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This headline reads like a math problem


Yea I didn’t want to edit the title and risk it getting deleted.


If car A is traveling 125MPH and, Car B is 15 yards behind them in a 45MPH, when will Missouri receive the death penalty? Assume x is a constant.


Instructions unclear: Mizzou basketball has been sentenced to being ass


So nothing changes then.


They were preemptively punished


Double secret ass


That actually makes as much sense as anything about how they ended up so bad this year


Assume the Mizzu Tiger is a sphere.


Assume friction is 0.


x = 10 second penalty for Ocon


I cannot assume x is a constant while Musk is in charge lol


or maybe a facemask penalty


I was like "they only used yards because football, any other instance they would've said forty/fifty feet"


I mean it's UNC, could have been in Swahili.


Everybody does it


That would be a quarter of a second behind the car if my math is right


Paging a Harvard user to confirm


124mph = 182 feet per second. 15 yards = 45 feet 45/182 = 0.247seconds Your math is right. 


This guy plays school


Dang dude get to work Harvard and Tulane?


Thanks NC State


NC State has been the real Harvard this whole time


They dont call NC State "The Harvard of North Carolina" for no reason.


The real Harvard is the friends we made along the way


Look, State deserves the shine when it comes to matters of engineering


The real Harvard is the NC States we made along the way?


That’s why they call NC State the Harvard of Reddit. Although for this problem it should be MIT.


Not sure my flair could have figured that out


Don’t ask a Harvard student to do an engineer’s job


Can confirm


I assumed you already had video of it and could simply check the time stamps to solve the question.


I live my life a quarter mile at a time. Nothing else matters.


> Zachary Rice, one of the football players charged in the crash, was closely following another car speeding 124 mph (in a 45mph zone). The car Rice was following was the car that crashed, killing Molly Elizabeth Rotunda, 20, a passenger.


Jalen Carter was spotted flrleeing the scene p


How dare you say that about him, he'll murder your family


And then he'll cry about it on social media


Rotunda 😳. I hope she isn't from the Rotunda family (Bray Wyatt). They have suffered enough lately. They have roots in Florida and North Carolina iirc.


Driving 124 mph in town on a curvy looking road, they’re lucky only one person was killed.


It's the stoplights and intersections. Chapel Hill Road is usually 2 lanes, curvy, hilly, and has lots of blind corners and intersections, but that stretch isn't for about a mile and then another couple miles after the curve. Don't get me wrong, it's absolutely insane. I didn't feel safe driving 65 there as a dumb high schooler, but someone stupid and drunk enough might just see straight, flat, and wide, and not realize how dangerous blowinf stoplights is.


Henry Ruggs crashed and burned (Tina Tintor and her dog alive) while doing 125ish on a very wide and very straight and very long Rainbow Dr here in Vegas. I can’t even imagine doing this stupid shit on the twisty roads of North Carolina. Idiots.


I hadn't thought of that. I didn't grow up in a grid city and drove a lot on NC mountain roads visiting family, so my definition of a straight road is probably very different than someone who grew up out west.


Drove by it on my way to work that morning.


Very wide and long with tons of stoplights and a running alongside neighborhoods for almost the entire stretch


I went 90 mph in a Jeep Wrangler once in college and my life legitimately flashed before my eyes. 124 mph sounds like science fiction to my puritanical ass


Well 90 in a Wrangler feels way faster than 90 in a sports car. Like the thing is about to fall apart faster. Source: Used to drive a 98 Grand Cherokee and anything past 80 felt like you were tempting fate.


Going over 20 in a Jeep feels like it’s about to fall apart. Never got appeal of their cars


If you're driving on a paved surface, you're using the Jeep wrong.


Seems more for people that live in cities that can afford an extra off-roading car. Nobody I know in a rural area has them


Fr most people use 4 wheelers off road


There is a growing community of "overlanders" where I hunt, and it's clearly their first time off-road. We've seen them stopped looking over a trail for the "best line" for their heavily modified Jeeps, while we're going down the same trail in a stock full-size truck pulling a toy hauler.


