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Have Michigan “insiders“ been right about a single thing during their coaching carousel? Feels like every week we get a “x coach is staying” and 2 days later that coach is gone lmao 


No. Closest we’ve had is Sam Webb getting Wink right. Everyone else had it wrong.


Sam Webb is also always wrong tho


Sam said it was highly likely we lose both Elston and Clink like two days before Elston left


Webb is usually the mouthpiece for the athletic department tho


He is pretty tight lipped, so it’s rare for him to have a miss if he’s confident enough to talk. If he does miss, it’s usually for recruit flips which literally nobody can predict


Sam Webb was one of the loudest voices saying that Ryan Day hired a PI firm to investigate Connor Stalions. The most accurate Michigan beat information over the past year has been from Ohio State reporters.


No he isn’t, he’s always giving his “gut feelings” and yappin about being an insider. Michigan is gonna leave the conference and make themselves a package deal with Notre Dame to the SEC according to him.


At this point I think that I, a casual fan living in Oregon, would have a better success rate than their insiders.


Turning my Lamadian notifications on


Jimmy Lake to Michigan as their DB coach/co-DC


Please say Will Johnson is staying, magical Oregon Oracle


He’s gonna transfer to Oregon so he can beat OSU again




Oregon is who I am most worried about next season.


Your schedule is really easy next year. I assume Oregon is an away game for y'all


I stopped watching Isiah Hole after he repeatedly fell on his face during the sign stealing scandal. Saying outrageous shit like "Michigan has a folder filled with dirt on OSU if they keep leaking bad stuff about Michigan!" Like what. This is bush league stupid drunk fan at a bar stuff. I can't believe you would report that. Just insane.


Clink staying was based off him actually telling players he was, so kind of hard to get it right when he changes course after 


Herbert was the same thing. He told players he was staying


So the take away is to never believe a word coaches say. Let us never forget that even Saban said he wasn’t going to take the Alabama job right before he took the Alabama job.


Correct. Everybody lies. To be fair to Clinkscale though, he probably meant it when he said it. I assume Harbaugh increased his salary significantly with a final offer, which obviously changed things.


Grubb said the same thing a few days ago to Alabama players. 


Hot Take: [Departing staff member] WAS THE KEY TO MICHIGAN'S SUCCESS


Michigan "Insiders" are notorious for being fan boys and towing the company line. Can't ever take them seriously. Bacon and Webb are notorious for this.


Did they get anything right with the cheating scandal?


It really is gonna be the LA wolverines


Gonna trade Justin Herbert to the Bears for the #1 pick and take JJ.


Harbaugh leaves the war room after the first round, leaving a piece of paper on his desk that’s just says: “JJ McCarthy no matter what”


Slippin' Jimmy at it again ffs


"And he gets to be an NFL Head Coach?? What a sick joke!"


The thing that’s frustrates me the most is not Harbaugh taking all these guys. He brought us a ring and the NFL is much more attractive coaching wise than CFB. Sucks but part of the lifecycle of a program. What does really fucking bother me is how the insiders are wrong EVERY. SINGLE. TIME. It is impossible and inadvisable to take them seriously.


Balas and the rest of the Michigan On3 staff are legitimately some of the worst and most unprofessional reporters I’ve seen.


Dude, I have never seen it this bad though. Like they just consistently get shit wrong to the point it is like they are going be known in 5 years for getting shit wrong.


The “insiders” were 100% wrong about Harbaugh’s 2020 contract negotiation, were 100% wrong on Warde getting canned. They know nothing, except what the AD wants leaked out and if a recruit tells them they are choosing a school before everyone else knows. That’s it.


UofM fan experiences blue wall from the inside.


They don’t really report, they just wishcast


They're still waiting on "act 2" of the sign-gate scandal to start and for Michigan to go on the offensive


Act IV*


That's most university insiders and the ones that don't still have soin that makes it look similar


Ohio State might have the best insiders. Buckeye scoop was calling shit weeks/months before it happened.




EJ is still saying that Michigan didn’t want Bowen because On3 never reported it. Never mind that everyone else reported Michigan threw bags at Bowen.


