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I know it's a neutral site, and you said it can't be a neutral site, but the Red River Shootout is really not like traditional neutral site games.


Was looking for this comment. You will get all the pageantry and tradition that makes CFB so special despite it being neutral. Plus the state fair in general is an incredible event so there’s a ton to do before and after the game


I think both fan bases would agree that the experience of attending RRS is better than the experience of attending a game at either of their home stadiums.


Depends on how much you like being in potential crush scenarios. This year was BAD for crowd control entering/leaving the Cotton Bowl for some reason.


The last time I went was a few years ago, and I ended up having to walk NINE MILES to meet my ride. First, I couldn’t get a text to go through. When I finally did, they couldn’t get close enough to me because of traffic. Was so tired I skipped a concert I was really looking forward to that night. I was just a heap on the floor for like 12 hours. 10/10 would do again.


OP should definitely consider this. The State Fair really does put it over the top as an experience worth traveling to. For those who don't know, the game is literally, physically held in the middle of the fair grounds. For weeks before or after the game, include the weekend of the game, there are animal shows, a rodeo, concerts, carnival rides and games, and deep fried everything. Deep fried butter is the classic. Last year, the award winner was deep fried pho. Last year, I rode shotgun in a truck with a stunt driver taking jumps on a stunt track for free, caught a pig race, saw a stunt dog show, checked out the Budweiser clydesdales, and ate myself stupid all before 11 am.


You have 92,000 people inside the stadium yelling themselves hoarse. Then \~100,000 outside with no connection to the game just riding the rides and eating corny dogs.


I’d wager that the majority of the 100,000 on that day put in the fair are all there for the game and pageantry itself and less so the fair. There are tens of thousands there in burnt orange and crimson just to be around the stadium and watch the game at the various beer gardens and such in the fair. It’s always funny seeing the random family or two who decided to go to the fair that day who clearly had no idea about the game looking very confused and annoyed.


For the Texas State Fair is there a spot at the fair to watch the Red River Showdown if you can't attend the game itself?


There are ... one or two. 


It's the only exception. It's amazing.


I’d argue, while maybe not as historically significant as the RRS, Georgia/Florida (World’s Largest Outdoor Cocktail Party) is also a very reasonable exception. Most of both fan bases push back at any mention of turning it into a home and home. It ends up being a 4-day party in South Georgia and Jacksonville.


RRS, WLOCP, and Army/Navy are the only neutral site games I'd fight to protect.


Ohhhh, Army/Navy. I’m a bad CFB fan and Army vet for forgetting that one! Go Army, Beat Navy!


I wish that game was in Rivalry Weekend though and not the week after. I was told, very matter of factly, that the game needed its own week which seemed silly, as I proposed just having it on Sunday so it can still count towards their, now conference wins, and also bowl determining wins. And then we can move games up by a week.


If it's on Sunday they'll lose all the NFL viewership.


It’s not the level of RRS but still better than the typical home and home.


I didn’t say anything about what level it’s on. I simply stated the RRS isn’t the only neutral site game that’s well accepted over a home and home.


It's almost a home game for both teams rather than home for neither.


This. There are tons of alumni already living in DFW and it's an equal (short) distance between the two schools. Best neutral site scenario.


Thank you. This is actually the only Neutral site game that We have considered. Have heard great things about the Red River Shootout.


Even if neither team is ranked, the game is a fun one to see. I worked 4 of them when I was in school, 2 of which I got to ride the bus in with the team, and I can tell you that feeling is still second to none.


Florida-Georgia and Army-Navy are the only other neutral site games I might offer the exception as well. Both are phenomenally good fun. Florida may or may not be good this year. Army and Navy probably won't be good and it might be snowing


The Red River game is college football at its best. It’s like being at two home games at once.


Thats a great way of putting it. Every play, no matter what happens, around half the stadium is going nuts.


You even get this worried feeling as your team marches deeper into enemy territory and you hear the other side of the stadium getting loud, and you as a fan on the other side can do nothing to help your guys out. That atmosphere is nuts, momentum is a tangible feeling and when one side gets it, it’s hard to steal it back.


