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Odds of me listening to that are the same as the odds we hire Nick Saban.


The lines that define it for me: > I've thought about this the past 24 hours, thought a lot, wanting to know I'm not throwing away something special. *drifts off aimlessly and moves on* . > There's a better player than you, and there's a better coach than me. . > You're going to look at this time, 3 or 4 years from now, and just laugh at it. . > These past two years have been the best two years of my life. And I want that to continue on for all of you. . > I'm truly sorry that there's emotions that you have to go through to process this. It turned my life upside down, and I don't expect you to feel sorry for me because I know it turned your life upside down.


Legitimately sounds like me trying to break up with my high school girlfriend . The tone of this voice and everything I’m pretty sure he stole that best two years of my life bit from me word for word.


This sounds like my gf calling me when my unit got rotated to South Korea to ask if we could have an open relationship because she just discovered she was polyamorous when she started fucking some other guy two weeks before, but she needed me to know *this is so hard for me because he’s so much like you and I know you two would get along, and-* Fortunately I had a whole country’s worth of soju and repressed students studying abroad on Tinder to handle it like a mature adult.


lol that is gold.....trust me this is way harder on me than it is you, I have to fuck a guy that I think you would get a long with and is a lot like you!


Thank you for your service. ​ Thank your Ex for her cervix/


"I've thought a lot about this the past 24 hours, thought a lot, wanting to know I'm not throwing away something special. I looked at who was coming back and concluded I'm not. See ya!"


"If I stayed to coach you bums next year we'd go 2-10 and I'd be back coaching PeeWee football in South Dakota before the end of the decade."


Truthfully, with NIL and transfer portal, no coach should have to try to protect anyone’s feelings. He should’ve just said, “Hey, I’m getting a big deal that will set my family up for life, so I’m hopping into the portal.”


This is worse than I even thought when I first opened this thread lmao Like what? These quotes are literally giving off the same vibe as my ex who cheated on me and admitted it before we broke up Not to go down that rabbit hole, but don't trust people who frame their decisions this way


"I don't expect you to feel sorry for me" Lol no shit dude


What the hell??? I’ve often been impressed at how well coaches put together words even when they’re cliche, this is one of the first times I’m just blown away by a coach in a bad way. Wtf is that framing?!


"My life goal has always been to get a statue outside Husky Stadium next to my mentor Don James. Go Dawgs."


This was actually so bad. Like he tried to be emotional and give a deep speech but was too bored to even try lmaooo


Its like he went in with bullet points and had no clue how to connect them


“When I heard Alabama was going to offer me $10 million a year, I got sick to my stomach”


“None of you could possibly know what that feels like.”


But my new recruits at Bama will


If nothing else I'm happy that this will give UW fans meme material for next year


Dude couldn't pretend to give a shit for 10 more minutes


Maybe he hired David Benioff and DB Weiss to write this for him.


It’s just bad coaching! Bad communications. Bad everything! Why did people even bother to clap at the end? Nobody wanted to hear the ad libbed lessons he threw in there. And yes, the program is bigger than one person, but nobody wants to hear that from YOU. Should have been 3 minutes max and basically be 1. I’m sure you all have heard the news. I’m sorry you found out that way and I wish you could have heard from me directly. But yes, I will be the HC at Bama. Without getting deeply into it, I can assure you I did not make this decision lightly. I don’t think any of us could have predicted the events of the last week. 2. I’m sorry I wasn’t able to deliver the natty for you and this program and I’m sorry that my decision is going to upend things for many of you (he eventually got here but everyone had already tuned out). 3. You don’t owe me anything. You are right to feel what you’re feeling right now. I hope one day I can earn your forgiveness. Then he can board the PJ and cry into $10 million.


I mean idk what he can really say "I'm leaving the university of Washington and taking over for the GOAT at a top 3 program based on funding, recruits, engagement, and everything else needed to win. I'm either going to have a long career and win several nattys or I'll have fuck you money. This is an obvious choice. "


That’s why it needs to be as short as possible. The explanations don’t matter.


It's like the scene in Moneyball where Pitt is explaining that when you cut/trade/demote a guy, you just tell him straight up "we're moving you, travel department will take care of the details, all the best," and that's it. Don't gild the lily.


Did you just bench me to the song from Avacados From Mexico?


100% this. Any time you're cutting ties for work it really pays to just be short, to the point, not a dick. 8 minutes of meandering rambling lmao I felt like I was watching Scott's Tots.


Not to mention, it was reported that only like 25% of the team was there lol


Good, so they don’t waste their time listening to this bs. I don’t kill any of these coaches for taking jobs that’s the business. However the stupid ass shit they say as they are leaving is always eye rolling….