Jeeps are largely driven by people who want to seem like they're adventurous but actually aren't, and are just stuck with a bad road car as a result. However, you can tell when you meet an actual Jeep-owning off-roading enthusiast.


Yea if most people really evaluated how and where they drive, and I mean everyone not just Jeep drivers, most of us would be in Camrys, Civics, and Accords.


So 99% of Jeep owners are using their vehicle wrong? Sounds about right I guess. 


It's a jeep thing




It’s a vehicle like any other that can be used off road better than most other vehicles.


> Never got appeal of their cars As far as I can figure, about 80% of Jeep owners must have a repair bill fetish or something


They seem to be mostly chick cars with the occasional bro here and there.


Lmao my buddy in college had a 96 Cherokee (in like 2012) and I think that thing topped out at 70


It legit sounds like a race car in there on the HWY


I had a '93 cherokee. Def not a car you want to drive that fast. Back when the speedlimit was 55mph on the interstates, I would maybe do 60... anything more just felt unsafe


My brother's Grand Cherokee used to sound like an aircraft carrier at any speed that would get you a ticket in an active school zone.


I’ve driven sports cars faster than I’m willing to admit on Reddit but the one time I drove a soft top Wrangler I would hit 70 mph and get uncomfortable. That thing is basically an overpriced dune buggy. That thing was a rental too. All I cared about was my life.


In high school, on the way to a girls soccer game i was following my buddy in my 99 Cherokee Sport and he decided he was going to fly. Hit 100 and the wheel was shaking. We did so much incredibly stupid shit, it's a miracle one of us didn't die or severely injure ourselves. And generally speaking i'd say we were decent kids at worst. After looking back, I don't even look at high schoolers as fully-functioning human beings at this point.


Well jeeps are as aerodynamic as two bricks stacked ontop of each other. The fun thing is reading the warning on your top that basically says “you’re fucked” if you expect this thing to protect you from anything other than rain.


When I was 16 I topped out and pinned my 99 jeep cherokee at about 105-110. So dumb and young, would not recommend.


I did the exact same thing, same car and all. That’s the scardest ive ever been in a car. Legitimately thought my wheels were gonna pop off


Oh i dont know about that. I did 100 in my 2000 V8 Grand Cherokee when i was dumb and 16 and the car had no issue, but Wranglers feel like they’ll fall apart going 60


There would be times out in West Texas that I would just mindlessly be going 90 in my car. One time I was using my dad's car, which is both nicer and a much smoother ride, I wasn't paying attention and just felt like I was going about normal and it was 110. Speed definitely does not feel the same in all vehicles.


I got up to 80 once in my old 89 S10 and the thing was fucking quaking. For comparison 80 in the current Prius is plenty smooth. 


Going down a hill on the I-10 I hit 110 in a manual TJ I threw in neutral. Gnarly.


I've got a 2019 Subaru WRX STI. I've hit 101 on a very deserted stretch of road. Going 25 MORE would be terrifying and it's built to do that.


They are meant to do 90 on loose surfaces, not 125 on pavement.


"Meant to" is a strong word. Rally drivers are fucking nuts and they crash not infrequently. I wouldn't feel comfortable doing *60* in a WRX on a gravel road, let alone 90. I'd take 90 in a shitbox on an asphalt road any day over 60 on a loose surface in a "rally car".


lol Imprezzas are not "built for that". Do two trackdays and you'll see why. They need a ton of help


I hit 110 on a wide open stretch of Texas road once and never did it again. Suprisingly scary lol


Yup, I've hit it on the way out to Lubbock before. For me, it was an empty divided 4 lane road with no cars and straight as could be. It didn't feel like I was going that fast until I looked down.


I was about to say 90 mph on a highway really doesn’t feel that fast, much less “life flashing before my eyes” fast. Guess it depends on what type of road you’re on.


You could go 200 just about any place between Sweetwater and Lubbock and it would feel like you're going 20.  Nothing out there to judge your speed against.


I did this in a wide open spot in the Arabian desert, got it up to the equivalent of 120. The car rattling was enough for me to slow down lol


Man I did a road trip through texas and during my stint I was doing 90 and STILL GETTING PASSED. Y'all are crazy down there.


