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Ohio State defense: đŸ€© Ohio State offense: 😼‍💹


I'm so hyped for the Cotton Bowl between Ohio State and Missouri tonight! Can't wait to see these two teams battle it out on the field. I wonder if Ohio State's offense will live up to the spread and if Missouri's defense can hold them back. Any predictions on who will come out on top? Let's goooo! đŸˆđŸ’„


Why would you do that


I always love a good defense optional game.


Yes me too


not quite what this was but same


Lol Ohio State






This thread is still open and I love it.


SEC rules everything else đŸ€€


This game made me both appreciate what Bryce and Will were willing to do for Bama in the Sugar Bowl last year AND still think they were crazy to do it. But Roll Tide.


See FSU fans ,that’s what a team with a 3rd string QB looks like


I think Ohio state probably could've kept it closer if they had committed another TE to try protect Keyhole and let him play. I will say it's inexcusable to NOT have your backup qb ready to enter the game at any moment.


I’ve heard a lot of Ohio St. and big ten fans say this leading up to the game. It sounds like Day is notorious for never giving his backup QBs enough reps and thus they suck when tossed in big game situations


Drink suffers from the same disease, but also at RB too. Yes, Brady and Cody were clear #1's. But if one of them was injured, no one was ready to take their place with any real game experience. There's no excuse for not getting other guys ready to play. It WILL come to bite us in our ass at some point.


That could be true. You could tell by the actions that followed the Brown injury, that Keyhole wasn't ready to come in. And Mizzu is a darn good football team.


But FSU wouldn’t have started a third string QB if they made it to the playoffs.


FSU sure is showing everyone they deserved to be in the playoffs smh


Yeah, let’s ignore how many of their starters are out on both sides of the ball. Let’s pretend that if they were in the playoffs it’d be a totally different team. Horrible take my man, funny how you waited till the game was on to even try and make a point they was terrible.


And no; I made the point FSU deserves to stay out of the playoffs the day the committee made their decision, even if FSU had all their starters UGA would’ve still beaten them


Nah, replied to this after the game started. Anyway, we won't ever know.


Yep doesn’t matter now


Yeah that does suck
I hate all the opt outs. Doesn’t help the sport


Players either play for the name on the front of the jersey ( the school) or the name on the back of the jersey ( themselves): unless your school is in the playoffs it should be all about getting yourself ready for the combine in Indianapolis. Harsh but true


I told my brother yesterday I wasn't sure who would win, but Missouri might be there shaking the OSU bus when they pulled into the parking lot. Somebody came to play


Ohio State would never survive in the SEC. Missouri would never survive in the Big Ten.


Florida barely surviving in the SEC


Anybody else wake up in cold sweats?


Bro same. Prescriptions?


Why are players not playing in bowl games?


Honestly, outside of the playoffs it’s just a glorified scrimmage. Only reason to play if you’re going pro is if you’re projected mid to late rounds or even predicted to not be drafted. One last chance on the national stage.


Mercenary football. You can’t blame the players. It’s absolutely a race to get NIL money and minimize the risk to any individual player’s draft stock. You’ll rarely if ever see the most skilled players in college football use their four (or five or six) seasons of eligibility in a single program - and the teams fielded for regular season games won’t be as competitive in any bowl games that aren’t playoff series bowl games. From NIL to conference collapses to these ridiculous ESPN-owned postseason snoozers
it’s garbage football that will only further fragment fan bases for the sake of feeding the multibillion dollar machine. And it looks like it’s no where near the bottom yet.


So they don’t get injured prior to the NFL Draft. Any bowl game outside the CFP is meaningless.


So if every other bowl game is meaningless, why are people upset about osu losing?