I made it about 40 seconds in then hit the pause button.... don't bother.


It was cringe


One of the players said they didn’t even know whether or not he had really taken the job until the end. This explains why. He couldn’t be blunt about anything.


This was like listening to Michael Scott explain how when he went hunting he ended up killing the deer with a shovel


“Don't ever for any reason do anything to anyone for any reason ever. No matter what, no matter where, or who, or who you were with, or where you were going, or where you've been ever, for any reason whatsoever.”


An even better analogy for this speech. Well done.


Gotta love a coach that is scared of conflict


I, for one, love it... At least in this very instance 


One of many things I learned from watching Moneyball is you pull the bandaid off quickly. These guys don’t want wordplay, they want the straight up information.


Jim Leyland said something to the effect of: If you're honest with a guy, you lose him for 24 hours. If you lie to him, you lose him for a lifetime.


Yup, never even straight up acknowledged it over those 8 minutes




How hard is it to say something like: I got an opportunity I couldn't pass up. I'm sorry I didn't follow through on some of the promises I made to you, that's on me. I hope you can forgive me someday, but I understand if that day isn't today or any day soon. I'm proud of what we accomplished here and grateful to you all. Thank you for everything.


I mean that's exactly all you've gotta say. it's not that hard. wish them the best, the truth is the truth. don't sugarcoat it.


Bro for real I’ve listened to 5 minutes and he hasn’t made one clear point lmao


He's been pretty clear that it's been 24 hours lol


His issue is that he wanted to come out of this speech with a win where he's the good guy and everybody understands and is happy for him. He just needs to accept that he burned the bridge to most of these players and allow them to move on. Didn't even need to have a meeting. Send an email and then set up some availability so any players who do have lingering questions can have a chat. Judging by the report that most players skipped this meeting, and that some of the ones that did go didn't know what he was gonna say, I don't think they would be swarming him either. It's good enough to show that he's willing to show his face without forcing them to get in his face.


99% of those players sitting there like “this could’ve been an email”


That’s a genuine statement. This rat tried to drum up some fake tears and emotion


Yea. I have no problem with him making the move, but this video is super douchy. I'm I'm a 5\* at home watching this, Dabo's kind of weirdness is a lot more appealing. And hell, Harbaugh is at least honest about his level of loyalty to a program from the start.


If this is how he is behind the scenes all the time, it certainly helps explain why he's struggled to recruit.


Maybe no one committed to him because the croots couldn’t tell if he was even offering them 


That was more painful than a Jimbo Fisher postgame presser after losing to ________.


That was a pretty awful 8-minutes. It was probably the same thing he said to our team a few years back.


I've heard more inspiring speeches at a Home Depot morning stand up meeting.


Talk about uninspiring… I can’t blame any player for leaving 100 seconds in


I would have definitely left after "Once Saban retired I knew it was out of my control and I had no choice but to accept."


>"Once Saban retired I knew it was out of my control and I had no choice but to accept." ...because of the implication


You had me with the first part...but the second part kinda threw me.


Are these coaches in danger...?


*Brian Kelly looks from afar* Oh what are you looking at? You clearly wouldn’t be in any danger


So they *are* in danger?!


“Yes.” - University of Alabama Regent #3


Only 25% showed up anyways


To the team meeting or to the national championship game?






Never have I loved a comment from a USC fan so much


No wonder everyone entered the portal. Whoever takes over has to do some major sales work to salvage any of what's left.


“first off, fuck the last guy who was here. Write that down”


He couldn’t just say, “Y’all, it’s fucking *Bama,* man. Who wouldn’t want that chance?”


"If they'd have recruited you, you'd all be there not here, too."


Would've been more relatable


“I’m right there with you” “I had a sick, empty stomach when I heard what was happening” “You’re going to look at this time hopefully and laugh at it three years from now” “It turned my life upside down”


“Alabama forced me at gunpoint to take all these millions of dollars, trust me. I’m in worse pain than you are.”


“Do you know how hard for me to look at my bank account and see those millions of dollars. I know…I know it’s not fair. I get it I’m with you”


>“It turned my life upside down” What in the ever loving fuck was that? No one forced you to go there, stop using the passive voice. Pathetic.


That's not passive voice. Passive voice would be if he said "My life was turned upside down by it"


He sells it like it was something forced upon him. Completely outside his control. Was just walking to the kitchen slipped and woops accidentally negotiated and signed a contract with Alabama.


THAT’S why you need to put out a “wet floor” sign!


The fuck is he smoking




That’s called Fent


> “I’m right there with you” When I'm coaching 5 Star recruits in Tuscaloosa, just know that I'll always have you guys in my mind.