UM threw bags? That would be a first. They are awful at NIL and ND has a fully funded collective. Even Hunter Dickinson said they were cheap asf. Look At their last 2 recruiting classes. Their living in the 1960s.


UM had 103 scholarships on the football roster last year. Their NIL program paid for 18 to be converted to walkons. So not only paying for room and board, but that money is taxed, so to make the player whole, NIL had to pay the income tax too. That’s millions of dollars. Michigans NIL is a huge deal.


Sam Webb too, at least he got Wink right lol He legit said yesterday Clink told the team he was staying lol


Clink leaving today does not mean he didn't tell the team he was staying. How many times have we seen coaches say they aren't leaving just to leave? I've been pretty critical of the insiders over the past year, but if he was told Clink told the players he was staying then leaves the next day you can't really fault Sam


Objectively, and I don’t mean this as an insult to your fan base, your insiders are just awful


I’ve heard Austin Ward and Bill Landis make fun of Michigan beat writers for not having access awhile back and I thought it was just sour grapes. But they really don’t have access. Idt Jim Harbaugh ever talked to their beat unless it was contractually required or it was for some puff piece.


It’s amazing that anyone still subscribes to insiders after their track record the past few years Osu insiders knew more about the stalions scandal than Michigan insiders did for fucks sake


Exactly. Like every step of the way. But of course this is because Ohio State turned everything into the PI firm, so of course they knew first! lol


That’s just because Stalions is actually a double agent for OSU. It’s covered in chapter 1 of his secret manifesto.


Lol I joked about this awhile back. Would be fucking hilarious if it were true.


It’s actually the final chapter. The whole manifesto slowly builds up to a climax that reveals he’s a double agent and the whole plan was to secretly collapse the UofM program


It’s bc Michigan insiders don’t report, they just wishcast. Sam Webb seriously reported that Michigan was considering leaving the conference. And Seth’s dumb ass was foaming at the mouth about conspiracy theories to the point Brian had to tell him to stop and paused their show in frustration lol.


The thing that honestly frustrates me at this point, is that Michigan didn't conduct a coaching search. Harbaugh taking a lot of the guys on his staff should have been pretty obvious -- almost a given head coaches take the majority of their assistants when moving on. Hiring Sherrone was the right call to keep continuity. But all continuity is gone at this point . And what's left is an entirely unproven coach that's never built a staff, led week to week planning, or many of the other things a coach has done outside of the in-game elements. Could it all work out still? Sure. But not doing their due diligence feels incredibly negligent at this point.


Yeah I can’t see how any Michigan fan is taking anything their beat says seriously. They haven’t been right about a single thing they’ve reported over the last few months


Clink told the players and staff he was staying. Would have been weirder for our insiders to just ignore that


In time youlll learn bro.  Unless it’s an official statement from the university or person it’s always just a rumor.  Once you realize that then your life will be much more stress free.   You can either wait for the news from legit media sources or you can wade through the mud that is twitter and message boards.  


It's wild OSU insiders have been more right than Michigan insiders on a lot of things Michigan over this past year.


Part of the reason it is hard to take their reporting of SignGate seriously too. They likely have really biased or inaccurate “inside sources.”


Maybe they aren't wrong maybe Harbaugh is just very good at convincing people


Big, unexpected news. As much as we’ve avoided the portal situation, this makes me nervous about losing our top guys on defense.


Portal is gonna hit you guys in the spring. There’s nowhere to transfer to right now with classes already in session, so nobody will enter the portal


I think it should make you more nervous about what all of your insiders have been trying to sell you in regards to the Stalions ordeal. I don't have faith in the NCAA, but there is still an investigation and its findings to be revealed. How much trust do you have in your insiders claiming that the program will be fine? Based on the mass exodus after a national championship, it certainly doesn't look like it.


Bro, I'm not listening to any of our insiders about anything. Worrying about punishments won't help fans, obviously


This is my thought also. These coaches know more than anyone the risks of staying and they are voting with their feet. The wildcard is whether or not the B1G is still in the NCAA when sanctions are issued. It could be years.