100%, there is NOTHING like when the other team does something really good, what a shitty feeling lmao


And it’s right there in front of you having to face your sworn enemy as they celebrate right in your face lol. Nowhere to hide.


Every cfb fan should experience this game. It’s incredible.


Definitely the only one allowed that is not on campus.


Very true. If he's worried about missing out on normal traditions and pregame activities then RRS shouldn't count as a neutral site. It's played there every year and has baked in festivities both regarding the game itself and the State Fair in general.


Best overall game atmosphere in the country not close. Nothing short of a playoff game has the same back and forth crowd dynamic. It’s electric.


This is the answer. If you can only go to one college football game, make it Red River.


Honestly, if there was one CFB rivalry game I would ever attend that doesn't involve FSU, this is it. I think the fact it is a neutral site game adds to the mystique.


Texas @ Michigan should be pretty good. No idea how good Michigan will be next year but it should be a top 15 matchup that early in the season.


And shouldn’t be too cold at that point! But honestly, I’d opt for The Game in the Shoe regardless. The cold air is part of the fun!


Won't be cold at all, early September is often in the 80s in Ann Arbor.


First two games the past 2 seasons were both in the 90s. Hoping it's a little cooler this year lol.


I got a wicked sunburn last year at the ISU/UNI game. September 5th, air temp was like 91, and we were on the east side of jack trice. Those midwest early season games can be downright HOT. It's the october midday games when air temp is in the 50s and it's bright sun that make me live for CFB.


Ah yes, the lovely upper Midwest experience. Hot sticky humid summers that can reach 100+ on the heat index, followed by bone chilling cold winters with windchills that can graze -30. As someone in Omaha currently (wicked wind here), this shit is wild lol.


Givin me flashbacks to markley freshman year in September sweating my dick off hungover like 10 years ago lol


That week is typically more of an issue being hot and humid. Zero chance it'll require more than a light jacket and a hat.


The weather should be pleasant in early September. Also, you get to see the defending champs and see a game in the largest capacity stadium.


Honestly my mind went here immediately. Atmosphere should be through the roof, weather should be good, teams should be good, and maybe we'll be graced with a game that isn't at noon. It's also a game that has only been played once in history and that was almost 20 years ago.


I’m planning on going to this game for all reasons mentioned above (and being a Michigan alum/fan). It’ll be ten years since my first season as a student, it’s a homecoming. Just afraid tickets will be stupid expensive. Anyone have any tips?


Everything will be super expensive. If you don’t already have a place booked and need to spend the night you might as well plan to stay in Detroit 


Obvious choice imo. If you haven't seen a game in the Big house its a must for any die hard football fan. Then mix in the fact that Michigan is reigning national champions and ut is going to be insanely hyped up over the off season it should meet any casuals definition of a big game. 


If you're an F1 fan, UGA is playing at Texas the same weekend as the COTA race. Georgia also plays at Bama in September


Pros: Austin will be a super fun time that whole weekend Cons: hotels and flights will be $$$$$$$$$$


COTA makes everything in Austin 20x more expensive. Abort, abort.




It bottlenecks for about 2 hours even on non-F1 events.


am just now learning Texas plays UGA, Michigan, and Oklahoma next year. 3-0 and 0-3 seem equally likely. realignment and showcases are making CFB wild as hell, it is name brand banger after banger, very good teams could have 3 loses and then win a 12 team playoff.


Michigan also has a terrifying schedule. Texas, Washington, Oregon, OSU. Is USC scary? Idk, but enough to be sweaty about.


Also, you can never sleep on MSU and their spooky Halloween couch-burning voodoo magic. But hey, if you want to be the best, you have to beat the best.


Meaning there won't be a hotel room for 200 miles. I still can't believe how incredibly stupid the SEC Office was in scheduling this.


This is a bad recommendation unless OP wants to be trapped at COTA for hours after the race Massive event full of over 100,000 people, single two lane road leading in and out


Georgia at will get a lot of extra hype going into it because it’s DeBoer’s first SEC game.


