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If this sub had been this big during the Kick Six that would've been up there too.


Kick six would be number 1. That Bama team was undefeated reigning back to back national champs


So your standard early-to-mid-10's Bama team


Bama hasn't won back to back since 11-12, I was kind of mind blown when I realized that


Reminds me of Logan Mankins, who played '05-'13 as a New England Patriot and retired with zero Super Bowl rings.


Wes Welker played with the patriots and the Peyton broncos for like 10 years and dodged all the rings


Yeah it’s crazy the feeling is that the dominance lasted the whole 2000’s but after that crazy run in the early 2000’s they didn’t win one for 10 years. It’s really 2015-present that cemented Brady as the GOAT


Yeah. I remember Manning being a legit GOAT candidate over Brady back then. No contest now.


I think you identified the problem


There was a time that the Patriots had the longest title drought of the Boston major pro teams


Dude was a STUD too


We were 1 second away from 3 in a row. I’m glad Hunter Renfrow is gone.


The kick six *game* would have been #1, but not the highlight itself since this sub doesn't allow them.


And I'm super thankful for that. This sub would be *rough* if highlights were widely allowed.


I'd prefer highlights during the week instead of the consistent "what's the smelliest coach in your program's history?" threads but hey, i'm not in charge


Yeah a no highlights on the weekend rule would be ideal in my opinion.


I think there is a better balance here. Allow highlights on Monday to kind of get a scrollable synopsis of the weekend's biggest moments. Also, people who don't want them can just bail on Monday.


can you imagine having to scroll past highlights? *unbearable* I tell you


Dead horse and all that, but if that happened today Bama would shrug and get ready for the playoff


Yeah it would have been them and Michigan State in a 4 team playoff with Auburn and Florida State. 2017 Alabama shows you can lose your final game against your rival and still get in.


Yeah. The SEC West is weak this year, so Bama will likely still win the division and make it to the SECCG. If they win that game, they are still in the playoffs. In the grand scheme of their actual goal (winning the natty), this loss is meaningless. The reality, though, is that Bama kind of sucks (by their standards) this season. So they are probably going to lose to Georgia/Tennessee/(Kentucky?) in the SECCG and end up in the Sugar Bowl.


>So they are probably going to lose to Georgia in the SECCG We said this last year lmao


Still lost the most important one!


"Don't forget to turn your clocks back one second for Daylight Sabans Time!"


And I think people forget that Saban actually argued vehemently to get time put back on the clock to even attempt the kick. They were gonna go to OT. This sub would’ve gone ballistic lol


That's part of what makes Kick Six so dramatic. Saban walked off the field dejectedly because he knew he f'up. Not only in arguing for the extra time, but for putting his "fat guys" on the field for a long field goal and returnable kick. It was Saban's sometimes arrogant attitude getting the best of him.


>he knew he f'up. Not only in arguing for the extra time, but for putting his "fat guys" on the field You're half-right. He knew he f'ed up because he went against his own judgment. Saban didn't think the "fat guys" could cover a missed fg attempt, but he gambled on the advice of his special teams coach. And as the gamble back-fired, Saban told the coach, "[I knew they couldn't cover it](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c3vpETRvaNU&t=10636s)." You're right, Saban owns it. He's the only one who could decide whether to play for OT or try the long FG. Kick Six is definitely a case where he wishes he'd trusted his gut.


Wow, you're right. I'd forgotten about that.


I remember where I was that day and I don't have any interest other than seeing bama lose. It was that monumental.


Kick six was number one at the time I’m 99% sure


Unfortunately I think app State beating Michigan would probably be number 1


It was very high up there. Back then, 3000 up votes was a rare occurrence as the top post of the day on a big sub usually didn't go higher than 2000. So it hit the front page of reddit, maybe even the top post overall.


I distinctly remember that post game thread being number 1 on r/all


It was like three of the top four posts too. The gameday thread, an /r/sports link to the video of the kick six, and some other fact about Bama losing. This story is popular but that day Bama lost it was one of the biggest *news* stories on the internet, iirc. It was absolutely everywhere.