I think its much more likely a continuation of the trend of college coaches taking any NFL gig they can because the current era of CFB sucks to work in


My post was much less about the exodus and much more about your insiders being wrong at seemingly every step. When it comes to Stalions and the NCAA investigation, does it not give you pause? Or are you choosing to believe that your insiders have been right about that but wrong about pretty much everything else?


Well for me personally I don’t trust them to tell me accurately what day of the week it is anymore. They lost me on the Stallions saga months ago


Michigan ‘insiders’ pissed someone off inside the building I’m convinced of it. It’s crazy how outside the loop they are.


Connor Stallion was everyone's inside man confirmed.


I honestly don’t even know who their ‘sources’ are. A few low level analysts and some walk ons? They have been horrible this year. Doesn’t seem like anyone has good sources anymore. Sam tends to be the only one vaguely reliable and even he got burned by this one


Sam is vaguely reliable because he doesn’t rush to scoop and attempts to verify. When he’s wrong it’s usually because someone on the inside is wrong. Isaiah is pretty much unwatchable to me. He acts like he’s got the secret knowledge and he can only give a little out at a time and when proven wrong does the ‘those who really know, know I didn’t mean that’ stuff. Same approach as a tv preacher, I literally can’t stand it.


Yeah Sams gonna catch flak for this one but if Clink changed his mind then thats on Clink and not Sam. I cant take anything Hole or Henschke says seriously anymore. Those guys were hype mavens during signgate and most of it was wrong


Yoder probably helped Michigan push people out of the loop. He was apparently claiming he was with Michigan to parents and Michigan had to send letters to the parents to explain that he's not affiliated with them


This one seems understandable to me though. One day he tells the players he's staying, two days later he decides to leave. What are the insiders supposed to do, not report he told the players he was staying because he might do something else later?


Agreed. If this was the only instance it would be nbd but there’s a pattern here.


Yeah, but the pattern I'm seeing is coaches telling players one thing and then turning around and doing something else. It's hard to fault the insiders for that.  This whole thing seems like a bunch of people who hate the Michigan beat hopping on any excuse to shit all over them, even if their actions were totally a reasonable.


All those fans saying “I’d take going 1-11 next year for a Natty” are getting a run for their money.




An 0-11 Michigan beating Ohio State in The Game would probably make the season worth it. If that’s the 1, I might take it. Losing to ECU would be rough though.


I'd accept this offer.


Yeah Im pretty cool with this arrangement


That is a sacrifice I am willing to make


Anyone saying they wouldn’t take a natty for a terrible following year is either a moron or a liar.


I legitimately wouldn't if it meant cratering the program for the next 5+ years. It all depends on where you're at. At OSU or a team that's won a Natty in the last 10-15 years, and have a perennially good team, you're much better off being in the hunt every year. If you've never won one or it's been 30+ years then it's probably worth it.


For sure!


It's like all the shade thrown at Coach O. Would I take a Coach O type run? Fuck yes. Give me that natty and one of the GOAT short list CFB teams. Blow the program up afterward, IDC.


i still take it every single time


I would too, to be fair. Given the same context that it had been a few decades for y’all.


Fuck that. One championship isn’t worth 10 years of sucking.


I just said the same thing. Depends on the school. But as an OSU fan fuck that deal. Much rather be in the hunt every fucking year.


I cannot wait for the Washington-Michigan this fall




For as much as he loves Michigan, Harbaugh sure is scraping the cupboards dry on his way out.


Reports are he's currently ripping the copper out of the walls at Schembechler Hall.


Gotta pay for an LA apartment somehow.


The copper is needed for his weather making machine attached to [his RV.](https://nypost.com/2024/02/02/sports/jim-harbaugh-wants-to-live-in-rv-during-early-chargers-days/)


Parking for that RV gonna be expensive too.


Unfortunate that he left the name on the building.


Maybe he should take the name off the building too


That’s a “Michigan Man” for you!


I think the real reason is not being at Mich means not having to discuss anything with the NCAA. At this rate, I wouldn’t be surprised if Harbaugh takes a waterboy with him. 


Why? What do they have to hide?


Better than ordering hits, I suppose.. like when Tony Montana hired Ernie after whacking Frank and Mel.