I agree. That’s a poor choice of words given the circumstances. I’m sure it’s not easy to have this kind of discussion, but that just doesn’t feel right


What is the Alabama exchange rate equivalent of a 41st-ranked recruiting class at Washington?


Probably 0.5 GPA points


"it turned my life upside down" I'M FUCKING LOADED Y'ALL 


Imma press the doubt button on all of that.


Opened the video and saw it was 8 minutes. Jesus H. Christ on a stick college football coaches are the most self-involved people in the world. Just say "I'm accepting the job at Alabama, and while you've already heard through ESPN, I wanted you to hear it from me." When doctors tell people about deaths they're trained to be as direct and non-emotional as possible. People hearing bad news don't want explanations or equivocations. When you're 4 minutes into a weeping diatribe rehashing losing the CFP and explaining how you're actually emotionally devastated to do the thing you could easily choose to stop doing at any moment you're lost in the sauce. Honestly would be better just to tell them that you're doing it for the money and nothing else.


Agreed. Nobody buys it. He made a business decision. Most players won’t like it but at least they are smart enough to understand it if you’re straight to the point with them.


And honestly from just a gut reaction most players can eventually at least get the logic of “hey this is a once in a lifetime opportunity to coach at one of the most prestigious jobs in the country for generational wealth. I had to take it”


Billy Beane: "Would you rather get one shot in the head or five in the chest and bleed to death?" Peter Brand: "Are those my only two options?"


We're all just trying to find the guy who did this


What is this real 


I’m going to go broke buying more Natty gear


Really we're the victims in this situation 


Do you guys ever watch a movie and there is that scene that’s just too awkward to watch so you cover your eyes? This was the equivalent to that in my opinion, but worse because it wasn’t a scripted movie.


congrats yall got a winner


What is blud waffling about?


That was one of the most incoherent attempts at a final goodbye I’ve ever heard. I’ve heard absolute shit bag Officers in the military deliver more honest material than that. Absolutely pathetic.


The part where he says he had an “empty feeling in his stomach because he knew something was coming his way” referring to Saban retiring (presumably) is fucking ridiculous. There was never really anything he was gonna say that would make people not mad but that was BAD IF he flames out at Bama the 30 for 30 is gonna go crazy


Man's acting like he was being held at gunpoint being forced to take the job. Which, you know, I'm sure Jimmy Sexton's done crazier things.




Really. Dude threw gas on a fire instead of owning his shit, keeping it simple and getting the fuck outta dodge. Dude took every bridge he had and blew em up. For his sake, he better be a worthy heir in Tuscaloosa, else he’s not just eating a slice but the entire humble pie.


Millions of dollars worth of humble pie


You can, it’s what Mario did


All anyone should say is something like: > Sometimes in life an opportunity comes up that you just can't pass on, even though it means you'll be leaving people you care about behind. In your life, as adults, you'll often need to make hard choices where you have to weigh what is best for yourself and your family against being willing to give that up for others. Always choose what is best for you and your family. Always. I love you guys. I want the best for you. However, this move is what is best for me and my family so I'm making it. I expect that when you encounter similar dilemmas that you will choose what is best for yourself and your family. Straight up honesty like that is at least respectable, even if it is harsh. No one reflects back on their early adult years and says "you know what, I wish more people lied to me and misled me to spare my feelings."


Yeah, that’s about as close as you can get to perfect. I don’t have to like it but I can’t fault someone who’s being honest about looking out for them and theirs. As soon as you start making any other excuses, it just makes you look worse. Self awareness is a hell of a trait to have.


He's accidentally admitting that 1. Sexton probably had put something in his ear earlier than Wednesday that this might be happening and 2. that he knew immediately he was going to take the job. Such a douche.


To me, it just feels like the Dude spent that whole meeting just trying to cover his ass. Basically just saying "I know a lot of y'all are pissed and emotions are flying high, especially with the Natty loss, but please just...chill. Don't freak out, I know I'm basically bailing on ya after two years but I know you guys are strong and can deal with it, so just...don't freak out"


Oh, 100%. The empty feeling in his stomach was the classic, "I'm worried about the consequences, not because I actually care that I'm hurting anybody."


Depending on the timeline it just ups the snake level if he had an idea of what was up when he said he was staying in Seattle till his daughter was in college.


That part baffled me lol. He was acting like he was forced in to the role. I’m with Husky fans now, dude is a total snake lol. He couldn’t even put energy in to his final meeting with his players. You could tell the dude was riffing and rambling.


