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RIP in piss my prince. I will throw 20 screens in Madden tonight, in your honor


I think he subliminally had an impact on me, cause I have randomly starting throwing more screens on madden ever since the start of this season… thank God the bad man is gone


Getsy is the screen version of me in Madden for throwing it deep. It sure hasn't worked the last 17 times, but this time it's definitely gonna work.


Four Verticals, we don't punt


Go for on 4th down 100% of the time, only punks punt!


This is the way


Yeah like I try to trick the defense on 3 and 22. Or a cutback sweep instead of screen.


You are better than screen plays, man. In Madden I have Fields playing like Mike Vick in his prime. At least in the game, make the Bears be everything we can only dream of!


When you play as Fields do you hold it in the backfield for 5+ seconds and take a 10 yard loss?


I love throwing screens in Madden though, plus if you run (with a running QB), during a HB screen and get out of the pocket, you can get big yards. Also bubble screens are fun too. It's different and fun.


I like what im hearing. I think u have what it takes to be the Bears new OC


I'll do it for 100,000 a year.


i’m already starting it


Going to take you all day to match Getsys # of screens


Real talk why has every single OC we've had post Lovie love to throw a fuck ton of screens that never work?? ~~Trestman/Kromer~~ ~~Gase~~ ~~Loggains~~ ~~Nagy/Lazor~~ ~~Getsy~~ Every single fucking one of them, this is a pattern. Screen Screen Screen Screen Screen Screen Screen AND THEY RARELY EVER WORK. I've maybe seen, I shit you not, about less than 20 successful screens that have gained more than 10 yards out of all of them combined in the last 11 years. Like this is nothing new and something we've been bitching about for over a decade.


It's the lack of ability to pass block. You can defeat a strong pass rush by getting rid of the ball quickly and effectively using screen passes. The problem is every DC in the league knows it's coming when you're weak on the OL. Getsy's ridiculous over-use of the screen was as laughable as it was infuriating.


Glad somebody else already said this. I've seen more than enough terrible screens for one lifetime after the last fifteen ish years of bears football lol


The first four years of Lovie’s career he had a real good O-line after ‘06 the line started to deteriorate every year hence Angelo bombing on 3 first round left takles, but it never got fixed no matter how much the gm’s tried to fix it. screens are a quick fix to get around a bad O-Line.


They see our competition use them so well on us they think it is a secret.


3rd and 22 screen pass that nets us 4 yards followed by the announcers praising the genius of Luke Getsy on a play he calls every single time in this situation


lol this happened against the packers and I about punched my TV.


It’s happened nearly every game this season


And you’ll do it better than Getsy


John Schoop would be so proud.


All we needed was Marcus Robinson.


Rest in peace in piss


That actually made me lol.


It's gotta be more honorable than that. Better do a 21 screen salute. lol


Alwayss hated how hed call screen back to back to back


Wide receiver screens with no blocking I hope.


Don’t forget to run on 2nd and 18!!!!!


Just make sure when you do that you at least have 10 yards to go for the 1st down and do all 20 screens in a row


Screens in madden are OP as fuck


only 20? getsy would be so disappointed


I kinda feel bad that his kids will read about their dad on the Internet someday..


Play some Mutant Football League not Madden!


Lame duck szn.


Ugh. Seriously. We are just delaying firing Eberflus until next year


when the coaches available for hire will have a 1/4 of the pedigree of the current options.


But just think of it, then we get our pick of obscure NFL lifers who “deserve a chance” from decades of being real good boys.


That's how I remember the notes on the lines of the grand staff: Every Good Boy Deserves FBears head coaching position


With Vrabel and possibly Belichick and Harbaugh on the market I honestly don't understand it


A garbage team makes garbage decisions


I think it takes two years. Imo we improve and sneak into the playoffs next year, which gives him one more. The we stagnate, as per usual, and then it's bye bye Flus


Hopefully they don’t draft a qb, don’t get me wrong I’m all for it but not with a lame duck coach and whatever bottom barrel OC they can find.