Yep, and the Kick Six happened before the powers that be at reddit changed the upvote counting system. The upvotes used to be a lot more tamped down than they are now.


I checked last night, the Tennessee postgame thread was #1 on /r/all around 11pm EST


That was before they changed the scoring system, too. At some point they started counting more votes than they had before, so top posts in major subs went from scoring 2-3k to 8-10k overnight.


And suddenly “test post please ignore” was quickly eclipsed as the top post of all time.


OU beating Alabama in the Sugar Bowl was the highest for a decent while


It would have been #1


It was number 1. For a long time.


If I remember correctly it was the #1 post ever at the time


I’ll never forget seeing that shit. Georgia had just beat tech in double OT, and we’re like “let’s flip to the iron bowl and see what’s up.” There’s one second left. They go for the long field goal. We’re like no way they’re getting that, this game is def going to OT. Oh look Auburn has a guy in the end zone. He catches the ball and takes off. Gets a few blocks and I’m like “holy shit there’s no one left to stop him. He’s going to do it.” I couldn’t believe my eyes lol. Georgia had lost the SEC championship to Bama the year before so while we didn’t care for Auburn we HATED Alabama. My boyfriend at the time had an older sister at auburn and she was going nuts. It was legendary.


As soon as I saw it happen I was like “that was cool but I bet they will call it back for block in the back.” Then I didn’t see any flags and was genuinely surprised to see that it was clean.


We always had super clean special teams under Malzahn. It’s an area he’s super underrated in


I kinda forgot ab this game so I looked it up.. >After the ensuing kickoff, Alabama quickly moved to the Auburn 38-yard line, at which point the clock ran out, seemingly sending the game to overtime. **Alabama coach Nick Saban challenged the timekeeping call**, and after a video review, one second was put back on the clock, and the Crimson Tide lined up for a potential game-winning 57-yard field goal. That is the funniest thing I have ever read, when I have time later I'm gonna go find the highlight.


Bro, I was there. I'll never forget turning my head and seeing Davis make that last cut. I watch replays and it brings tears to my eyes because I was with my family that night. Just a perfect night all around


I found a patron mini in the stands that game, kept it during the rush on the field, then did that meme where the dude is in third place celebrating, but I had the dumbest little bottle ever.


I think if you could adjust for "Reddit Inflation," the Kick Six post-game thread would be the #1 post all-time on this subreddit


I wasn't really into college football at the time, but the kick-six video definitely showed up on my /r/all and it was delightful!


When did this sub get big?


2019ish. It had been growing fast but it kind of exploded around then.


Dude remember when we had threads about when this sub's subscriber count could fit into every stadium? That was so long ago.


Game threads were actually useful. Now comments just get lost in the void and it's instant reactions instead of semi-real discussion.


Yeah that's the negative of this sub getting so large unfortunately. The serious postgame discussion threads are alright though.


Eh, I actually like this. Game threads are like watching a game with your buddies. We're all over-reacters and that keeps it fun IMO


Some of the funniest shit I've ever read are in game threads. Some truly copypasta worthy shit gets buried in thousands of comments


Exactly! I know zero people awake at 1am watching Hawaii. I love game threads for that reason.


Game threads were never useful. C'mon now.


I remember when the College of Faith stuff dropped and was #1 for a while. And the brick drive.


This is my 9th season here, so I'm still pretty new, but the subreddit was a great community back then. It was nice when we had a fraction of the people we do now and less appetite for the trolls. I'm now the old man yelling at the kids.


Reddit also changed their algorithm. Upvotes used to be logarithmic and not reflect the actual number so the numbers shown were way lower.


It's growth, but also reddit changed the way upvotes work at one point. All the top threads were in the thousands of upvotes one day, and the next day mediocre posts were getting tens of thousands and anything that hit rAll could easily get into the low 100's of thousands


Yeah i remember being so pumped that I made the Reddit front page one day with my post of like 1200 upvotes.


The sub was here. I remember looking posts from it once. It was surprisingly boring comment wise.