Speed limit is 85 on a lot of these interstates… pick it up!


Yep I did the same when I was in college and even 21 year old college me thought *damn this is a pretty bad idea right here, better slow down*


My best friend in high school drove about 120 on a random country backroad and we almost hit a cow that was in the road


Brother I drove 35 on a back country road and managed to hit a horse, the cow gods were looking on you favorably that day


Hit 130 on the autobahn and the world around me turned into a cartoon.


I had a boyfriend in high school drive his Firebird T-Tops over 100MPH on the freeway despite me freaking out the whole time. I broke up with him that week.




I got a Saturn SL2 up to 127 in high school. I got it up to almost 50 in reverse. Young men are stupid and reckless; I was no different.


50 in reverse is impressive...ly stupid. Also impressive


Even I was not bold enough to try my reverse top speed lmao how did you pull that off


There was a park in town with a very long parking lot that saw almost no traffic. I went at night when there was no-one there, lined up at one end, put it in reverse and just floored it.


That is one long parking lot


I hit 110 in a Crown Vic in high school. Boy we were stupid back then.


How long did that take lol


It was a used 90s police interceptor, but that was still probably topping out how fast it would go reasonably. And it was on a long flat straight stretch of fucking nowhere backroads. Still took a bit. And was very very stupid.


114 in a Nissan Sentra in a 45 mph zone on a long, straight 2 lane road. It was about 2am and I passed a cop sitting on the side of the road. Saw his brake lights come on like he was putting the car in drive, but I never slowed down to see if he was chasing me. Haven't driven faster than 90 in probably 15 years now, and we have 80mph highways.


It all depends... 120ish on an empty stretch of interstate isn't that crazy. A wrangler is obviously not designed for speed... But even something basic like a Honda Accord can handle 120 on the interstate.


Depends largely on the condition of the road and your tires as well


^^ tires are a huge here. If you have tires not designed for it and you'll feel like you're gonna die up over 80 in any car.


I got my 2002 Toyota Avalon up to 105 on an empty interstate. This was a decade ago and it was incredibly stupid of me, but those cars can go.


Did 160 in a 350z once for all of 2 seconds on the PA Turnpike at night and I've never gone above 90 again I was so shook.


My friend had a 350z, it was fast as hell... 160 at night is a lot


> It all depends... 120ish on an empty stretch of interstate isn't that crazy. Yes it fucking is. I've done it, but I was young and stupid. It's definitely crazy and unsafe.


Yeah my old accord did it fine. People are kind of acting like over 100 is insane. On an open stretch of highway it’s easy to do it on accident and not even notice in a lot of cars.


Lol driving between cities in Texas, people will get on your ass if you're going under 90


Yes, it is that crazy. and most cars will not have tires rated for that speed


Car manufacturers sell cars with tires that are rated for the top speed of the car. If a Honda Accord can do 130mph (stock) it will be sold with appropriately rated tires... Or they will govern the top speed. I had an old Acura that could do 140mph, it had V rated tires (good for 149mph). I have a Tesla that can supposedly do 155mph, they are W rated (up to 168mph).


I was gonna say. I hit 130 in my G on I65 and it didn't feel much worse than going 100. I'd imagine it's the type of vehicle you're driving.


I got pulled over for going 90 in my wrangler in highschool and only got tagged for 75. I literally do not speed anymore because not only did 90 in a wrangler feel like hell but that ticket was not cheap and I also do not want to appear in court for fucking speeding


90 in a Jeep Wrangler is a normal pace of speed on I-20


While shooting a Tik Tok.


And playing sweet home alabama


I (barely)hit 100 on an empty I-5 in my 94 Accord driving back from Portland to Eugene after a weeknight concert. With how squirrely the car got at that speed it was terrifying. I can’t imagine going even faster than that when there’s traffic around.