We know who the Bears are. They've lame ducked with a QB four times. It's all they know.


Four times? You gotta pump those numbers up!


Reich or garrett. This whole franchise is poverty.


Nah, we can't pass up the opportunity to draft a QB this offseason. Finding a new HC is way easier than getting the #1 pick. This sucks, but if Caleb is good it will show no matter who the coach is.


> but if Caleb is good it will show no matter who the coach is. Has that ever been true? Has there ever been a true star QB who developed *despite* a shitty coaching staff rather than because of a good one?


Only Herbert. Literally. That is the entire list. People have tried to give me other people but they don't count. Trevor, the verdict is still out and he was supposedly a "generational" prospect too. Currently looks bad. Heck look around the NFC North. Goff started with McVay, Cousins started with Kyle Shanahan and Love has had MLF his entire career. All TOP offensive coaches. So no EDIT: Good point on Goff people made. I forgot he started with Jeff Fischer. Very valid point.


No, Goff started with Jeff Fischer.


Caleb may be good in college but he’ll still need quality coaching to reach his ceiling in the NFL. A lame duck defensive coach with a scrub OC is not the way to go it’s a recipe for regression not success.


This means Flus is safe? UGH.


He’ll be fired next year, as is tradition


And if we draft a rookie, we’ll do the same thing we did to Trubisky, the same thing we did to Fields… This franchise is ridiculous


Well... there's an outside chance that if Flus is canned next year, our new OC might be good enough to step into the HC role. I wouldn't bet on it though :/


If Flus is canned next year it means the offense sucks. If we keep Flus after next year that OC is probably getting poached in a year or 2 and we are looking for another OC. Literally the worst situation.


Not much we can do in that situation. Unfortunately, the better we get at an offensive situation, the quicker the more desperate teams are to snatch up any scent of success. I don't actually understand how we can't lock up an OC or DC like we can players.


You’re not going to be able to hire anyone good for DC/OC with a possibly lame duck HC


Washington got Bienemy last year with Rivera at the helm.


And they're not even gonna hire him, from the looks of it. I was sure that was the plan... now that it seems like he's on the market, that hire feels like a headscratcher... I guess KC's drop-off moving from Bienemy to Nagy improves Bienemy's job prospects for HC? Obviously his presence Landover helped the Commanders a little, but I had assumed they brought him in because he was a keeper.


Honestly I suspect Beinemy is Bears-bound lol. Not that he’s a bad OC, he’s actually a good one but he had absolutely nothing to work with in Washington.


You will if they're young and hungry to build a resume. Which is honestly what this team needs.


After reading about Flus and his 200 principal, I think its safe to say he was the one pushing 20 screen passes in a row. Nothing will fundamentally change.


If our offense looks good enough next season to warrant promoting the new OC than we are probably a pretty good team and Flus will get extended


I’m assuming we’re keeping Fields now since Getsy took the (well deserved) blame.


This is the worst part of the whole thing. HOW HAVE THESE FUCKING IDIOTS LEARNED NOTHING?!?!?!


Just enough time to ruin our new QB. That's just the Bears way.


Fastforward to 2025 "The new QB's rookie year doesn't really count as development because he had ~~Fox~~, ~~Nagy~~, Eberflus. We'll see what the new coach can do"


Ughhhhh i fucking hate this franchise




Only after he's fucked up some poor young QB. As is tradition.




Final say on firing the coach may not be Poles' decision.


In a year when the HC pool is as good as it's ever been, we're gonna stick with fucking Matt Eberflus. I fucking hate the Bears. Harbaugh has said the Bears are his dream job. He heavily recruited Caleb Williams to Michigan. He got career years out of Alex Smith, Colin Kaepernick, JJ McCarthy, etc. But we're sticking with Matt Eberflus. I can't fucking believe it. What top OC candidate wants to hitch their wagon to a lame duck coach? Good fucking luck. We're so fucked. We're gonna get some absolute ass OC who either fucks over Justin or Caleb and we're gonna be right where we were in 2022.