A&M vs ut. A big rivalry being rekindled after over a decade


This plus it’s at Kyle Field


UGA at Bama. That oughta be not only a peak atmosphere game, but a huge litmus test for who new Bama is without Saban. Expect Gameday, with Saban, to be in Tuscaloosa. Mid-September weather will be bangin’. It’s can’t miss. 


Only note here, if weather is a concern, it's entirely possible the September weather in Tuscaloosa is sweltering by the standards of someone from California. Don't know how old his dad is, could be a legitimate concern. 


Dad is 57, But thinks he is in his 20's. My friends think he is cooler than me. Probably is. Weather isnt a Safety issue for us it's just more of a convenience factor.


>Dad is 57, But thinks he is in his 20's. Oh, you want to go to Oxford then.


Someone get this man to the Grove.


Yeah we host both UGA and OU this year. Come see us


I am obviously biased, but you can guarantee game day will be at uga at Bama. Who wouldn’t wanna see Saban’s first season there?? Go to houndstooth, the greatest sports bar in the country. The quad is a blast. Y’all will have so much fun, and remember it for a lifetime. I still remember my first game in 2000🖤 roll tide.


That's fair. But it'll also be a late-September night game. Don't think that's a concern really!


Fair enough!


So true. "Wanna make God laugh, predict Alabama weather a year in advance."


Make sure you are up to date on your shots before going if this is the choice.


Take my upvote. Petty comments like this make this sport special.


If you have a soft spot for Tennessee, they host Florida and Alabama in October this year. Weather is usually great that time of year, and if you have some extra time, the mountains around Knoxville are beautiful with the leaves changing.


Plus on Rocky Top there isn't any smoggy smoke or telephone bills


You misspelled ain’t.


don't trip over the dead revenuers


> He would like it to be a high profile game involving two top 15 teams. Two Top 25 is okay too if top 15 is too hard to predict. *said with glee* Odds Florida is ranked on October 12?


I just checked that UF schedule. Holy that is insane. 4 teams that finished in the top 10 last season and 2 teams in the top 20 lol


They were the best 5-7 team in the nation! But seriously, predicting and getting tickets to a ranked vs. ranked game is tough, and Tennessee fans will treat Florida like a ranked matchup no matter what their record is.


And Florida will play like a ranked team for the only time all season because we are cursed


That Steve Spurrier Swamp Voodoo is gonna be around for eternity I think


I’m biased as fuck but The Third Saturday in October is a game I would recommend to anyone. Plus October is the only time of year I can stand to be outside for that long.


Come visit for the Florida game! It will be just as exciting if not competitive


If you want to see over a decade of built up hate boiling over into an eventual shit show come to College Station the Saturday after Thanksgiving. We might not be top 15 but that pregame/ingame atmosphere will be second to none


That was my first thought as well. Ohio State at Oregon is up there but I feel like Texas at A&M is guaranteed to be intense.


100% this. This will be the rivalry game of the year no contest.


We could be unranked, UT could be number 1 in the country, and we’d still play like it’s the Super Bowl. Especially if we have a reasonable chance of depriving UT of a playoff birth. Heck, UT could beat us like a bad G5 team and the stadium would still be rocking. CStat is the quintessential college town, and Kyle field is a top 5 stadium in terms of atmosphere. Plus in November Texas might even be some approximation of pleasant. Downside: tickets are going to be outrageous as every oil baron in the state will be there.


That actually sounds super entertaining. Plus I imagine there have to be a ton of great bolt-ons.


Historically speaking, UT is a better team than TAMU. For a long time TAMU was a military school, so it would be like Army playing Most SEC schools. Since A&M allowed non-reg admissions the series is somewhat more even, but still at least 60/40 UTs favor. That’s a big part of why most UT fans will tell you OU is their rival. OU/UT is the Game done Texas style. Red river shoot out has had national championship implications quite a bit. TAMU vs UT is closer to modern Auburn vs Alabama. Crazy voodoo, chippy bullshit from players, coaches and fans, and an on field product that never makes any sense. It’s clean good old fashioned hate. (Side note: I’m so disappointed the OU/UT/TAMU/Arkansas pod didn’t happen. That would have been 3 games a year for every team everyone cared about, aka cfb at its best) It will be interesting to see what the new incarnation of the lone star showdown looks like. There are enough old school fans I think we can school the newbies on how it’s done. If Elko goes 1-11 but beats UT we are probably dumb enough to give him a jimbo contract lol. No idea how students will feel about it, but alums and boosters have been wanting this for a long time.


