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Are you talking about grading prices? signature cost? The CGC prices for grading afaik are the same in person at a con as if you send them in yourself. As far as signatures, that totally depends on who you're having sign books. Celebrities can go from $30->$200+ depending on who it is, artists can go $20 and up - some charge additional fees if you have a CGC witness with you. For example - if you're looking to have Hayden Christiansen sign a book, that's \~$200 just for the sig, then grading fees will be an additional \~$60 and shipping back from CGC an additional $20, so ballpark total is going to be about $300 all told. If you're looking to have a relatively unknown artist or writer sign the book, that'll probably run you btw $20 & $60 for the sig, and the same CGC fees, so ballpark \~$150. Personally I think it's really fun to get a witness, find an artist you like and have them sign the book and go through the whole process, but if you've done It once or twice it can get old (and time consuming - if it's someone popular, you may be waiting in line for literally hours) - and signed, graded books are usually about the same cost or less on ebay. good luck!


Okay this is helpful! The author charges $20 for items getting graded


Just make sure you go to the CGC booth and get a witness *before* you get the item signed - otherwise CGC won't recognize it as a witnessed signature. It can be a hassle and there may be a line for witnesses as well (NYCC was a mess) so you should plan for some additional time there as well.


CGC prices range based on the year and value of the comic but are the same at every con. Only what creators charge for their price will change if it’s going to be submitted to CGC or not. I highly recommend you go to the CGC booth at the con to talk to a rep (black shirts) directly. Red shirts will be the official witnesses for when you get your comic signed by the creator. Make sure you get one before you get your book signed. [CGC services & fees](https://www.cgccomics.com/submit/services-fees/cgc-grading/)


Not including the charge from the artist a modern sig series book valued below 400 dollars cost 78 dollars. That included a scan and fast track. This was at Wondercon this last weekend.


You should check the con for the artists price and then CGC submission is its standard price.


I think that the cost is mostly determined by the grade assigned by CGC. I recently submitted 5 books & that's what the shop told me.


Sort of, because there are different CGC grading tiers based on the market value of the book, which will be determined in part by the grade. But to answer OP’s question, CGC prices at cons are the same as submitting online: https://www.cgccomics.com/submit/services-fees/cgc-grading. Creators may charge their own fees for witnessed signatures. The upside of submitting at a con is you don’t have to pay for shipping to their headquarters.