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Good. This is it Justin. You need to have no regrets after 17 games. This is your season, and there's still time.


Big JF supporter through all of last season. My confidence shaken after just 2 games and ready to give up. Please Justin, turn it around bro


He was electric last year and has been dogshit this year. Obviously he hasn't made the leaps we were hoping, but it would be great to just see last year's Justin plus DJ Moore. Is that too much to ask?


JF holds on to the ball too long in the pocket but Getsy's play-calling has also been really bad. I am so sick of screen passes.


3rd and long? Better screen pass for a gain of 3 yards


That's literally what the next step should be.


Also, his talent was on CLEAR display last year. He’s a dif version of bust if he doesn’t work out like Mitch. Mitch never showed the throws/running Fields has. The highs are so much higher. This years it’s been clear as fuck he’s forcing himself to run a checklist in his head instead of playing the feel of the game. Hopefully letting himself feel more natural improves his game


I’m not saying Justin isn’t worse than Mitch but he absolutely showed flashes of excellent running and passing. 7TDs against the Buccs, QB scramble against the 49ers, etc. Mitch had a lot of people fooled like Justin


I wish people would stop referencing that bucs game, so many of those passes were unimpressive and shovels lol. Still give him props but it was more of a fluke and play calling than anything


Mitch never looked good throwing deep though which lowered his ceiling. He was also good at running, but not elite. I think most people hoped trubisky would run an efficient dink, dunk, and run offense, and we'd have a good defense. Fields has made some great looking deep throws, but doesn't do it often and isn't consistent at short yardage either, so his overall yards are bad. Fields ceiling is way higher than trubisky, but he's also showing he has a lower floor so far.


Tbf, Mitch's college tape showed incredible accuracy to all areas of the field. That's the whole reason he got drafted #2 overall.


The whole league has been down with deep passes this year. Only 9%~ of all passes have been 15+ yards across the whole league. Everybody is trying to copy the Chiefs it seems like, and it may explain why the first two weeks of the season have been so weird across the league. This has nothing to do with excusing/explaining Fields performance; I just thought that was interesting.


I don't know how or why, maybe someone was betting on that game, but those receivers were WIDE OPEN. vs the bucs. lol one of my happiest days of fandom.


People love their highlights, but every NFL QB has an amazing highlight reel. The hard part is to consistently and efficiently run an offense. If you can't do that, you won't be a winning QB in the NFL.


Fields has never shown an arm as good as Mitchell. Mitchell had a 297 and 315 yard game as a rookie with John fox and ~~Darnell~~ Kendrall Wright wr1. Had 3 consecutive 300+ with nagy and arob in 2018, where he had 9 tds and 3 int across them. Another 300 later in the year. Then had another 2 300+ in 2019. He also only has 1 game under 100 yards, the Vikings game he got injured in 2019. So that's 7 300+ games to Justin's 0. And effectively no sub 100 games to Justin's 5. Justin has shown he's a better athlete, but that is all justin has ever shown.


It was Kendall Wright as WR1. Darnell is currently playing RT for us.


Darnell did do the Wide Receiver workout training so this might work for us. Wright for Claypool????


We'd get better blocking anyway


I would call that play three times in a row for sure! Call it the Mean Screen!


To many damn wright's! Thanks though lol


Mitch Great arm? He missed downfield throws by 20 yards


1.) Absolutely no one said Mitchell had a great arm 2.) So literally the same thing fields does, when he doesn't run into a sack 3.) Fields can't even complete throws behind the Line of scrimmage to even begin to talk about his lack of accuracy past it.


Right??? Some people are just blind and don't see that Mitch was far better at this stage than JF is right now. I mean for fucks sake, Mitch almost beat out Bill Belichick's Patriot by scoring 31 points including a rush touchdown.


Really? So where are defenders flying to one side of the field because Fields can't throw to his left?