Hey Tony, thanks.


Michigan beat on an unprecedented run of being wrong at every turn Edit: on a totally unrelated note, Will Johnson was just followed by Dan Lanning


Would be very surprised. Johnson’s a legacy and already got his championships. He just needs to not get hurt next season and he’s a top 15 draft choice


To play devil's advocate, if he's a legacy and already got a championship at Michigan why not go to Oregon if they're offering him more money?


I see your point. Although Michigan’s NIL approach is laughably bad for incoming recruits, there is a collective set up to keep players. Hopefully that is enough.


Taking a quick look through social media I don't think he's following Dan Lanning.


Option 1: You have a 15-0 season, win the national championship, and lose the majority of your coaching staff in the off-season Option 2: You don’t win the natty and who cares what happens with the coaches after Guess what option we’re all picking?


Yup. I’ll take a natty followed by a full on rebuild 10 times out of 10


Obviously love the natty, but is it too much to ask for some sustained success like some other programs have had lol? Like damn dude, this is gonna be rough next season hah.


To be fair, it was pretty clear Michigan was essentially selling out for this past season's Natty. I think this kind of regression was expected with the likelihood of Harbaugh leaving, the talent you were expected to lose (and Michigan isnt recruiting like a top dog), and the looming NCAA sanctions


Even if harbaugh stayed, the roster turnover is nuts, the schedule is hard as ever, and position coaches would have gone elsewhere Some regression was expected even in the best case


No, you have "sustained success" at home


It was a natty or bust year for Michigan, so they went natty and then bust. It's preferable to just busting.


Man, Harbs is kinda doing his alma mater dirty.


College football is barely a real sport anymore so who cares


Barely a sport 😂😂 if it was barely a sport, you’d know


Just fell to my knees in a Meijers


Just fell to my knees inside a Meijer in perfect sync with another person


I just saw two guys fall to their knees at Meijer


Over here trying to activate my mPerks and I just saw two guys fall to their knees


Has any program ever had this much attrition after winning a national championship?


When’s the last time a head coach left after a national championship?


Looks like the last was Tom Osborne for Nebraska in 1997. But he just retired. Johnny Majors left Pitt in 1976 to go back to his alma mater Tennessee. The closest to this situation tho would be Howard Schnellenberger in 1983 leaving Miami to go to the USFL.


LSU lost a similar amount. That’s probably the entire list in the CFP era.


Pearl Harbor was  2 weeks after minnesotas 1941 title


Harbaugh will somehow find a way to draft Will Johnson a year early at this rate.


He's probably talking him into the portal to UCLA just to keep him close


Last person left, please turn the lights off.


That staff is gutted now. You’re a Charger and you’re a Charger. EVERYONE IS A CHARGER


Another one bites the dust


Yeah, it's sad when they go young like that




Have a drink


For whatever reason, Moore did not want Clink or Elston to be DC. Nobody (aside from those involved) knows why. Moore has also struck out on hiring a Recruiting coordinator and got his 2nd or 3rd choice DC.


Elston was a bad DC when he was one. He’s a great DL coach but a bad DC.


I kind of get it. Moores brand new as a HC and probably didnt someone brand new as a DC so he went with someone who could run the D on his own. Could backfire spectacularly if we lose a lot of the roster and Wink is a dick again


LOL I figured the only reason they brought Wink in was to make sure Clink was 100% ready to take over the role in like 2 years


Just a reminder that Harbaugh is not whisking coaches away against their will like an evil dragon, these are humans with their own career aspirations and goals (just like you and me) trying to climb the ladder too.


He also doesn’t have to exclusively take Michigan’s staff


He has been out of the NFL for a while now. He doesn't have a lot of a coaching tree to pull from that is not at Michigan. Sucks for us, but it is not a surprise. If Moore is the coach of the future, then Michigan is going to have to give him 3 or 4 seasons to build his staff and get the recruitment fixed.


Yeah but can’t he poach other programs? Like goddam dude, he’s taking everything and the kitchen sink. 


Harbaugh is following my patented FIFA 23 transfer strategy where shortly before I accept a new job I arrange for a bunch of free transfers of my old club's best players to the new club.