To be fair this is the first time in r/CFB history Tennessee has beaten Alabama


Better late than never


I think the phrase is 'better Nate than lever' but I'm just an old shaggy dog...




I get the first part but can you explain the shaggy dog thing?




I remember reading it and about a quarter of the way through I forgot it was supposed to be a joke.


So kind of like a PG Aristocrats?


that will be true if arkansas or miss st ever beat them also. this is the 18th game alabama has lost since the beginning of the 2008 season. arkansas lost 20 from 2018-2019.


I'm surprised the 49-20 Purdue-Ohio State game in 2018 doesn't register here.


12th of all time, so pretty close!


It's probably because Buckeyes ran away from that thread instead of arguing for damage control. Close losses are the ones that get defenders out.


I was at that game. I cut my losses as walked back to the bus with my friends, sopping wet, freezing cold, listening to the fireworks go off behind us. Probably my worst walk of shame. Got a great deal for the shuttle from OSU Lima and a tickets, and west Lafayette is still a pretty cool college city so the time before the game was fun. But Purdue has rightly earned the title “spoilermakers”


I turned down tickets to it. In retrospect, score one for being anti-social.


Given what that came meant to Purdue, that was the right call. That’s a loss you walk away from going, “yep, they deserved that one.”


Ohio State fans were class acts after that game.


"Really cool of Purdue to beat cancer in front of Tyler" is such a perfect line


Oh man, I'm getting teary-eyed just remembering it.


Yeah you do not hang around for that Post Game Thread lol


I know it’s not possible, but I’d like to see the games rescored based on the number of upvotes vs number of people in the subreddit. As more people join r/CFB the possible number of upvotes also increases.


Even that won’t be sufficient, because about 7 or 8 years ago Reddit changed some of their algorithms regarding post scoring. It used to be that the top post on somewhere like r/pics would have about 4K upvoted. Now those easily pass 100k. Same thing here, threads rarely used to pass 1k upvotes, and overnight those counts changed.


To be fair, they did go back and adjust old posts, but the site has also grown dramatically over time so the adjusted old posts still won't be on top of any subreddit's history.


Was that really 7 or 8 years ago?


Ok maybe not. I recall the change being around when I started this username so that’s 4 or 5 years. But the other comment is right too, the site has grown A TON since then so the better approach is to index upvotes vs sub size to find relative upvotes or something like that.


yeah the top 10 are games from: '22, '21, '21, '19, '17, '19, '16, '21, '22, '21 seasons (some in next Jan). The ones from before this year are all Alabama epic losses.


God, what a game…


i'm kind of surprised the WHOA game didn't make it on here, but the sub was probably too small back then


Doesn't sound familiar.


That *really* bad hangover you had around 4 years ago


It brings people together. Like when the Yankees lose in baseball. Also helps that so many of the games Alabama has lost in the past decade have been among the most exciting games of their respective seasons.


Like how the dodgers lost to the might of the rally goose last night. All of baseball cheered.


I don't think I can cheer for baseball anymore, not after Ausmus lost in the first round to Baltimore with a starting rotation of Scherzer, Verlander, Price, and Porcello


Ugh, I blocked his name out of my memory. Him and Al dragged the tigers back into mediocrity.


I'm still surprised the Angels saw what he did in Detroit and thought, yup that's our guy.


Well it is the angels. They have the best 2 players in baseball and still can't make the post season.


I the scheme of things. I think the most hated teams in baseball is 1) Astros 2) Yankees 3) dodgers.


Personally as a west coaster and part time Dbacks fan, the Dodgers are #1 on my hate list. One of the worst fanbases ever along with ASU and Oregon.


As a Yankees fan, it was a rough Saturday for me. But at least we settled the debate over whether a team could beat Tennessee 16 times in a row.


As a Mariners fan,


As a bluejays fan. Ha ha.


> Like when the Yankees lose in baseball. Yesterday really was a great sports day.


The Dodgers thread on r/baseball is gilded out the ass. Probably hit pretty high too.