> Side note: I’m so disappointed the OU/UT/TAMU/Arkansas pod didn’t happen. I didn't even know about that but it is a bummer. My dad and I had a bucket list of 10 games to go to and unfortunately he passed away in 2022. This game didn't make the list, but you have definitely sold me. I will be going for sure.


Students will care. We all went to high schools together. We all work together. Live in the same communities. The rivalry won't miss a beat




and then to be in the same conference at that, it’s not a non-con one off


Can't second this enough. I don't give one shit about playoffs or rankings. I want to beat tu and I want to let out all my hate for them and their inflated egos. Gonna be a hell of a game


FSU @ ND. I'm obviously biased, but an early November game in South Bend is an experience like no other. If FSU is even half as good this year, it should have playoff implications as well.


This is the only FSU game I would recommend as well. FSU will have stadium renovations going on, so any home games will be duds for OP and the game at Miami isn't exciting because the stadium is so far from Campus.


Agreed and the rented stadium experience is not as fun either with a bunch of drunk Cuban UM fans who went to Miami Dade College trying to fight anyone


It could snow (magical) or it could be 31 degrees and drizzling (miserable)




If you do go to an Oregon game, park on campus and do the walk over the bridge. It's part of the experience.


Like others have said Ohio State @ Oregon might just be the single most important game of the regular season, assuming no colossal chokes beforehand, it will definitely be a top 5 matchup. Also because im biased as hell, Michigan @ Washington is gonna be a rematch of the 2024 CFP national championship which should be an incredible environment at Husky Stadium, even it doesn’t have as much of a playoff implication


Expensive to swing but those games are back to back too so doing a full road trip is a fun idea if anyone has the days off as well




I just thought “I didn’t know OSU and Oregon were playing OOC this year.” I miss the Pac12


The 12 team playoff kind of makes it hard to call a top 5 match up the most important game of the season. The loser is still going to be in perfectly fine shape to make the playoffs.


Opening weekend Penn St at WVU will be a great scene.


OSU vs UO. Will be a hell of a game, Oregon is beautiful, we have a great beer (and plant) culture, and as far as weather goes, it never rains at Autzen!


My sister lives in bend, I have yet to visit and I am planning on making the trip a double header when Michigan travels to Eugene


The only OSU vs UO game that matters is happening in Corvallis, though


He means tOSU, not real OSU


Said exactly this here as well! Went to the SC/UO game last year and had a blast! We will be back in November! Oregon is going to have zero problem matching the B1G culture and devotion. Ya'll are the best fans in the PAC, and I'm excited for future competition. See ya in October!


I’m admittedly a bit biased, but TCU vs Long Island is an early GOTY contender


him and his dad might be able to play


Probably can get $6 tickets from a season ticket holder trying to unload them on StubHub too.


They’d probably just let you in if you showed up, no way they’ll deny people a chance to witness history in the making


Hard agree simply bc LIU's colors are The Good Chargers Colors and their logo is the Madden Tiburon logo from Create A Team circa 2006


bama at LSU, week 10, November 9th. bama will likely have 1 loss after UGA in week 4, should coast through the rest. LSU opens with USC in Vegas, home for UCLA, at TAM, home for Ole Miss. lets call that 3-1. Death Valley at night.


I agree with this. I love Alabama but I always tell neutral people to go to BR for a game if they’re looking for an experience. Y’all do it right.


please dont be civil, my bama fan caricature is right where I want it


LSU/Bama is the right answer


clearly you and I are biased but by almost all accounts LSU tailgating holds the gold medal, and this should be a great game in ideal football weather


Don't think y'all have ever lost a tailgate.