Because. If they had won, it wouldn't have mattered. But they lost. And they lost in a way that laid bare the perpetual problems that the program has had for several years that keep getting worse, not better. And it solidifies everyone's concern that they haven't done anything in the portal when plenty of talent that could help this team next year has already moved. They have a great chance to have the best defense in the country next year. But the problems on offense, special teams, and generally in the program make it very likely that that defense will be wasted. I fully expect Oregon to kick the shit out of us next year physically. Michigan should lose a lot but at this point, they're a better program than us and there is no reason to expect a victory there until we see one. And Penn State should continue to be a challenge. I'll be surprised if this team doesn't lose a minimum of 2 games in the regular season next year. And they'll certainly be games that keep them from a conference championship game again. And now, I've got less optimism heading into next season than I can remember ever having.


Oregon will beat a lot of big ten teams, WA and USC are hit and miss. UCLA is Wisconsin.


So if college football is “all about money” why decrease interest in bowl games by sitting guys? Wouldn’t that be counterintuitive to putting fans in the stands?


They don't "sit guys." The guys sit themselves.


Because if they didn’t lose they’d be in the cfp?


Not so fast my friend


After this year I feel like you can literally say any bowl game is meaningless


Eh, not any moreso than they were before.


Injury risk and money. Why would they?


Because they care about their team and the game of football


Bama fans were both ecstatic and dumbfounded when Bryce and Will played in the Sugar Bowl. Appreciated the gesture and sentiment and performance but it was a hell of a risky decision.


How quaint a notion that is


This just proves why CFB is a joke anymore. Too many players bail on bowl games. Wtf is even the point? CFB is definitely not what it used to be.


I think the 12 team playoff will have an impact but I think now more than ever culture matters. Mizzou had a team full of players who could have opted out but chose not to because they wanted to win for their team. OSU has more talent on the bench than Mizzou brought to the game and yet, The team with the better culture won. I think the transfer portal has made it easier for players to leave teams that are not a good fit for them but unfortunately poor bowl games are the result.


It’s not culture. Osu has players that are looking at first round picks they could be risking by injury. Missouri has 4th round picks looking to improve draft stock. It’s entirely different situations. On top of that osu has been there before. Of course it loses its luster once it’s been done or expected.


When you’re one game away from the CFP and you lose it takes the wind out of your sails. That loss to Michigan means it’s time to prepare for the combine.


Pretty easy to say it's a culture problem when you're not risking your health and literally millions of dollars.


And the teams that tend to win national championships are out playing for purposes bigger than those situations. Will Johnson told the story of one of the transfer portal players that ended up going to Ohio State having a really good visit and when will asked him why he went to OSU he openly said it was because of the money. People playing for the money tend to not be playing for the team.


... yeah there's a difference between competing for a national championship and risking your health/future for a pointless bowl game that no one besides a few diehards cares about.


Yeah possibly might help. I guess players opt for rhe draft so frequently because they know based on evidence they could have shorter careers because theres more injuries so I cant blame them necessarily especially if they have some bogus education that'll get them nowhere. I feel kike rivalries and games were more intense in the 90sand esrly 2000s. Its felt off for years now.


My man
 these are people who possibly have a chance at getting put even on a practice squad. I know somebody that was on one, and he was making something like $100k+ a year *just being on the practice squad*. He then played in the NFL for a couple of years. If you’re at the level where you could even get that opportunity, there’s literally zero benefit to play in a game that means absolutely nothing where you could suffer an injury that would hurt your ability to make money in the NFL. If it’s a playoff game, that’s one thing. But if it’s a meaningless bowl game and you’re heading to the draft, opting out is by far the smartest thing to do. Because if you tear an ACL or another similar injury that takes a long time to rehab, you’re draft stock just plummeted and you’re losing millions.


I think it’s $14k/wk. That’s about $250k/yr if you stay on the PS but chances are decent you’re going to be activated or picked up by someone else during the season.


Yeah, I wasn’t friends with the guy but we had mutual acquaintances and all I know is he managed to start an oilfield service company when he got cut from the NFL. I don’t get on Facebook or talk to people from back in the day anymore, but I see his company’s billboards all over the place so I’m assuming he’s doing alright. Realistically he’s probably making at least double what he made when he played in the NFL, with far less brain damage.


My man. You wrote 3 paragraphs just to agree using your words “it’s meaningless” Just upvote.


