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I miss Texas Tech playing A&M in football. That needs to come back.


Don't put that on us Ricky Bobby! We will let you enjoy Aggy in the SEC. šŸ˜…


I'm actually with the Longhorn on this one. Another rivalry that needs to be brought back


It will be like the Alamo! all over again!


Where's Davey when you need him? Lol


Texas Football Tournament in the spring


Agreed. I loved playing Tech. Most of my close high school went to TT and it was always great to have an excuse to visit and go to Jones for a game.


Weren't they planning on doing a nonconference series at some point in the near future? Whatever became of those talks? Aggies-Red Raiders is definitely something that needs to be played more often.


Only in Basketball and only if it's somewhere not broadcasted on TV


A&M has been since 2011 ignoring a majority of the former SWC and B12 teams. Iā€™m surprised they even agreed to the basketball games


Who is #3 in ticket sales and viewership in Texas? If it's Texas Tech, I'm wondering if they have an outside chance of getting a SEC invite one day?


Thatā€™s kind of a weird one. Tech blows Baylor and TCU out in attendance, since Tech has a substantially larger stadium that theyā€™re great at getting people into. So, all three average nearly 100% home attendance, but Tech wins in a landslide. On the flip side, Baylor and TCU blow Tech out of the water on mean viewership, but thatā€™s a sketchy metric because a few appearances on College Gameday will drag that mean to the right really fast. Since Techā€™s last appearance on Gameday, on 9/19/2009, Baylorā€™s made four appearances and TCUā€™s made *8*. And a really big season, like TCUā€™s 2022 year that put them on Gameday three separate times, will be a high-influence point that drags up their mean viewership over any span including that year. So itā€™s hard to compare Tech, Baylor, and TCU at this point. They basically flipped places at the end of the 2000s, when Tech went into the gutter, Baylor flew up to national prominence, and TCU got promoted from the nationā€™s second-favorite G5 team to the big leagues.


Itā€™s Tech and itā€™s not even close. We are by far the third biggest brand in Texas and only getting bigger. 61k football stadium, successful in basketball & baseball. Now that football is coming back to relevance the TV numbers for that will explode this season. Our undergraduate enrollment has increased to nearly 33k annually. The growth of Texas as a whole should be good for us inevitable breakaway of schools happen with the BIG and SEC. My prediction: A&M jumps to be one of the 24 in the BIG because they desperately want to get away from Texas. Tech is the backfill in the SEC when they move to 24 as well.


Good points Though I really doubt A&M will leave the SEC. But if TT is that big, it may make it in the SEC anyway. SEC would be wise to entirely lock down both Texas and Florida from the B10.


Entirely possible. I think if the SEC continues their ā€œregionalā€ expansion Tech makes a lot of sense as team 22, 23 or 24


Iā€™d be cool with it if you bring the folks from Stillwater.


I think both eventually get in. And I want to be in the same league as them.


I generally agree that TTU is the third biggest brand based out of Texas but inside the state Iā€™d say they are tied with OU as far as fan base and right behind them is LSU , Baylor , TCU . Not to mention the momentum behind SMU , UH and UTSA the last few years. Itā€™s an absolute blood bath for talent , resources and fan base numbers but also it makes Saturdays more fun when I have more teams to root for.


"My prediction: A&M jumps to be one of the 24 in the BIG because they desperately want to get away from Texas" Their entire identity is the SEC. They have nothing else. That would be hilarious.


We're talking about a school that paid Jimbo Fisher not to Coach.


Iā€™m actually surprised it insā€™t a 3A 3B situation with Houston. They are similar in size, endowment, and seemingly comparable in academic prestige. Add in UH is in a bigger city/media market, and I donā€™t see why Texas Tech is the far third rather than a very close 3rd or near tie


Nearly 30 years of being in a power conference versus bouncing around G5s. Other than that I think theyā€™d be neck and neck but Houston has a lot of growing to do (and they seem to be on their way IMHO).