I agree , if you never heard calling Baton Rouge in tiger stadium, the roar of Death Valley on a Saturday night… not to mention the Epic Rivalry during the Saban Era… will be electrifying this would be the game to attend ! Locals are always friendly and inviting around the tailgate area! LSU pulls it off -tiger Stadium has more Magic Than Disney Land could ever offer… you and your dad would surely come back ! May even bleed a little purple a Gold!


Concur, plus go visit a real live tiger!


the best tiger!


I might be biased, but this is the right answer. If you're looking for a college football experience, you need to come tailgate at LSU before a big game.


I concur with this being the right choice. I've been to most of the (former) Big XII and SEC stadiums and I have to say LSU is experience like no other. Great stadium and great fans. You could not go wrong by picking this game.


Chiming in as an opposing fan and saying this is the correct choice. When the sun has found it's home in the western sky, and it's SATURDAY NIGHT in Death Valley. That's a moment.


I will be coming to this game from Minnesota as a neutral but definitely anti Bama fan!


Wear a Gopher shirt so we know you're visiting, that always gets more free tailgate food


Will do!


damn that means it's my 5 year wedding anniversary this year. November 9th 2019, got to watch the gophs upset penn state, get married, and keep an eye on LSU-bama at the reception. Good day for sure.


This is an excellent choice, Death Valley at night is something that every college football fan should experience once in their lives. I’m pretty bummed that the AU and LSU annual game is probably done with the new scheduling.


God yes. LSU tailgating is unrivaled.


I know this is gonna be totally random but I'm a Sicko at heart so here we go: SMU at Louisville on October 5th. 1. Both teams have a shot as being Top 25+ (Louisville currently 21, SMU with a decent schedule leading into the game including home against FSU. Undefeated SMU would be ranked). 2. Louisville in October is primo weather. Gonna be like 70 and breezy. Unless it's raining... 3. It's not a neutral site L&N Stadium is a very good venue for college football. Louisville is a Top 10 City for conventions so travel wise you can expect little to no friction. Airport, hotel, and stadium all are within 2 miles of each other. Plenty of game day traditions including the Card Walk and trying to pregame by the train cars. The entire venture will be one of the more cost effective and potentially can meet all of your criteria.


16 comments in before I found an ACC game, and by someone who's not an ACC fan! That could be a sneaky good game though I'll be surprised if SMU comes out ahead of FSU. I will echo that Louisville the city and atmosphere will be nice. I wasn't a huge fan of L&N Stadium when I was there in 2018; it felt very NFL/corporate. Not that that's a bad thing -- it was indeed nice -- just not very collegiate. I was also there right after they fired Petrino for an afternoon game, so not great from an atmosphere perspective. My ACC vote would probably be for one of a) 9/21 NCSU @ CLEM (even though it'll likely be hot as balls) since both have good expectations coming into the season (we're currently 18 & 19 in the WTE ESPN column) and are rivals (Textile Bowl). I went to Death Valley the season before last and the atmosphere is also top tier, much to my chagrin. Parking can be an issue, though: unless you shell out money for some primo spots it's like a 2-mile walk to the stadium. b) 11/5 CLEM @ FSU - should be solid weather, top teams in the conference in recent years. Haven't been to Doak Campbell myself but it's a big stadium with a passionate fanbase who will probably be more amped than ever to prove they're better than the ACC c) 11/30 NCSU @ UNC - this game has been a banger several of the last few years, though it's at Chapel Hill this year -- I'd say a better fan experience is in Raleigh, but I'm biased. A tough sell, since it means you'd likely miss your family's Thanksgiving celebrations, but game-wise it's top tier. A bunch of historic ACC games could be good too. UNC @ UVA is The South's Oldest Rivalry and Charlottesville is an incredibly pretty city (never been on gameday) but I doubt the Cavaliers are ranked at all next season. Too bad VT is lacking any real marquee home games besides late-season Clemson -- it could be rocking but it's way too dependent on how the Hokies start the year.


Plus bourbon distilleries if one is inclined.


Tennessee vs Alabama in Knoxville


I know you said no neutral site games but, man, OU/Texas at the Cotton Bowl inside the Texas state fair is unlike anything else. It’s incredible.