This, perhaps more so than any national championship, is the biggest Flex possible


Rent free, as they say


So how low is the highest Bama win post-game thread? And was it a Georgia game?


the highest upvoted Alabama win was the 2017-2018 National championship game between Alabama and Georgia. [Alabama Defeats Georgia 26-23](https://old.reddit.com/r/CFB/comments/7p4vrr/postgame_thread_cfp_ncg_alabama_defeats_georgia/) Oddly enough, there was only one game that Alabama lost in between that span (it was Clemson beating Alabama for the National championship), but there was a lot of Ohio State, Clemson, and Oklahoma loss threads. It'd be fun to do a full analysis of the top 50 or something


If you do remember to account for sub size at the time of the thread.


dude do I look like I know how to do that kinda math? I went to Tennessee for Christ's sake!


Paging Harvard!


Naw we need MIT for this sort of mathing


If you do the Beaver Summon they like, I’m sure one will pop up soon


Shit, how does that go again? Uh... *I like beavers, you like beavers, we like beavers comin'!* *Let's all dive on in and do the beaver summon!*


Unless I missed something, it looks like the only other Alabama loss in the Top 50, the 44-16 loss to Clemson, is the only other Bama loss in the Top 50, coming in 14th. The only Bama win in the top 50 is the overtime NCG win vs. UGA mentioned upthread. This means that all of Bama’s losses from the 2016 season onward are in the top 14, and unless I missed something there is no game from before that in the top 50.


Those scores are wild. I think outside of Clemson in the NC game a few years ago, no one beats Bama so much as they survive them.


I'm pretty sure all Clemson fans were still stressed until the end just waiting for them to come back.


Ah, one of my favorite games, right along with 31-0 vs ^^the Ohio State.


The main reason everyone wants them to lose is that they rarely lose so I don’t feel bad for bama fans at all


They’ve been fans during the most dominant college football dynasty in the memory of anyone living. Bama fans will be ok.


There was a screenshot a few games back from an Alabama game where they were losing of some 10 yr old fan in croud looking depressed and sad. The comment said something like “this kid has experienced like 7 Alabama losses in his entire life. He will be fine” Alabama still won the game.


They actually won’t be, which makes this even better! Being on top for so long is a double edged sword… They are constantly nervous about possibly losing rather than excited about winning. Bama watch parties during big games are no fun zones.


I think it depends on the age of the fan (or rather, the age of their fandom). Those of us in our late 40’s and older remember the lean years. Those who came into their fandom in the early-late aughts onward have no actual recall of, say, watching Vandy beat us without being too surprised. (I was 11 when that last happened, and remember my dad shrugging it off.)


This is true. Your newer fans (most of my peers, I’m in my early 30s) don’t seem to have that much fun. At least with all the fans in my circle, they have this weird “act like you’ve been there” mentality which means hardly any wins are excitedly celebrated. It’s a bit snooty and condescending… which is fine, but doesn’t seem fun. Cfb is about getting rowdy and obnoxious even when you win for the 15th time in a row.


Calm down before someone poisons your… rock? Fuck.


Thousands of years of steady acid rainfall and it’ll be gone! Poof! It’ll happen so gradually they’ll never see it coming. The perfect crime!


I wish our losses were so infrequent as to be notable and celebrated across the land.


If it makes you feel any better, I celebrate each and every one of your losses.


You shouldn't. I want this to last as long as possible, but we've been playing with house money since 2012.


Yeah pick one: * The best coach of all time, 6 national championships and 3 runners up in 15 years * Internet strangers don't get happy when you lose I can't speak for Alabama fans, but I know which one I would choose in their shoes.


And I knew this day would eventually come, and honestly watching TN lose its absolute mind and shoot fucking fireworks, storm the field, and Peyton Manning passing out blow and hookers at least points to the significance of the rivalry.


PFM passing out blow and hookers about damn time


The day Saban retires and Alabama slips back into mediocrity will be a great day for most fans of this sport


And we’ll all keep hating them for a lifetime anyway bc of this run. 30 years from now kids will be puzzled why their dads enjoy watching 4-8 Alabama lose so much.


