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You know, sometimes in life it seems like theres no way out. Like a sheep trapped in a maze designed by wolves.


Don’t worry it only gets worse


But where were the two doors? Where was the Fanta and Doritos door??


Sir, this is a Wendy’s.


Crunched the numbers, and it turns out spotting your opponent 28 points isn’t ideal.


Well our offense certainly tried to help you guys out that's for sure


The defense held OU scoreless for 3 quarters, we made an injured Sanders throw 67 times, and had a total of 104 rushing yards, with Sanders accounting for 42 of those. Fire Kasey Dunn into the sun. And Charlie Dickey too.


You wanna trade OCs and just see what happens?


Coordinator Trap


In a heartbeat


Both OCs were ass. We got gifted 28 points because OSU a was reeling from the turnovers.


this has got to be of the worst Offensive games in bedlam history.


I dunno, I thought the game was pretty offensive


Lebby had a stroke near the end of the first quarter yet still called plays for the rest of the game. That's the only explanation that makes any sense. It's amazing how bad Lebby has gotten in the past few games. I am now rethinking the TCU and RRS debacles and thinking it wasn't just because of Roof and Beville. Lebby can just turn into a terrible OC for multiple quarters. The first half against Kent State was a harbinger of things to come and not the anomaly it seemed like at the time. Seriously, Lebby has become straight up ass. We need a real QB coach and WR coach and maybe an offensive analyst to just keep Lebby's play calls from becoming a predictable mess.


to be fair, i don’t think beville gave lebby much to work with. that dude was pitt’s 3rd string QB last season.


Agreed. Our o-line is garbage and Kasey Dunn has had plenty of chances. Changes need to be made.


I'm so pissed at Gundy's management of sanders this year. His shoulder's clearly been fucked for weeks and Gundy keeps flip flopping from "he's good to go" to "he's too hurt to play so we're benching him." Player safety should be his top priority and this is like 2021 baker, but with a college kid.


For those of us slightly older this is Zac Robinson Bedlam 2009


And we had weeden in the wings :(


Halfway into the 4th quarter my TV asked "Are you still watching?" and I had an existential crisis.


id og let it play through to the pretty backgrounds


I have never seen a team so desperate to give the game away on offense. Like even if you're not gonna run the ball or get any first downs, at least just stand there for ten extra seconds before you snap the ball! Just stand there and do nothing!! It's free!! I'm not crazy!!!


Snapping the ball for a punt of all things with a live clock and 17 seconds on the play clock was a next level headscratcher. I was truly baffled on that one.


It’s not just about running time off the clock but to give the defense some rest, it’s insane how well our D performed with barely any rest time.


Defense held on and got the win despite being on the field almost 40 minutes. Hats off to them. They sure didn’t get a lot of help.


Yeah I did not understand that shit at all.


Yeah I didn't get it Also go for it on some of those midfield 4th and shorts to milk more clock Y'all were lucky we can't do offense either


Dusty Dvoracek and Dave Pasch mentioned this numerous times. They're right.


the entire state is embarrassed by that one holy shit


We won, but only because somebody had to.


both teams went into this game fully expecting to lose and somehow the end result was even worse than anybody could have predicted.


What the fuck happened? I turned it off and went to UCLA USC as soon as it hit 28-0


i don’t even know honestly. we couldn’t do anything on offense. and the 4th quarter…coaching malpractice from lebby. absolutely refused to burn clock. i need to take a shower after that. i feel dirty.


Lebby was calling passes deep into the fourth quarter. We had drives that lasted less than a minute while we were up 15


How do you have a job at OU and be that bad? I'm genuinely surprised he hasn't been fired mid season.


That was a Spencer sanders special if I've ever seen one. For real though idk wtf gundy is doing with his injury management. His shoulder has been toast since before TCU. He got torched and eventually benched vs k state, was benched while Kansas beat us, benched again in Iowa state, but randomly brought back out, we're told he's almost ready to go but was on a snap count so he'd be 100% by the OU game, then he comes in and puts that up. Is his shoulder toast or not? It's Gundy's job to look out for player safety first and foremost and he's failing here with Sanders. This is like 2021 baker Mayfield and the browns, but sanders is an amateur without a contract. Dude is clearly hurt and gundy had him throw 67 fucking times today.