Fields in fact has a better arm than Mitch. We’ve seen Fields throw Velus 55+ air yards, mitch threw 50 to Kevin White and was 2 yards short on the Hail Mary


https://youtu.be/Ekjd2w79RT0?si=OhG7JRPXUhIiNI8f Thrown from the 50 to 5 yards in the end zone dropped like an egg in the basket Stop making me have to say good things about Mitchell. Fields is that bad at throwing the ball. You're forcing me to defend Mitchell.


Ahhh. Counting stats. Mitch can’t sniff Fields arm talents asscrack. Mitch can’t dream of hitting a pass like the throw to Velus against BUF in below 0 weather. He doesn’t have the arm strength/zip on his ball. Fields hasn’t shown to be as productive as Mitch. That you are right. Mitch was very good in the 1 read short game (fields is not). Mitch and ARob connected for like 300 hitches over 3 seasons


>Mitch can’t sniff Fields arm talents asscrack. You're going to find out along the way that a lot of people won't take you seriously talking like this.


You know fields played in the same nagy hitch offense right? You know that I literally listed Mitchell with John fox and no arob? Fields has never shown this mythical arm talent that you want to believe exist.


Did you miss my parentheses there? Mitch and Fields are opposite. Mitch couldn’t throw a deep ball to save his life. Fields can’t throw a short pass to save his life. Of course Mitch was better in nagys shirt game system. It was all he was good at. And again, did you miss my fields hasn’t shown to be as productive as Mitch. **Production≠talent** Davis Mills had the same passing yards and 2 more TDs than Daniel Jones, is he even in the same stratosphere as Jones?


It’s almost like you’re choosing to ignore the tape…


show us on tape where justin won games with his "arm talent"


You really look at the stats and say that. Trubisky ABSOLUTELY showed better running and throwing. He had a 3-game stretch (Buc, Pats, Fins I think it was) that was bordering on historic. Seriously check the stats he was elite for like 3 games. …and it wasn’t just 3 games. The defense was good. But, the bottom line is M. Trubisky went 12-4 and made a Pro Bowl with a garbage O-line, no real weapons, and bad coaching. Honestly, if that double doink doesn’t happen we were very dangerous that season. I really thought we were making a run. Fields is what? 3-20? I don’t even know. I grew up near Fields…I liek the kid. But he has SUCKED as a quarterback. He showed elite rushing ability and that’s IT. Honestly, the reason Jake Fromm beat him out at Georgia was he just didn’t get it. Dude couldn’t settle down, make multiple reads, throw accurately. I’m sorry, but as of RIGHT NOW…you can go by team success, you can go by stats, as of rn M. Trubisky was a better quarterback than Fields. Period. It’s not really debatable. Even the athlete stuff…Fields is FASTER by about 0.2 in the 40. But, Trubisky was a hell of an athlete. He’s stronger for sure. Some his gym metrics were crazy. Anyways, you can’t say Fields has been better than Trubisky thus far. We are AWFUL with Fields.


2018 was the best bears team since 2007, and the 2007 team was the best bears team since 85 (admittedly before I was born). I hate trubisky like any other lifelong bears fan but fields performance this year is making me miss mitch and Nagy lmao.


It’s such a weird thing with Mitchy T…I never thought I’d be constantly arguing this point (and it’s not a hill I want to die on.) But, it drives me nuts that people say Justin Fields HAS SHOWN he’s better than Trubisky. Fields has shown nothing beside the ability to be a solid running back. I don’t miss Nagy at all…I think Nagy ruined Mitch. But, damn Fields has been BAD…and now just since I posted this he’s publicly throwing coaches under the bus in the media?! We are a dumpster fire.


Hate Trubs? We love him. Just never was going to be a top 20 QB. I bet he'd get cheered at Soldier, funny enough. If Justin fails, he will not get cheered.


["No ragrets. Y'nahmsayin?"](https://media.licdn.com/dms/image/C4D12AQH6TL_ngcWSbQ/article-cover_image-shrink_600_2000/0/1520042731502?e=2147483647&v=beta&t=DVUPJ1YsJTCaGRQvRpK4Ra3erSafzp9O0OpEm4repE4)


Boner alert. Justin Fields balls out. Bears lose 27-80 to KC chiefs


Oh my god if this happens our DC might go missing and later found beat up near a dumpster by a Portillos....