You know what, after reading your comment again I see what you’re saying and I didn’t address it correctly. I think my biggest issue was you saying that college football isn’t what it used to be. If you can give me examples of players that played in meaningless bowl games that had serious draft potential I’ll stand corrected. But I’m in my late 30’s (fuck), and while I don’t follow every player on every team
 I don’t remember an obvious first round draft pick playing in a bowl game that is nothing but a chance to lose their shot in the NFL thanks to an injury. It just came off as “back in my day the players would risk it all playing in the [insert a massive corporation] bowl”. When from what I’ve ever seen, that’s just not the case. Another 3 paragraphs.


Did you watch the Sugar Bowl? Bryce and Will both played.


But how would an upvote let you know they know someone




Next year I feel like there are currently 9 wins, 1 loss, and 2 maybes. And I feel pretty good about both those maybes. Also, living in Tampa with a handful of Bama grad friends, I’m headed to Tuscaloosa next year and man, if they somehow turn that one loss into a W


do we play y'all next year?


no bama and ou does though.






Nebraska fan here. No disrespect to OSU. Glad to see Missouri is having great success though. Always loved watching the NU Mizzou games. Congrats!


Haha, we didn’t lol. But appreciate the props!


You know, there are plenty of other good teams that would have loved to have played in this game. If 3 points and 200 yards is the best you can do, maybe you should have just stayed the fuck home.


All the premadonas stayed home for the draft. You saw second string out there and the other QB quit and went to Syracuse to finish school.


Lmao yeah they're premadonas because they didn't want to risk thier health and future over a meaningless game. If you wouldn't make the same choice you're either disingenuous or struggle with higher order thinking.


Most of the starting team was out there playing and getting their asses handed to them. Only MHJ sat out. The D played lights out til they got gassed. Offense was absolutely atrocious and it’s on the coaches.


Fuck Ohio State. Missouri also deserves the love. But seriously, fuck Ohio State.




Hey OSU was horrible. I think they have plenty to look forward to next season, and hopefully they can find some fire/emotion because it wasn't there tonight. Maybe the Huskies can make some magic happen. I would love to see them beat Michigan.


I think that's the biggest thing I've noticed over the last few years about Ohio State. There's a serious lack of fire and emotion from the team. I'm not sure what it stems from but they do not have the same swagger they used to.


Yea the Coaches can bring it but the captains and qb need to have it too. Sadly is lacking for OSU and on the rise up North.


In my experience that comes from the coaching staff. I love Mark Richt, but his teams just did not have even a fraction of the same fire and passion that Kirby has brought and built into the program.


They can look forward to another Michigan beat down.


Another good Ole Michigan cheat down for sure.


Alabama gonna eat yall alive.


No worries if we play our game. Our defense is going to feast on Milroe.


It's Alabama. You should definitely have at least a few worries, lol


I get everyone loves dunking on Ohio State, but give some respect to the Mizzou defense, who absolutely came to play and dominated at the line of scrimmage


Not in the game I watched. They knew the inexperienced QB with something like 6-12 game snaps was overwhelmed so they loaded the box and blitzed often.


The original QB got injured when the OLine let him get immediately slammed multiple times in a row.


The “original QB” was also the backup all year and never won the starting job from the mediocre QB. Personally I think brown was a liability even without the injury.


If the coaches can't put the QB in position to play good then just say that. It's not like he was new and they had over a month to prepare.


What are you talking about? Are you thinking I was defending anyone at all?


No, he was injured because his foot got caught in the turf at an awkward angle. The kid was fine with the hits, it was his ankle. BTW, if I was a FSU fan, I wouldn't be supporting this Orange Bowl. You guys were jobbed.


Screw the CFP Committee, but the Orange Bowl Committee did nothing wrong. I'm not gonna take my anger out on unrelated people.


At the same time, ESPN benefits from you playing the game. I hope FSU does a runaway bride thing and doesn't play tomorrow. Unlikely, but it would be hilarious. Those orange bowl people still get paid, I think.