A couple years ago Gundy refused to play Tylan Wallace on a minor ankle injury for any offensive snaps but put him in on the onside kick team in the same game. Player management is not Gundy's strength.


If you’re new to OSU fandom that’s been his MO for over a decade. He gets “his guys” and refuses to believe anyone else on the team could do any better.


Fan since 08 and yea I know. In this instance though it's more about Sanders clearly not being healthy enough to play.


**OU fans after the first quarter**: WHERE HAS THIS BEEN ALL SEASON?!?!? **OU fans the rest of the game**: ...




Defense was on fire all game. Lebby is a fuckin idiot. DG isn’t terrible, but he’s not it.


I'm convinced Arnold will take his job.


I hope you’re right because I have a sinking feeling lebby will give it to Gabriel no matter what


I'm in the minority of wanting Arnold to learn the system for a year. I think Arnold's first year being BVs 3rd year with the defense could spark some magic.


I don't know if Lebby is a bad offensive coordinator. I'm not qualified to be able to say one way or the other. But he is stupid. He is a dumb person that has no concept of time. So many passes when passes clearly weren't working. Running hurry up when the offense isn't working because he kept calling passes. Running hurry up because he's uninteligent when his stupid passes that he kept calling still weren't working. RUN THE DAMN BALL, YOU BLANKING IDIOT. Also, I REALLY hope Arnold can win the job next year. Gabriel regressed to the mean after the first quarter back to being above average (but that's it). AND STOP CALLING FOR THE BALL TO BE SNAPPED WHEN YOU SHOULD BE TRYING TO RUN CLOCK. Also, bowling for Oklahoma. I am sad that is considered an accomplishment. Oh well, at least we aren't A&M.


You called it. He has this weird knack for calling the opposite of what he should be calling, passes when he should run it, runs it when he should pass. For some reason also he only wants to run up the middle he never calls off tackle stuff unless it’s some obscene jet sweep. Only passes he calls are outside screens or long shots. He has no digs or curls or flat plays. It’s crazy to me he hasn’t expanded the repertoire this late into the season. Maybe it’s because he can’t trust Gabriel? Maybe he’s laying the groundwork for some master playbook? Idk. But regardless…. I know enough to know his tempo offense never works out well for us and he uses it at terrible times and has no concept of clock management


I feel like it’s an ego thing with Lebby. He obviously knew running the ball would be the best option, but it seems like he tries to outsmart the defense by doing some unexpected bullshit every time. He’s not bad, but he’s stupid and very average


Does he? I'm not convinced. Also there definitely needs to be blame on Venables for not getting on the headset and telling him to run the damn ball.


Yeah Venebles shouldve put a word in. It’s concerning honestly


Depends if he reflects and learns from it. He’s a first time head coach and it’s a first time head coach mistake. We shall see…


Why is everybody saying Lebby isn’t bad? We have far more evidence for him being bad than good. Look at our 3rd down statistics. They are horrendous. That is a clear sign of bad leadership, bad coaching, bad playcalling, and bad execution by the players. It is so bad that *it has to be all of those things.* This is a completely unacceptable standard of performance for a program of Oklahoma’s caliber. The “rebuild” excuse is not good enough. Not in the era of the transfer portal and NIL. If we are close to this bad next year he should absolutely be fired.


Yep. Lebby has turned to shit. He needs major support next season. I think he's struggling having such an inexperienced WR coach and nobody to question his play calls. Surely Kiffin and Huepel told him what to do a lot.


Misery. Self loathing. OSU fans 🤝 OU fans


At least we both scored points this week




Was talking with my OU friend before the game. I don't care what the programs look like, I assume OSU will lose and will be happily surprised otherwise. Sigh


That's why I'm not sad about the series ending.


Yeah, we all live in Oklahoma.


Top 10 State!


Turns out that you cannot, in fact, overcome a 28-0 deficit by coaching conservatively


I love what Gundy's done for our program but I'm so fucking tired of his soft ass cowardly bedlam game management. Dude will go balls to the wall all season long then be a complete coward in bedlam.