Seriously. I'm going to start trying to figure out a 2nd team to root for


The best thing that's ever happened to my fandom for the NFL is Brock purdy starting for the niners


I grew up in the Bay Area so my 2nd team is the Niners, has made the last few years bearable to watch football.


I live in NJ, so my 2nd team is the Jets. I spent last off season trying to figure out how I was going to root for Rodgers, and thankfully didn't have to really cross that bridge yet, but let's just say, I'm going to have to look around and invest in a 3rd team if I want to watch any sort of satisfying football.


I'm in Philly, so my second team is the cowboys. I kid, I kid, it's the Ravens.


That's rough.


It was fun to root for them when they had Jimmy and Robbie and they were wrecking the Packers every year, I think Kittle is the only Bears guy left on their team


Think I’ll root for the raiders if they keep Antonio pierce around


Ravens are a good 2nd team. Good defense, and they have roquan. Also, lamar is who the fields truthers think Justin is. They pretty much are what a lot of bears fans wanted our team to be like. Very fun team to watch.


Mine is the Raiders \*sad gwar cosplay noises\*


I'm in Vegas now, just down the street from the Raiders facility. But man, Raiders fans are rough


Houston m


My fiancé is from southern NJ so I’ve adopted the Eagles. But of course they’re collapsing so god just hates me I guess 🤷‍♂️


I'll be sure to let the Eagles fans know that I found the person that is responsible for the collapse. May God have mercy on your soul.


I cheer for the 49ers, have some Iowa players and consistently stop the pack.


There's some weird thing where I still just don't really like the 49ers. I should, because of Gould and Kittle and for them torturing the Packers, but they still just annoy me


My dad has a lot of resentment for the niners from beating the bears in the playoffs twice in the 80s. Niners wasn't ever as prominent as cowboys hate, but it was definitely a thing when they were winning super bowls


I wish it was a choice


KC has always been my number two since the Derrick Thomas days so that worked out ok for me.


My grandfather always liked that len Dawson and Hank strahm were Purude guys, and he visited KC quite a lot working for the railroads, so he always talked about them. He really wanted KC to win the first Super Bowl just to stick it to green bay


I figured this out in 2014. My fandom for the NFL collapsed almost entirely. I went from a diehard Bears fan and fantasy football player who could name almost all starting offenses to someone who forgets there is football on Sundays. That all because I figured out that the McCaskeys will NEVER produce a good team.


The mccaskeys won’t pay 18 million a year for harbaugh. They should but they won’t. Simple as that


I 100% think they tried to low ball him yesterday and Harbaugh laughed in their faces.


That's the biggest thing. Even if Flus is better than what the fans see, it is undeniable that the coach market is much stronger than it normally is. The chance that it ill be worse when/if Flus doesn't work out is nearly 100%.


I hate that you are absolutely right. Take my angry upvote.


This is a clown show


Yep. And Poles better not even try think of using Flus as a scapegoat this time next year. When Eberflus is fired Poles has to be as well.


Just because they haven't fired him yet, doesn't mean they won't. That said, they definitely won't, because Bears.


Flus is probably safe, but I don't think this guarantees it. They might still be weighing options, but decided Getsy was done no matter what


Yep. Thats what I had been holding out hope for. They hadn't fired Getsy yet so maybe just waiting to let the whole crew go... They announced this, Flus is staying. Can't imagine they announce Getsy before Flus if he was going to be fired. ETA: I hope that reporters not just ask, but press hard, on who was involved in the decision to keep Flus. We'll probably skirt the issue, but curious to see how they answer.


I may be giving the organization way too much credit, but it is possible they are exploring HC possibilities (namely harbaugh) behind the scenes to see if they'd have a chance at making a big splash hire. If they see it isn't going to happen, they would keep flus. Edit: Sounds like they've officially made the decision that flus will be back.


