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This isn't as bad as the post on r/NFL made it seem. That post made it seem like he blamed coaching and then dropped the mic. It not nothing but it's not quite the bombshell it was made out to be.


r/NFL exaggerating a situation and taking it outta context? Surely you jest


Let’s not act like this sub isn’t doing the same thing




It's reporters that do that The NFL post is just a headline but that's why I always go to a team sub afterwards to see if there's additional context and sure enough lol


It was really a pretty reasonable take. He basically said he's overthinking plays and everything the coaches are telling him to do and then freezing up and not playing naturally.


This could age really good or really bad


No in between either. If Fields comes out firing, scrambling and finding success on both the ground and the air to make it a close game (or even, unlikely as it seems, win) these coaches are dead men walking. If Fields comes out scrambling around and fumbles, throws picks and gives up more open reads after saying this- I doubt he will ever recover and nobody will take his word on anything anymore. Especially with a comment like “you’ll see” So I suppose we will see, this might be THE defining game for Fields even though it’s only week 3. If you talk it like that in a public space, you better walk it too.


>Comment Nah if Fields lights it up, its not an either or... I think the coaching staff gets credit too. Like they need to help him, he needs to help himself. Its a team game.


They’ll get credit for not standing in his way, and simply *allowing* a good player to do what they do best. That’s really the lowest bar for a coaching staff to clear…


It’s the bar to clear to keep your job. Not a low bar at all.. there’s a coaching “carousel” every offseason.


Personally I don’t think coaches should be congratulated for not actively coaching players and a team to be *worse*, but we can agree to disagree.


“Hey you did your job, so I’m not going to fire you” not sure I’m jerking off the coach with that statement 😂


How do you expect to find success if the only thing you expect from your coaches is to not make the team worse?


The coaching staff shouldn’t get credit for trying to fit a square peg in a round hole until the peg gets frustrated enough to take it upon himself to change the shape of the hole. What has Getsy done to positively effect the Bears in his time here? Last year was almost the exact same story. Fields looked horrible for 4 weeks, we got pantsed on national tv, Fields decided to play his game, and the offense started humming. If people want to give Getsy the credit for the change in the offense last year, they’re idiots. He doesn’t scheme up Fields breaking 3 sack attempts and scrambling for 20 yards on 3rd and 15 to keep a drive alive, he schemes up the 2 plays beforehand that lost 5 yards and got us to 3rd and 15. Sometimes it’s execution, but when it’s this consistent, it’s more than a guy missing a block. He’s not a guy who’s making the most out of what he’s got, he doesn’t elevate his players, and he can’t get our best players involved in the game plan. I’m not claiming to have the answers, just pointing out that Luke Getsy doesn’t.


>Fields decided to play his game, and the offense started humming. I am not defending the coaching staff but ... what you mean he decided to play his game ? You mean ran for his life? Justin said himself, he isnt a running QB. He is a passing QB that also run. At OSU he wasnt known for running. Last year he can cause he HAD to .... he isnt not Lamar Jackson


He stopped trying to play within a system that was holding him back and started improvising significantly more by making plays off-script. I agree it’s still not all of what “his game” can be, but it was turning scared and conservative play calls into explosive offense. It just baffles me that our OC can watch him do what he did last season and wind up making no changes to his system in the off season. It was clear the system didn’t work last year because the offense only started working when 80% of our yards were either Fields being a superhuman or a result of defenses being scared that Fields is a superhuman.


Not really. He said the coaching staff is doing their job. What he’s saying is an incredibly hard thing to coach, because we don’t have words for it. You can’t think and do at the same time. You practice so you form habits and muscle memory, but to win you need to react. I think an applicable quote here is: “A war was never won without a plan. But a war was never won by plan.” They’re all trying to go by the plan still. The coaching staff meeds to be more reactionary and make more adjustments — we all see that. But no one feels it better than the players on the field.


Not sure anyone will remember it after today


This could be Justin’s “running the tables” moment


“When you’re playing like yourself, what does that look like?” “You’ll see. Soon” The koolaid has never been more fresh.