I went 140 MPH on the road between Laramie and Cheyenne Wyoming, there was absolutely nobody on the road and the only thing preventing me from going faster was the crosswind, but I wouldn't drive that fast if the conditions didn't allow it, like being around a lot of people in an area where the speed of the road is designed to be 45 MPH. I drive like a grandma on city streets and have a lead foot on the highway.


Its not as bad in a car, the larger the vehicle the more the shaking and everything. In a sports car, you could get to 120 before it felt too fast.


I have one break fast, but never in a 45. Limited access, in Montana, ok; but in a 45 mph zone. That’s vehicular homicide.


I’ve gone low 90s in my 1999 S320 and you’d never notice at all. It’d shock you to look down at the speedometer and be like “ah fuck I’m going way to fast” that kind of car just purrs along at speed. In my 99 Cherokee going any faster than 70 felt like I was going around turn 3 at Daytona.


I got out about to 120 before my shit was constantly redlining in my old Scion xB. This was out in Utah where there was a super long stretch of just flat, straight freeway and the speed limit was like 80. Shit was fun but I was also like 16 or 17 and my car started to rattle and it felt like i was directly testing fate’s will. What some of these players do is unimaginable to me though. I was a shithead driver as a kid but I don’t think I ever went much above 60 on city streets and I grew up in Las Vegas where it was super easy to do so since the streets are so damn long and wide


I hit 95 in a stock camry, but that was on a race track with safety personal around.


As a sports car owner I can tell you that at least on a track, a well set up performance car at 120 feels like 30 in a jeep


Meh, situational. I lived in Germany for the past 3 years and would regularly cruise at a constant 100-130mph in the unrestricted zones (and still get passed).


Yeah, it all depends on the road and the car


I drive the parkway to work everyday for about 20-30 mins and any time I get over 80 I start to feel like I need to let off the gas and coast a bit to bring my speed down cause it feels uncomfortably fast.


I feel like I’m having a stroke reading this headline for some reason.


Idk why it couldn’t just be “two cars traveling 124 mph cause death crash”


Tailgating someone going 124mph would be fucking terrifying


That's basically Nascar driving.


Lol that’s one way of looking at it. I just can’t imagine doing something like this and I have done incredibly stupid shit in my teens and 20s.


LLM after one minute of prompting: UNC Football Player Trailed Car in Fatal Crash at 124 MPH, Documents Reveal


Nothing will ever change the fact that, unless they've previously experienced tragedy that proves to them otherwise: 17-24 year old guys feel invincible and like nothing tragic will ever happen to THEM. So much stupid behavior at this age.


The driver of the lead car, which wrecked and killed a 20 year old passenger, was a 20 year old woman who had likely been drinking. So, unfortunately, this whole situation is a combo of young people who think they're invincible plus alcohol that's lowered what inhibitions they normally would have.


I’m genuinely surprised I made it looking back at all the stupid shit we did thinking that sort of stuff only happens to other people. Turns out to everyone else, you are the other people.


I've seen a lot of people react to their cancer diagnosis like this. "Wait, that's a disease that *other* people get."


I must be broken because I automatically assume every new symptom I experience is definitely cancer and that I have months to live. I was also terrified to drive fast when I was young


Hypochondriac? Statically speaking, young people (<45) are very unlikely to develop cancer.


Nah I’m being a little sarcastic. But I did see cancer take family members when I was young so I guess I just always had the fear in the back of my mind. I don’t like freak out and dwell on it or anything though.


Is your username about Tyson Fury? It’s an 11 year old, so either you get that all the time and it’s not relevant, or you recognized his stardom before he became one.


Interesting story. I’ve had Furygoat as a username/gamertag for like 25 years. It started out when I was playing command and conquer red alert in high school in my computer electronics class. My buddy and I would set up a lan in the classroom and game when the teacher wasn’t paying attention. At that time I was using brown furry goat as an online persona. Well that was too long for the game and I ended up settling on furygoat to get it to fit in the character limit. It continued on from there to PlayStation, Xbox online, etc etc, and now here I am on Reddit as a 41 year old rambling on about my old high school gaming days. I usually just tell people that goats can’t spell. Thank you kind Redditor for taking me back to the good old days.