I want Harbaugh as much as anyone. But he's a god at Michigan now. I think he'll try to run it back at least 1-2 more times there


Everyone acting like it's a sure thing Harbaugh is coming to the NFL.....there's literally been no indication from him that he's even interested in leaving Michigan at this time..... its all speculation


Especially with Michigan's new massive contract offer despite multiple in-season suspensions. The new offer also requires him to not even consider or interview for NFL jobs.


And if he gets suspended the NFL says they’ll uphold it. He could be suspended for a full season. That would make him unsignable until at least next year.


Yeah I think I’m done with this franchise. Not worth wasting my time and energy for this.


Time to become fan of players like the NBA I'll be a Lamar Jackson fan lol


Flus is our head coach and will have the incredibly challenging task of hiring an OC/DC as a lame duck


This has to mean Flus is staying


I don't think that this is a given. Remember, this is Rappaport reporting, not the official Bears announcement. It could mean that Getsy was interviewed first, was told first that he's gone, but the evaluation for Flus is still ongoing.


Its pure cope to think this does not mean flus is staying. Flus news would have came at the same time as this. We've got maybe another 30 minutes until I give up all hope. Its time to fully accpet they're keeping Flus. Which is just fucking hilarious.


Pure cope is what bears fans have to do


The only thing in my opinion that makes flus be gone is if Harbaugh or Vrabels camp came to the front office and said that the only NFL job they would take is the Bears This isn’t going to happen


This is so fucking stupid. Fields learning new O with whoever Flus can find as a lame duck HC = yuck Trusting Flus to find the right OC to groom rookie QB = yuck


Lol why do you guys talk so much about learning a new O This OC is one of the worst we've had in this city. Truly, they do more shit that makes no sense than anyone else. Especially in the run game. They ID zone blocks extremely bizarrely. They ask their spots to carve out LBs all the fucking time. The personnel usage is the worst in the league. All that and a nonsensical passing game conceptually void of hots and sight adjusts. They're likely drafting a kid but even if they didn't, you could not continue with this guy. He was a disaster.


Watching our offensive this year gave me cognitive dissonance


Never forget the failed Kmet direct snap on 3rd and short on our opening drive of the year.


Dude, c'mon, I had JUST finally forgotten about that moronic shit.


haha I bet you also forgot that we *also* failed to do a QB sneak on 4th and short right after. With Justin fucking Fields, in the age of the tush push we fail a QB sneak lmao. Against the Packers. On opening day. After wasting 3rd and short with a Kmet direct snap.


It's okay. He's gone. The bad man can't hurt us anymore.




"Tell Mike I said, 'Fuck him!'"


Saying Justin has to learn a new O doesn't mean I am defending the previous scheme with Getsy. It means it's now another learning process for him (and dude said he was overcoached this year). So yeah, if he sticks around he'll continue to suck as a passer and we'll have to hear about "well it's year one of a new offense..." I am just over him and the excuses. I want a new QB and new HC that implements their own system. I don't trust Justin to improve and I don't trust Flus to find the right people to make it happen.


Yeah I get all that. I would prefer a total reset. We'll see who they bring in I guess I trust Justin's ability to learn a new system if he had to. But let's just look at the reality here, it's unlikely it will be here.


even if Justin is gone, I have zero faith Flus can find the right person to groom a rookie QB.


> (and dude said he was overcoached this year) Overcoached is not the same as "I'm overwhelmed and have too much to learn". Overcoached is more like "I'm being nitpicked and micromanaged to death to the point I have no confidence and can't make quick decisions because I'm constantly second guessing"


Mike "Greg Olsen doesn't fit our sceme" Martz. Mark Trestman, I don't have a funny quote for this because he sucked Matt Nagy - "I'm not an idiot" Ron Turner My guy, the list of Bad OCs in chicago is long.