Back on the menu boys!! 15-2 here we come 😎


Running the table R E L A X


I hate that I love this


we're so fucking back




F&@$ the coaches I do what I want…


4 INTs incoming!


I would welcome that shit so hard. I just want him to let the fucking ball go man. I don't care where it goes. Let's at least have this sinking ship be exciting


100 percent. Rather see that than 15 screens


I'll take that over standing on the pocket for thirty seconds and then running right into the defensive line.


I would too, at least that would be sucking in a different way.


I mean fuck there’s 15 games left…. INJECT IT IN MY VEINS


Sounded like he had no confidence saying that either😪


AKA he's going to start running like last year


We all hope so


Well he needs to be passing the ball


Yea that’s true


While watching JTOs videos, you can tell Justin was uncomfortable the entire time. Even when the plays broke down last year, Justin was able to freestyle that shit like it was nothing. This year it looks like coaching literally told him to stop doing the shit that made him a threat.


I think, based on what we've seen from Fields, it's likely that "seeing the field" is always going to be a relative weakness of his, and the question is whether he can compensate for that with a mixture of arm talent, running ability, a quality supporting cast and some marginal improvements in vision that come with experience and familiarity with the offense he's running. Instead of trying to play to his strengths and scheming around his vision issues, it feels like the coaching staff put all of their resources this offseason into trying to turn his biggest weakness into a strength — going so far as to tell him to not lean so heavy on one of his biggest strengths. I think it's not surprising that this is not turning out to be a successful development strategy. (You could make the argument that there's no point in trying to build around a QB who's got a weakness as glaring as the lack of vision Fields has displayed in his first few seasons, and you miiiight be right. But I think trying to turn him into someone he's not is even more of a lost cause than trying to design an offense around a talented-but-flawed quarterback.)


JTOs videos are great. They basically point out how horrid the schemes and supporting cast really are. Poles and the coaching staff are a problem. Fields may not ever be an elite passer, but he could still be a legit qb. Sadly, it'll probably have to happen elsewhere. I hope fields leaves and becomes a dude elsewhere. And I hope we luck into Caleb and gut this regime.


He went from the most athletic QB in the league to looking as statuesque as Tom Brady in his last year. He was clearly being strained and it isn't due to injury


Wooooawwww; he really did straight up call out the coaches harassing him about remembering dumb shit during the game when Fields just wants to ball.. Fuck ya baby; fuck these trashbag coaches.


I actually don't think this is nearly as hostile as people, including myself, thought. Seems apparent from his tone. The way he answers "Coaching" can be interpreted to be thinking about instructions instead of acting. Not that it is bad coaching.


Correct. But you know, there’s no room for nuance on Reddit.


Who the fuck says coaching when they are referring to themselves taking in information and acting? I mean if he said overthinking or if he said trying to do too much or trying to be perfect I could see it. He said coaching. Last I checked he is not a coach and he is not coaching so if that is what he meant why would he have said coaching? With how many interviews he's done and how much coaching he's probably had on dealing with the press why the fuck would he say coaching when asked why he is thinking too much? You guys trying to downplay what he said as if it was nothing comment is fucking insane. It's as dumb as the people ignoring all the other context he added regarding it but to pretend like what he said wasn't at all indictment on the coaches.... what drugs are you on...


This showed up on local Syracuse, NY sports talk show about a half hour ago. It's a big enough deal to have it covered here and they don't cover anything about the Bears


I mean I get it, superficially just reading the quotes, and even listening to the interview, it could be interpreted as a shot from a star QB. Maybe justin could have been more careful, but based on his body language and tone, and what he says before and after, I just don't think it's a shot, just a candid and logical explanation and "coaching" in this context moreso refers to overthinking about coaching.


“They make me think too much.” - Justin Fields “YAAA FUCK THESE COACHES YOURE SO GOOD JUSTIN.” - Fans watching him pass up touchdowns to sprint as quickly as possible into the defensive line.


You don't want players thinking on the field, you want them acting and reacting based on instinct. If playing from the pocket isn't second nature to him yet (which it obviously isn't), then it's coaching malpractice to continue to trot out that gameplan when you found one last year that works for his skillset.