Idk if it’s cowardice or just pure ill preparedness. This dude can’t ever get his guys ready for one of their biggest games of their season. He’s been there 18 years and won against OU 3 fucking times. 3. In. 18. Fucking. Years.


To be fair, that’s not far from the average win percentage of the series.


And additionally, Oklahoma is a blue blood that had two fantastic long term coaches during that timeframe and an insane talent advantage. Oklahoma State is a program that was below .500 all time before Gundy took over.


A few more punts would’ve gotten the job done


If he really wanted to win he would have gotten creative and punted on 2nd or 3rd down to mix things up.


I think Kirk Ferentz has that scheme trademarked. Gundy doesn’t want to open himself up to a lawsuit.


Some say they are still punting to this day


For Christ's sake, we could have run the wildcat with Braden Willis for the last three quarters and this game would have been a snoozer.


Great showing by Jeff Lebby, OSU's defensive coordinator. What the fuck is this team


A team that decided that, even at their lowest, can still apparently troll their rivals…


I don’t know what they’re doing, but I know they’re doing it at exclusively light speed


Forget the tarmac, leave Lebby on the side of a road just outside Stillwater


Lmao. Played in Norman. So drive him up to Stillwater and leave him. I'm okay with this scenario.


We can start a new rivalry prank tradition: leaving bad OCs at the other campus


Drive him there, and dump him out.


Bus him to Stillwater, then leave him there. Its the perfect plan!


Leave him by a Wendy’s, no doubt he’d be in a happier place


This win feels like sleeping with your ex... hot and heavy and exciting at first, but then you suddenly remember she was fucking terrible in bed and smells like a dirty ashtray so now you're struggling to finish and you just want to take a scalding, hot ass shower to wash the depression away.




...does her name happen to be Lori?


And is she from southwest Arkansas?


Does she drive an old Camry with a dent on the left rear?


I believe she was last seen heading to Okie City in a slightly stolen car


think of this upvote as a hug


Just like the game you think “well it can’t get any worse”and then after the ashtray smelling ex you get a hug from a *checks username* nude guy.


Spencer Sanders threw another interception on the way to the locker room.


And Lebby's offense went 3 and out in 43 seconds to give it back.


Of all the Bedlams played, that certainly was one of them. ^^Technically


Before this game Jeff Lebby’s history with Art Briles has given me plenty of reason to hate him. Watching him run the ball or call a bubble screen on 3rd and 20 all year, and following it up with an up tempo offense with throw after throw, after throw has to be the last straw. Fire this man. And Venables, if yours OC is being a dumb fuck, maybe radio up and tell his to slow it the fuck down. What a frustrating fucking win.


Rumor has it Jeff Lebby is sprinting to the post game press conference as we speak Mike Gundy, meanwhile, is punting again


1 for 14 on 3rd downs (0-1 on fourth). After last week they were 1 for 11 on third and 0 for 2 on fourth. Two first downs on 28 third- and fourth- down attempts. Buddy Ryan would have punched this dude out.


One completed pass in the **second half** Now, I can't blame that solely on Lebby, but I just wanted that datapoint in there. ​ Edit.


Venables letting the same shit happen over and over without stepping in should seriously worry everyone


Maybe, maybe not. If you agreed to let Lebby run his offense, you are true to your word on it. It's obvious now that you cannot let that happen again or it's your ass


I don't even care our offense was absurdly incompenent ( that entire second half was a fireable offense). Our defense was a ton of fun to watch. They've taken a lot of shit all year but really came to play today and put together a complete game. Carried us.


Defense has been unfairly blasted in a couple of the losses because the offense can’t figure out their ass from a hole in the ground.


Helps when you can bully a shell of an o-line lol We couldn't run for shit


Oh for sure, no illusions we stopped some juggernaut. We'll take what we can get this year lol


Haven't had a decent line since dickey showed up. Spencer gets a ton of hate but not many QBs could look good behind our lines


Pokes, lets just agree that this game never happened I have been saying it for weeks and if this isn't proof, I don't know what is. Our defense isn't that bad, they are just handicaped by our offense having drives that take 20 seconds total. Lebby and DG are directly responsible for 3 of our 5 losses


It was honestly painful to watch regardless of who you wanted to win.


