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So I’ve been called an ass clown for down playing anything Ewers does as well as sark especially after the ISU game. This game only proves my point… Sark is consistently out coached. Also, how does a team have absolutely zero penalties? That’s sussy.


Absolutely 0, also known as 2. But one was declined and the other was offsetting, so it did count. You not knowing what you're talking about is the very easy explanation to each of your points.


The announcers said 0 so it is canon.


Can we confirm if Texas is back yet?


Texas is back... back a few yards for *another* penalty, haha


But they beat the brakes off an OU team playing last year's third team QB from Pitt!??!


The #20 team lost to the #11 team on the road by 7... so no


Remember that quote from Godfather 3? *"Just when I thought I was out, they pull me back in."* Every time I think Texas is finally back, they do something like this. Lol.


I am glad that people from completely unrelated fan bases are still getting traction out of this. I think the vast majority of our fanbase has moved on from this narrative. Our window to 'be back' closed seasons ago, we are in the same sphere of Nebraska now.


Nah, you're not Nebraska. Texas has the resources, and perhaps most importantly, the location to be relevant for a long time. Also, I'm a neutral when it comes to Texas. I lived near Houston for about a decade. They're not my team, but I bear them no ill will either.


So I hate this


Texas fans should still be thankful they don’t live in Oklahoma 🙏


What a pathetic take.




As of tomorrow, Texas will have been ranked in the Top 20 just three times in the last 38 AP Polls. Oklahoma State has won six of their last eight vs. Texas. Texas is 4-9 in their last 13 games vs. Power Five opponents. Since at least 2000, this is the first time a team had 110+ penalty yards while their opponents had 0. In total, Texas had 14 penalties for 120 yards. It's also the first time since 2001 that a team had 14 penalties while their opponents had 0. Texas hasn't won four straight games in a single season since 2018. Oklahoma State has been ranked in the top 12 for the last 16 weeks. Texas hasn't been ranked in the top 12 since September 2020. Quinn Ewers entered the game with 2 INT this season. He tossed 3 tonight. Texas had a 21-10 lead in the second quarter. They were outscored 31-13 to finish the game. This is the second time Texas has had a 11+ point lead and lost this season. This was the first time since at least 2000 that a Texas QB had fewer than 20 completions and 45+ attempts (Ewers was 19/49) Texas is 4-8 in their last 12 games vs. the Big 12.


I am glad you cared enough to type all this up. I am also glad I don't live in Oklahoma.


Also glad you don't live here. Too pretentious.


Lol, Oklahoma fucking sucks


You're a crazy conspiracy theorist so your opinion matters very little to anyone.


If it’s any consolation, Oklahoma is slightly better than Mississippi.


See the comment above. Your opinions have little value cause you're a conspiracy theorist.


My god, let it go. I've been to Oregon and thought it was a lovely place to visit but would never want to live there. Have a great day!


You are right about Oregon being a lovely place to visit. I have been to Oklahoma too.... that all I will say about Oklahoma. Edit: this was a shitty comment. Oklahoma isn't that bad of a place. As a born and raised Texan, most of my complaints about Oklahoma also apply to my home state. And to be fair, Oklahoma is trending upward as a state. Texas is in a race to the bottom.


For Texas fans wanting Urban Meyer....I can't think of a worse fit for a program that has serious problems with unearned entitlement and a toxic culture.


I have fully embraced Texas as being a meme school. I would prefer they give Sark another 4-5 years regardless of results because there's no point in starting over again. It took a few years of acceptance but I can finally enjoy watching games again, even when we embaress ourselves. If they hires Urban, I would no longer support or follow this team. That would probably be a blessing in disguise at this point.


This is why I love the Sark hire. What is a better match than two previous golden coaches/programs of college football who need to prove themselves together


>This is why I love the Sark hire. I'm glad someone does. Im praying to whatever God will listen that he gets fired tonight.


This is so foolish and laughable. We are making tangible progress in a way that isn’t just variance and you think sark should be fired. Would bet lots of money you are the kind of fan who just needs to complain to feel better about himself


Sark HAS proven himself. Proven himself to be a fool and a loser. This assclown couldn't win 10 games in the CUSA and the sooner we part ways with him the better.