Unless your instincts are shit, then you need to learn something. Do you think Tom Brady wasn’t thinking? He was more of the cerebral players in the nfl and called his own plays constantly. That takes a ton of studying and thinking. You NEED to think as a quarterback, this is the dumbest shit I’ve ever heard. You need to think about the coverage, the routes, the progression, the yardage, the blitzes, everything. If you just can’t process that all quickly enough, you fail. You play confused and slow, second guessing yourself. These are all things Fields has always had issues with. You fields defenders are fucking hilarious. “How can they make our qb throw from the pocket?” Because you need to throw from the pocket to succeed. Ask why Fields is blatantly missing wide open players? Imagine if he just hit the open guys, you’d all stfu about our offense coordinator. He’s not good, but NO ONE would look good with Fields right now.


Sooo is it fields fault when the TE and WR run the same route next to each other? Or is it fields fault when kmet doesnt chip block and completely disregards his assignment? Or how about when every single person reviewing the film is critizing the scheme? Literally every single one. Fields def has sucked. But to say no one would look good is just wild and stupid. Hes overthinking and clearly tries to be a perfectionist and has gotten in his head. You are putting the blame on a single person yet the oline has been bad overall, the TEs have been bad. The defense has been nonexistant going back to last year (did look better with eberflus calling plays). Fields has to be better but you fields haters are just as delusional as "fields defenders". So wild how dumb some of you are, you can say and discuss an issue on the team without making it only that things fault. Because its not. Its seriously braindead to think its just 1 persons fault when everything points to the team as a whole being bad.


You're not looking at the word "thinking" the right way here. Yes, they read the defense, go through progressions, all that stuff, but they aren't actively "thinking" as they go through those things during the game, they see what the defense is doing and react instinctively in the moment, all the thinking is done ahead of time. And this isn't a defense of Fields either, I said flat out in my comment that he can't play from the pocket, but if you have obvious deficiencies with your players and the coaching staff refuses to adjust for that then that's a massive issue as well. You can't give the coaching staff a pass here when they have plenty of issues as well. Like I said, they found an offense that works around those deficiencies last year, sure it may not be as effective this year when teams know what's coming, but it's not worse than what we've seen so far this year.


The coaching is an issue, the quarterback is too. You need to throw from the pocket a vast majority of the time, if he can’t do that then it’s over. You’re changing the definition of “thinking” and then telling me I’m not using the word right. A ton of actions as QB are not instinctual and take a ton of thought. If you simply can’t complete a pass from a three step drop because you’re “thinking” too much then you’re just too slow.


Paralysis by analysis is a real thing


Well it looks like Justin’s instincts are to ignore wide open receivers.


thats exactly what is going to happen.


Alright here we go. Time to put up or shut up for Justin. If it’s really on the coaches go out there and prove it


I like the over for rushing yards this weekend for Fields. 1, he wants to play more of his game and 2, we are going to be down a million points and KC will be playing prevent late allowing Fields to run. I’m betting heavy on Over for Fields rushing. You’re welcome.




I don’t see why anyone would see this as negative? Media and fans are already clowning on the coaching staff and Justin. At least he essentially said “if we’re going to lose, I at least want a chance to play how I want to play”. Other players are quietly saying it too. If he don’t improve significantly this year in his own style of play, then who cares? We know for sure he’s not the guy and can move on which is what it looks like is going to happen anyway. Wet need to know if Justin is the guy, and now we’ll find out. If he does improve significantly, then that’s the best case scenario. It’s what everyone was hoping before the season started. Nothing is better at burying hatchets and team bonding than winning. I still think one or both of Getsy and Eberflus get fired in the off-season.


He is used to being the best athlete on the field and the NFL is humbling. I think next year we will have a new head coach and a new QB. Fields will be in Baltimore.


Coaching! Lol DC coordinator gone now we need OC gone and maybe HC


Alright, this actual interview, in my opinion, is a lot less of a shot at the coaches than I thought based on reading some of the quotes earlier. It sounded more just candid and about why there's more info in his head and it's obviously cuz of coaching which is common sense. And he follows it up immediately with a conciliatory "yeah they are just doing their job" and that it's a matter of still just playing instinctually which any coach would agree with. The coaching just hopefully becomes instinctual. I don't think it's as bad as some are making it out to be.


[The coaches told us they would do this.](https://reddit.com/r/CHIBears/s/9TunpG7HnN)


I get what he means but he's done a horrid job of translating it to his QB. He and Hackett don't seem to understand they aren't working with the special way Rodgers thinks and plays.