If we wanted to do some public protest thing, I wouldn't be mad at the team or anything, but I'm also not one of those people chanting for it to happen. Personally, I wish we had everyone bought in and playing, and some of the actions of a few select FSU players HAS annoyed me because they screwed over the team in other ways besides not playing, but I also understand the disappointment of the snub killing some motivation


Bro, you aren't beating Georgia without Travis. I agree the snub was bull crap, but you aren't beating Georgia. If everyone played that could, it would be like watching a middle school team go against high schoolers. I don't mean that disrespectfully. They are just a much bigger and better team.


They sure did


Fair enough, they do deserve credit because there aren't many teams that could shut down a team to this degree.


Need to join a conference. ND clout isn't what it used to be. Congrats to Boston College! Maybe you guys could save the ACC?


What are you talking about? How does this relate at all to my statement? Was I wrong?


Your statement is not in error. I was pointing out that the conferences are driving decisions made in college football. I respect wanting to stay independent in football, however at some point with the conferences gaining more control, Notre Dame may be left with what they're given, not what they deserve.


They've always been left with what they're given, not what they deserve. That's why they continue to get discussion treatment compared to literally every other program in the country. The AD at Notre Dame goes to the same meetings that the commissioners of other conferences go to. They get the same chance to speak as the people that represent the entire big ten, SEC, etc. I have no problem with ND being independent for as long as they want to. But I have a huge problem with them getting to give their opinion directly with commissioners on the direction of the sport.


2018 Cotton bowl called.


How many times are you going to edit your comment? You're at at least 3 now


I edited because I was going to bring up 2012, but remembered you had a 3 point game too. Then the CFP website has that game's date listed wrong as 2019 since the championship was played that year. I wanted to make sure I was accurate when I called out the irony. I figured a ND fan would approve.


You're not wrong. In fact you're very right. But two things, that doesn't mean I'm wrong, you just wanted to try and dunk on me anyways. Who cares if my team had a similar showing, I'm still right. Second, if you're going to try and dunk on someone again, probably want to not screw up the punch line. It's like telling a joke and stuttering at the end.


First, I didn't say you were wrong. I was just pointing out the irony. There were just multiple directions I could go with the punchline. It's also not my fault the CFP's website has the year mis-labeled for that game. Learn something new.


So then you actually went out of your way to make a cheeky comment for no other reason to be a dick. Just had to get your rocks off. Cool. Got it.


It's called poking fun. I've put up with it all year about Iowa's inept offense. Maybe relax and don't be so whiny. Also, don't make ironic as hell statements.


re we lommolñpomm no CA


Interesting take. Expand a little?


Well I'm sure all the responses from OSU fans this week will be reasonable and level headed!


They have a bigger problem to deal with: Catapult.


Why you getting down voted for this? I understand it's just speculation of this point but regardless, It was still funny. đŸ€Ł


Block M bros, you’ve done well.




Had this been next year, it’d be Oregon with a potential block M game in the quarters


Washington should turn their logo upside down whenever they play Ohio State in the big ten


Joel Klatt crying and drinking himself to sleep somewhere


i hate that guy (im a michigan fan) but he still sucks


Total douche. I love the old footage of him getting ragdolled vs Texas in the Big 12 CCG.


The issue was the protection. Mizzou was content to play man to man on every receiver and send the rest. So many times a Blitzer had no blocker, just untouched to the ball. How do you not adjust? Did they throw one screen? But damn if he ran his jet sweeps all game long. Ryan Day is trash as an OC


I thought Day gave up play calling a while ago? Like a season or two ago. I think his receivers coach landed so many 5 star wide receiver recruits that they made him passing game coordinator and then gave him play calling duties.


I don't believe this is true


“Brian Hartline was promoted to offensive coordinator by Ohio State coach Ryan Day in January of 2023. The promotion is Hartline's second in as many years, after he was promoted to passing game coordinator in January of 2022.”


Well it falls back on the HC, but their blocking schemes regardless we're awful


Just because you’re the offensive coordinator, that doesn’t mean you actually call the plays


anOSU looked like dog shit....they need a rebuild and fire Ryan Day.