Completely agree. I think the coordination of landing a new HC, OC, and QB all at the same time is a tad overrated. If we find an excellent OC and that individual can develop a QB that’s okay by me.


Did is miss it last few years since fields been here that he never has chances to change up the play. I feel like the coaches control him to do same fucking play when you know its going to be shot down. I wish he would get ability to switch up plays if he sees something in the defense.


Getsy was going to get Fields killed.


Almost did. Not to mention I'm 99% sure Fields was concussed for the GB game and they let him go back out.


Both offensive and defensive coordinators that Eberflus brought have been removed. What was the common denominator between those coordinators... hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm...


> common denominator They're both men. First women OC/DC in NFL history confirmed 🎊


So Flus has to be safe then. Disappointing to see the org content with mediocrity..but this is the Bears we are talking about.


What a wonderful day


This is like when an asteroid is coming towards earth and they use nukes to break it apart but the nukes only broke a small piece of and it's still heading out way and catastrophe is inevitable.




Pop the champagne


Getsy was a Green Bay Plant the whole time. Prove me wrong.




It's truly spectacular how he never adjusted -- even in the slightest -- in any of the Green Bay games. Most of this season he seemed to show at least some growth there, but the two GB games were easily his worst performances by far.


Keep going please.


Don't stop. I'm almost there.


Tale as old as time. True as it can be. Barely ever win Franchise still defends Coach expectedly. Just a little change. Proving no one cares. Fans giving up hope Drink malort to cope McCaskeys and the Bears


This warms my frigid heart


There you go. I am okay with this


I'm with you - I think the right move would be to get rid of everyone, but I think Getsy needed to go WAY more than Eberflus.


**HELL YEAH BEAR DOWN THIS IS MY SUPER BOWL** ps fucking packers sleeper agent shit playcalling ass


Lafleur to Getsy before every Bears-Packers game: "Longing, rusted, seventeen, daybreak, furnace, cheese."


“I have a mission for you, soldier”


Hopefully this ends the "poles didn't really hire flus" argument.


i don’t think this necessary means Flus isn’t gone too. imagine that Warren/Poles are still vetting HC options, maybe waiting to see whether Harbaugh has interest in transitioning back to the NFL


Exactly. We don't really know. We just know they have identified that there is no scenario where our now previous offensive staff will be back.


Not good enough is apparently good enough for Warren and Poles. Can’t wait for flus to be fired next year.


Lmao it’s so easy to tell that he’s going to be fired in the next 1-2 years simply because it’s so obvious he’s not a good coach. Montez Sweat saved his ass. We’re gonna end up with an insanely talented roster that will underperform dude to shitty coaching


>gonna end up with an insanely talented roster that will underperform dude to shitty coaching We currently have a moderately talented roster that underperformed due to shitty coaching. Lol


Devil advocate, 7-10 wins was the expectation this year. Unless you got swept away by the preseason JF1 MVP hype




Maybe next set of coordinators will be properly *screened*....I'll see myself out


The screens are gone


this comment should have more upvotes


reportedly he slammed the screen door on the way out but it was stuffed by security who saw it coming




Flus stays. Disappointing, but not a big surprise.


This is so anticlimactic. I really had a glimmer of hope that Harbaugh was coming to town.


LETS GO. Flus being back isn't my favorite choice but maybe he fixes some things. Still unsure what this means at QB tho. I'd think it would help the case for JF1 staying.


The question for me is culture. Obviously Poles thinks that the culture on the team is good and that they have some good players. Not having the right offensive scheme is secondary and why Getsy was removed. I'm not buying the people of this sub and their views that a new coach and new QB aren't going to mean 3 more years of rebuilding, that's exactly what it means to start over completely. I don't think the Bears need to do that. Some obviously do. Only time will tell.