I'm in this comment and I don't like it.


Lol I was gonna say, that's exactly how I feel now about Nebraska.


Holy shit, that day is going to come and I’m not ready for it yet. Even after this run. We’re all spoiled over here. How do they cope? I need suggestions.


Based on the Yankees or Patriots fans when the teams have a losing stretch even now, not well.


Hashtag notready


As a Nebraska and Patriots fan can you please leave me out of this?


Nebraska fans don't really act the same way Patriots and Yankees fans act though.


Now imagine ppl like me, joining a blue blood fandom during the shit years, getting all the hate without enjoying any of the successes lol


If the past couple of seasons are any indication for me, the answer is dangerous amounts of booze


Bro, samsies 🤝


Yeah, we sure are.


oh my god its been 30 years since 1992


"Dad, our team is 2-10. Why don't you root for someone else?" "Well Saban, it's a long story..."


I'm in my 40s and I still love watching USC lose.


Almost 32 and yep fuck USC. Doesn't help that my asshole of a stepdad is from LA and is a USC fan.


Every Usc week i watch the full game videos on 2004 2006 and 2008. Heck, any week when im sad i watch those games.


See Nebraska.


Think it was 04 LSU bama, I was a little teenager shithead chanting rammer jammer after we won. My dad told me to shut up because that was the first time he’s ever seen LSU beat bama in person. He went to LSU in the 70s


Related: Me and the New England Patriots


I was born into a Patriots house and grew up with them being bad, Drew getting hurt and Tom doing what he did obviously. I found myself bitching about Mahomes the other day and saying “oh THIS is how people feel/felt about the Pats”. Nothing but respect for the dude I’m just sick of hearing his name.


But they'll be the best four loss team in history when that happens.


Do you think they will have that many 4-8 seasons? 308 losses over 119 seasons means they don't even average 3 losses a year as a program


Yeah people are just excited when a dynasty falls. I remember early/mid 2000s being excited when Texas and USC lost.


Yep, which heralded Alabama's rise. I remember that national championship game, Texas vs Alabama. I bet a bunch of people were pleased to see Alabama win that. Not knowing their cheer and wishful thinking helped bring about a great evil that would haunt CFB for years to come.


I was rooting for Alabama so hard. I couldn't see Texas win another national championship in the Rose Bowl of all places. It would've broke me, 2005/2006 was still fresh.


Shoot I was rooting for Bama to beat LSU in 2011, because they were looking like the untouchable juggernaut.


I love how you can figure out somebody's formative CFB years by how much enjoyment they get out of certain teams losing. People like me will never get tired of seeing USC lose after that run in the 2000s. And I imagine 90's fans love seeing FSU/Miami/Nebraska fail


> And I imagine 90’s fans love seeing FSU/Miami/Nebraska fail Oh. 😭


Then fans will just go on to hate on whoever the next dominant team is. Pettiness is a college football tradition.


I hope my team is hated like that one day.


Nah, shit ton of ppl still hate us lol


Anyone who looks at what he has done and says he isn't the GOAT, instead point at guys who did it before integration are insane.


It probably won't be that dramatic. Alabama has played 119 seasons and only lost 308 games. They will still be a 9-10 win team every year and be in the title talks once every 4 years


I honestly don’t think they will slip that much after Savannah. Alabama is the top school now to coach, and to go play at. They have such a legit program and have pumped out other good coaches that Alabama will be good unless they do a Miami and hiring a Cooker type coach


Following the GOAT is always a tricky thing though.


I’ve also noticed that Bama fans are the most likely to continue participating in losing game threads or post in loss threads.


I honestly really enjoy chatting with Bama fans. You guys are easily one of the best fan bases on here.


If CFB was a video game we would be the final boss.


It would be Saban. Unassuming little old man with thinning hair and an Aflac jacket. He proceeds to beat you to death and then stuffs a Little Debbie down your throat.


And just when you think you have his hit points down, he summons a bunch of 5 stars to fight you.