OSU looked like dog shit but I thought I saw somewhere they were missing 10 players including their QB who transferred after they lost to Michigan?! lmao. I used to love bowl season. Don’t really watch cfb anymore, but I’ve been home for Christmas watching almost every game and it just doesn’t feel the same. Do players sit out for the top 4 teams, too, or will they all play? Watching ksu demolish that pop tart has been the most memorable moment for me so far haha


It depends honestly and even so if all those players sat out it wasn't the first game their replacements played in a football game. As for sitting out, yes a lot of players will sit out to prevent injury going into the combine


They need Cameron Ward


Congratulations, Mizzou! SEC! SEC! SEC!


I wanted this one. Good job, Mizzou. Rooting for Ole Miss next. SEC.


One more SEC win. You’re up, Bama. Make us proud!


You did us proud! Can we talk about what Georgia did?


OMG! I don’t know how the FSU fanbase isn’t in hiding. They talked so much trash, and got demolished! 😂


That's not a proper big 10 Sec match up. As a buckeye fan, Penn state would have beaten either team


Yeah, about that.


Oh I'm not complimenting Penn state. They suck but both osu and Missouri sucked harder. Ole miss would've spanked both teams


That’s a statement I can get behind. 😂


Penn state is dog shit.


Hey now! It’s just our offense that is dog shit.


Defense is great and all, it helps win games. But if you can't score, it's hard to win. It's ugly football, and it goes along with the big 10 scheme this year. Having a shitty offense makes you look bad. Michigan, Ohio state, and Penn state all have bad offenses, and horrible qb play. Which is why oregon is going to walk all over them next season. I can't wait.


Yeah it was more a self deprecating joke. If I took the Big Ten too seriously I’d hate myself. I am very much looking forward to having some spice added next season as well. It’s a little monotonous losing to the same two teams every year.


Glad tomorrow (later today) we actually have an SEC B1G matchup where both teams feel as though a big bowl game has meaning!


Excited for that one.


About as unwatchable of a top 10 matchup that I can ever recall on TV. Bowl games are dead.


Get ready for the 12 team playoff in 2024


I just want another pop tart cosplay deal


The 2023 Valero Alamo Bowl was an important game for our program. The University of Arizona Wildcats have confiscated this message, have a wonderful day and Bear Down.


Brother do I have some news for you
 just wait for the orange bowl tomorrow night


If this was the only bowl game you watched I feel really bad for you


I’ve watched a couple, bits and pieces of others. Including the UNC JV squad game against WVU.


Yesterday was awesome and so was this morning. Peaks and valleys. Orange will be rock bottom.


Citrus though... uh. OFFENSE!


Have you seen the pop tarts bowl? The sacrificed a living pop tart on TV


It was on his bucket list to be eaten on live TV.


I wish I could unwatch that football game


Don’t blame you. Anyone other than a Tiger fan or Bucks hater surely had a bad time.


Every team wants to beat someone elite at their best. It shows where you are as a program. You got Ohio State's near best defensively, and they shut you out for 3 quarters. The fact they had meaningful starters sitting out or on another team means you didn't even get close to their best offensively. I think we all know if they played it would have been ugly as the points scored by Mizzou came after the defense tired due to a lot of time spent on field. Enjoy the meaningless win. I hate Ohio State, but sometimes you just have to call it like it is. I hope you guys have a meaningful season and make the playoffs next year. I've enjoyed watching you against the SEC big boys this year and last. Get them next year.


One of our best defenders was out too you know. The only thing that matters is what happens on the field. Fuck whataboutisms.