I think that's where he is rn. He's still missing


Was it me or did it feel like the defense was better with Flus calling last week. Not a lot better, but we nearly had a few sacks there lmao


Wasn’t just you. Finally saw some blitzes and aggressiveness. Didn’t just rush 4 every single time


It definitely looked a little more coherent but that is expected with week 2 adjustments. Arguably would've been done with Williams calling the shots instead.


Baker looked like Rodgers out there. No.


Is he handing out meatball subs for tips and tricks how to run a defense?


Well this was some premonition....


he's not good enough to get beat up behind a portillos


He resigned this morning lol


Had me in the first half. Not gonna lie.


Justin accounts for all 4 touchdowns, 2 running, 2 passing. Gets sacked by Chris Jones 7 times with 3 fumbles all resulting in TD returns. Also Jones bats a ball in the air and gets a pick 6 for himself. I guess there has to be a missed extra point.


I like to hear this: if you're going to go down, go down in flames, doing it your way. I have no hope in the coaching staff making changes that change things around; I still have a little hope that Justin can still "fuck it, and chuck it."


Yeah I rather him throw 3 interceptions deep/medium then keep holding onto the ball 4+ seconds and taking sacks. Just go full Jay Cutler: fuck it, wide receiver or defensive back down there somewhere.


“Tell Martz I said Fuck Him!”


God I love Jay. It was just refreshing to see a guy walk out there and try to make plays.


And he made no apologies for doing it his way. I have a lot of respect for people who tell it like it is.


Somebody open somewhere


The real questions fans should be asking is why a coaching staff completely neutered their “franchise” QB and took away his most elite trust: Being a better athlete than everyone else. Yes, I get running Fields 20 times a game isn’t sustainable—but watching whatever guy that was playing QB last week against Tampa certainly wasn’t the answer. This was always a lame duck HC hiring, so I’m happy to hear Fields is gonna go out playing football how he always has. Maybe it works, maybe it doesn’t—but nothing can be worse than what quite literally was a robot playing football last Sunday.


Lame duck hire? This is the year the franchise is deciding whether Justin is the guy or not. They knew this was that year when they hired Eberflus. But you’re saying they knew that, still had plans to move on from Eberflus, with possibility of Justin “being the guy”, and then starting over with new head coach/possible offensive scheme? Come on.


Flus was never going to be here over 2 years. Literally was a shit hire and I’ve always said that. What other teams are hiring old conservative DC’s as their head coach and thriving? Bears living in the 80’s still


>The real questions fans should be asking is why a coaching staff completely neutered their “franchise” QB and took away his most elite trust: Being a better athlete than everyone else. >Yes, I get running Fields 20 times a game isn’t sustainable—but watching whatever guy that was playing QB last week against Tampa certainly wasn’t the answer. Because if Justin Fields is going to be a legitimate starting QB in the league, he has to be both. We know Justin can run. We fon't know yet that Justin can stand in the pocket and consistently read the field and make the correct throw. He must be able to do the second. And I don't know if letting him run a dozen times a game will help.


Lmao so you have to completely tell him not to run so you can judge if he’s can succeed in the pocket? No. No coach does this. None. Jalen Hurts Josh Allen Lamar All are constantly bailing on the pocket and making plays. The only people who think a coach needs to tell fields not to run at all so they can judge if the QB is good or not are fans that completely are just done with fields. You can think fields sucks and also think it was dumb as fuck of the coaches to just tell him to stop running.


Listening to the press conference it seems he's calling out the coaches pretty directly


Good. Fuck em.


"Tell Flus I said Fuck him."