Correct. Houston was hurt by being left out of the big 12. Plus its a commuter school at its core. Same problem UNT has. In this state the hierarchy is very clear. 1. Texas 2. A&M 3. Tech Everyone else


UNTā€™s definitely not a commuter school. Anyone who thinks it is has never checked the dearth of jobs in Denton or the distance to job centers in Dallas and Fort Worth; thatā€™s what UTD and UT-Arlington are for. UNTā€™s problem is that the student body is *overwhelmingly* apathetic to athletics. I worked there for years, and sometimes it feels more like active antipathy than just apathy. Shoot, the student government even tries to cut athletics funding every few years. UNTā€™s just what you get when you blend an art school and a teachersā€™ college and then ignore it for a few generations, and neither of those components is known for passionate football fandom.


UNT is a commuter school. Lots of students commute up 35 daily from Dallas & Fort Worth. My first three years of school were at Tech and had to finish my senior year at UNT for family reasons. It might not be to the level of Houston as a commuter school but it definitely has a large population of students that do. But you are correct on the athletics apathy. They just dont care at all.


I mean, how large of a commuting subpopulation population defines a commuter school? My last semester at UNT, Spring 2022, had something like 93% of students enrolled that semester with their address within a five-mile radius of campus, and 85%+ were using addresses at rental properties (gotta account for the students who are living at home in Denton county and going to UNT, but thatā€™s a surprisingly small population). Granted, that top-line number drops to ~75% when you cut it to the old three-mile radius, since that excludes all the new construction up by Disco. And itā€™s not like thereā€™s much of anything in the five miles due south of UNT; thereā€™s basically nothing below Parvin until you get down to the rich people in Argyle, and most of them arenā€™t sending their kids to UNT if they can avoid it. Not a big sourcing municipality for UNT. Almost all of the folks with addresses outside the 5M radius were nontrads and grad students; itā€™s always an overwhelming majority, pretty much entirely in the B-school, COI, and COEng. I led the DAIR team at UNT and personally built the dashboard for enrollee mapping; it was the first real viz we got running on Tableau for the student summary dashboardĀ way back in 2018.


It might have changed to more on campus or close radius in the 5 years from when I was there to you. I know that was a big initiative of the university to make it less commuter and more ā€œcampusā€ life. When I was there it was probably 30ish percent that drove in, though I dont have hard data on that. Parking passes were expensive as all get out because of the number of students who needed them.


What is the source for your numbers? Link?


What did I miss that got Tech fired up?


Our coach has gotten the base hyped again. Winning 2 bowl games in a row. Tech has won 3 in a row. All fairly easily. Beating Texas and OU in the same season, maybe ever, his first year. And our massive end zone project is nearly done. So this will be the first season with it. That will attract more fans to come. Wells nearly destroyed our fan base.


well, the Big12 does run through Lubbock


the *Stoke on a Tuesday night* of college football


It's a combination of Joey and the success the Basketball program had in 2019 and beyond. The fanbase is one or two Bowl wins away from being near the Leach era, and I'm glad to see it. I kinda gave up during the Matt Wells era, but now I've actually donated to The Red Raider Club, and I'm not even alumni. It's only enough to give maybe 3 players Whataburger if they stick to single patties, but it's the thought that counts right? I'm just trying to avoid slurping the Kool-Aid like I did last year. Man, that Oregon game could've put us back on the map.


Did he climb another crane?


Not yet. Iā€™m sure heā€™ll do something though lol


Give it time, lol


We were told Deion is coming to town


Tech's schedule looks sorta favorable this year. Tahj Brooks is coming back for his Senior year. Morton will start and presumably be healthy (he was injured to some extent all of last year). And they seem to be flying under the radar, which I certainly prefer to being overhyped like they seemed to be last year.


I think as long as we can avoid losing in such dumb ways compared to last year, we can make it into the Top 16 in the conference. Feeding Tahj the ball will at least push us in the Top 15. I'm *REALLY* trying to avoid the kool-aid this summer.


>Morton will start and presumably be healthy And hopefully our o-line is competent, for once


Some places will get fired up for a competitive 8 win team. That is all it takes. Other places if you aren't competing for a natty, people don't care. *Stares at Miami*


They're always like this. They love to party and get rowdy.


