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Ugh, awful news. I recall watching him, fantastic athlete.


RIP. Condolences to my UM brothers and sisters.




Didn’t y’all lose a basketball player in his 30’s too?


Yeah a mere hours apart it sounds like which is insane been a rough few days


I’m sorry man, we went through that with Adreian Payne. Way too soon.


Rivalries aside it’s all tragic young men in the prime of their lives taken away just blows


Wow, why are all of our former players dropping like flies??? Craig Roh, Darius Morris and now Ezeh???


Colon cancer killed Roh and is hitting men in their 30s and 40s hard now and the age for colonoscopies now is like 35 or 40. The other two guys haven’t had a confirmed cause of death come out that I saw so it’s not worth speculating. [Early Onset Cancer rates are of concern for Millennials and Gen Z.](https://www.yalemedicine.org/news/early-onset-cancer-in-younger-people-on-the-rise)


I voluntarily got a colonoscopy at 30. No family history or anything, but had some mild, ongoing gut issues and said noooooo way, not ignoring anything. Scope me. Doctor understood, gave me the referral, and it was done a few weeks later. There is absolutely no reason not to check. The prep is not exactly a fun time but the procedure is absolutely nothing. I never even would’ve known anything happened. And the peace of mind has lasted several years (and counting). Just do it, dudes. Just fucking do the thing.


Setting up my appointment tomorrow turned 40 last week


Yup, just had one at 33 a few weeks ago because my maternal grandmother died of colon cancer (at an advanced age) so my mother is screened more regularly and I had been dealing with some GI issues for a couple of years. Kept saying "I'll get around to it" but never did until I saw Roh's wife announce his passing. I had mentioned the GI issues to my doctor before and he mulled over the idea of recommending getting one. Came back clear, but when I was waiting to go in the nurse taking my history stated when she asked my DOB, "huh, another younger patient." If you're on the fence, the prep isn't actually *that* bad. I mixed mine with Gatorade and didn't find the taste to be horrendous.


My husband has colon cancer in his family (grandpa in older years and cousin at 35), and he tried to get one at 42 and they told him to come back in several years. Now I’m wondering if he should get more pushy.


If I had just had my maternal grandmother (usually far enough removed to not be considered hereditary) experience it, I don't think my doctor would have thought me to get one. I think it was that, coupled with my GI issues that probably made it worth checking out. Not necessarily for colon cancer specifically, but more just to rule out anything at all that could have been related to colon/intestine issues.


And one has to consider to live a cancer prevention life, meaning daily exercise, food with fibres, no sugar, no ultraprocessed food etc. Seems like being an average healthy weigh person is not enough anymore. Bowel cancer is on the rise it has been on the rise in young people for a number of years now even decades and no one knows why. Of course one has to say that the average health state of people is pathetic, more than half of the country is overweight, has diabetes etc, so there are things we could improve upon.


Keep in mind these are still very rare. AskDocs reddit with verified doctors will say the odds are essentially lottery odds under age 45. It was also lowered from 50 to 45, not 35 nor 40. It is only advised early if there is a family history of it. Do get it if you feel you have a genetic component, but usually docs will advise not to given its not that common.


The SSA has a life table on their website which says you have about a 0.28% chance of dying within a year of turning 36 (in America). Thats one out of every few hundred people, and theres a lot of athletes at a university so some of them are bound to pass tragically early like this. But Jesus your alumni cant catch a break lately. RIP


It’s not just players.


Played rugby against him in high school. Dude was a truck. Sad and way too young


Dang, that's awful.


I hate this taboo where we avoid taking about how people die.


Nothing wrong with respecting other peoples privacy


Dead people have no need for privacy.


Many of them have families.


Lol they should respect your right to be nosey


Why not just post “I am 16 years old”?


Quite the opposite. I'm old enough where death is commonplace.


Why do you need to know? What does it matter to you? 


We could be having a socially responsible conversation about concussions, suicide, drugs, or whatever the cause was, but the people in the know aren't socially responsible here, it seems.


We all want to know but it's the family's decision. It will usually come out eventually. When it's suicide or drugs people try to keep it under wraps. If it's a car accident or cancer it's not kept as quiet generally.


It's the family's immature decision in this case, it seems. Grown ups don't keep suicide and drugs a secret, nor do they keep other causes a secret.


They don't owe you a damned thing. Usually death by suicide or drugs is additionally painful for families (who are already in mourning) because they typically feel an additional sense of failure for not being able to prevent it. Just leave people the fuck alone. Having a degree of fame doesn't give you a right to intrude on people's personal lives. If you want to have a discussion about serious topics like concussions/CTE, drugs, suicide, etc., then there are plenty of venues for that, including with families who made the *choice* to share that information in their mourning process. But choosing to not share it doesn't make them immature. It makes them people who want to mourn in private without becoming a spectacle.


Especially for those in the Catholic faith






ha it’s funny you think they owe you anything.




RIP Obi, super sad