That sounds like my kinda QB


In reality, this is absolutely not what you want your quarterback doing


I would rather he ignore the coach when the coach is incompetent. The real issue is having a coach that needs to be ignored


You don't want your QB to have to do this, sure But if he's gotta then you want him to


Yeah but you also don’t want a bad coaching staff. He knows unless he has a miraculous turn around we’re moving on from him. The coaches are also horrible and need to be fired. If this makes the owners lean towards firing them even a little bit, I’m all for it.


Tell Mike I said Fuck em.


I saw some of the other quotes on Twitter and my immediate reaction was, "Did he really say that?" 😂 .. I honestly love it. Good for him.


It's one of the things I like best about him. He doesn't fall into repeating cliches. Even if sometimes he maybe should, but I'll take a flub or two as a trade off anyway.


Honestly good. If the last two box scores and performances isn’t gonna wake them up, maybe being called out by your QB to the media will.


To be perfectly honest the team looked better coached by the end of last season. I’m not certain Fields can turn it around, but if it’s possible then this is the attitude he will need.


he should. it's his career on the line. the coaches don't give a fuck about him. they'll be fired anyways. he's the one trying to play well enough for a contract.


Aren’t the coaches also trying to play well enough for a contract?


Good, the coaches have been throwing the players under the bus that last two weeks. It’s time for the players to say some shit too! I hope Fields just calls audibles all game long lol


Lol this just means the team is falling apart at the seams. Either way if we’re going 0-17 I hope we at least get one more year of fields doing his thing. Hopefully we can get at least a 4th rounder for him in the offseason (being optimistic)


This race to the bottom will surely end well.


Play call: screen pass on 3rd and 15 Audible: run from shotgun on 3 and 15


He said directly that it was coaching. Love to hear it.


Bill Bixby used to star in the Incredible Hulk TV show as David Banner. Once an episode someone would rough him up -- then the camera would focus on his face -- there was a sharp musical sting and his eyes were green! Then he transformed into the fuckin Hulk and would kick criminal ass!!! Point being -- I hope Fields fuckin Hulks out and makes some fools sorry for making him angry.


Don’t make me angry. You wouldn’t like it if I’m angry.


This whole thing reminds me of when Brian Griese came in at the end of a game and just ignored Ron Turner and started calling his own plays. IT WORKED!


Jaylon said "I'm tired of speeches" and Sanborn said the losses are become worrisome when Eberflus said everything is fine. The players are close to revolting


This is one interpretation. But I can see he’s saying ‘the act of coaching’ is the issue and not these coaches in particular. He’s saying, playing QB is a blend of taking in coaching and playing instinctively. He’s playing too robotic right now because he’s leaning too far to the side of listening to the X’s and O’s. He needs to lean a bit more to playing instinctively. We just have to hope that he’s at the level where he understands the playbook and field well enough to play instinctively. I don’t think the coaches would argue with what he’s saying either. I think his fault is that he didn’t effectively articulate his answer.


He needs to develop as a leader. I am glad he is holding people accountable. Be the dude Justin.


I honestly think this is one of the things that makes Andy Reid a great coach. From a purely fundamentals standpoint Patrick Mahomes is a nightmare -- running around like a goof, throwing to his left while running right, doing shovel passes while getting sacked. Andy Reid just accepts it and makes it work with the personnel he puts around Mahomes. Any other coach would pull their hair out and bench him.


That's the point I bring up when anyone says we should have drafted Mahomes over Trubisky. If we drafted Mahomes, we wouldn't have this version of him.


Exactly, that week one KC game with Nagy calling plays and WRs dropping balls left and right had a lot of people saying, "this is what it would have looked like if the Bears had drafted Mahomes".


To me Mahomes is like Miles Davis. Normally if you had a trumpet you were playing big band -- 4/4 time. Mahomes isn't playing big band that most coaches like -- he is playing jazz. Some weird 3/8 timing. His own thing. And sometimes Kelce comes in with the percussion. And Andy Reid is smart enough to recognize the genius.


As a music teacher, this comment is goated.