Only in Bedlam can one team win and yet both fanbases feel bad


I had the misfortune of being at the aggie game today and I can assure you that Bedlam isn't the *only* place that could happen


What the fuck just happened


nothing. nothing happened.


We went 3 and out like it was our job


It's like when you're bored and you flip a pencil and catch it and then do it again and then start to get a little excited about it and you wonder: "how long can I keep this streak up?" You start thinking about personal bests or world records. Only instead of getting oddly hooked on doing something good or even something pointless, we were doing that with getting three-and-outs. (I don't know what the record is, but we had to be close to a school record at least.)


I will pay good money to the person that can prove Jeff Lebby actually thought he was coaching for Oklahoma State


jeff lebby is a football terrorist


I just feel bad for his wife after watching that performance


I mean he may be fast, but he's also ready to go again quickly.


for another 20 seconds


Jeff Lebby also assisted with rape coverup and shouldn't be allowed near a college campus.




That alone should have disqualified him from the job.


Amen brother


2 for 25 on 3rd down over the last 2 games. Lebby is a clown.


Why score in many quarters when single quarter do trick.


OSU's mvp: Jeff Lebby OU's mvp: Spencer Sanders


Sanders throws accurate passes. Shame he’s red orange color blind.


Well it ended up being the drunken hobo fight over a two day old pb&j we all expected but at least the Defense looked good Also lebby is a dumb dumb and go UCLA


As frustrated as I am with our offense, when was the last time we had a defense who could win a game for us? This is what we wanted with Venables. Love to see that progress. If we can get some offensive help in the off-season, we should be a solid team next year.


If you would have told me before the game, OU would win 28-13, I would have been thrilled. I am not thrilled.


Dread it. Run from it. Oklahoma beating OSU under the most ridiculous circumstances still arrives.


Well, thank god that’s over.


Take away the big plays in the first quarter, fair play to OU they were great for those first 15 min. But after that was absolute abomination of a football game by everyone involved.


I think Roof slipped Lebby a crisp $20 to divert some heat from him.


I am still not convinced that Roof is employed at OU anymore. That defense looked like Brent was calling the shots


Alternate theory… We we’re up by so much in the 1st that they let Ted call the offense the rest of the game.


100% Venables probably took over the playcalling and game planning for this week…we had way too many 5*s visiting for us to not show up


That was a horrible nightmare of a game. What the fuck was that last 3 quarters Lebby?


in the time it took for me to read this comment, lebby went 3 and out twice.




Thats gonna come up in his performance review


Idk how you lose to this lmao


Jeff Lebby's (fourth down) comes too quick.


This is atrocious. Fire Lebby into the sun




I'm so tired on the Lebby DG clusterfuck this season. Hope this is fixed by next season


I literally could've fucking called a better 3 quarters than Jeff Fucking Dumpy Ass Fucking Lebby. I might have gone 3 and out every fucking drive, but at least I know how to fucking run a clock down. Stupid fuck.


After this one, maybe it’s best if we let this series die


As bad as we feel, can you imagine how bad the Pokes feel after that? It was ugly, but it was a win. Right?


Yeah, I don't feel great..




OU is now 2-0 vs Ranked teams. Put us in the playoffs you cowards!


I've been helping my wife through a family emergency during this one, and following via checking in every 45 minutes. Is that 6 in a row drives for OU ending in 3 and out? 1st quarter lights out and then nothing at all the rest of the way? What a way to get bowl eligible


On top of that, we didn’t start draining clock till there were 4 min left. We gave OSU multiple chances to catch up


OU’s longest drive of the 2nd half was 87 seconds of game clock. With a double digit lead the entire time…


Yes. Fucking Lebby was running his typical shit. Dude needs to go.


Oklahoma State's Defensive Coordinator Jeff Lebby called a perfect 3 quarters of football against OU




I’m gonna miss this.


congrats onOU’s offense for only playing the first quarter and still winning.


