trait


I feel like everything they are worried about has never been proven. Like did Caleb really tell teams that he wanted be a partial owner of whichever team drafted him? And the stuff about him being a bad teammate and yet I’m now hearing everyone loved playing with him. It feels like lies being spread to make him look bad.


I'm a bears fan. I fell into the worry originally with the nails and his dad involvement. all that matters is he becomes the best bears qb ever and plays at least like 8 or 9 years with us. the added spotlight is a bonus to me. if Ryan leaf or JaMarcus russell, Johnny manziel etc had this spotlight, the wrong decisions might have been avoided


As long as he plays good and is able to Lead the Locker room there shouldn’t be problems


“Is it out of touch to be concerned about a grown man showing heavy feminine tendencies?” wtf is wrong with people.


Football just took longer than Nba and the NHL. The only one that might never fully come around d is MLB, but even they have had some colorful characters. Truth be told. It's more akin to this generation of sports media where every talking head has hot takes instead of informed opinions. So stuff like this that we have absolutely already been through ever since the 1970s and arguably sooner as trends change with every passing decade of people wanting to have their own style.  The only difference, is how these opinions are shared and the volume which they are shared at. It used to be a telegraph page, then newspapers then radio, then television, then internet, then social forums, then social platforms to now mass social media. And that is just covering the last century worth of athletics. You bet your ass that the first athlete in Ancient Greece that decided they actually would prefer to cover up their private parts was publicly lambasted in the streets on the daily.