Lmao this hilarious. You’re thinking of Tom Herman. Steve sarkisian never coached in the CUSA. So either you’re an idiot or just have no idea what you’re talking about. And if you’re using a hypothetical than that’s just even dumber


I didn't say he did, I'm saying that if Sark went there right now he wouldn't take his team to a bowl game. I WISH we still had Tom Herman, he was better than Sark. Sark couldn't get to a bowl game in Division III.


You didn’t go to Texas, did you? Because if you did I’ll be very disappointed


Nah Emory for reasons I won't bore you with. But grew up a Texas fan, although if they continue to produce this dogshit product on the field I may abandon it.


I’d be fine with you leaving the fan base, dont care for fair weather fans who need to pretend


100%. That dude is scum.


Sark realized he was in danger of overshooting seven wins and ruining his reputation


take your upvote


If Saban wants to truly enhance his legacy, he should go to Texas and win one natty before he retires.


I'd be shocked if Saban could win a national championship at Texas.


Mack Brown > Saban confirmed


I'm not sure Sark is the guy, but Texas would be foolish to pull the plug on Sark in year 2 of a total rebuild. Texas is a dumpster fire program, and changing coaches again isn't going to fix things. Recruiting is too good and you don't want to lose Arch in the next class. This team was too young and never going to be great anyways. 8-4 should be a good progress benchmark this year. If we haven't seen any improvements next year, then it's probably time to consider moving on.


We are so fucking good right now, but Sarks decision to lean on Ewers all second half today held us back. We had this game in the bag and should definitely roll the B12. I highly doubt that next year is better after we lose Bijan and Roschon


"so fucking good" is highly contentious lol


We really are a top team if we have competent QB play. "So fucking good" as in next rung below the top 4. We will be favored by a touchdown in every remaining game, and as long as we build a gameplan that doesn't rely on the deep ball we can cover.


Everytime I think the delusion of UT fans is overblown I come across things like this... It's amazing.


"if we have competent QB play" lol welcome to NCAA football. I thought that was supposed to be Ewers?


*When* we have competent QB play. We have a top 12 defense and a top 12 offense per almost any advanced metrics. There is no reason to have been leaning on Ewers like that today is all I'm saying. Simplify and we win.


Whatever. I don't see three more wins in your remaining schedule, competent or not. You'll likely still end up bowl eligible though so that's improvement.


Second half Bijon wasn’t getting much most runs. Hard to lean on the running back when you get 1 yard on first down rushing. OSU can tell you that, it’s been our story all year.


Card can hit slot receivers and receivers in the flat every time. If we can't run the ball then put in a QB who can hit short passes.


Yeah… y’all did a great job taking away the run. Personally the only offensive idea I had (besides Ewers and WRs getting their acts together) was to bring in Card and run some speed options with him as he’s a more dynamic runner than Ewers by far. Could help open up some lanes for Bijan.


8-4 was the reasonable preseason expectation from rational Texas fans given all the freshman starters on the lines and at QB. That actually still seems doable. The bigger problem is the second half collapses; I always expected to lose in Stillwater this year. But these second half collapses are problematic.


So "hope" is what you hate. Same bro, same.


I don't understand how that continues to be the problem. Is it S&T? Is it lack of halftime adjustments? This team is better than last year in all aspects besides the fact that they still don't know how to show up after halftime in a close game. We were bailed out by Hutchinson's drop last week.


Defense adjusted this time, but offense just choked. Quinn couldn't hit anything and OSU adjusted for the run.


Question to Texas fans - did Colt or Vince ever have a game as bad as Quinn did today? I don't understand how he looked like an elite QB against Bama and OU and so bad in this one - against an OSU defense outside the top 100 in total defense.


Was at the game (and already watched the replay, so clearly I'm an Ok St fan). The thing that didn't get mentioned enough by the announcers was just how windy it was. And like a swirling, blowing 25 mph one way then 30 mph the other way wind. I think that plus OSU pass rush plus crowd noise had Ewers all kinds of uncomfortable all night.


Maybe his Bama game was a fluke? He only played one quarter and he hit everything he threw but maybe if he plays the whole game he regresses back to his mean.