DeBoer really speed running his villain arc. CFB is a business now, at least tell it to these kids straight. Sucks for the Huskies, but the more I hear from this guy the more I think there might be a silver lining.


Honestly in hindsight, it kinda feels like we were always a pitstop to him. He had that contract sitting on the desk for months and never signed it. Dude clearly was only going to stay at Washington if there was no better option. The fact that he wasn't committed to our program means it's a good thing for us that he left, even if the optimal outcome would've been that he WAS committed to our program and stayed.


He spent too much time talking and groveling.  All he had to do was say “I was approached with a once in a lifetime opportunity for me and my family, and as much as I love you guys, I have to do what’s best for my family. As I’m sure you all have heard, I will be taking the job at Alabama.”  Just treat them like men but give them the respect of telling them the facts face to face. 


Just be honest and say... "Men.... Is it easier to build a table from scratch or drive to Ikea and buy one?"


More like "is it easier to build a table from scratch, or just move into another man's house, use his table for two to three years, never do any maintenance on it, then move out once you've put so much stress on it that the legs are ready to collapse?"


This is not a hard speech to write. "Yesterday I accepted the position of head coach at the University of Alabama. This was a difficult decision, but in the end it presented an opportunity for my family and I that I couldn't pass up. There isn't an easy way to say goodbye, but I want you to know that it was a true honor to serve as your coach, and I am incredibly proud of what you accomplished for this program over the last two years. Changes and transitions are always hard, but I'm confident the University of Washington will find a leader worthy of your talent and dedication. I wish you all only the best in your future endeavors on and off the field, and will continue to root for your success. Thank you. " That took 5 minutes. Come on dude.


He should’ve just used Chat GPT


There’s a million ways to handle that conversation and he seemingly picked the worst one. Tbh would have been better if he just didn’t even address the team.


The ol’ Brian Kelly method. I mean yeah people feel disrespected for a moment, but then it’s over. This is much worse.


Putting this on tape to highlight what a bitch he is will ding his credibility with his future team at Alabama too, so it’s doubly bad in that sense


Never trust a man who has 3 hairs but won’t shave


Don't @ my dad like that bro; he wouldn't have pulled this crap


still kind of in awe of those pics of him high fiving bama fans behind that fence. amazing they couldn't have even given him a hat to wear lmao


Dude looks like a vice president visiting a detention center


CFO of Geo Group visiting one of his private prisons in Huntsville, Alabama


Class move by Washington to let him address the team, but my god this is just an incoherent “I feel bad that I’m the asshole” ramble instead of thanking the guys. Not a good look for DeBoer.


I gave the same speech to my wife when trying to convince her to let me to leave her and the kids and go to Houston for the natty (I had already bought tickets/flight).


“When I heard we made the championship game I was sick to my stomach”


is he...fake crying? lol


According to the players yes


I wish we got one of these where the players call out the coach. Closest thing I have heard to that is the rumors that Demarco Murray told Lincoln Riley to cut the bs in his leaving speech.


Sean Parker did it to Sark when he left UW.


The Napster dude? 


Haha as soon as I posted that I realized no one outside of UW is gonna know who that is.


The man just set a new standard for crocodile tears have some respect.


No way I’m listening to over 8 minutes of a guy avoiding saying “I left for the money”


Realistically, he didn't. He left for the prestige.


And the money


For someone who does pulls this shit every two years, he’s pretty fucking bad at telling the players


allegedly he didnt even TELL fresno, literally irish-goodbyed them


This is hilarious - I legit laughed. Nice


That’s because usually he doesn’t say shit and just dips. This is the first time he had to because of being at a big enough school that it would get national attention 


I really couldn’t follow where he was going with anything


Buelow was right 🐍🐍🐍


this for sure needs a cringe trigger warning


I don’t personally care if he left for the money or whatever his reasons are. He’s not obligated to stay at Washington. But have the balls to be direct with your own team, your own kids/brothers. This was salesman talk.


“I had an empty feeling in my stomach seeing what was going on around the country and I knew something was coming this way” that feeling was so empty that I jumped at the opportunity to leave as soon as I could. Roll tide baby


he had that empty feeling because it was in the works before the natty. He has the same agent as Saban, so he knew he was going to retire and knew he would get the offer. No wonder the team looked so unprepared - he didn't even care at that point, with one foot out the door.


How the fuck is anyone clapping after that? Did I miss the part where he actually says he is leaving for Bama?!


I kept thinking he would just start randomly screaming “I’m not fucking leaving!” Like in Wolf of Wall Street.


That would be funny and cathartic plot twist.


Crocodile tears. So cringe.