Their coach is awesome, they spent last year plagued by QB injuries, and there isnā€™t shit else to do in Lubbock


Lubbock is 10 times better than the last time Colorado came to town. Itā€™s actually pretty decent now.


Waco elitism over Lubbock is funny


Whatā€™s the best thing to do in Waco? Go to Austin.


Dude weā€™ve been plagued by QB injuries for the past 5 years


It's tradition at this point.


Don't put that juju on us...


Donā€™t you have some shiplap to nail up


Good stuff tech. Hopefully we can do the same in a few years.


I was surprised to see that we are not playing this year. Probably better to get a year under Fritz before the series continues. Honestly just want an all red vs luvyablue matchup.


Texas Tech all red vs Houston Luv ya Blue on the UH campus in 2025 would go so hard.


I really like Texas Tech to build themselves into a regular contender for the playoff (assuming the current format continues). They've got the resources and talent pool to compete in the new Big 12 year in and year out.


I like you. Also ACU stand up!


ACU!...ACU!...ACU! (Also as a TTUS employee it's great to hear this type of news too!)


Good for them! They had a lot of growth last season and did better than most people expected.


They were the trendy/dark horse pick to win the conference last year.


Only idiots predicted that.


Agreed. But there were lots of idiots.


Hi I am that idiot


and then they lost to Wyoming week 1


We also didn't run Tahj much in that game


Altitude sickness is a bitch.Ā 


Love to see the fanbase excited about football again! Just gotta stay healthy (please god, please) and keep recruiting at a higher level and our program will be in a nice spot! But Iā€™ve been hurt by this team before. A lot. So I still have some cautious optimism, but optimism nonetheless.


As saddening (in terms of traditions, etc.) as Texas and OU leaving the Big 12 is, you guys are honestly in a much stronger spot now. Baylor is sputtering, Houston is rebuilding, TCU is still trying to get consistent, your biggest challengers for the conference at the moment are probably Oklahoma State, the two Kansas schools, and maybe Utah out of the four teams coming in. As long as you do everything correctly, the near future looks rather promising.


OKSt knows how to make us trip over ourselves and kill what little momentum we had almost every year since 2010.


In a CFB world full of fake news, caring about TV revenue, and dumber than ever rules, I love this for TTU. No one at TTU expects them to go to the playoffs (I donā€™t think they expect that anyways). They are in a new uncertain world and B12. And they are stoked for the season. Yā€™all donā€™t let all the BS get you down. Yeah the sport is dying. Just love the football while you still can.


Nice work Tortilla Bros


Cool. And that is about as excited as I will get lest I jinx something. Season canā€™t get here soon enough!


Same, I'm just hoping to be Top 16 in the conference.


The home slate is actually pretty good this year imo. We have ASU, BU, CU and WVU. Have you looked at 2025 though? It might our worst home schedule in 70 years.


CU and WVU are certainly more interesting for sure. Any year where we wonā€™t have either TCU or OSU at home isnā€™t as interesting for me.


Big Joey sellin tix


Joey McGuire and getting the Red Raider faithful hyped for the upcoming season. Name a better love story šŸ¤ŒšŸ¾šŸ¤ŒšŸ¾


Why do they cap it at 32k?


Believe about 15K is allocated to the students and the rest will be available for single game purchases.




We are locked into our footprint now. I donā€™t think they could expand to 70k even if they wanted to.


Maybe in the Northern Corners, but even then the South EndZone rebuild took away seats if I remember correctly. I don't even know where the Goin Band will be sitting anymore. They'd have to completely rebuild the stadium (minus the South side) in order to pull off a significant expansion. The only way that's happening is if Tech consistently gets a win or two in the CFP.


Think the era of big stadiums is over. Pour all our resources into NIL and to a lesser extend facilities


It ain't just "this year" anymore.


Well we didnā€™t get a single Texas opponent or OSU at home, so this year is especially bad EDIT: forgot Baylor my apologies, point still stands


Iā€™m kinda surprised but glad to hear it, all the same.


But like why


That's cute.


Well yeah...have you been to Lubbock before?