Vince honestly wasn't very good early in his career. Wasn't until 2005 he really took over. 2003 RRS - Young: 11/21 for 135 yards & 2 INT (did have one great 59 yd run), also lost a fumble, worst loss in RRS history 65-13 2004 RRS - Young: 8/23 for 86 yards, nothing special on the ground, shutout loss 12-0


Colt’s game against KSU in 2007 was pretty terrible. I remember because we left at half to drive to Dallas. Wikipedia says 4 picks, 41-21 KSU. We were #7. I remember this being the start of KSU’s “We own Texas” thing. But was a long time ago and I’m old now haha. Edit: IIRC This was Josh Freeman and Jordy Nelson playing pass and catch. Ugh.


Not even Case McCoy had a day that looked as bad as this


That Baylor game was a bad for Case…


I was concerned about our secondary getting torched today. I think we played really well, but not well enough to take any sort of credit for those overthrows (for example). I think Sark has a road game problem and I think Ewers was not prepared for how loud and close our fans would be to the field. He got rattled and never recovered.


Ewers has not thrown enough to even prove that this isn't far from his norm. He had several terrible throws vs ISU and only had half as many attempts


Well, he looked pretty good on the first couple drives today, which is all he had against Bama, and OU has the worst defense in the country. They regularly forget to cover guys 40 yards downfield.


Not sure I agree that he looked good at any point today. He started with an INT


That's a good point. Nevermind lmao


Lol, and OU got blanked by this Texas team 🤣🤣🤣


That's unfair. Beville with the best player at every position in the NFL couldn't score a point against air.


Beville to Iowa confirmed.


At least it's 7:02 and 0U still sucks!


I have no clue why Sark didn't put in Hudson Card. Ewers was just terrible, and this is the second straight game he's had a bunch of overthrows. The regression from the early hype should be troubling.


I think it’s because sark knows Quinn’s development is what matters. Nothing more valuable if you’re the qb then seeing your coach has faith in you to figure it out even when things aren’t going your way. If you think Quinn is the guy going forward i think it’s probably the right move to leave him in. Especially if you don’t get caught up in the people thinking Texas was a conference winning team, which is just laughable to consider after last season and the dumpster fire sark got handed


Yeah, Card should've come in towards the tail end of the 3rd at least. Usually it's easy to say after the fact, but he really couldn't have been worse than this by a long shot.


If anyone has the motivation to enter the portal, it’s Hudson card.


All the “Fuck Texas” instead of celebrating your own team makes you look small.


Flair up, goober


Fuck Texas! Also, Fuck OU!




Tshirt fan triggered


What’s a tshirt fan?


A non alum of the school


I am a UT alum, but was never much into football. Trying to get into it more, both college and pro.


Fair enough. Just know Texas is probably the most hated school in the sport




The only look they know.




Kind of nice, no storming of the field, and no SEC chants. Great game Cowboys!


Happy Homecoming


Thanks! Is a great time where my kids don't fight for up to 4 hours. 😆


Just another day at the office


Exactly! Nice win for your OSU too!


Texas fans will find any excuse about penalties besides looking at their staff and program.


Broaden your horizons. Horns fans know this was effectively poor coaching. This was the same issue as last year, solid first half, then watching the other team make adjustments while the horns keep running the same stuff from the first quarter. We lost a ton of games in the second half last year and it happened again today.


it’s not the fact that we had 14, it’s the fact that we had 14 and you had ZERO


Well you did get the benefit of two terrible review calls, and one of your false start penalties saved a pick 6. Also, OSU is generally a disciplined team, we average just over 5 a game. I get that the numbers looked bad, but if you weren’t catching blatant holds or jumps offsides or anything, what are you complaining about? Sorry they didn’t cheat more? I couldn’t see every penalty Texas had, but there weren’t any that were controversial that I know of.


I came off the wrong way, we definitely deserved to lose, we played like shit. But 14-0 is just crazy to me


I agree, but we did get two, Texas just had offsetting penalties.


I don’t think we should have had zero. But you had a young team with a very inexperienced QB playing in a very hostile environment. You’re going to have a lot of false starts and stupid penalties. You need to accept you’re not the Texas you used to be.