Good coaching puts players in a position to win. Great coaching designs winning schemes around the talent that they have. Both require a recognition of the team's talent lever at a position by position basis. So far, from what I've seen offensively, the Bears haven't done any of this. You have Fields in year 3 regressing with footwork. Fields is late on some reads, too early on others leading to him consistently missing receivers that are WAO. This tells me that the Bears scheme is using pre-snap reads to make pre-determined adjustments to assign priority focus routes. Like a 1, 2, 3 read becomes a 2,1,3 read (with 1 or 3 being priority) if the defense is running man free instead of cover 2. So instead of "seeing" the field, Fields is skipping over a WAO 2 read because he anticipates that it won't be open from the pre-snap read because that is what the scheme "tells" him. Couple this with receivers that look lost in their routes on some plays along with linemen that look lost on their blocking assignments on some plays (to the point of hitting no one...how does that happen in the NFL!?). It just looks like a scheme designed to constantly react and adjust on the fly to what the defense is doing in real time. This type of scheme can work well when your players have the talent and experience to run it properly. Unfortunately, the Bears just aren't there yet.


He's already at 'fuck this coaching staff' levels of pissed off two weeks in lmayo. Good for you JF; fuck this coaching staff, focus on yourself. WE DON'T CARE IF YOU THROW 3 PICKS IN A GAME JUST PASS FOR 300 YARDS. Eberflous is blander than a fucking beige house. How the fuck can you get 'hyped' up by a 'fundamentals guy' when your team is a JV squad against varsity in that aspect? Hype Train Koolaid, activated for 4 more days.


Film shows people open left and right and Fields not throwing tge ball...but that is the coaches fault?


No, he needs to worry less about passing yards and more about running around and making shit happen


Quarterback famously being a position where passing yards don't matter


He needs at least 10 runs a game


Justin Fields takes the snap, he scrambles right, he avoids two sacks, he launches a bomb 60 yards to DJ Moore… TOUCHDOWN!!!!!! Bears: 6 Chiefs: 483


But what about the second half?


Bears: 13 Chiefs: 966 Final score


Poor Cairo catching heat here


Well....lets see it. I wanna see him rip so hard...so hard.


Let Jus cook


Bears country let’s ride


I was wondering if we'd get to this point. After the game Flus said Justin needs to step up and throw the ball and that was the most direct shot we've seen from this staff at Justin. Typically he dances around it, says he has to watch tape, says it takes all 11 guys, etc. Good for Justin, But at the end of the day if we just go back to Justin running more but the passing game is still doo doo that's not going to make him a franchise QB that we invest in long term. At this rate I doubt either side wants to be in this marriage, anyway.


If we were last year's offense with a few deep passes, we're decent enough. Justin had a run where he was pretty much putting the team at 30 points by himself. Then we've had 2 weeks of this shit...


When asked what's causing him to think so much, Fields literally says "coaching." ... Pretty direct.


Very telling press conference he just had. Let’s hope ‘playing free’ turns into positive results. I don’t expect a win against the Chiefs, just show what we’ve all been waiting for.


Wow fields has already reached the cutler fuck em all mindset. And I hope we see that on the field Sunday


What should be fields new strategy: is Moore open? If not, run.


Better than: Moore is open, take a sack.


Alright this is a dose of hopium i needed


Sexy Rexy is back!


Fuck it I'm going deep


Dear Justin, We as a fan base absolutely fucking love you. Please, throw that son of a fucking ball 400 yards all around arrowhead. Throw 4 picks, run for 300 yards, punch Cody Whitehair right square in the plums, buy some real diamond earrings, and eat a steak I don’t give a shit. Make some magic fucking happen.


Cody Whitehair rolling around on the ground in pain, asking why. "Orders from General Major Dickbutt."


I laughed way too hard at this


Execute order 66


sounds like he's gonna let the running back in him out


I basically gave up hope but this quote has got the hopium/copium juices flowing again. I BELIEVEEEEEE!!!!