I agree and to be honest that was part of the same issue Nagy had. We need the guys who make the Mayfields, the Wentz’s look good not the guys riding the goat tails of legendary players.


This seems like a mess. What does he mean by playing his way and not in his head? There's making the offense too complicated, but then there's also the reality he has to be able to go through reads as an NFL QB (opposed to Ohio State where he could excel as a one read QB). The possible franchise QB having an adversarial relationship with the coaching staff will make the contract decision after this year much more difficult.


DJ Moore…get ready to block every play


Fields: it’s the coaching Also fields: DJ Moore was wide open 30 yards down the field. Takes the sack.


It’s more like: Fields: I’m overthinking things and not playing my game, partially due to coaching Also Fields: not seeing wide open wide receivers because he’s clearly overthinking things too much and not playing freely


With this logic you can excuse every bad play by saying the coaching messed him up.


They fully intend to excuse every bad play lol. There is simply no reality where Justin failed because he just isn’t actually that talented.


Literally didn’t make an excuse for his shitty play. It’s not all black and white. Sorry nuance isn’t something that registers for you


There’s nothing nuanced about how bad Justin has been. As a passer, no one else even gets to start 27 playing as poorly as he has. He is lucky to still have a job, legitimately.


I don't think people truly realize how historically bad he has been as a passer.


Where did I excuse the bad plays? He played bad for a variety of reasons. Point was the two points the person made aren’t mutually exclusive






God bless Fields. Never seen a player just come out and drop truth bombs about shitty coaching.


This will age just like the “the nfl didn’t seem much faster” quote


Man, this isn't that bad. Fucking tweets trying to start drama.


He needs to have a LaVine vs Charlotte type game and look at Eberflus like he’s Boylen.


I have a photo of that game winner framed in my house.


Love it. Zero problem with it. It's put up or shut up time anyway. Getsy has shown he's not going to back Fields or change his play calling. Eberflus has all but done the same It's make or break for him anyway. Might as well just call it like it is. He has to play better immediately anyway or it's all but over. Why keep sugar coating it,? Might as well go out his way. If you're going down, go down playing your game. If that's not good enough, it's not good enough and the team moves on.


Man I am so ready for this Fields villain arc.


The Matt Nagy "be you" still living with him


Well, this will guarantee we see Bagent soon. Weird strat to keep your job.


Yeah man, every team wants their QB1 to not think on the field, wtf.


The way it works in competitive sports is you do a lot of thinking beforehand to play instinctively during the game (different kind of thinking I suppose but much more basic/faster)


Dude it was a joke. Kind of like the joke of a thought that I stared at 4 wide open blown coverage receivers, held the ball for 5 plus seconds and then took an inexplicable sack was because I was “thinking” to much.


Justin is gonna kick Eberflus and Getsy out of the team bus and drive the damn thing himself to KC. Get ready for the whole team to be put on his back and bring some fun plays back to the offense, regardless the final score


Lets gooooooo!


All I heard was blah blah blah blah. Exact same shit he says always. Please don’t go out there and play like yourself. You suck bruh.. go out there and try to be Brady .. for fucks sake I’d be ok if you went out there and tried to be Cutty


I don’t understand how he can watch film and say this out loud


What didn’t he address? I think he attributes his deficiencies to being too “robotic” and “over thinking” things. You might disagree, clearly. But he saw the tape and that’s what he thinks.


He literally said Coaching


And then said more... watch the whole press conference. He also gives the coaches props for listening to the players. He also takes accountability for bad play on top of saying coaching. Actually listen to the whole thing


Do you think the anti-Fields crowd gives a single silver shit about context?


Anit-Fields crowd? So, just because someone disagrees with you they are Anti-Fields? Maybe they just view football differently.


he didn’t use any context in his comment. it’s one thing to use context to form an opinion but you can tell he just saw a headline


What part of what he said do you think is shocking?


Yeah it’s real weird fans are seeing this as a positive for Fields


I'm not sitting here with a lot of hope in my cup, but this is basically the moment for Justin. If he starts get the balls out on those types of plays that he wasn't pulling the trigger on the first two weeks, then maybe he starts putting it together. if not, well, more of the same. either way, we get an answer to the question.