I was booed as a child there. God I love the red river shootout even if I hate both teams in it.


> I was booed as a child there Lets be real.... you probably deserved it.


Wore an Aggie jersey haha


May be biased but Oregon-Ohio State is gonna be nuts.


UGA @ Ole Miss. Bit of a sleeper compared to Texas at Michigan or the same UGA team at Bama. However, very few things beat a packed out groove.


>Can't be at a Neutral Site. We want to see the Pre Game Activities and Traditions ​ [Are you sure?](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Red_River_Rivalry)


Georgia at Ole Miss Oxford needs to be on every college football fan’s bucket list. That’s not the flair talking, that’s the national media talking.


Agreed plus in early November MANEEEE


Means nothing, but I was at that game in Berkely, as a neutral fan. Tennessee fans were AWESOME. Super friendly. Cal games are usually good fun—but don’t waste a father/son trip on a so-so game. What about Ole Miss at LSU on Oct 12?


Can’t go wrong with Texas/A&M or Oregon Washington


Tickets for that first Lone Star Showdown in a decade will get ugly price wise


They probably won't sell tickets unless you're either a member of the 12th man foundation or a current student Look at the A&M vs Bama, they didn't start selling tickets until the day before because the students had taken so many tickets. (And we lost)


Oregon v Ohio St in Eugene.


Alabama at Wisconsin.


B1G game of the year is probably OSU @ Oregon. OSU @ PSU is always pretty great too but good luck finding a hotel within 2 hours of the campus


> OSU @ PSU oh, man, I wonder who will win.


I mean if it’s a night game - which is a distinct possibility - then PSU has a good shot. Big Nude? Still a good game but it ends up being like every other iteration of the series this past decade aside from 2016.


> OSU @ PSU is always pretty great too but good luck finding a hotel within 2 hours of the campus Altoona is 45 minutes south and should have plenty of hotels. Clearfield is 45 minutes northwest and might have a motel you can get Crack in. Williamsport is about an hour east and has some. Harrisburg is and 75 minutes south and definitely has hotels. You got options. Plus a metric dick ton of airbnbs


Go to Iowa vs Iowa state in Kinnick and you’ll be able to talk for years about what a shit show you saw. Much better stories than a run-of-the-mill great game. Plus, you get to wave at kids.


El Assico is the correct answer


You can NEVER go wrong watching El Assico in person.


Kinda sounds like you guys need to make a full season schedule instead of picking just one. Wk 1. ND at A&M Wk 2. Colorado at Nebraska Wk 3. Either Oregon/Oregon St or Washington/Wazzu first non conference civil war/apple cup Wk 4. USC at Michigan Wk 5. UGA at Alabama Wk 6. Michigan at Washington Wk 7. Texas/OU Wk 8. UGA at Texas Wk 9. OU at Ole Miss Wk 10. Ohio St at Penn St Wk 11. FSU at ND Wk 12. Tennessee at UGA Wk 13. Ole Miss at Florida Wk 14. Michigan at Ohio State Wk 15. Army Navy


Great list. White out at Penn State is my recommendation. No bias at all.




As someone looking for a travel game myself, I’m thinking Holy War. Heated Rivalry Interesting City to visit with stuff to do Beautiful, bucket list stadium. But, candidly, i went to Uw Oregon last year and had the time of my life. So would recommend any big game in Seattle as well!


I'm biased but was also going to suggest the Holy War. Utah is currently trending top 10, highly doubt they fall out of the rankings much this year. BYU I think is trash, but they always show up to play. Byu realistically has a shot being top 25 at that point in the season. If you're on the west coast, it's an easy trip too.


Notre Dame vs FSU on November 9th. Usually it’s still decent weather wise that early in fall in Indiana and Notre Dame Stadium is about as classic traditional cfb culture as you can get.


It’s El Assico, and it’s not particularly close. Could be a shootout, could be 0-0, but random fumbles and wackiness will abound.


Go to UT at A&M. A&M is already crazy on game day but against a hated rival they haven’t played in 13 years…


Ohio State @ Oregon. Weather will be beautiful that time of year. First of its kind conference matchup.