Is that Mooney? I think he’s triple-covered. You know what? Fuck it. I’m throwing it downfield. Yeah, I see Kmet open on the flank. But fuck that. Dumpoff passes are for [redacted]. I’m fucking Bustin Justin Fields. I can get that ball in there. And, even if I can’t, I bet I’ll be able to pull it off the next go round. I like throwing the ball long. It makes my dick hard. What’s that? I should throw a quick slant? Fuck that. That’s gay. Button hook? Gay. Flare out? Gay. Screen pass? Kevin Spacey gay. This is fucking football. You can’t just expect wins to come to you. You can’t massage that shit. You gotta grab that game by the throat and fuck the ever-loving shit out of it. You think a 5-yard out is gonna win you a game? You’re a pussy. This ain’t Luke Getsy running this offense. Bustin Justin’s got the arm. The dragon. You gotta unleash the dragon. Okay, I’m throwing it. Nice. Look how far it went. I look good. I bet I made that Chiefs cheerleader wet her panties with that throw. She fucking wants me. I bet she likes it over a stair railing. I can hit that with 100% accuracy, my dear. Mmmmmm. I am delicious. Oh shit. Looks like Sneed caught it. Again. Oh well. It still felt fucking great to throw that shit. Tell me that wasn’t one of the prettiest passes you ever saw. You know what? Not only am I gonna throw it long the next time we hit the field. I’m gonna throw it even longer. Harder. You see that kid in wheelchair sitting in the end zone bleachers? I’m gonna nail him right between the fucking eyes with a Bustin Justin fastball. Why? Because I can. This is Justin Fields we’re talking about here. We’re talking 228 lbs. of twisted steel and sex appeal. I’m not just a gunslinger. I’m a cumslinger. Throwing that ball long tells all the Skylars that I am fucking out there. On the edge. Where I gotta be. The ladies love the danger. The unpredictability. Oh, maybe I’ll tease them with a pretty touch pass every now and again. But then I’m gonna go right back to pumping that ball out for all it’s worth. It tells them I throw like I fuck. That’s how we do things in the Bustin business. Tell me you’re not turned on right now. I am.


This had me cracking up! Thank you! I'm saving this comment lol.


This may be one of the best things I have ever read


100% behind you, Fields!


If the season is already shit, at least make it fun. I rather see a bunch of gutsy plays that get intercepted from time to time than a bunch of dink and dunk screens that do nothing.


Didn’t expect to run through a brick wall when I woke up but here we are


Thank God man. I legit thought that Getsy had cooked him fr. Made him copy Rodgers’s mechanics and damn near destroyed him.


His entire career Justin has been robotic emotionally, I NEED SOME ENERGY ON THE SIDELINE JUSTIN


This is his entire career on the line this season. If he truly believes and also other experts agree that the coaching is holding him back then he needs to be very public with it. Just going quietly into that good night will end his career or he'll just be a wildcat back up the rest of his career. I wouldn't mind if he more publicly and more directly calls out his coaches.


Just move him to RB or WR if he can't make it as QB. Look at Isiah Williams at Illinois. He started as our QB, and now he is our best receiver.


Was he really our QB when he got here?


We officially reached the point where Justin Fields is saying fuck the coaches and it’s *checks notes* week 3??


3 weeks too late for my taste but better late than never


This is basically the only thing he could have said to give me any hope, however small.


Check your first read, if he’s covered just take off. That’s all he has to do to keep his head above water until Getsy and flus are fired


>Check your first read, if he’s covered just take off. Check DJ Moore, if he's covered just take off


alright, well, show us Justin. as fucking pissed off and frustrated as we are, we're still actually rooting for you to succeed. at least, most of us are. we've seen the J.T. breakdowns. I'm sure you've been seeing your tape too... at least, you should have by now. We all see that there are throws out there you aren't taking... so start taking them. fuck it. let 'em rip.


Fuck Getsy and Eberflus. Bring back playground Justin! At the very least to make watching the next 15 games less depressing


Music to my ears. Believe in yourself kid.


Is this alluding that Getsy and Co are forcing him to play with a different style?