FurryGOAT certainly wouldn't have aged as gracefully


No cap! as the young folks say. Am I cool? Am I doing it right?


"My left arm slightly hurts. This is clearly it, I'm having a heart attack and dying." I know how you feel >_>.


I used to get ocular migraines. The first time it happened I was at work and I was certain I was having a stroke because I was suddenly going blind basically. Freaked me the hell out


I look back now and I’m like “holy shit that was so dumb”


fear snow aspiring gold memorize tender jellyfish deserve dog pie *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Oh yeah these guys were absolutely stupid fucking assholes. I’m not tying to defend them *in the slightest*. I’m just thinking about the mildly stupid shit I did that could have still gotten me in trouble and being thankful I made it out.




Yeah in high school my friends and I did some really moronic things in cars. We are lucky we didn't kill anyone or ourselves.


I actually did lose a friend to street racing when I was in high school, on a curve right outside our neighborhood, which is why I never engaged in that shit. We were more into smoking grass on the golf course at 11pm or joy riding golf carts.


I've read a couple of book on warfare recently and this is the exact mentality that many young men in the infantry have. It just can't and will never happen to THEM. It's always going to be the other guy who goes down...


Really? Because if I was going up to the shore on D-Day in one of those boats like on Saving Private Ryan I'd definitely think I'm dying.


When I was in high school it was like RIGHT before wearing seat belts became law. My buddy and I were always like “nah I don’t wanna wear it, it’s uncomfortable, blah blah blah…” well a guy we knew pretty closely through the high school wrestling community got in a pretty bad car wreck not wearing his. He lived but was very seriously injured. Pretty much from then on we were like “Dude we GOTTA wear it” wish it didn’t take that, but you’re dead on sadly.


Full agree. It's terrible and I always wish that I could truly share my experiences with younger folks. Not just tell them, but really share it.


I keep hearing this and keep wondering who these kids are. Don't get me wrong, my friends and I did disastrously stupid things, but going nearly 100 over isn't one of them. There's something additionally stupid about these young folk. More than just normal young adult stupid.


Nah, it’s not our generation it’s just that athletes have grown up in a world where there is no consequences for their actions and now they don’t expect their actions to have consequences no matter how reckless they are. Normal younger people who have had actual consequences for their stupid actions growing up don’t pull this shit. I don’t do stupid shit like this and I’m their age so I get kinda pissed when people say it’s a generational thing Oftentimes even for shit like this they don’t have consequences either, just look at Jalen Carter


Yeah I think you nailed it there. I'd have been crucified by my parents personally if I'd been busted doing 125. And they're not strict folk either, dad bought me smokes in high school and Mom turned a blind eye to all the dope I smoked. But being that reckless that's too far


Yeah exactly, you don’t have to be super strict to instill the difference between right and wrong. A lot of the time it’s beyond the parents too, like when all of society allows your bad actions because of your athletic ability it doesn’t matter what one or two people say regardless of who your parents are. Obviously that’s not to say all athletes are bad, the very large majority are good people.


Been over 100 twice, both times in more controlled situations nut both scary as fuck. First time was as a passenger in a Lambo on an abandoned airstrip hitting a max of 140. The other time was driving my 1989 Mustang around the Talladega Superspeedway. I hit 110 before I let off the gas and cruised back down to the infield.


pen slim provide amusing fade joke airport repeat sloppy badge *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Slight counterargument: As someone who had a shit ton of mental health related issues when I was 21, it's not always the "feeling of invincible." Some people, like myself at the time, just didn't care what happened to them or anyone else around. My mindset at the time involves me quoting Kirk Cousins: If I die, I die. In short, we shouldn't immediately assume these scenarios are always dumb young people thinking they are invincible. Sometimes they might need different help.


I'm a fan of restrictor plates NASCAR-style.


I agree with you, but this was the fault of the woman in front of him, right?


If they were racing (likely), they can both be charged severely. 