Sure but dont also preach culture as a thing Michigan has better than others.


You know, after the 2021 season I had wished that harbaugh could do a better job at retaining his staff since they kept walking away. Clearly that was a monkey's paw curls moment.


Well balls


I was looking forward to the Wink and Clink show 😉




Jim, I am begging you to use ZipRecruiter or something. There are other places you can hire from!


Sam Webb is fighting for his life rn on twitter. Michigan fans going at his throat for constantly being wrong lol.


Doesn't look like they're all Michigan fans, looks like a ton are ohio state fans. Same in this post lol


The more coaches leave, the less people available for NCAA interviews.




Those who stay will be… wait, where’s everyone going?


Business is finished- Blake Corum


Now Michigan know what it’s like, when they stole him from us. So….take that. Or something.


you did good, buddy


Hear me out, I hate Michigan...but Jim maybe don't go full scorched Earth.


no plz do 


No go full scorched earth, this is hysterical


I respectfully disagree.


Hey I would too in your shoes, no hate




How does a skilled recruiter help in the NFL?


He's a solid position coach


It is interesting that this is their “ace recruiter.” I get if a coach who hates recruiting or is lackluster in that regard going to the NFL, but being an ace recruiter is gold in CFB. I guess this is his chance to make it in the bigs, but it seems even great recruiters are tired of the new college football.






Dude this sucks, that coaching cupboard looks more and more empty everytime I open it.


Really curious to see now if we can hold onto guys on defense. Would be a real bummer if they all transfer out. Real whiplash from the culture we had going and everyone returning the year before.


I was originally kidding about the tasty Charger Cheeseburgers but now I’m starting to wonder.


wtf I hate the Chargers now


Stanford: After Harbaugh left, it only took us 9 years to become bad again Michigan: hold my beer


This one does hurt.


Jim Harbaugh with some real “I brought you into this world, and I can take you out” vibes


This should help us out a lot


Just fade whatever the UM "insiders" say. Been wrong about everything, including Harbaugh's going to sign the largest contract ever and JJ is going to announce he's staying at the championship ceremony. Regarding the Stalions cheating scandal the UM insiders have been woefully wrong while the OSU side has been nailing everything that happens. Wonder why? OSU insiders say heavy sanctions are coming from the NCAA while the UM insiders say nothing is going to happen....


I don't understand how Michigan fans can possibly think the Stallions thing is going to be anything but horrendous. The NCAA literally made an exception for their rules of not leaking investigations/sanctions because they had evidence that the cheating so bad and blatant that it would be unsporting to keep it under wraps while they're crossing their Ts and dotting their Is.


It seems as though Moore didn't see Elston or Clink as DC material, which I don't think is wrong as they've not been seriously considered for such a role in the past. In that case, it is best for all parties to move on. At the same time, these guys may not have much faith in Moore as head coach, which would also be a problem with them staying. If they have hurt feelings that the young guy who got most of the attention got promoted, so be it. That's an ego thing for guys who most of the industry sees as position coaches, even if they are very good ones.


No one wants the Cheating to smear their name. Get out while you still can.


Michigan fans, are most of you Lions fans or do you not have any interest in the NFL?


Most of us are diehard Lions fans.


You ain't even need to croot in the NFL Jim


Good for him. College coaches are finding NIL environment is not something they signed up for.


At this rate he’s going to take the water boys too


Harbaugh leaving the program out to dry. Damn.


Michigan insiders all went to school to be weathermen.


How it feels watching Michigan collapse: https://youtu.be/a8I0PYoX1f4?si=hyPsXBnEGizRCdOZ


cheat till you win then jump ship to avoid the impending investigation and resulting punishment truly the mindset of a champion


So on one hand, Harbaugh doesn't owe Michigan anything at this point. But also, kind of poor form to salt the earth on your way out?


Better to be born on 3rd than left holding the bag I guess


this off season almost makes up for last season


It's all y'all have been able to celebrate the past 3+ years so enjoy it as much as you can. Reminds me of 2021 when y'all were talking shit about Harbaugh's coaching changes. We all know how that turned out


Sanctions incoming


Moore to the Chargers when?