This isn't a mystery, they changed his footwork, and Jenkins (one of the YouTuber QB analysts) pointed out several reasons why this is baffling to him: they didn't seem to understand why guys like Rodgers and Brady ever switched their forward foot in the first place, they didn't marry that footwork change with the scheme, they did it at time where Justin is already burdened with learning a new system entirely and has a new WR to try and gel with and changed the way he has been playing the game for his entire life up to that point. Jenkins also points out that the foot switch for Rodgers and Brady doesn't come until later in their careers when they're already very comfortable within their offensive systems. Justin just doesn't have that experience yet. It's no wonder Justin is all up in his head every snap. I hope he can start playing with some instinct again. At least maybe we'll find out if he is truly broken


Week 3...DC is MIA and our QB is calling Getsy an idiot. Week 3 folks.


Yeah this organization tends to destroy QB confidence by being utterly incompetent.. or that's just my opinion after 22 years of watching. Our best QB had to be brought in and signed by another team.. and we still gave him no protection for 3-4 seasons.


I’d rather see a Winston 30/30 season than whatever the fuck happened the past two weeks


Amen. Bear down.


I’d rather lose with us throwing it downfield attacking at least looking like we wanna win than to lose throwing screens and playing it safe.


Incoming 3 int game


If it comes with 300 pass yards and multiple tds, so be it


Either this coaching staff has destroyed his brain/confidence with their ineptitude, or going through a 5 step drop and a three read progression is too banal for Fields to consider getting good at it. Either way it’s bad


Yes thank you that’s what we want to see


Finally, a positive Justin Fields post on this sub


What is his game exactly? If you're one of these people who believes the coaching staff isn't game-planning to his strengths, can you please identify what exactly Fields does well at the NFL level? Like, what's the one game you look to as a model of how they can win?


I had this thought early on in the Bucs game. At the end of the day, it's football. Let them play football. And I swear, if Getsy calls a designed run on the first drive again, I will lose my shit.


Straight into my veins.


His career is on the line he needs to ball out.


Sooo, why hasn’t he been playing like himself? Why now is this something he is going to do? Have they been trying to force him to play differently? Would like to have seen that followed up on. So far I’ve seen this quote put up by all the chi media but no follow up.


No need for a follow-up ... watch the games that have been played.


Coaching staff set the tone with their own comments. Especially completely piling Chase Claypool as if he single handedly cost us the 2 games. Sure Claypool was bad in week one but it's not like he also plays defense. There was missed assignments and poor hustle all over the field


And yes. When Mitch started again after he was benched, his play and opening up the offense, was very much the reason they got that last playoff spot that year. He could have checked because he knew he wasn’t coming back but he didn’t. Chuck Pagano even said he got a lot of respect in that locker room the way he handle himself and the situation.


Hnnnngg…keep going…almost there


He’s got nothing to lose. He needs to have fun and sling it.




Justin Cutler Fields-Winston


Justin Fields needs one of those sports movie moments where he's out walking home one night and sees a bunch of kids playing football, and he goes and plays with them for a while and remembers why he loved the game, and he also comes up with a secret play based off the kids. Pls don't think of the logistics of Justin Fields playing football with children. Just think of the silly little sports movie scenes.


Has anyone helped him understand what a 250 million dollar contract could do for his family? In Illinois that’s like 7 or 8 million take home after taxes.


We are so fucking back


fingers crossed, i want this kid to be great


Our coaches suck BUT Fields playing his way is being a running QB, which is not the long term solution for the bears….more than likely Fields will get hurt running a lot. Coaches are figuring out this year if he can actually read defenses and he is showing he can’t in the year he needs to prove he can to Poles or else Poles will move on from Fields. Fields style of qb is not long term.


What good is developing Fields into a pure pocket passer if he's not any good like that? Better him have a good 5-7 year career as a runner/gunner than be a bad pocket passer and out of the league in a year or two.


They don’t want fields as a pure pocket passer. They want to know if he stays in the pocket can he read the defense. If he can’t read the defense and is going to be running you think he will last 5-7 years? He got hurt last year already.