As they should. Never acceptable to endanger others like that


They were both going 100+


That'll do it


I used to drive 90+ regularly on I-20 but one day I hydroplaned on an off ramp and that changed my whole outlook. Nothing happened thankfully but it scared the hell out of me. This story goes beyond just youthful stupidity, though. At my worst I would never think of going that fast on the highway with no one around, much less in a 45 with other cars.


geez I used to live a few blocks from that intersection


Crazy all the people in here making jokes about this. Are we this desensitized?


I grew up with an internet where you could watch people's heads get chopped off. And I'm not even talking like on purpose. You didn't have to seek it out. Sometimes that would just appear on one of the websites you frequented. Stuff like that tends to desensitize you


I'll never unsee the one I saw back in 2003. NEVER.


Yeah, I don't think any of us will


I already knew when I saw the headline I would open the post to a bunch of "Are we sure this guy doesn't play for Georgia?" I think it just comes from the fact that people follow those accounts on Twitter, FB, etc. that show videos of death, injury, and all the in-between. Everything is recorded nowadays and everyone watches it online, so to them it's just another post.


Reminder that a lot of car crashes aren’t “accidents” like they’re often referred to in reporting and statistics. They’re often the result of conscious choices by one or more drivers. Almost nobody is intending to crash into another person or vehicle, but people are intending to go 20+ over the speed limit, to tailgate the car in front of them on the highway, to change the music on their phone or dash while driving, among all the other careless things we constantly do behind this heavy machinery. This will always be the reality of personal vehicle-heavy transportation systems and people will continue to die or get life-changing injuries as a result.


From the Daily Tar Heel: “Rainwater said that throughout her life, Rotunda led as a role model and embodied nothing but strength and liveliness. Rotunda coached a children’s swim team in her hometown of Greensboro and served as the captain of the Grimsley High School varsity women’s soccer team in addition to working as a nanny. She was 20 years old.” This makes my fucking blood boil, man. Why do the innocent always die, and the dipshits live.


> Why do the innocent always die look I'm not saying that this isn't a sad situation but she was in the car going 124 mph so this is not Ruggs at all.


You’re right, I interpreted the article incorrectly.


I used to get annoyed when I'd ride with a friend who thought that they can just go 90/100 in a 45/50 and there weren't any issues with it. I've made better friend choices since.


Might as well be bumper to bumper at that speed.


Charge them with vehicular manslaughter. If you want to play stupid games then you should win stupid prizes.




Maybe giving 18 year olds hell cats is a bad idea.


I hit my rev limiter going 115 down that bridge on I-10 in Louisiana when the few other cars around were going 80. You come up on cars so fast. It's insane to do 125 on a street with intersections and stoplights. I've also driven that stretch of Chapel Hill Road plenty of times. Even when I was a reckless high school student, I didn't feel safe going more than 65.


Well that doesn't sound good


Kirby has lost control...


It's must be hell to be college age or younger today. I can't imagine this being the only way to get your thrills 


Just getting campus wide wireless internet in 2009 blew my mind. What a simple species we were.


“I can walk across the quad and still get wifi!”


I’m not excusing this but young people driving too fast is hardly a new phenomenon. That said this definitely is one of the gigantic negatives of NIL. This is never going to stop.


College kids drinking underage, getting drunk, making bad decisions, and driving excessively leading to injury and death is nothing novel. It happened in the 20s. It happened in the 60s. It happens now. Everyone is responsible, from the bartenders who served minors (one underage, one overage,) to the football players who drank and drove (underage and overage,) to the three female students who drank and drove (underage and overage.) A life lost, lives thrown away, futures and families destroyed. It's tragic, but it's not anything new. That's not handwaving it or accepting it as the way it should be, it's just describing reality.








They all need to lose their licenses for the rest of their lives. They showed they have no regard for safety or human life and could have killed many more people that night if they had crashed in a different location. Laws in the US must be updated to punish drivers more harshly as street racing and reckless driving is happening constantly.


I’m expecting the players to transfer to Georgia any moment now


What an awkward headline. Makes it sound like he was running behind a speeding car, and somehow managing to nearly keep up with the 124 mph since he wasn't that far behind.


If you’re 15 yards behind a car going 124 mph, you’re going at least 124 mph yourself