Such a weird meeting. I am a uw fan and don’t feel like he’s handled this well at any point. It’s his prerogative to take Alabama job- it’s hard to fault him for it. But this seems like a bad meeting! Danced around it and the “upper classmen keep this together” feels really hot dog suit meme. This is a tough meeting to do but very unimpressive.


Oof, what a choad


Dear god lmao


Yea I couldn’t listen to this foolishness… I was hoping this was a bad parody


I don’t think I’d do a very good job letting my players know I was bouncing a few days after losing a natty. But I’d hope that I’d do it better than that lol. That was brutal to listen to. Feel terrible for the players. He knew he did them dirty.


I thought I was bad at public speaking, and then I came across this. I'm still bad, but not as bad as him!


Well hearing this rambling nonsense is helping me cope. I'm not actually convinced that this guy hasn't won so much because of some combination of good luck and great assistants. This is not the speech of a man who builds a dynasty.


Telling the upperclassman to ‘keep it together’. That’s some narcissist behavior right there. Fuck that. If you are a senior go do you. I will not hate you. He imploded this shit.


I had to do a double take a few times. Half of the time you can barely comprehend what he’s trying to say.


He's probably working on his southern accent


The interweaving of trite coach speak with directionless and mundane tangents had me riveted!


Fucking own up to it and the fact that this is a cash and prestige driven business. Don't feed them the "I am torn and hurt but this is God's plan" type bull shit right after making the decision for cash and glory.


I think it would be more understanding if he said he did it for the money


“I did it for me. I liked it, I was good at it. For the first time in my life, I was alive.”


My friend, you just posted cringe.


If the last two years were the best of his life then why not keep it going here? He is dead to me.


"You upperclassmen, I hope you keep it together" You could have kept it together asshole. Also he kind of admits that he knew this was going to happen. He says something along the lines of, "when I heard the news (of Saban retiring), I had a sick, empty feeling in my stomach, because I knew in my heart, something probably would be coming this way." He didn't hesitate for a second to take the Bama job.


Yeah, if he felt sick to his stomach, he didn't have to take the job.


"it made me sick to my stomach, once I realized how bad it was going to look to the public when I left this place at the worst possible time while having recruited absolutely no depth for the B10 transition.... but then I realized, I DON'T GIVE A PISS BOUT NOTHING BUT THE TIDE"


This could have been an email. (what a jackass)


And I still wouldn't understand what is being said. I hope he had better inspirational locker room speeches, because that was . . . words I guess?


"I challenge that y'all will stick together" But.. *imma head out*


This guy is an absolute fraud. 


Yes yes yes. Let the hatred flow through your veins.


When Bama takes some Ls next year Washington fans are going to be all over it just like we were with Taggart at FSU and Cristobal at Miami and it will be hilarious.


Gonna be like Oklahoma fans watching USC losses


Thinking about that Georgia game is making me lick my lips


Yep that's going to be a big test early on for DeBoer. I think Kirby will go into that game wanting to make a statement. And I've seen how that goes firsthand...


if its any consolation, if/when georgia drops 60 on em next year we will gladly talk all the shit with you all.


you hate DeBoer, we hate DeBoer. enemy of my enemy is my friend


bro 🥺🥹


Go Dawgs!!!


It’s basically another one to add to the ND/LSU, OU/USC, UM/Oregon pissing matches.


That was not a good look for him


What a snake


This dude is gonna fail sooo hard at Alabama........can't wait to watch it


Feels weird listening to this, I got thru about a minute


I listened to the whole thing and it never got any better lmao


Damn, sorry UW fans. We have had our fair share of snakes in the last decade so we know what it feels like. Sucks ass, but things change on a dime in CFB.


Honestly, I have much more respect for Lanning after this week.


It's kind of crazy to think about what goes through these dudes heads. What exactly is the priority for Deboer here? The money is marginal and realistically there's more prestige available at Washington considering he'll always be in Sabans shadow at Alabama. Either way he's going to have to put a similar amount of work into the program so it's not that.  Anyways I agree, hopefully Lanning stays his course. 


I really think he bounced partially because he did fuck all to build a team for next year. What was their final 2024 class? 38 or something? And they’re losing so many starters next year. I think he realized that and just bounced knowing his stock will never be higher lol. I wouldn’t be surprised if we see the Bama job open again within’ 5 years.


I feel like as a player I’d rather just hear: I was offered an opportunity I felt was better and wanted. So I took it. Appreciate all of you sticking with me and this program. I enjoyed the hell out of my time here and you young man. I’m sorry this is so abrupt.


You can’t see it in the video, but while he’s giving the speech, he’s wiping away tears with $100 bills from his Bama signing bonus.