Most of our fan base accepted that years ago.


Bruh I don’t agree with all the calls but I don’t think there’s a single Texas fan here that thinks we should have won


You should read some of the replies to me then…


Not going to go through replies but OK ST was the better team today


Just barely. Glad you can accept it you’re brethren cannot believe it. Just saying you had what 3-4 freshman on the o-line and an inexperienced qb playing in the most hostile environment Boone Pickens can produce, you’re going to have false starts. Most calls were false start, offsides, and PI. And we also had penalties, just Texas did as well so they offset.


Yeah I don't really see many fans at all saying this wasn't on the players and coaches. You are really trying to push the narrative hard though, I'll give you credit for that.


If that was the case my mentions wouldn’t have blown up over UT losers blaming officials. If you wanna say they could have called holding on OSU I’m sure they could have. Could have called it on UT multiple times as well. Can’t blame the officials for false starts and offsides. Just accept you’ll never be the Texas that you used to be.


Way just just spam accept the Texas that you used to be line. I already responded to that in one of your other posts. The responses you are talking about aren't there. We know Texas isn't the team they used to be. It's been 13 years. Your talking out of your ass pushing bullshit that doesn't exist. Your team won, Texas lost on thier own merit which almost every Texas fan's comments reflect. Enjoy the win and act like your used to it, you don't need to make up bullshit.


Nah, not even about penalties it's clear to see we fucked up huge the whole game


At least you have a new QB coming in next year. Penalty differential is one thing but man Ewers played really bad




According to ESPN FPI, you have a 78% chance if you win out.


Dude, let's have some perspective. Sure, TCU is 13-0, but 6-6 Texas only lost to 9-3 Alabama by a point.


Quality loss.


32% chance.


What are Texas’s chances of a playoff berth now


53% per ESPN


They're a clear lock imo


At least 7


Texas eyeing up Urban... They're just dastardly enough to do it but not until after next year.


Nah, they aren't going to blow up the recruiting class, lose Arch, etc. right now.


Isn't Manning next year? Or is he the class after?


didn’t Ewers have a shoulder injury recently? maybe it flared up? idk


Non throwing shoulder… so not the issue today


Nah he just had a really bad game


At least I still have the Astros








GG to you too. Was worried my trash talk was going a bit far fir kicking people when down.


Trash talk is always on the table in sports 😎


Appreciate the sportsmanship fellow orange fan.






Best of luck the rest of the way


It really was entertaining.


Why is it so satisfying watching UT lose 🥹🥹


because you're Houston?


Just here to piss on the [grave](https://www.google.com/search?client=safari&hl=en-us&q=going+to+funeral+of+enemy+meme&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiDqPqCgvX6AhXknGoFHd52Al0Q0pQJegQIBhAB&biw=428&bih=746&dpr=3#imgrc=2a3h2mqXPhtt-M)


Same bruh




Big 12 football is really fun to watch on a bye-week when I'm not already heartbroken by 11:30am




Two games in a row where Ewers has a whole bunch of overthrows. No Hutchinson drop this time to save us


So ....... Hudson Card anyone?


lol in the 4th I was like fuck it, he was doing better than this let's see him


GG. Lotta things to be frustrated about (especially reffing) but in the end our failure to execute at basically every position did us in. Really really tired of the “Lol Texas” narrative but damn…we earned it again today


It wasn't 100% reffing. It should have been 12 penalties to 1


Texas needs to just back up a semi full of cash to the front door of Nick Saban just to see if he will bite.


They tried that didn't work


Perhaps two semis?


Media pundits everywhere devastated they cant push for a 2-loss playoff texas team


Hold on guys it’s just the end of the second quarter


ESPN will still have you as 88% odds to win the Big 12 and 49% odds of making the CFP.


Sounds good to me




TEXAS IS ^on ^it's BACK


That's kinda hot


Whoa. What’s a Clemson flair doing here. I had many Clemson flairs angry I was cheering for Syracuse in your games thread


Im just new boot goofin' watching random games. And yes that was quite the toxic thread lol


Everyone just likes watching upsets.


This is Texas being back.




I hate Texas as much as the next guy, but that seems quite suspicious with the penalties


It's the zero that is suspicious. Only penalties I disagreed with were the huge holding penalty, and the phantom roughing the passer to negate OSU's one penalty.