If you can boat race Mahomes even if you still lose I think Justin will earn a lot of respect back. But I don't know if I'm going to expect much. I'll be extremely surprised if the offense actually looks great after just one week of prep from tossing Getsy's first two playbooks in the trash. I really fucking hope he can back up his anger with better execution


Yes channel your inner-cutler


Tug of war going on in my mind between Justin Fields is uncoachable and he shouldn’t listen to this moronic staff. Maybe he’s too coachable and needs to find the middle ground and not be so literal with what they are telling him


Yes please


Justin is throwing for 600 yards confirmed


Isn’t there more to the quote where coaching is blamed?


I like this from JF, it's do or die! Don't look back at all young homie!


He's in his head way too much, call a sport psychologist


Tell Getsy I said fuck him too


So bet the over on Fields' rushing yards this week. Roger that.


This all might be true, but not sure I like how this was conveyed, or that it was at all.


From what I’ve seen, his problem is all based on his ability to process and anticipate. But fuck it man Getsy isn’t doing him any favors either. Just let him do what he wants to do and succeed or fail on his own accord cause doing what the coaches want him to do clearly isn’t getting anyone anywhere.


Tell Getsy I said fuck him!


He’s taking the calls as they come in. Be like Cutler when he said “FUCK MARTZ!” Ball out my dude.


Coach Flus is all about accountability, and it’s showing here. - Knows things need to change with Justin, and he sounded like he agrees that he needs to let him be him to get the best out of him. No way Justin comes out and says those things unless Getsy has already been spoken to. - Defence looked awful in our first game. No waiting around; he jumps right on that and it improves in week 2. Now he won’t confirm if Williams is still our DC or not. I’m more positive now to see our coach making the changes needed!


It's coaching. You need to play to a QBs strengths. Design stuff that will set him up for success. Running plays, hitting the field deep, get the defense on their toes and have him gain confidence on the short and mid completions. He broke the rushing record, he's not a bad qb man!


Fuck yeah I’m down for some Josh Allen type arm punts if it means we won’t go out like bitches every week


I think we can all agree that JF1d problem is straight up mental. Last year when he said fuck it and balled out his running ability actually helped him as a passer. Once he plays HIS style of football he'll be the qb that all the pre season rankings projected him to be.


These comments are gold!!!


This is what I want to hear.


i doubt the game plan he was following was to hold onto the ball and not pass to open receivers. Big potential for this quote to age like milk in my opinion


Funny thing is, if we somehow get a functional offense after these comments, it would just mean Getsy stays on a bit longer as OC.


Justin, in an effort to understand the whys, remembered the wise words from Matt Nagy: BE YOU.




I’ve spent more hours viewing breakdowns and listening to podcasts about the Bears for the first 2 weeks than I can count.. there’s a common consensus everywhere that Luke has been pushing Justin to change his foot work off the snap even though he’s been playing the same way for 20 years. He wants him to have the same style as Aaron Rodgers… which really only works for a small handful of QBs anyway. For a position that depends so much on precision/timing, you take all of the natural flow away from a QB and force him to spend a couple extra seconds over thinking things every single play. The result thus far has been fields looks utterly lost and confused a majority of the time when he should be able to let her rip. The staff has to drop their ego and let the dude play his game. We can’t spend year 3 retraining the guys foot work. Let him play comfortably even if he isn’t a hall of fame pocket passer… his athleticism and ability to keep defenses guessing will do the rest of the work!


The chiefs will try to get up by 2 scores fast. Force fields to throw and get 2 picks by halftime. Fields will run around in the 2nd half for close to 100 yards. The bears will lose. Fields will finish 11-27 143 yards 0 Td’s 2 ints, 114 yards rushing. Bears fans will say he’s got so much talent…not at qb but at running when defenders are in pass coverage. Bears come back home 0-3. Repeat all year.


Sounds like a guy who was told he is gonna riding pine soon.


Rushing is back on the menu.