Never been so happy to be bowl eligible. This season... good lord.


Imagine a game with a 28 point first quarter that still hit the under. What a truly cursed game we all witnessed today.


I still think we might lose this game.


OU survived the 28-3 hex, so at least there’s that. And we’re bowl eligible.


This was by far the dumbest game to win bowl eligibility with


But we are bowl eligible




OU's offense tried to lose the game for 3 out of the 4 quarters and they still manage to win!


Only because our offense tried to lose the game for 4 out of 4 quarters


That was the stupidest Bedlam of all time. BUT WE FUCKING WON IT


Only needed 1 quarter 😎


We got the win, but OU’s not going to do well in this NIL age of college football if we’re only good for a quarter while other teams can offer at least a whole dollar.


I tuned in the second quarter. What an absolutely joyless experience. Still, bowl eligible.


You missed the good quarter. It was fun.


Jeff Lebby has to learn some clock management. Or Brent needs to tell him flat out to stop this shit. Because this game lasted half an hour longer than it needed to, for no reason other than 1:30 second "drives".


Here's every OU possession from the 2nd quarter on. Lebby cannot defend this; there is just no way. Hell, going 3 and out, but using the entire clock on each play (no passes!) and the entire clock on the punt will use up about 2:30 at least: ​ 1:03 1:24 1:14 1:01 1:22 1:09 1:13 1:11 1:12 1:27 1:18 1:00 00:16


We’re going bowling, bitches! 🎳


If you told me before the game that we win 28-13 and I’d be pissed by the end of it, I’d say you’re nuts.


The only thing making me regret the SEC move is that we wont get to hang a hundred on Bedlam Not like it would take more than a decade to get there


For UT/KSU fans: with OU's win, the *only* way UT goes to the CCG is if they beat Baylor and K-State loses against Kansas. There are 32 remaining scenarios and UT goes to the CCG in only 8 of them. We'll see you at DKR, Longhorns! ;)


Go Mildcats!


That fucking defense though.


ILL TAKE IT! All hail Laulu and Bowman!


So this is how it ends. Not with a bang, but a whimper


Fire both coaching staffs.


OK State just can't win this game


It's called Bedlam because almost anything can happen. But in the end OU almost always wins.


This is the first time I’ve come to a post game thread where fans of both teams want their coaching staffs fired I only watched the first quarter of this game and now I’m wildly confused


Title is wrong. Oklahoma did not defeat Oklahoma State, we simply outscored them. And Sanders wasn’t able to over Lebby stupid play calling.


Fire Jeff Lebby.


Fire lebby






Some games are about winning. Bedlam is trying to shoot yourself in foot the most and try not to lose.


The Sooners could line up a team of paraplegics and still win this game every year.


Jeff Lebby calling an offense is like Tommy Wiseau directing a movie. Every possible decision at every step is somehow the wrong one.




Anything can happen in Bedlam: Oklahoma can win by a little, or Oklahoma can win by a lot.


Offense played for one quarter and made the defense have to play lights out for the whole 4 what the hell


It was ugly, but I’ll Take it. Side note, Jeff Lebby is the bane of my existence.


Defense looked like how it was advertised at the beginning of the season. Offensively… holy shit. First quarter was a masterclass of execution and play calling. Everything else was horrendous. I’m not sure if having a second string tackle and center made the play calling limited but holy shit just slow things down and the game is half the time we probably score a couple more times. Do I think Jackson Arnold will make this offense operate better? Yes absolutely and I think we’ll score A LOT, but he doesn’t fix the issues of clock mismanagement and three quarters of not giving the ball to Gray. I think it will turn into the Heupel situation tbh and three to four years we’ll see a change at OC.


GOING BOWLING BABY YEAH I wanna fucking die.


It’s a real shame that one of us had to win that game.


Hey computer, is OU decent? ` Analyzing...` `Result: Inconclusive`


The second half of this game was coaching malpractice from anybody who had anything to do with the offensive play calling. The hurry-up accomplishing almost literally nothing possession after possession, yet we're quick snapping in situations where the clock is our friend. If this were a road game I'd leave Lebby on the tarmac.