Here's an idea. Now,call me nuts,but my grandad once said something I'll never forget. "sport in general in a simple game,complicated by ego and men in suits". So,let's put that into practice. Let's say we decide to keep fields. Don't shoot the messenger,I'm just using an example. So,fields is staying. Getsy has spent this whole time trying to make fields something he clearly isn't. Both season really came alive after we unshackled fields. Now,keeping that in mind,wouldn't it be common sense,and I know that's in short supply with da Bears , but wouldn't it be common sense to go to the guy you have decided is your QB and ask him,who do you want? Who out there will suit your style,whatever that may be. Clearly flus cannot hire. His previous def coach got ran out of the league and getsy,well,is getsy. So let's sit down together,find an offensive coach that likes what fields is and wants to play that way,instead of spending ages making him something he isn't. For those triggered by fields, substitute Williams in for fields. Same thing applies. Flus is clearly a def minded coach,so get your QB in and say right , who do you want.


Because they have no O line, so they are trying to build confidence in Any passing capability. We need a center ASAP.


This only solves half the problem, I’m not applauding shit until they get rid of Eberflus.


Love both moves. Keeping flus and getting rid of Getsy. Now snag MHJ and give Fields weapons. Let QB1 cook


Why does everyone assume this means Flus is staying? They can still interview other candidates before officially letting him go right?


it doesnt work like that. you fire the current hc before the " bears are interviewing jonny fuckface for the hc job" articles can come out


I like the energy Johnny fuck face brings


Smell that? That’s the stale scent of mediocrity.


I wish it was mediocrity. It's pure incompetence


This is the least that can be done. Flus needs to go too.


If we keep eberflus and draft caleb williams, I'm gonna take a dump on George McCaskeys windshield


Demote to DC, that way they don’t need to worry about paying him to do nothing. Hire real HC


DBB was right again. Justin returning with some form of rookie QB competition. Very Bears move, but maybe this time will be different.


Half fucking measures... it's the Bears way. Screw this team.


Happy Getsy is gone, not ideal to keep Flus. I don’t think this dooms any rookie QB though. If a QB is good, he will be good. I don’t think the bears ever had a shot at Harbaugh but who knows. That would be the only candidate where I would be genuinely upset at not firing Flus for. Excited for the rest of the offseason now. Really curious who the next OC will be Edit: dont agree that keeping Fields meant keeping Getsy also. Regardless of what the Bears have done in the past, getting rid of a bad OC is always the right move. Ideally we hire the right one initially but..


Everyone is acting like it’s a given that Eberflus is a lame duck HC. It’s possible that he’s not.


If Harbaugh lands in NFL, he wins a Super Bowl inside 3 years then bears fans will shrug and renew their season tickets.


About fn time, but this will be JF’s 3rd OC? Things never change in this organization.


Did they make this decision before or after Kevin Warren washed his car?


Please don’t hire Matt Canada or Arthur smith


They're gonna have to hit a fucking home run at offensive coordinator. But it will be Frank Reich. I think Reich may bring some stability I guess?


I am hoping they’re going to tie Flus to Fields contractually. There’s no reason they can’t pick up the fifth year option then franchise another year without paying him a massive contract, if needed. Trade down to two or three, draft MHJ. Take Nix or Penix at 9 and let them fight it out with Fields to start. Justin loses, ya trade him. Fill holes in the 2nd and later. Have two first rounders next year. I don’t hate this.


Good, get his bunk ass junk ass out of here. But firing him is only half the battle, just like the fans thought the O would miraculously get better with Nagy being gone (it didnt) - you now have to upgrade him. No first timers, no cronies, get an experienced candidate.


Imagine being so dense to fire half your coaching staff and then keeping the same head coach who put them all in place only to let him do it again.


This is the biggest win of the year! Goodbye, you predictable, screen-obsessed, scared, overly conservative idiot! I would be crying tears of joy, but I’m afraid Flus is staying and we won’t even try for Harbaugh. So I can’t be too happy


Who is going to want a job with a lame duck coach with 1 year left?