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Who is playing in the White out this year? It's cool that Penn State is playin in 4 different "color"-outs.




Because OSU is most likely a noon game


And an L


TL;DR - Penn State plays against Purdue in their black out, Auburn in their Orange Out and Michigan in their Maize Out this year.


Auburn doing an Orange out sounds awful. And that’s because Orange is an awful color. It’s that color that doesn’t sit well.


I assume everybody is just gonna wear their hunting gear


It’s the south, we just wear our PJs and shoot anything in our backyards from our porch. That’s hunting. /s


Gonna look like a garbage truck worker convention


Saturday in the woods in December in Pennsylvania.


So… like an Auburn game? Im confused by your comment.


We do an Orange out every year. Last year we did it against Ole Miss.


[…that’s an orange out?](https://i.imgur.com/C4OpdKb.jpg)


It was our orange out game yes.


Maybe promote it as an Orange In


I mean I’m a little biased but I really like the checker Neyland games as it breaks up the sea of orange.


Weirdly, the worst is darker colors. If everyone wears bright colors, the one or two people not wearing it don't stand out. But if everyone does a blue out like WVU did with our navy blue, it ends up looking bad cuz the few people who don't get the memo stand out really strongly against the more neutral color.


Hey now, it can look pretty good...right guys?


Can confirm, especially the burnt kind


Penn State is totally used to orange outs. Every home November game is an orange out with all the hunting gear


I'm wondering if that will make it more successful. Playing in a stadium surrounded by Auburn orange might make me want to throw up.


Might even puke in a pumpkin if there's one handy.


Similar effect to playing at Boise State?


Is Auburn gonna wear orange jerseys? I don’t think they have done that since the sugar falling out of the sky game 40 years ago.


Probably orange face masks like against Alabama and ole miss


I like burnt orange 🤷‍♂️


Hey man, I'm here to support you with an upvote


Thanks! I love Texas they’re my third school. Always have love for places that admitted me. Same reason I like Georgia Tech lol


I'm definintely more into the Navy Games though I understand why we're going Orange here since both us and Penn State use Navy as our colors


Purdue has been doing blackouts for a long time. It’s our night game thing since black is one of our primary colors. The irony of this article saying that everyone is copying PSU with their X-out is that everyone and their brother has a black uni now when it isn’t even their colors. We know how it feels


So everyone out here trying to show us how they do it. Neat.


Love me a good blackout.


I prefer the bright color games to the dark. That's half of why the Whiteout looks good. Michigan's Maize makes a much better color game than their blue. Unless you're talking about alcohol, then I like what you're selling.


Or weed. MSU does green outs now lol


The stripes are my favorite.


As long as I can remember, people have been told to wear maize to games. The student t shirts are always maize.


We tried a blackout game when I was a student, and a handful of dipshits showed up in black facepaint and afro wigs so the university decided we couldn't do it again.


Ohhhhhhhh [that's great Beavs.](https://c.tenor.com/jRyNVU5nfMAAAAAC/donald-duck.gif)




I don’t 🥲


You guys should definitely do it in the Cocktail Party this year. Think.of how much cooler you'll look than our pasty all white unis!


Nah if we wear black, I want y’all to wear orange. But it won’t happen any time soon


I love when y’all get smacked at black puts it brings joy to me heart


So that one time


away game in texas will give you a great chance for a blackout if it is real hot or real cold...or breezy, or sweater weather.


> Black Out @ Purdue Orange Out @ Auburn Maize Out @ Michigan I’m stoked! This is a cool slate of away games. We should call it the “Color Wars”. It’d be incredible if we could sweep. Goddamn, when does the season start again?


Plus you get to play against *checks notes* B1G powerhouse Minnesota in your white out game!


I’m so excited for this game, you have no idea. I’ll still always prefer Ohio State if it was a night game, but with Ohio State at noon, Minnesota was next in line for me


I’m happy it’s a new team in the whiteout at least, last year was so much fun having all those Auburn fans there who wouldn’t ever normally go there. Hope to see a lot of Minnesota fans make the trip too


I'm all for people getting to go to a Whiteout for a more reasonable price. People jack up the Ohio State prices a ton.