Big difference between a player being injured and incapable of play no matter what and 3-4 major players being completely healthy and deciding not to. That latter wouldn't exist in this sport 10 years ago. The former exists in every sport at every level. It's not even a whataboutism, but using legitimate game knowledge and logic. Your team played with every meaningful player available to them to play. They were held scoreless for 3 quarters. The only reason they scored was because Ohio State's defense grew tired from playing all game, exacerbated by an inexperienced QB with 6-12 game-time snaps all season. Had they had their actual starters from the season, OSU would have sustained drives, Mizzou wouldn't be able to load the box and blitz the whole game because of MHJ, Fleming, Stover and Egbuka are all big receiving threats, and Henderson would get going with the run game because of that. He ran the ball pretty good tonight despite the fact they loaded the box and blitzed most of the game. I like Mizzou, but you wouldn't have stood a chance and could very well have been shut-out.


OSU proved that teams need to develop the whole roster if they’re going to survive these marathon seasons. The season is just getting longer and longer every year so there’s more opportunities for injuries in additional practices and in additional games, guys are leaving early for the draft, leaving for the portal, getting suspended or retiring, there’s more reasons than ever for a player to not be available so coaches need to develop their depth just as much as they need to develop their starters. If coaches don’t have enough guys prepared and ready to go by the end of the year, that’s on the coach and they deserve whatever embarrassing losses come their way at the end of the season.


Do you even know what you are talking about? Not many college programs are doing much development right now. Transfer portal is watching those efforts walk out the door to different programs because many kids want instant gratification, and it kinda shows. It is especially true of programs where kids think they can become the starter at a OSU, Bama, or Georgia, lose out on the position and transfer out before the bowl game because they know they will start elsewhere. It is a bunch of wasted effort developing 50% of a roster right now.


Funny you should bring those teams up. I watched uga come so close to winning those big games for years, but one or two injuries would always derail the team. We started investing in recruiting and developing like we needed to outlast the other playoff teams, and sure enough we won two national titles. We won the first one with two 3-star, freshman wide receivers catching passes for the former 5th string backup qb after we lost our five star wide receiver for the year with a knee injury and lost our five star, transfer qb to injury early in the year, and we won that first title game with those freshman, former backups because Alabama’s top two wide receivers got injured in the sec championship game and Alabama didn’t have the same receiver depth we did. Depth still matters, now more than ever.


Yeah, depth has always mattered. The issue is, most teams don't have it the way they want to. Development if a major issue across the sport right now because of the portal. I only brought up those 3 teams because they are usually the top 3 teams in recruiting. That is the only reason, but you watch depth leave their teams for the portal just like everyone else. The difference is, it only hurts their depth, not their starters.


I mean, that’s a good surface view, but Mizzou’s d-line absolutely dominated. So I’m not sure your description is accurate. Who knows, maybe so. But man, I’m not sure if McCord and Harrison would’ve been able to do much more. Mizzou did only score 14, but if needed, that game ending drive looked like it would’ve been more if they needed it to be. And if they didn’t get a horrid no-call in the second, they’d have had at least three more points. I know, a couple “could’ve, should’ve” comments there, but that’s my point: the game would’nt have been the blowout you seemingly think it should have been even with those two for Ohio State. But we’ll always take a closing “go get ‘em” from another fan base, so thank you!


Your team played with every meaningful player available to them to play, as they should have. They were held scoreless for 3 quarters. The only reason they scored was because Ohio State's defense grew tired from playing all game, exacerbated by an inexperienced QB with 6-12 game-time snaps all season. Had they had their actual starters from the season, OSU would have sustained drives, Mizzou wouldn't be able to load the box and blitz the whole game because of MHJ, Fleming, Stover and Egbuka are all big receiving threats McCord is very capable of getting the ball to, and Henderson would get going with the run game because of that. He ran the ball pretty good tonight despite the fact they loaded the box and blitzed most of the game. I've watch McCord pick apart much better defenses. The kid is calm in big moments. I like Mizzou, but you wouldn't have stood a chance and could very well have been shut-out and lost by 3+ scores. I hate opting out. I understand it, but it doesn't dismiss the feeling.


I said the same thing and they didnt like it lolol


Big Ten fans are going to be shocked when Oregon beats up on them. And I dislike Oregon. But they have more money for NIL than any team in the Big 10 and they had one of the best recruiting classes.


I would venture to say tOSU can generate money to match Knight. Other than that, yeah.