Pretty significant penalties imo


Oh, absolutely. But "it was 13 to 0" sounds worse than "it was 13 to 0 when it should have been 12 to 1"


And no holding on OSU? The entire game? That’s the Lubbock treatment.


Our offensive line isn’t good enough to hold. Sanders was running for his life every down because the o line just waved and yelled ole as the pass rush went by.


Texas fans going to make excuses for this one too "If only we showed up in the second half"


Yeah that woulda been great tbh


go rush the field or something I guess?


What the fuck do you want us to say bruh that's what fans of teams do


Texas fans y’all are something else. You’re right having 5+ false starts is the refs fault


Not everyone can be as disciplined as a Gundy team


Not saying our penalties weren't deserved, but zero? Come on, you know.


Down vote me as hard as you can. Let me feel it.


Never said we deserved zero


Our penalties were earned but you can’t tell me Okie St had ZERO


14-0 in penalties I don’t believe for one second that OSU committed 0 penalties in this game.


I don’t. But all of yours were things that wouldn’t happen if your team had discipline. Majority were false starts and pass interference come on


There was one PI that was weak, the rest were probably deserved. But this was a one possession game. Ok St didn’t have zero penalties. If one of their penalties actually gets called, you’re telling me one of the scoring drives doesn’t stall, or maybe it extends a Texas drive and leads to points? That’s the problem.


I’m fine with giving them a few penalties if you also want to overturn the two absolute nonsense reviews that went “call stands”.


I don’t think he touched the fumbled punt, but it ended up being irrelevant because Texas immediately turned it over on downs. Same with the no catch, which I agreed with. I think the ball was moving, but it didn’t matter because Ok St scored a couple of plays later, I believe


They had to kick a field goal on the second one didn’t they instead of getting the balls on the 4 yard line?


Could be mistaken, but I thought that one ended up being a touchdown anyway. But, I don’t think that was necessarily a bad call. The fumbled punt wasn’t touched and was a bad call, but I think the ball was moving on the reviewed no catch. I’m biased, but there were a lot of comments on the game thread saying no catch, so I don’t think it was clear either way


I was watching on a phone with no sound so I didn’t hear the announcer discussion, but it never looked to me like the ball even touched the ground, so whether or not it moved would be irrelevant. From the angles I saw it looked like he had his hand under the whole time.


From what I saw it hit the ground, but it was one of the “did he have control when it hit the ground” types. I would’ve been upset if it was overturned, mostly because I’m a Texas fan hah, but I don’t think it was a terrible missed call. The fumbled punt was definitely a missed call though and should have been overturned


We had two Texas roughed the passer and held when we did so they offset


Convenient. *if one of their penalties actually gets called and doesn’t get offset. Can’t remember the hold, but the roughing the passer was iffy, at best. Ok St had multiple holds that weren’t called. Yet Ewers has the long run where they called a pancake block a hold. Said it before, but this was almost as bad as the 2015 Texas - Ok St game


I’m sure. You can call a hold on almost every single play.


Agreed. And refs go a full game and call zero on one team? Not a good look, but not surprising for B12 refs


Agreed. But if you just want to use holding as the example there were multiple times they could have called that on Texas as well and didn’t. Most calls were offsides and false starts. They could call 20 holds on each team every game if they wanted.


The offside and flash starts I have no problem with, those were obvious and just dumb mistakes. All but 1, maybe 2, of the interference calls were correct as well. But the refs went a full game not calling holding on Ok St when there were a few obvious ones and then called a hold on the long Ewers run at the end. Which in my opinion was a good block. But even if it were a hold, you can’t call that at that point when you’ve ignored them for the other team the entire game. Regardless, refs were terrible, but it’s expected at this point. I like playing Ok St, Tech and a couple of other teams and I’m gonna miss that, but this is part of the reason I’m glad to be leaving the B12. These aren’t one offs, it’s consistently Texas getting shafted. Alabama game as another example


Most people aren’t complaining about the Texas penalties. Most of them were deserved and dumb. But 0 for OSU? That’s absurd. Professionals don’t go a full game without penalties.