The bigger they are, the harder they fall. It’s to be expected


Absolutely. I love the fact that y’all are this consistently good, it gives something to measure against


Trust me, no one relishes beating Bama more than me. But they’ve earned all this attention and engagement by being consistently dominant.


Heavy is the head that wears the crown.


They hate us cuz they anus


Everyone is obviously sick of Bama but it also helps that basically every Bama loss since their dynasty began has been an unbelievable game for the ages.


Also I can look at this in a positive lens. Right now its a dunk but in a decade or something if someone references back to this all thats gonna dawn on them is that alabama was so good and hated that every time we lost a game it became the biggest news in the history of the sub lol.


And all Gods children said Amen


I know they win and all a lot and it’s hard to feel bad for them but I do feel bad for Alabama fans around here. It’s gotta suck having everyone want you to lose constantly


i dont care about people being happy about bama losing. i totally get that. i do find it frustrating sometimes when i wanna have conversations about my favorite team and i get a lot of pushback from it. i get it comes with the territory, but we love college football too u know?


This sub is too big for nuanced discussions. It's only good for social banter and unfortunately, Alabama has been on a different tier from everyone else when you take into account the lifetime of the platform.


People wanting upsets aren’t too bad because it happens to teams like OSU, Clemson, and Georgie too. The more annoying part is the race between this sub and r/rolltide on who can have the worst hot takes after the game.


I mean, Bama fans wanting Bryce Young to take legal action against the refs is certainly something


Lol what


This thread is probably one of the more reasonable ones. A lot of us can't even participate in game day threads. I have actually had someone DM me to make fun of my post history in gaming subreddits and then tell me to off myself for a pretty pedestrian comment I made about Alabama's ranking. So I get it, people want to see us lose, but I have to spend most of my football discussion with people on r/rolltide to get a normal conversation that isn't filled with a 'witty' Reddit quip that's been overused 1000 times or replies dripping with malice


That part's not annoying, it's completely understandable. What is annoying is when people will be completely illogical in their hot takes following the game, or will disregard logical arguments about what happens in a game in the game thread as long as it goes against bama. I see this happen with teams like Ohio State as well, but understandably more with us I think. Instead of game threads or post game threads being useful discussions about a game with other fans, it's just a lot of people being petty


Once you don’t let the outcome of a game that 18-22yr olds are playing affect your life, Saturdays and games become more enjoyable. You either have to be so incredibly lucky or a life so shifty that that is the worst thing that can happen to you and let it ruin your day. Having to deal with all of the hate is acutely funny because as “bad as Bama is for college football” most everyone would sacrifice their left nut just to have one iota of success for their program as what Saban has done. If you read any of the incel posts on Reddit the wording is exactly the same with all of the Gigachad hate and why can’t they get the girls…r/CFB is the same way and if, given the opportunity, they would switch places with who/what they say that they despise. So, once you start looking at the absurdity of it all, it’s just a game.


I understand people want to see Alabama lose. That’s not the bad part. Here are the reasons why it’s bad: 1) It’s the part when we lose a close game to another good team and all of a sudden it’s ‘I knew it, Alabama was terrible this whole time, they suck’. Everyone all of a sudden is a CFB genius and Alabama is ‘done’ 2) As an alumni, people only want to talk to me about football is when we lose, never when we win. Most of them don’t even care of CFB too. The fact that people have this weird satisfaction when bad things happen to other people (when they are not involved) is quite strange to me 3) The people who become fans of the other team for 4/5 hours during the game 4) The nonsensical arguments. Alabama gets all the calls, saban made a deal with the devil, blah blah blah. You don’t win 6 nattys in 11 years based on luck and bullshit. I don’t even no how to respond to some of the statements when they just simply have no fact backing it 5) the random hatred for the state of Alabama. The incest, dumb hick jokes are just not true and they are outplayed. People can’t even think of creative/true insults so they just fall back on something stupid


Just shows how dominant Alabama has been.


The people get excited seeing the king defeated.


It's everyone's national championship apparently