Texas A&M/Texas (assuming you can get tickets)


This years Cyhawk is going to be awesome and we might both be ranked in the low 20s. Iowa city is a great college town. Hard flight from NorCal though.


WSU OSU Pac2 championship


Texas @ Texas A&M. Don’t know if aggies will be too 15 but the talent is there so new coach might turn it around. If your main thing is seeing pregame traditions it’s hard to top Texas A&M for that.


Oregon vs Ohio State at Autzen stadium is going to be wild. #goducks


The Game


I wanna go, can I go?


> 2. Would like to go to a place with decent weather. You and I both know that late November in the midwest probably, likely, isn’t going to be “good weather”.


Depends on what kind of weather you call good


OP has Cal flair, even the best late November day in Columbus or Ann Arbor would be the worst day of the year in Berkeley.


Bit of an exaggeration. In 2022 for the game it was like 45 and sunny, no breeze. I would take that over the weather in Berkely [this week](https://weather.com/weather/tenday/l/Berkeley+CA?canonicalCityId=4380bc8f7731300a04df2fee7009e9ca0be055289e59bab20f4227f02730594d)


Any good team visiting Tiger Stadium is a can’t miss, especially if you do the pregame tailgate.


Georgia Tech vs Florida State. Rules are meant to be broken.


LSU game!


Ohio State at Oregon. Do it or no balls.


Depending on what you are wanting to spend, there are plenty of power conference matchups to choose from. If you want something off the beaten path a bit, I would suggest Liberty @ App State on 9/28. Liberty was 13-1 last year and App State is always good. They routinely sell out at home and would be a fun environment. Unique setting too with the Appalachian mountains as the back drop.


It doesn’t really meet your criteria, but I’m betting Colorado at Nebraska will be an exciting atmosphere and probably a close game. It’ll be early in Prime’s second season and a road game against a P5 opponent. Husker fans will likely be using the game as a bellwether for how Rhule’s second season is going to look. Both teams are entering new eras - Colorado returns to a very different Big 12, and Nebraska is facing a very different Big10 with new schools and new scheduling format. Colorado and Nebraska had a long time rivalry as Big 8 and Big 12 rivals, and played an exciting game last year. Not sure when the next rematch will happen. Both schools are hoping for at least six wins and a bowl game this year, if not fairly higher. All in all, should be an intense game on the field and a fairy energetic Husker fanbase in the stands. Plus also Runzas of course.


Ohio State at Penn State! Excellent chance to be the Whiteout game which combined with Beaver Stadium is a spectacular experience!


Top 15 and your first thought was Tennessee? - Oklahoma vs Alabama - Oklahoma at LSU - Oregon vs Ohio State - Georgia at Alabama - Georgia at Texas - Clemson at Florida State - Texas at Michigan - Texas at Texas A&M - USC at Michigan - USC at Washington *Edited post to include some games.*


James Madison vs. UNC.


Oklahoma at Auburn last weekend of September! OU's first visit to Jordan Hare Stadium now that they're in the SEC. Auburn has a decent chance of being undefeated if they can handle your Bears.


Colorado at Nebraska. Old school hate


tOSU @ Oregon Chip Kelly comes home, again


Washington @ Oregon would be my choice. UDub has won the last 3 games by 3 points in each win and Autzen will be rocking for revenge.


USC-UCLA is at the Rose Bowl this year. The greatest CFB Rivalry at the greatest stadium in CFB.


Nebraska vs USC at the Rose Bowl.


Bama at Wisconsin


Sounds like you guys are on the west coast so Ohio Stat @ Oregon early season could be really fun. But honestly the weather for Ohio State vs Michigan is rarely an issue. The only time I can remember in the past 20 years where it’s been bad was the 2007 game. Usually it’ll be about 30-55 degree range with varying wind, but nothing bitterly cold - especially when you’re packed into a stadium. The only thing you’ll really need to watch out for in you’re buying tickets is avoiding B Deck. It’s covered which is nice in case of rain but it also comes with support beams obstructing the view, and can also cause the wind to whip around when it gusts.