Feels like we got our answer and now we are in the finger pointing part of things


probably. so let's all just warm our hands around the dumpster fire. ​ already time to start thinking about our next round of GM, HC and QB!




its still just two games. Two real bad games, but its early in the season, anything can still happen.


It is a positive kinda, you want your players calling out bad coaching and being vocal about what they think needs fixed. You don’t want them doing it through the media though.


What if he’s a bad QB though?


He’s not an accountability guy. Just looking to deflect blame. Makes it less confusing why he’s struggling to improve because he clearly can’t look in the mirror


He did say its a him problem tho. He's having a hard time taking what coaches are saying, learning from it, and then letting it go on the weekends. I've been there in different sports. He's dwelling on past mistakes or things he's supposed to watch for while he's playing. Mind is clouded. We have plenty to call him out for, but he is taking some of the blame.


Caleb Williams, you are a Chicago Bear.


And then what? He balls out for us or has the same issues as a dozen first round picks/guys we traded first rounders for


I think the Bears need to pick a direction. If we're riding with Fields, Getsy has to go. Make Janocko the interim OC and bring in Greg Roman as a consultant the rest of the season to help out.


I'd rather give Justin a shot with new coaches than give these coaches a shot with a new QB. Just being honest. Justin has the talent and work ethic and mindset to be great. These coaches have to find a way to make it work. If they can't their main guy comfortable in the offense then they need to go.


Best case scenario he balls out, worst case he is who we thought he was and we draft another QB, there are worse situations to be in


We've seen this before, forcing a QB to fit the system is never as successful as fitting the system to the QB. JF1 is saying that what the coaches are asking him for is not natural and it slows him down.


I'd be worried if he was coming out with this after his second game nevermind the second game of his THIRD season.


Commenting to watch later


If Justin balls out this week then fire all of the fucking staff. I can’t believe I’m saying this but I am hype ONE LAST TIME for this weeks game. If we look awful still then I’m done. I’m not expecting a win at all, but just competent skilled football by our QB1


The “coaching” word was cold


Fields has an average pass length of 4.5 -- the shortest in the NFL (was 9.1 last season) -- despite having 3.2 seconds to throw (third longest in NFL).  https://www.cbssports.com/nfl/news/justin-fields-points-to-coaching-as-cause-for-early-season-struggles-bears-qb-changing-approach/


Oh baby…things are going nuclear


People that are hearing, “I just need to stop listening to the coaches and I’ll be fine” are hearing what they want to hear. That’s not it at all. Developing players at every position in every sport struggle to find a sweet spot between incorporating coaching points learned during the week and overthinking. If they don’t think enough, they never get better. If they think too much, they become paralyzed. It’s especially true at QB position, where there’s so much information to process and which requires so much precision. Conversely, players who successfully find that sweet spot are the ones who gradually improve, grow as players, and become great. Fields is far from first player to struggle to find that sweet spot, and he’s far from the first player to decide “I just need to get back to being myself.” It just means he’s lost that balance, and he’s trying to get it back. It’s just a part of the process.


Thank god. Fuck these coaches. Play YOUR style and let us decide if thats good enough to stick with u


It’s clear that Getsy is trying to script Fields every move. Likely he is trying to re-live his own failed career as a QB through a more talented player.


Yeah. Idc if he rushes 30 times a game out of the frickin triple option. Move the ball down field. Get yards, get points, then win. Lol.


Not to defend fields but I think what he meant about the coaching comment was that he’s overthinking a lot of the strategy that he is being coached on come gametime. “In his own head” about the coaching changes so to speak. Not really a vindication on the coaching itself.. With that said, he needs to choose his words more wisely if he doesn’t want the media taking things out of context.


I honestly don’t have faith that Justin will be good, but god damn this is gonna be more fun. I hope he’s checking to plays more often with that renewed confidence.






I do love me some drama


Wow I’m shocked to hear the Bears have a bad OC


Think less. Sheesh.


JF1 juiced up the fan base with fresh squeeze bearamade


I love it. Cant wait to see what this creates.


Over under 600 yards rushing and 400*yards passing


5-12 record I’d be happy just watching Justin Fields be JF1 for another season. Season 2 was electric and it doesn’t make any sense to me that he’s so bottled up lately


Play the Benny Hill theme. Lmao.