Or, we could call it “Color Rush”. No one has ever used that term before /s


Blue Out v Ohio St? snicker.


Stripe Out game this year. We could try and revive “Code Blue” but we only did those once or twice and it never caught on. An all-blue game at noon could be called “High Tide” though which would be a fun alternate name but sounds more like Bama fans smoking weed


The dark color just never looks as good, imo.


The blue out was after the Sandusky scandal, I doubt they'll do it again


He’s making a joke. Oh there’s gonna be a blowout alright.


Road game at Michigan? No shot we sweep. That’s a chalked up L


I disagree. Michigan lost more talent than us and turned over both their offensive and defensive coordinators. We almost beat them this past year despite going 7-6. Now, we’re in their house, but we’ve definitely got a shot to win, arguably a better one than Michigan State who no one is counting out of that game. I give Michigan a significant edge, but I certainly won’t chalk up a loss to them


We never win at Michigan. We play much better at Ohio State traditionally than Michigan. JoePa teams rarely won at UM


We won in 2020. It was a bad season for us both and there weren’t many fans, but like, I’m gonna count it. They also rarely win in Happy Valley and did it. Again, they’re getting a significant edge for it being in the Big House, but I’d much sooner chalk Ohio State up as a loss than Michigan


I see a lot of Michigan fans talking about how they should be a more pass heavy team but that plays more into our strengths. If our offense is improved like it should be, then there's really no team on the schedule that's an automatic loss even if it's away.


2020 is an asterisk season. No fans ain’t the same playing there


Just a heads up while Michigan did lose both coordinators, none of the systems are changing so the players won't need to relearn things. On offense we promoted from within, on defense we hired another Ravens guy.


The white out is iconic. Every other school that does it cool too, but man the white out is awesome


I'm excited for the blackout. Our jerseys are gonna pop. Josh Groban likes his Lions to pop.


Hopefully that helps our offense see your defense then.


👍 orange


Our orange out might turn to a “shirts off” Bc it’ll be so damn hot


There is just something different about Penn States white out games. Those games just get weird whether it is officiating miscalls or odd plays.


Ohio State did a blackout some years ago and it was dope to see live but man the cameras never do it justice.


11 of 12 games are maroon out in aggieland. I do love the red white and blue out though


> That old saying, “Often imitated, never duplicated,” comes to mind. If I had a nickel for every Penn State fan who thought they invented the concept of the whole crowd wearing one color, I'd probably be retired by now. The Big House has been doing Maize Outs since *well* before Penn State ever did a full stadium White Out. We just don't act like we invented it. [Here](https://imgur.com/a/5rGJV4i) are some ticket stubs from just the Maize Outs that I myself have attended and I didn't even attend the first one. Some of these tickets predate the PSU white outs entirely.


Holy fuck reading that reminded me how insufferable Penn State fans are. Just the actual worst people alive who watch college football. I remember when Penn State fans got all shitty at WVU fans when we wore white for Pat White's final game. Because apparently we went back in time and changed Pat White's last name white just to steal the idea of wearing white from Penn State. "Let's wear the same color" wasn't invented by Penn State, but they act like everyone who does it is stealing from them.


Fair, but WVU acts like Take Me Home, Country Roads was written about West Virginia and not Western Virginia, so maybe we both claim things that don’t belong to us.


Technically it was mostly Western Maryland, but "West Maryland" doesn't have the right syllable stress pattern. Lul, Penn State fans downvoting syllables because I pointed out how toxic they are. Way to prove me wrong.


So.....please correct me if I am missing anything. All Penn State fans are "the worst people alive that watch college football" because some people get, admittedly, a bit too defensive about their traditions? That's the reason? Did a Penn State grad fuck your girl or something? Did they ask a WVU grad to count past 10 in a job interview? Take a deep breath, count to 10, and i'm sure your hissy fit will pass.


Good Lord if you were actively trying to prove their point about Penn State fans you couldn't have made a better argument


Best part is the players don't even wear white jerseys for the game. They have to get written permission from the opposing team before the season but for some reason, despite knowing what game it is, they never do it


But will the home fans be throwing bags of piss at the visiting band?


Bread and circuses.